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Chapter 571 Amnesty

Chapter 571 Amnesty to the World

Author: Feng Xiaomu

After several days of discussions between Prime Minister Wei Shiming and ministers from the cabinet and the six ministries, they formulated relevant policies.

He took the policies discussed by everyone to the Qianqing Palace and reported to Emperor Su He.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi went out in person to greet Prime Minister Wei Shiming.

He gently pushed open the door of Qianqing Palace and whispered: "Master Wei, Your Majesty is summoning the right minister of the Ministry of Rites. Please wait for a moment, Master Wei."

Prime Minister Wei Shiming nodded, indicating that he was aware of the situation.

As the Prime Minister of the Great China Empire, he was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

When you meet His Majesty the Emperor on a regular basis, you can jump in line and solve his problems early.

But the emperor was summoning ministers, and he could only wait aside.

Chu Sheng is a rising star now.

The position of ambassador to the UK was something that no one had paid attention to before.

With the changes in the current situation of the Great China Empire, especially the contact with other countries and the establishment of vassal states.

Diplomacy has gone from a small and transparent position to an important position that no one can ignore.

The position of the second ambassador to the UK was competed by many forces, causing many disputes.

In the end, no one benefited, but the father-in-law Zhou Fangzhi next to him made a mistake.

As the prime minister of the cabinet, Wei Shiming also knew Chu Sheng's intention.

The Great China Empire will develop intensive diplomatic relations under the auspices of Chu Sheng.

Chu Sheng's diplomatic methods opened his eyes.

In Wei Shiming's previous impression, diplomacy meant uniting forces to unite forces.

He never expected that diplomacy could affect the rise and fall of an empire.

He was waiting to see what Chu Sheng would do to see how much trouble this man could cause.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi gently motioned to Prime Minister Wei Shiming to enter the house.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming passed by Chu Sheng, and they nodded to each other.

He saw that Emperor Su He looked a little tired.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming handed over the memorial and introduced: "Your Majesty, I have discussed with many ministers in the six cabinet departments and recommended that your Majesty grant amnesty to the world."

Emperor Su He frowned when he heard about the amnesty policy.

He only held a general amnesty once when he came to the throne.

Mainly, partial amnesty was granted to captured Ming army prisoners of war.

After that, there was no amnesty for the whole country.

Emperor Su He always believed that pardoning criminals would harm the victims.

If a dynasty wants to maintain stability, the most basic thing is for criminals to be punished.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming saw Emperor Su He's expression displeased.

He knew where Emperor Su He was dissatisfied, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty, our policy of amnesty for the world this time is different from that of other dynasties and generations.

As for the prisoners of war, in addition to a small number of Ming army prisoners of war, there were also some foreign prisoners of war.

The war has ended for several years, and these prisoners of war who are still alive are relatively obedient prisoners of war.

Foreign prisoners of war, they at least learned Chinese.

Both the government and the opposition suggested pardoning these prisoners of war, and the minister formulated relevant policies.

These prisoners of war will be pardoned and handed over to the governor-general offices of various regions for arrangements. The remaining sentences will remain in place, but they will no longer be held in prisoner of war camps.

Their actual treatment is the same as that of ordinary people, except that they cannot move freely.

This pardons their punishment and makes them bear the corresponding charges.

The same applies to criminals. Criminals with bad nature are still sentenced to exile and allowed to go to overseas places such as the mines of the Governor's Palace to atone for their sins.

For some misdemeanor prisoners, they will be exempted from serving their sentences, but their charges and sentences will not be cancelled.

They can choose a certain place to live, and the time they live there is equal to the sentence they serve.

This only cancels the punishment, but does not clear the criminal's guilt.

The deterrent effect of the criminal law on the people remains unchanged, and we can mobilize a large number of people like the overseas governor's mansion.

Even if these people have finished their sentences, they have been living there for so long.

Some people marry and have children, and some people buy houses and properties and will not leave easily.

As for the larger number of slaves, His Majesty directly exempts them from the status of slaves.

But most of these people were purchased from overseas, and the imperial court redeemed these slaves by exempting them from some taxes, or by accepting money from local officials.

Wei Chen communicated with the Overseas Governor's Office and they were willing to provide money to redeem the slaves.

We plan to make these slaves work to repay them. As long as the interest on the ransom money is set higher, these slaves will not be able to leave the place in a short time.

At the same time, relevant admission policies will be launched to provide these slaves with a better place to stay."

After listening to Prime Minister Wei Shiming's introduction, Emperor Su He picked up the memorial and read it carefully.

The frown he had just frowned relaxed.

This kind of universal amnesty has forgiven some people, but it has not completely forgiven them.

This policy introduced by Wei Shiming is very similar to the suspended sentence in later generations.

