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Chapter 637 Before the Peace Talks

4342 (1645 AD), September 5th.

Chu Sheng and Karl Novikov determined the relationship between the Chinese Empire and Russia, and held peace talks at Honglu Temple three days later.

The days before the peace talks are time for both parties to prepare.

The news of the peace talks was immediately picked up by newspapers with powerful magic.

Yanhuang Daily, Hualian News and other newspapers immediately added additional publications, and commentators in major newspapers began to discuss the impact of this incident.

Hongru Tavern, located in Fucai Fang, Beijing, is packed with people at noon.

This is in a prime location, next door is the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment.

Next to the pub is the Dahua Law University.

The main source of customers of this pub are newly emerging lawyers.

These people who specialize in playing with laws and regulations only served landlords and scholars in the old days. They have nothing to do with ordinary people.

With the Qingming Dynasty under the rule of law in the Great China Empire, the status of the Three Law Divisions rose.

Especially when dealing with civil conflicts, the adjudicator has been transferred from local officials to Dali Temple.

The number of private cases has increased dramatically, and litigants have also ushered in spring.

Wang Fenglai, Zhao Zhu, Qi Ming and other litigants approached Hongru Tavern.

Wang Fengzi said proudly: "We talk and laugh like scholars, but we don't have any idle contacts.

The name of Hongru Tavern is really good.”

Zhao Zhu couldn't stand how proud Wang Feng was. He just won a small case and was reported by a second-rate newspaper, People's Daily.

"The name Hongru Tavern is just because the owner is named Zhou Hongru. It has no other meaning."

They walked into the tavern and ordered a few glasses of Western wine.

Zhou Hongru, the owner of Hongru Tavern, saw that all the regular customers had arrived and the seats in the hotel were almost full.

He used the key to open the drawer next to the cash box and took out a black disc from it.

He handed the disc to the clerk in the store and ordered in a loud voice:

"Xiao Zhang, play this disc repeatedly today, and you stay next to the equipment to take care of it."

The man took the black disk and placed it on a device with a large brass speaker.

This device was the gramophone now popular in the empire.

The boy quickly adjusted, and soon the gramophone sounded a familiar voice.

Everyone in the tavern listened carefully to the voice describing the case.

"Who is so rich that he can afford Mr. Zhang Qinian's lectures?

Mr. Zhang worked in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for many years before leaving officialdom for some reason and became the most famous litigator in the country.

The price of a disc is as high as five hundred taels of silver coins."

“It’s really worth it to come to Hongru Tavern for a drink, and you can also listen to such expensive lectures.

No wonder the business in other pubs is bleak, but Boss Zhou’s business is booming.”

"Boss Zhou is such a generous person. He is the one who can do big business."

Wang Feng came to listen to the lecture and was fascinated by it.

Other pubs are using phonographs to play dramas, songs, storytelling and other entertainment content.

Boss Zhou found another way and spent a lot of money to buy a fan.

It does not broadcast popular entertainment content, but instead broadcasts analysis of cases by officials within the three-law judicial system, as well as lectures by well-known legal figures.

By doing this, a large number of relevant people were gathered, and Boss Zhou made a lot of money.

All the drinkers in the tavern were immersed in the lecture, and the phonograph was suddenly turned off.

"What's going on? Is there a power outage?"

"This is the capital, not a remote place. Why is there a power outage?"

Zhou Hongru came from outside holding two stacks of newspapers.

He said apologetically: "Everyone knows that Quanzi joined the army on the northwest front.

The newspaper said that the Empire wants to negotiate with Russia. We are all scholars. Can you help me analyze the situation of the peace talks?

I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone, but today's drinks are free."

“The boss is awesome.”

"Today the boss is treating us to a treat, so let's have Erguotou. A real man drinks white wine."

When the drinkers heard that the boss was exempting their orders, their unhappiness immediately disappeared.

The three of them, Wang Fenglai, are the highest-level people in the room.

They were recommended by everyone to analyze the matter for Boss Zhou.

Qi Ming was the first to analyze: "Boss Zhou, don't worry, the news in the newspaper is very clear, our army has the advantage.

The side with superior military strength will definitely have very low casualties.

Now that the two countries are in peace talks, even if it is not a direct armistice, the intensity of the war will be drastically reduced.

Boss Zhou hasn't been visited by the military yet, so your young master should be safe and sound."

When Boss Zhou heard Qi Peng's analysis, the smile on his face became even brighter.

News about the Royal Army of Dahua spreads very quickly.

At the end of a battle, the military counts the casualties and will soon pass them to the rear.

If a soldier is killed in battle, officers from the local governor's office will soon come to notify him and arrange for the family members to be treated as martyrs' families.

As long as no officers come to visit, relatives and friends who join the army will most likely not die.

Zhao Zhu analyzed: "His Majesty ordered peace talks, which means the phased end of this war.

The army is responsible for seizing what we want from the local army.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites carried out peace talks just to justify what the military had grabbed.

In peace talks between the two countries, the stronger side will definitely gain more."

After Zhao Zhu finished speaking, there was sparse applause in the tavern, and some people agreed with his statement.

Wang Fenglai drank a glass of wine, stood up and analyzed: "His Majesty once said that if you can't get something on the battlefield, don't try to get it from the negotiation table.

The peace talks are based on the strength of the two countries. Unless the two parties are equal in strength, the peace talks will never be equal.

We should be grateful that the empire is strong. This peace negotiation will definitely bring more benefits to the empire.

If my analysis is wrong, I am willing to personally lead the team to remove the plaque from the Ministry of Rites."

Wang Fenglai's speech made the atmosphere in the tavern lively.

