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Chapter 595

Chapter 595 Mission

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 595 Mission

Qu Tian, ​​deputy chief of staff, came to the commander's tent again after a few days.

Cai Gong Wu Jie pointed to a soldier with a vicissitudes of life in the camp and said: "This is Zhao Zhiyong, the marching staff officer, an envoy to the Kazakh tribe on behalf of the empire.

Chief of Staff Qu, if you have anything to do, please let me know in advance."

Qu Tian remembered his mission, which was mainly responsible for coordinating various troops in the northwest theater.

He would not interfere with Cai Gong Wu Jie's command of the army.

This time the strategy of sending an envoy to the Kazakh tribe was decided, and he did not interfere in the small matter of selecting the envoy.

No matter what the result is this time, it is not the most critical issue.

Now in the northwest battlefield, the key issue is to bridge the gap between infantry and cavalry.

Let the two armies unite and face the coming war together.

Qu Tian didn't care. What was the ability of the Kazakh tribe's envoy?

He encouraged: "Counsel Zhao, you are on a mission to the Kazakh tribe on behalf of the empire. As long as you do not damage the national character of the empire and achieve the original purpose, it will be fine.

You must always remember that there are 300,000 troops standing behind you."

Zhao Zhiyong saluted and said: "Being humble in your position guarantees the completion of the mission. Even if you die in humble position, it will not be an insult to the country."

No matter what, I will have someone send back the news within half a month.

Once half a month passes and no news comes back, something must have happened to me.

Once this happens, please make preparations in advance."

Cai Gong Wu Jie nodded and said: "Don't worry, we are your biggest backing.

Even if the worst happens, I have a way to deal with it."

Qu Tian, ​​deputy chief of staff, looked at the staunch Zhao Zhiyong and admired this staff officer.

This staff officer has shown that he is ready to sacrifice himself in Kazakhstan at any time.

The Kazakh tribe was really bribed by the Russians.

The departure of General Officer Zhao Zhiyong is bound to be a disaster.

These are the soldiers of the empire who are responsible and not afraid of danger.

Zhao Zhiyong left the commander's tent and prepared to meet up with a deputy envoy and three accompanying soldiers to go to the Kazakh tribe.

As he was walking on the road, Fu Xiucheng, who came out of the room next to him, patted Zhao Zhiyong on the shoulder and said, "Old Zhao, in this cold winter, I have to have you brave the wind and snow to go west. I feel really sorry.

Your trip is just for a formality. Our tactics also require the cooperation of the Kazakh tribe.

We need to clearly distinguish the primary and secondary enemies, and now we must concentrate all our strength to deal with the Russians who are preparing to attack.

However, some people want to create extra problems at this time."

After Fu Xiucheng finished speaking, he sighed.

Zhao Zhiyong kept his head lowered and looked a little lonely. After listening to Fu Xiucheng's words, he said in his still cold voice: "I will complete the mission during this mission."

After he finished speaking, he continued walking towards the camp.

When Fu Xiucheng saw Zhao Zhiyong's background, he clenched his fists and hoped that there was nothing wrong with this choice.

The candidates they recognized either had something to do with them recently or they had close contact with the cavalry division recently.

This kind of two-and-a-half-year-old guy definitely cannot be used.

Fu Xiucheng had no choice but to choose Zhao Zhiyong, who was neutral but favored them.


Zhao Zhiyong quickly joined his companions and told Cai Gong Wu Jie's opinions. They raced against time and prepared to set off immediately.

There were several sounds of horses honking outside the camp.

"Master Zhao, the weather is extremely cold and ordinary horses cannot travel in this weather.

Cai Gong specially asked to send you some good horses."

Zhao Zhiyong personally came out of the camp to meet the good horses assigned by the superiors.

He saw his friend Zhang Wansi coming over in person disguised as a soldier.

Zhao Zhiyong went over to hold the horse's reins and said with a wry smile: "Brother Zhang, it can't be like this!"

Zhang Wansi said with a serious expression: "As for, very important.

This war is about the end of the cavalry.

Our cavalry started late, and within a few years of its glory, it was about to withdraw from the main battlefield.

I must use an undoubted victory to declare that the cavalry is not over yet. This is my selfish intention.

Out of the imperial conscience, we cannot hand one of the weights of this war into the hands of foreigners.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Once the foreign tribes rebel in war, even if our army wins, it will be a tragic victory, and I will never tolerate this outcome."

Zhang Wansi had worked with Zhao Zhiyong, and he knew that Zhao Zhiyong was from the border army and had a strong hatred for foreigners.

Only then did he use some means to suppress others and let Zhao Zhiyong stand out.