The purpose of formulating this policy is to restrict these people to a certain place and prevent them from moving freely, especially to overseas vassal countries.

Emperor Su He read the articles in the memorial, and these ministers had considered the details clearly.

He said with satisfaction: "I have approved this policy, and will issue an edict of amnesty to the world, allowing these people to replenish the population of the overseas governor's mansion.

Overseas governor's offices have been having a hard time in the past few years. Once the number of Chinese natives reaches a large scale, there will be no need to worry about this kind of thing.

The memorial to the Governor-General of Nanyang to be promoted to a province was rejected by me, but there will be no shortage of people there.

That's because Nanyang was the first to develop and has a complete education system.

People who have received systematic education since childhood have not only completed their education, but these people also have skills that can promote the development of Nanyang.

The Luzon Governor's Palace is similar to the Nanyang Governor's Palace, and the education system is also relatively complete.

They also don’t have a population shortage problem.”

Prime Minister Wei Shiming received Emperor Su He's order.

He immediately returned to the cabinet to arrange the matter, and the amnesty decree was immediately distributed to all parts of the country through newspapers and other channels.


Datong, Shanxi, a prisoner of war camp located in the mountains.

Battalion Commander Zhou Junhua asked people to separate the two groups of people who were fighting.

He pointed at Liu Huaiyi, who had a bruised nose and face, and said: "You people are too useless. When you were in the Ming army, tens of thousands of people were on the battlefield, and you were chased by hundreds of Tatars.

During the civil war, he was able to deal with his own compatriots ruthlessly.

Here in the prison camp, if you don't follow the rules and fight in groups, you still can't defeat the Tatars.

Waste, what a waste snack."

Zhou Junhua saw that the injuries of these Ming army prisoners were not serious, just skin injuries.

He whipped his whip directly and hit the leading Tatar on the back with his backhand.

"You eunuchs have no balls, yet you still dare to stir up trouble in the camp."

As soon as Zhou Junhua finished the fight, he kicked Liu Huaiyi, the leader of the Ming army prisoners of war.

"What a waste. We Han people often have heroes, but we also have waste and cowards like you."

Zhou Junhua was so angry that he wanted to hit this man with a whip.

He was immediately grabbed by someone and advised: "Old Zhou, don't do anything stupid.

These people have already been beaten, and if you beat them with a whip again, they may not be able to stand it.

If you get injured in the camp, it's okay. If you are really dead, the higher ups will come and investigate.

We have a great future and cannot be punished because of these insects."

Zhou Junhua listened to his friend's advice. He glared at the prisoners of war and ordered: "Let you fight in groups. Anyone who does it will not be allowed to eat lunch."

This punishment order was issued, and the prisoners of war present suddenly burst into mourning.

They looked at the soldiers with guns on guard around them and did not dare to resist.

This is a coal mine, and a certain amount of raw coal needs to be dug out every day, otherwise you will be punished.

Mining coal underground is heavy physical labor.

Even strong young people cannot stand working without food.

Battalion Commander Zhou Junhua is preparing to arrange for prisoners of war to go down to the coal mine.

A group of fast horses ran into the camp. Zhou Junhua suddenly looked nervous and thought something big was going on.

In their camp, in addition to vehicles transporting supplies, or at fixed times, people from above come to understand the situation.

If someone comes at a normal time, something must have happened.

Zhou Junhua looked at the person who came, he was an acquaintance of his, Mr. Sun Jingsun from the Taiyuan Governor's Mansion.

He immediately stepped forward to greet Master Sun Jing.

"Master Sun, why did you come to the prisoner of war camp in such a busy schedule?"

Sun Jing dismounted and said helplessly: "I am just a hard worker. I came down from above to do urgent tasks. I have traveled to seven camps during this time.

Your place is the second to last one, finish it as soon as possible and I can return to Taiyuan."

While Sun Jing was talking, he arranged his clothes and made his makeup neater.

He respectfully took off the package from his back, solemnly placed the package on his horse, and took out a long box from inside.

Zhou Junhua saw Sun Jing acting so solemnly, which was something he had never seen before.

He used to take the document out of his sleeve pocket and throw it directly in front of him.

Zhou Junhua asked curiously: "Master Sun, what is in the box? You act so solemnly."

Sun Jing said in a calm tone: "What do you mean it is? An imperial edict!"

When Zhou Junhua heard that it was an imperial edict, he swayed and almost knelt down.

His eyes widened and he asked anxiously: "Master Sun, you are not kidding, is this really an imperial edict?

How can our small prisoner-of-war camp be qualified to see the imperial edict?"

Zhou Junhua was surprised that there was a big shot hiding in their small prisoner of war camp.

