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Chapter 563 Treaty of Frankfurt

Chapter 563 Treaty of Frankfurt

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 563 Treaty of Frankfurt

PS: Change the city where the treaty was signed. European leaders went to Athens, a city controlled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. It is too inconsistent.

The war between the German countries had just ended, and Frankfurt, a famous city in Germany, welcomed many European big shots.

Frankfurt is in the hands of the Anti-Romanian Alliance troops, and there is also a Holy Roman Empire garrison not far away.

It was very close to France and the Holy Roman Empire, and it was in the hands of weak German princes.

When representatives from European countries come here, they don't have to worry about their personal safety.

When representatives from various European countries go to areas controlled by some powerful countries, many people worry that they will never go back.

The two prime ministers of France, Cardinal Mazarin and Ferdinand the Younger.

They are the most noble people, the guards of France and the Holy Roman Empire, protecting their safety.

Behind the two of them were members of the diplomatic missions from various countries.

Among them, England is the most special, as one country sent two missions.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, pointed to the south and said: "We are looking south from the Mediterranean coast.

Ahead are Egypt and other North African regions.

Thousands of years ago, it belonged to the Roman Empire.

A few years ago, it belonged to the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

It is now a colony of the Eastern Powers and the Great China Empire.

The power of the East is once again approaching Europe. If we do not respond, the impact will be more serious than the invasion of the Mongol Empire."

The reason why the French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin said so.

He has seen that with the intervention of Eastern forces, France's attempt to dominate the European continent will be difficult to achieve.

If France adjusts its direction in time, its hegemony will be achieved in another way.

When France organized European countries to resist the invasion of Eastern forces.

France can take advantage of this opportunity to control European hegemony.

Whether a consensus can be reached on the Treaty of Frankfurt will affect France's hegemony.

This is also the reason why the French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, came to Frankfurt in person.

The representative of the Ottoman Turkish Empire has a gloomy face.

Their territory in Egypt was easily taken away, and their army suffered heavy losses in the Sinai Peninsula.

He is now listening to the words of these Europeans, which are mocking the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and did not burst out.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire also relied on European countries for help.

Alexei Mikhailovich was deeply moved when he heard the words of Cardinal Mazarin, the French Prime Minister.

At that time, Russia was destroyed by the Mongol Empire, and the forefathers overthrew the Golden Horde, so that the Slavs could rise again.

Many people in Russia have Mongolian blood, which is one of the reasons why they are rejected by mainstream European countries.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, expressed emotion.

Negotiations on the details of the Frankfurt Treaty officially began.

It serves as a treaty for the two forces to formally cease fighting, and it is also a treaty for them to divide their spheres of influence.

Negotiating every detail of the treaty represents huge benefits.

As participants in this war, other countries also want a share of the pie.

All the countries involved in the treaty were quarreled throughout the negotiation process.

The final distribution of benefits depends entirely on the strength of each country.

England suffered the most. As a country fighting a civil war, they received the least benefits.

The representatives of England want to fight for their interests, and other countries do not need to compete with them.

All these countries asked was which mission could represent Britain.

Representatives of the royal party and the parliamentary party can fight on their own on the spot.

But they were also wary of England's invincible fleet, which belonged to England's interests and other countries did not dare to invade.

Before the parties arrived in Frankfurt, France and the Holy Roman Empire had already reached a framework for the treaty.

Even so, various terms were negotiated for nearly a month before the Treaty of Frankfurt was formally formed.

Representatives from all parties signed the Treaty of Frankfurt, except for representatives of the Ottoman Empire who had nothing to do with the treaty.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, looked at the signed treaty.

He ignored all the trivial issues such as redemption of nobles, preferential treatment of prisoners, and war compensation.

He focused on reading the core provisions of the Frankfurt Treaty.

1. The Anti-Romanian Alliance and the Holy Roman Empire Alliance officially ceased fighting. Both parties returned to their respective territories and released prisoners.

Second, the German countries have freedom of belief. Things in the German countries are decided internally by the German princes. No other country is allowed to interfere with the German countries.

Third, France and other countries and the Holy Roman Empire each divided their spheres of influence.

Fourth, overseas colonies should each compete for overseas colonies based on their own abilities and should not cause wars in mainland Europe.

Since there was no winner in the war, neither of them benefited from the other.