Zhao Zhiyong had a look of resentment in his eyes.

"That's right, in such a major war, foreign races must not be given the opportunity to participate.

The aliens who surrendered to the empire could barely regard them as half of their own people.

This stubborn alien race must be completely eliminated.

Only dead aliens are good aliens."

Zhao Zhiyong said simply, and he led the horse into the camp.

He accepted the mission and made all preparations.

As long as the Kazakh tribe did not fall wholeheartedly to the empire.

Before the war comes, Zhao Zhiyong must lead the army to withdraw and solve this cancer.

He absolutely couldn't bear it. The imperial army paid huge casualties, but other forces took advantage.

Zhao Zhiyong had long been prepared to face death, and the companions he chose were all like-minded people.

The best horses were brought to the camp. They put cotton clothes on the horses and brought enough supplies.

They rode horses against the wind and snow, galloping in the direction of the royal tent of the Kazakh tribe.

Zhao Zhiyong has left the territory controlled by the Dahua Empire's army and entered the nomadic area of ​​the Kazakh tribe.

They are wearing the military uniforms of the Royal Army of the Great China Empire. This military uniform is the best passport.

The current king of the Kazakh tribe, Kasa Khan, was a figure supported by Cai Gong Wu Jie.

They supported this force before so that they could serve as a buffer zone to isolate the area bordering Russia and the Chinese Empire.

At that time, the power of the Great China Empire was digesting the northwest region and was not prepared to start a large-scale war in this direction.

The Kazakh tribe took advantage of this opportunity, accepted a large number of old firearms from the Great China Empire, and took advantage of the situation.

They have now become the little overlords in Central Asia.

Zhao Zhiyong just felt that the ambitions of the Kazakh tribe were a bit inflated. In just a few years, they had forgotten why they made a fortune.

Because the cavalry division has to train on the grasslands, it often comes into contact with Kazakh tribesmen.

It is not without reason that they exclude the Kazakh tribe.

But intuition cannot be used as evidence.

Only then did he prepare to take a look in person and find out the attitude of the Kazakh tribe.

Soon there were soldiers riding horses, wearing sheepskin coats and wolfskin hats, with scimitars on their waists and matchlocks on their backs, coming to greet them.

Azamu, the general of the Kazakh tribe, saw a man wearing the uniform of the Great China Empire. He clasped his hands and asked in half-baked Chinese:

"Friends from China, what's the matter with you coming all the way in this freezing cold weather?"

Zhao Zhiyong sat on the horse and said condescendingly: "I am the envoy of the Great China Empire. On behalf of the Royal Army of Great China and Cai Gong Wu Jie, I am here to meet the king of your tribe, Kasa Khan."

Azamu confirmed the identity of the other party's envoy, and he did not dare to neglect it at all.

"Messenger of the Celestial Empire, I have sent someone to inform the Great Khan that if you enter the camp, you will be caught in the wind and snow."

General Azamu nervously escorted Zhao Zhiyong and his party and took them to the tent around the king's account, which was specially used as a welcome tent.

He immediately went to the king's tent and reported the news to the Khan.

In the king's tent of the Kazakh tribe, a middle-aged man in his forties with a scar on his face was drinking kumiss to ward off the cold.

Sitting next to him were nobles from the Kazakh tribe, carefully drinking with him.

After General Azamu passed the report, he entered the king's account.

He immediately knelt down and reported: "Great Khan, the identity of the visitor has been determined.

They are the envoys of Duke Cai of the Celestial Dynasty, and they want to discuss something with the Great Khan."

Kasa Khan looked at the wise man Guzel on the left and said with a smile: "The wise man is really right.

The Great China Empire and Russia are about to collide, and we will be the force influencing this war.

As long as you have both sides, you can achieve huge benefits.

Once the Chinese Empire and Russia are both defeated and unable to intervene in Central Asia, we will be the well-deserved overlord of this region.

The arrival of businessmen from Dahua broadened our horizons.

What the Huns, Turks, and Mongols can do, this Khan may not be able to do as long as the time is right."

When Guzel heard Da Khan's praise, he had an old face and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"The Great Khan wants to have both sides and wait for the time to complete our hegemony.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to obtain sufficient supplies from the Great China Empire.

The Great China Empire is asking for help from us, and they are likely to agree to more stringent conditions."

As soon as Guzel finished speaking, there was an immediate rebuttal from the nobles of the tribe.

Ke Zhe put down his wine glass and suggested: "I think this matter should be discussed in the long term.

The Great China Empire is not a good enemy. They destroyed Yarkand and Zhungeer and showed their military strength. It will not be difficult at all to eliminate us.

