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Chapter 557: Jianguo (Part 2)

Chapter 557 Founding of the People's Republic of China (Part 2)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

The top leaders of the Jin State have decided on the strategy of building high walls, hoarding grain, and slowly becoming king.

Zhang Jingfang suggested: "Your Majesty, Lord Yan, I think what Zheng's newspaper said is right.

The immigrants came here in dire straits, and only King Jianguo could unite their strength."

Before Jin Wang Li Fengming could answer, Yan Qi said first: "Master Zhang, why do you listen to the boasts in Zheng Guo's newspapers?

What is good for Zheng Guo may not be good for our country.

To be disrespectful, as long as the people live a good life, they never care who the emperor is.

We won't raise the banner yet, but the relevant yamen must be established first.

When the time comes and Master Gu has developed a strong army, this will be our chance to raise our flag."

Jin Wang Li Fengming agreed: "Yes, I think so too.

At least the indigenous tribes on both sides of the Nile River must be wiped out to have the strength to compete with the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Only then can we create our own name.

I believe that as our monarchs and ministers unite as one, the time for nation-building will come soon."

Jin Wang Li Fengming directly made the final decision on whether to establish the country and decided on the conditions for the founding of the country.

He tapped his fingers on the table and said, "We, the monarchs and ministers, will continue to discuss the system of the Jin Kingdom."

General Gu Lingjun said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, I only put forward military requirements for the Jin system.

Everyone in the military hopes to maintain a civil-military system similar to that of Dahua.

Civilian officials cannot meddle in military matters at will unless they transfer military positions."

Jin Wang Li Fengming was born in the army and was the chief of staff responsible for coordinating everything.

He understands the temper of the army better than the generals in the army.

The monarch cannot give an unlimited number of troops to the front line. If the army has huge power, it will inevitably form a vassal town.

We cannot let the civilian officials suppress the army too much. A weak brigade will not be able to protect the country.

Jin Wang Li Fengming looked at Gu Lingjun and said with a smile: "I am also familiar with the military system inherited from Dahua. The big framework will not change."

When Gu Lingjun heard Jin Wang Li Fengming's promise, he stopped speaking.

Yan Qi continued: "Most of Jin's systems were inherited from Dahua's systems.

Officials and people are already familiar with this system, and our rule will be easier.

In the future, if any systems are found to be out of date, they should be improved in a timely manner.

Regarding the positioning of the country, this needs to be decided by the king himself.

Zheng Guo emphasized commerce, which aspect does our country pay attention to?

There is also the national hierarchy passed down from the Liao Kingdom. Should our country make some adjustments like the Zheng Kingdom?"

Jin Wang Li Fengming had already thought about these issues.

He immediately took out several manuscripts and gave them to Yan Qi and others to read.

Yan Qi reads the manuscript of Jin Wang Li Fengming.

The position of the Jin State is very clear, focusing on agriculture, producing food and various cash crops.

And support some processing industries to process cultivated crops and export finished products.

The Jin Kingdom is located close to the equator, and it is also on both sides of the Nile River.

Reservoirs were built on the Nile River to irrigate large areas of land through canals.

Most of Jin's land is relatively fertile plains.

As long as the expansion of the Gobi Desert to the northwest can be blocked, crops can be grown in most of the country.

Yan Qi looked at Jin's positioning, which was more in line with Jin Wang Li Fengming's steady character.

Becoming an agricultural country first and then gradually climbing towards an industrial country is a growth path more suitable for Jin.

Regarding the national hierarchy, Jin was different from Liao and Zheng.

The Jin State pays more attention to blood. Only those who identify with Chinese culture and both parents are Han can become a first-class citizen.

People of Han nationality mixed with other races, or people who have been assimilated into Chinese culture, become second-class citizens.

Other free citizens are third-class citizens, and those at the lowest level are slaves. They are not counted as citizens, but are only regarded as national property.

Only first-class citizens can be officials, while second-class citizens can be officials and join the army.

After Yan Qi read the manuscript, he handed it to Gu Lingjun, looked at the King of Jin and said: "Your Majesty, I have no meaning for the positioning of the Jin Kingdom. Your Majesty has considered it very clearly.

But for the national level, is this too harsh?

Dahua only looks at cultural identity and has absorbed a large number of indigenous people."

Jin Wang Li Fengming said in a cold tone: "Chinese culture has a strong ability to assimilate, but it also paid a price in blood.

We don't want to be the cost, so we can only use this method.

The number of Han people in Dahua is hundreds of times that of the indigenous people.

It's like a drop of ink dropped into a vat of water, it will be diluted very quickly.

Dahua can afford the price of assimilation.