Except for the German countries that killed each other too seriously and paid certain compensations, there was no compensation between the major countries.

They can only divide their respective spheres of influence, and the German countries serve as a buffer zone for the two forces.

The Holy Roman Empire did not give up its suzerainty over German China, but promised not to interfere in the merger and reorganization of the German states.

Other countries in the anti-Romanian alliance also agreed not to support the German countries in their opposition to the Holy Roman Empire, and everything would depend on their own development.

France and the Holy Roman Empire did not seriously compete for colonies because of the Thirty Years' War.

They bound all countries through the Treaty of Frankfurt.

The fight for colonies depends entirely on the strength of each country, but the fight for colonies cannot be used as a reason to launch a war in Europe.

The Treaty of Frankfurt was reached, and all forces were very happy, and peace was officially restored in Europe.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, held a banquet and invited everyone to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Frankfurt.

Signing a formal armistice treaty in Europe was only one of the purposes of the French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, who came to Frankfurt.

The larger purpose is to curb the development of Eastern forces and create opportunities for France to gain hegemony.

Establishing a strong opponent can reduce the resistance of European countries when they obey France's control.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, also believed that the development of Eastern forces must be curbed.

Otherwise, the situation he proposed is definitely not groundless, and all European countries will be very miserable.

Choosing the Great China Empire as the goal will also make many countries flock to it.

Penicillin, allicin, artemisinin and other drugs came from Dahua.

Steam engines, textile machines, ships that can move forward without sails.

Whichever country obtains the same, it will bring a lot of wealth.

European countries actively fought against the Chinese Empire. In addition to sensing danger, they were also prepared to snatch huge benefits.

The celebration banquet officially started, and many European dignitaries were in contact with each other and connecting with each other.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, walked into the crowd with a glass of red wine.

He asked the waiter to bring over a huge map.

He pointed at the map and said loudly: "Gentlemen, this is the map I spent a lot of money to buy from the Dahua Empire.

It can be seen from this relatively detailed map that the Great China Empire has a very clear understanding of the world.

There are many places on the map that our European explorers have not reached.

Everyone looks at this map, and the places covered by the red plots are the colonies of the Great China Empire.

There are colonies of the Great China Empire all over the world.”

The Prime Minister of France, Cardinal Mazarin, was a little closer to the Suez Canal.

"I got news that the Chinese Empire's colony called Min is preparing to build an artificial canal called the Suez Canal.

After the canal was built, it only took a few months for the huge fleet of the Chinese Empire to enter the Mediterranean.

We must not allow this canal to be built.

Once the canal is built, we will be in danger."

Representatives from Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, they told the story of the power of the Chinese Empire’s navy.

They responded to the attack of the Great China Navy with a larger army, but in the end their entire army was annihilated, and their colonies were robbed by the Great China Empire.

Representatives from various countries were also frightened by the news.

The navies of many countries are not as powerful as the Spanish Navy.

If they encounter an attack by the Imperial Navy of Great China, their fate can be imagined.

Ferdinand the Younger proposed that European countries unite to recapture Egypt and drive the Chinese Empire from the Mediterranean coast.

As soon as this suggestion came out, it was immediately opposed by many representatives.

Even people from the Holy Roman Empire secretly told Ferdinand the Younger that this proposal could not be carried out.

This suggestion is completely thankless. European countries have just reconciled and were former enemies.

After the war started, everyone had their own evil intentions, and the war could not be fought at all.

The Dahua Empire is extremely powerful. If they really take action, they don't know how much it will cost to win the war.

This is completely thankless for the European countries that have just ended the Thirty Years' War.

What's more, there is another important point. Egypt is a desert with only a few cities. This place is too poor.

A war that cannot bring benefits cannot attract any country at all.

The region of Egypt bordered the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Many countries conquered this area, but they were unable to defend it.

This was entirely a wedding dress for the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

European countries and the Ottoman Turkish Empire have had hundreds of years of hatred.

European countries would definitely not agree to join forces to fight as a wedding dress for the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, smiled when he saw the stupid trick that little Ferdinand said in order to express himself.

England fell into civil war, the Holy Roman Empire made another mistake, and France naturally became the leader of Europe.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. He looked calmly and pointed at the world map unfolded by the waiter with his glass.