We are a small country and we must have the wisdom to survive as a small country.

I think the performance should not be too outstanding, and we should even take the initiative to move closer to the Great China Empire.

The tribe is already doing very well now, and I suggest not to cause unnecessary problems.

Let’s spend the past few years peacefully, and when the outcome is decided between the Chinese Empire and Russia, we will take sides at that time.”

When Guzel saw someone opposing him, he immediately said dissatisfiedly: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Russia is transporting supplies nearby, and the warriors of our tribe can often find it.

The Dahua Empire continues to deliver supplies, and now the supplies accumulated by the Dahua Empire are enough for them to launch a large-scale war.

What do you want me to do when two countries collect these supplies?

The answer is obvious, they want to determine dominance here.

As the Han people say, when the nest is overturned, the eggs are still intact.

Once these two huge forces fight, the surrounding area will be in ruins.

We must prepare early. If we miss this opportunity, we will not even have a choice."

Kozhe said angrily: "This plan of yours is too risky, and you are betting on everyone in the tribe.

Once you lose the bet, our tribe will be in ruins."

Kasa Khan saw the quarrels among his men, which was a hidden danger left by his lack of strength, seizing the position of Great Khan, and failing to eliminate all forces.

"You don't need to argue. Ben Khan was able to lead the tribe to rise before, and he can still lead the tribe to develop and grow in the future.

If something is confirmed, don’t argue. Let’s discuss how to treat the envoy from the Great China Empire.”

The nobles found that their speeches on such occasions would not be accepted by the Khan.

They turned all their eyes to Guzer, the great Khan's think tank.

This old man's suggestion can be adopted by the Great Khan, so they don't have to talk nonsense.

Guzel noticed that everyone was looking at him, so he picked up the wine glass and drank the kumiss in the glass.

"Great Khan, in order for the strategy of having both sides to go smoothly, before the Russian army does not put enough pressure on the Great China Empire.

We still don’t want to mess with the Great China Empire.

These envoys entertained them with good wine and delicious food, and sent maids to serve them.

These people should come with a mission and leave them alone for a few days. These people will inevitably beg us anxiously.

At this point, we can make requests that we didn’t dare think of before.

As long as the Great China Empire compromises, they will compromise again as the situation develops in the future."

Guzel described the future blueprint to Kasa Khan in a persuasive way.

Kasa Khan already feels that he can succeed as long as he survives this difficult moment.


Zhao Zhiyong found it strange that they had stayed in the tent for two days.

As an envoy of the Great China Empire, he was left out for two days. This situation was extremely rare.

Under normal circumstances, at the latest the morning of the second day after arriving here, you will be invited by the Great Khan.

The Kazakh tribesmen respected them very much, but the Great Khan kept dragging them away.

Zhao Zhiyong guessed that something might have happened to the Kazakh tribe.

He felt that the most likely thing was that the Kazakh tribe had been won over by the Russians.

These unfed white-eyed wolves could not stop even the Russian Cossack cavalry before.

They relied on the empire's assistance to barely gain a foothold in this place.

Zhao Zhiyong doesn’t know what conditions Russia paid?

Only then can the two feuding people put aside their previous grudges.

Kasa Khan hid himself from visitors, but Zhao Zhiyong moved around the king's tent, but no one dared to stop him.

He immediately made some insinuations and learned about the situation of the Kazakh tribe from the people around him.

He did not believe that the Kazakh tribe and the Russians had a feud and suddenly reconciled.

Within the Kazakh tribe, everyone agrees.

Zhao Zhiyong chats with people from the middle and lower classes of the Kazakh tribe.

Analyze these people, have they concealed some important information?

He failed to find out whether Russia sent a mission to the Kazakh tribe.

But he learned about some abnormal conditions in the Kazakh tribe.

After Zhao Zhiyong synthesized his experiences in the past two days, he had made up his mind to use his humble life in exchange for the empire to completely eliminate the Kazakh tribe.

General Zhang Wansi is right, people who are not of my race must have different minds.

The battlefield has no place for such half-hearted people.

Zhao Zhiyong made preparations, especially loading the new revolver produced by the Xi'an Arsenal and attaching it to his waist.

Others, like him, were ready to fight.

He immediately called Azamu and reprimanded him sternly: "What on earth is going on with Kasa Khan?

This envoy has been in the Kazakh tribe for many days. Why are you avoiding me?

Do you, the Kazakh tribe, have something that you want to hide from this envoy?"

Azamu thought of the Great Khan's instructions. If the envoy of the Celestial Dynasty gets angry, he should be brought to see him immediately.

(End of chapter)

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