Where are the Xiongnu? Where are the Xianbei? Where are the Khitans?

Tens or hundreds of years from now, there will be no more Japanese, Vietnamese, or Siamese.

Our situation here is like putting a drop of clear water into a vat of ink, it will soon turn itself black.

I have seen Han Chinese and black people together in Luoyang City, not just one or two cases.

When the number of members of the country's main tribe is not enough, the bloodline must be purified.

Otherwise, a hundred years later, a black prince will inevitably ascend the throne.

Chinese civilization values ​​​​cultural inheritance, but it does not completely abandon blood.

The king can issue a decree to promote citizens of any rank to official positions, but the rank of citizens cannot be changed."

When Yan Qi heard Jin Wang Li Fengming's explanation, he fully supported Jin Wang's policy.

This policy is more conducive to the inheritance of families like the Yan family.

Gu Lingjun did not raise any objection.

The institutional framework of the Jin State was established, and corresponding yamen began to be established to manage immigrants from various places.

Spring passes and autumn comes.

The time has come to the year 4340 (1643 AD).

It has been more than a year since Jin Wang Li Fengming left Dahua.

Even at night, Luoyang City is brightly lit.

The temperature outside was extremely hot, and the air conditioner inside the house dispersed the scorching air.

He looked at the reports from his ministers and found that Jingguo was already a country with sixteen large cities, more than three million citizens, and millions of acres of land.

After a long period of operations to eliminate the indigenous people, an army of 50,000 people, all equipped with muskets, has been trained.

Jin Wang Li Fengming signed an order giving the navy complete control of the intersection of the Red Sea.

The main fleet of the navy settled in Jixing Port, a port guarding the Red Sea Strait and facing the Arabian Peninsula across the sea.

Jin's current strength is no longer afraid of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The warships purchased from Dahua stayed in Jinlan Port of Zheng State for training.

The navy that trained with them also included the navy of Fujian.

Now Jin's naval strength has completely controlled the Red Sea coastline.

Tomorrow will be the day when Jin officially holds its founding ceremony.

The big bell tower of Luoyang City was rung, and the time came to six o'clock in the morning. The people who had not yet woken up were awakened by the sound of the bell.

They started a busy day's work.

There were many outsiders, and they walked in groups to the palace.

These are the people who participated in the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China.

The founding ceremony of the Jin State was very solemn, and a tall statue of the Yellow Emperor was erected in front of the square.

In front of the Yellow Emperor statue, rice, wheat, corn, cassava and other crops are enshrined.

Jin Wang Li Fengming wore a python robe and stood in front of the statue of Yellow Emperor, as if waiting for some news.

Governor Gu Lingjun trotted over holding a telegram.

"Your Majesty, the navy sent news that they have destroyed the Ottoman Turkish Empire navy that blocked our army from entering the Red Sea.

Navy ships have been stationed at Jixing Port, and some warships are patrolling the Red Sea to protect our country's maritime borders."

When King Li Fengming of Jin heard the news, he touched his sword and enshrined it in front of the statue of Yellow Emperor.

"I declare that the State of Jin has been established."

The grand ceremony officially began, and the people of Jin cheered for the joy of the founding of the country.

They are also celebrating the arrival of peace.

The people of Jin all know that with the obstruction of the military, no force from any party can affect their daily lives.


The Nile River flows from south to north with a large zigzag shape.

This river in the bay area is the official border between Jin and Fujian.

The center of the two rivers, nourished by the abundant water of the Nile River, has become a rare fertile farmland in this area.

A giant city of reinforced concrete buildings was built on this land.

This city was personally named Shuangshui City by the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang. It was the rear area of ​​the Fujian Kingdom.

When the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang came to the city, he looked at Hu Qiwen and asked: "Old Hu, how much grain reserves do we have?

Can it supply the army's consumption for half a year?

That old boy Li Fengming is good at farming, but if he doesn't, I'll go find him and fight the autumn wind."

Hu Qiwen immediately reported: "Your Majesty, during this period of time, we have built five cities on both sides of the Nile River and reclaimed millions of acres of land.

Wheat and rice are grown in the rainy season, and corn and cassava are grown in the dry season.

In order to prevent floods in the rainy season and provide water to the fields in the dry season.

We have built three reservoirs on the Nile River.

Only the walls of these cities were made of cement, and all the cement produced by the cement factories was supplied to the reservoirs and ports.

The country's current food reserves can support the army's off-duty operations for one year.

I am just worried that if a large number of new soldiers enter the battlefield, the casualties will be too high."

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang said with satisfaction: "Old Hu, you don't need to worry about military operations. If you can provide good logistics, you will have made a great contribution."