"Gentlemen, given the current situation in Europe, it is impossible to form a coalition.

No country has the strength to lead the coalition.

The method of forming a coalition is not advisable, but as long as we work together, we can curb the development of the Great China Empire."

Representatives of the small countries along the Mediterranean coast are the ones who are most aware of the threat of the Chinese Empire.

Some time ago, Fujian warships showed off their power in the Mediterranean. Many small countries were frightened and could only ask for help from big countries.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, pointed to Egypt.

"We already feel threatened, but not to mention the English and Spanish naval fleets.

Our French navy is not afraid of those two battleships.

Some time ago, I was just not aware of it for a moment. From now on, I will never let warships from the Eastern forces appear on the Mediterranean coast of Europe.

Their navy is weak, their army is strong, and their firearms are sharper. We cannot underestimate them.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire has already fought with it and should feel the strength of their army.

They have captured Egypt and can enter the heart of the Ottoman Turkish Empire by marching eastward.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire should shoulder more responsibilities."

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, had just finished speaking, and many people had already reacted.

They echoed Mazarin's statement.

These people can understand it from a few short words of the French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin.

He was trying his best to reduce the threat of Eastern forces to Europe and amplify the threat of Eastern forces to the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

No wonder the Ottoman Turkish Empire was invited to participate in the Frankfurt Treaty.

The idea of ​​Cardinal Mazarin, the Prime Minister of France, is obvious: he wants to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

Use the sick tiger of the Ottoman Turkish Empire to drive out the evil wolf of the colonies of the Great China Empire.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire and the colonies of the Chinese Empire fought with each other. No matter how fierce their fighting was, it had nothing to do with the European countries.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, turned pale when he saw the representative of the Ottoman Empire.

He said confidently: "You, the Ottoman Turkish Empire, will not reject our good intentions!

Without our support, the Ottoman Turkish Empire would have fought a tragic war with the colonies of the Chinese Empire.

Based on your performance, especially firearms technology, you are far behind.

This war will definitely be at a disadvantage and will probably lead to the disintegration of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

We are happy to see this situation, but we do not want the colonial power of the Great China Empire to expand, so we are ready to assist you.

With the resistance of the Holy Roman Empire, your Ottoman Turkish Empire is no longer able to advance westward.

If it were replaced by the colonies of the Great China Empire, who knows what it would look like?

The Ottoman Turkish Empire did not accept our good intentions and could not avoid conflicts with the colonies of the Great China Empire.

If you accept our kindness, you are willing to send troops to destroy the colonies of the Great China Empire.

We will provide firearms, low-interest loans and many other supports to the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

To put it simply, we pay and the Ottoman Empire contributes.

Let us work together to drive away the forces of the Chinese Empire that came to colonize the Mediterranean."

The representative of the Ottoman Empire was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

They were indeed locked in a war with the eastern power called Min.

Even if they don't agree to the conditions of European countries, they still want this force to fight.

They agreed to the conditions of European countries and received generous aid.

Thinking about the Sultan's character, he readily agreed and could not explain it when he returned home.

Ottoman Turkish representatives presented their demands.

"We have conflicts with the Holy Roman Empire from time to time.

It also competes with Russia for Crimea, and wars have continued for hundreds of years.

Our country must make every effort to deal with the Eastern power of Fujian.

The Holy Roman Empire and Russia must agree not to provoke another war at this time."

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, heard this request from representatives of the Ottoman Empire.

He also did not want Russia and the Holy Roman Empire to take the opportunity to expand their power.

Several countries used their good offices to persuade these two countries.

The Holy Roman Empire wanted to heal the wounds caused by the war, and Russia received some benefits. They promised not to start a war without authorization.

The French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, saw the Ottoman Empire and agreed to his request.

He smiled and his plan was initially successful.

They agreed on many details, including the intensity of each country's aid to the Ottoman Empire and the distribution of benefits.

They are all old foxes who know how to gain benefits by spending money to support the Ottoman Empire.

The money is low-interest loans.

Loans to a country will come with certain additional conditions, and this is where they gain benefits.

At this banquet, they also reached a consensus to establish the Great China Empire as the enemy of all Europe.

After the banquet, the French Prime Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, summoned representatives from England and Russia, and they reached a secret treaty.

(End of chapter)

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