If you think about it carefully, it's impossible. It's just that it's been two years since he took over the prisoner of war camp.

Which big shot has the patience to hide in a prisoner of war camp for two years?

Zhou Junhua saw that Sun Jing was about to open the box, and he quickly asked: "Master Sun, I don't understand the etiquette of receiving an imperial edict.

Don’t you need to train us first?”

Sun Jing glared and said: "Train me, this is an imperial edict issued to the world, not just to you."

While he was speaking, he had already taken out the imperial edict.

He held the imperial edict respectfully with both hands and told Zhou Junhua: "This imperial edict is not issued to you.

You go and gather all the uniforms in the prisoner of war camp together, this imperial edict is issued to them."

Zhou Junhua obeyed the order and gathered the prisoners of war together.

Sun Jing unfolded the imperial edict and read out His Majesty the Emperor's decree of amnesty to the whole world.

After he read out the imperial edict, he respectfully placed it in the box.

Sun Jing looked at the confused prisoners of war and said loudly: "His Majesty the Emperor is granting amnesty to the world. You are free from today.

You only need to choose one of the five overseas governor's offices to settle down.

As long as you don't leave there, you can do anything.

Of course, this is an imperial edict issued to normal people, both men and women, except eunuchs."

Liu Huaiyi finally came to his senses and shed tears of excitement.

He never thought that one day he would be pardoned.

I was finally able to leave this prison camp and live a stable life.


In the prison of Chongqing Prefecture, after listening to the officials, the imperial edict of amnesty was read out.

The prisoners in the square fell into deathly silence at first, and then were greeted with huge cheers.

If they can come here, they meet the conditions for pardon.

Criminals who do not meet the conditions are now locked up in cells.

Qi Dafei squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

"Dad, mother, the child can go out and honor you now."

When the official heard what Qi Dafei and other prisoners said, he frowned and said, "You meet the conditions for pardon, but you are not released directly and go home.

The prisoners pardoned this time will be assigned based on the principle of proximity.

The prison will escort you to the Government House of Burma.

You are not allowed to leave this place during your sentence."

After Qi Dafei heard this, he was stunned for a moment and said: "It's actually like this, considering my three hundred and sixty-seven-year sentence.

Even on the day he is cremated, he cannot leave Myanmar.

But this is much better than being in jail."

The imperial court issued an imperial edict to pardon the world, and the prisons under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment began to close cases and prisoners who had served their sentences were sent to various places.

There are some cases that are being tried, and the prisoner wants to close the case during the pardon period.

They immediately explained the case and revealed their companions.


On the flower boat on the Qinhuai River, the sky was already bright. After serving the guest and leaving, Haruko Shan was ready to put on makeup.

She is going to receive a high-profile guest today.

Her little sister Sakura Kawasaki opened the door with a look of surprise.

"Sister Haruko, it's a great joy, a great joy."

Yamayama Haruko's face remained calm, and she sighed: "The country is destroyed, and we are wandering in a foreign country. There is no joy for us."

Sakura Kawasaki walked in and said excitedly: "This is a really happy event. His Majesty the Emperor issued an imperial edict to pardon all slaves from slavery.

Our ancestral home is the Japanese country. As long as we do not go to the Japanese country, we are welcome to become naturalized in any overseas governor's office.

After being naturalized, we will become upright Chinese people and we will no longer have to suffer bullying from others.

We had no money to redeem ourselves, but the place that accepted us was responsible for lending us money.

That stinky old bustard fainted immediately when he heard the news.

But what can she do? Does she really dare to fight against the court's policies?

Those officials who are like wolves and tigers will definitely put her in jail."

When Yamayama Haruko heard the news, she immediately stood up excitedly and asked, "Is this true?

How can such a good thing happen in the world?"

She saw Kawasaki Sakura nodding solemnly, and heard loud laughter from other rooms, as someone was discussing this matter.

"The authenticity should be correct, after all, no one would dare to fake the imperial edict.

For us, this is nothing less than a new lease of life.

I heard from customers who come and go that Dongyin is not very kind to women.

If Cochin develops best, we will go to Cochin. With the talents of our sisters, we will definitely get a better life."

Haruko Shanshan was ready, she was looking forward to the arrival of this day.

The officials of the Dahua Empire move very quickly, and no one will slack off in doing things that can achieve political achievements.

Shanshan Haruko and her party followed the Japanese and Siamese and got on the train to Jiaozhi.

She whispered: "When we arrive in Cochin, don't reveal our workplace. Just say that we are female workers in a garment factory."

The policy of the Great China Empire not only filled the shortage of personnel in overseas governor-general offices.

Many of these slaves are workers engaged in low-end industries.

They also brought relevant technologies to overseas governor's offices to promote local technological development.

This chapter has been completed!
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