Hu Qiwen immediately assured: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that we have been preparing for this important event for such a long time.

I will never hold back the king. Food, gunpowder, lead bullets and other supplies are all stored in the warehouse.

I can mobilize civilians to transport luggage at any time, and the transport ships in the Nile River were built a month ago."

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang, accompanied by Hu Qiwen, inspected the warehouses and arsenal in Shuangshui City.

He is very satisfied with Shuangshui City's supplies and the production capacity of the arsenal.

He must understand these situations personally.

After the war begins, logistical problems arise, which will have fatal consequences.

A messenger on horseback ran towards here quickly.

He dismounted and saluted: "Your Majesty, General Niu Xiuqing and General Bian Yuhe, they have gathered their troops outside Shacheng."

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang has already inspected the situation in Shuangshui City.

He looked at Hu Qiwen and ordered: "Let's go to Shacheng to discuss issues related to the founding of the country and the expedition."

Hu Qiwen said in surprise: "The king has made up his mind, we are going to attack Kailuo City.

Completely capture this area of ​​Egypt."

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, said: "We have been preparing for such a long time, and what we should prepare has been prepared.

Jin Wang Li Fengming has announced the founding of the country, and the Jin navy rushed into the Red Sea.

This action of his will inevitably attract the attention of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Our strength is not the same as before.

A rabbit can hide behind a black pig, but a tiger cannot.

Jin Wang Li Fengming has endured it for so long, and they have done their best to be benevolent and righteous.

This period of time gives us sufficient preparation time.

The current strength of our army, at least on local battlefields, is no longer afraid of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

There is no need to endure it when you are ready, it is time to take the city of Cairo."

They took a boat and went north along the Nile River to a large city in the north near the desert.

This city not only has a large number of Han people, but also a lot of Egyptians.

Some of the Egyptians even married the Han people and lived a happy life.

This scene in Shacheng is difficult for first-time immigrants to understand, but the residents of Shacheng are already used to it.

The king of Fujian Zhang Yuliang was not surprised when he saw this situation.

This is what he single-handedly facilitated, and the country of Fujian absorbed a large number of its indigenous people.

In addition to continuing to immigrate from Dahua, he did not choose to introduce immigrants from India like the Zheng and Jin Dynasties.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, chose the natives of Egypt.

The living conditions of Egyptians in Egypt today are not very good.

They were suppressed by the Ottoman Turkish Empire and were not tolerated by black African groups.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire ruled extremely brutally against the minority groups within its borders.

Once a minority group is found to be resisting, massacres will be carried out at every turn.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, read this from an ancient book in Egypt.

The core ethnic group of the Ottoman Turkish Empire was the Islamicized Greeks.

They were also influenced by the Turks and absorbed the brutal system of the nomads.

This place used to absorb Eastern and Western culture and was extremely civilized, but now it has become decadent and backward.

King Zhang Yuliang of Fujian was also worried about the Egyptians at first, but he had a powerful army in his hands.

There was no need for him to worry too much about these ethnic groups that even the Ottoman Turkish Empire could easily suppress.

After a long period of observation, these Egyptians, who are like lost dogs, just need to accept them.

These people behaved very calmly and made certain contributions to the development of Fujian.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, looked at Shacheng and the dim yellow sky.

Being in the desert, this is a very common sight.

When the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang came to the city, he immediately ordered the officials of Fujian to start preparing for the founding ceremony.

The founding ceremony of Fujian was completely different from that of Zheng and Jin.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, knew that he was in a place of four wars and must have a strong army to ensure that the country would not be destroyed.

All the systems in Fujian are tilted towards the military to raise an army with strong combat effectiveness.

The King of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, took Hu Qiwen to meet the Governor of Fujian, Niu Xiuqing, and General Bian Yuhe.

They were discussing about the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China.

The King of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, argued that the navy could not wait any longer, so he decided against all odds and decided on the founding ceremony.

The founding ceremony of Fujian was quickly prepared and completed in the most concise way.

Zhang Yuliang, King of Fujian, stands under the statue of Yellow Emperor.

He held the jade seal in one hand and raised the flintlock gun in the other.

He pulled the trigger, and a gunshot sounded in all directions.

The King of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, loudly announced: "Our own country, the State of Fujian, has been established.

We must use the swords and guns in our hands to defend our country."

After a gunshot, the sound of cannons and drums rang out around the square.

The heavily armed troops marched to the square to the beat of drums.

This is less like a founding ceremony and more like a military parade.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, looked at this young army.

He saluted this army, and all the soldiers in the phalanx saluted him back, shouting slogans of victory.

After these troops participate in the founding ceremony, they will immediately go to the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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