His speech quickly spread to the capital, and many people stared at Chu Sheng, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites.

If he really dares to lose his power and humiliate the country, and the people are so excited, they dare to beat him to death.

The expansion of the Great China Empire was all about annexing one power.

This is the first time that the Great China Empire has held peace talks with other countries.

The tone of this peace talk will become a template for future peace talks between the Great China Empire and other countries.


The French representatives Andre von Dillen and the British George Johnson came to the Honglu Temple and opened the door of the tsarist envoy Karl Novikov.

Andrei von Dyren saw Karl Novikov sorting information from newspapers.

He asked with an unhappy face: "Margrave Karl Novikov, you Russia do not abide by the spirit of the contract.

You Russia has obviously agreed to our French conditions, why don't you continue to fulfill them and you want to start peace talks with the Chinese Empire?"

When Karl Novikov heard Andre von Dylan's words, he put down the pen he was sorting out.

He slammed the table with his hand and glared at Andre von Dylan and George Johnson with wide eyes.

"You still have the nerve to say that it is the country behind you that has betrayed its trust.

France and England promised to aid us, but at the end of the war they found various reasons to delay it.

It is your inaction that led to the rapid defeat of the frontline army.

Our country has sacrificed more than 300,000 troops and lost a huge territory for this war.

France and England only lost some money and food, what else did you pay?"

Andre von Dylan and George Johnson were left speechless.

They didn't know the situation in Europe at all, and when they saw Karl Novikov looking like he wanted to eat someone, they had no choice but to leave the room.

George Johnson said worriedly: "The Russian army suffered a disastrous defeat and our plan completely failed.

The strategy of relying on Russia to contain the Chinese Empire failed.

Whether this matter will have an impact on Europe, we don’t know yet.”

Andre von Dylan agreed with George Johnson.

Their strategy of using Russia to contain the Chinese Empire failed miserably as soon as it was implemented.

"Johnson, the strategy has failed. I think we will get domestic news soon, allowing us to evacuate the Dahua Empire."

George Johnson nodded and said: "I also think this day is not too far away. We have been in the Dahua Empire for nearly half a year and have seen many magical things.

We also know the specific strength of the Dahua Empire.

When we return to China, we should also be able to let the country know more clearly about the strength of the Great China Empire."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They didn't waste this time.

The most critical factor in the rise of the Great China Empire was advocating scientific and industrial development, but they all knew something about it.

The most important thing is the steam engine.

It is not difficult to understand its principle and general structure, but it is difficult to obtain a physical object.

They believed that when they returned to China with the information, they could enable domestic craftsmen to build steam engines.

After Karl Novikov saw the two people leaving, his face showed a cheerful expression, which was then covered by sadness.

The day of peace talks is not far away. Their treatment this time can be described in Chinese.

That is, people work as swordsmen and I work as fish and meat.

The 300,000 soldiers suffered a disastrous defeat on the front line, but at least half of them were trained and capable soldiers.

The loss of so many troops and horses has already severely damaged Russia's strength.

They also had to find a way to redeem the Russian troops captured by the Great China Empire.

These people fought against the Dahua Empire, and their fate was tragic, but they have realized the power of the Dahua Empire's firearms.

The return of these soldiers to the Russian army will inevitably strengthen the status of Russian weapons.

Karl Novikov lived in the Chinese Empire for such a long time.

He has been able to clearly understand that only a strong firearms army can protect the future of a country.

Cold weapons have been eliminated by the rapid development of firearms.

If a country still wants to embrace cold weapons, it will be gradually and completely wiped out like the Native Americans.

It was precisely because Karl Novikov saw the gap in strength between Russia and the Chinese Empire.

Only when he showed great pain, the negotiation process will be very pleasant if the two parties in the negotiation are equal in strength.

In the upcoming negotiations, they are clearly at a disadvantage.

He expected that this negotiation would go well and the process would be extremely painful.

But for the sake of Russia's smooth passage through this crisis, and for the old tsar's kindness to him.

Karl Novikov knew that even if the two countries reached an agreement in the peace talks, his end would not be good, but he still worked hard and did things related to the peace talks.


September 9, 4342 (1645 AD).

At nine o'clock this morning, Chu Sheng, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites, will hold negotiations with Karl Novikov, the special envoy of the Russian Tsar, at Honglu Temple.

Chu Sheng arranged his official uniform, took the negotiators, and took a car to Honglu Temple.

He was also under a lot of pressure. Newspapers advertised the imminent peace talks between the Chinese Empire and Russia.

The people are extremely concerned about the outcome of this peace talk.

Many extreme people still stood in front of Chu Sheng's house and shouted.

If Chu Sheng really dared to lose his power and humiliate the country during the peace talks, they would dare to rush into the palace and clear out this traitorous minister.

At first he thought this was a situation brought about by his political opponents.

Chu Sheng observed for two days and found that this was completely a spontaneous organization by the people.

He immediately came forward to calm the people's emotions and ensure that he would give everyone a satisfactory explanation.

Chu Sheng said this because he had full confidence in the strength of the Dahua Empire.

The country's strength is insufficient, his voice is not loud when he speaks, and no one wants to pay attention to him.

When a country is strong, what it says becomes the rules, and other countries must abide by them.

The Dahua Empire is not a world hegemon, but it is a veritable traitor in the surrounding area.

If Russia does not agree to the harsh conditions he proposed, the Royal Army of China will not stop its offensive.

Chu Sheng knew that the frontline troops and the extent of their occupation of Russian territory had reached their limit.

Only by digesting the newly occupied land and turning it into a mature land for the Great China Empire.

Only then can the Great China Empire continue to expand outwards.

But the long logistics supply line will become the weakest point in the army.

Without solving these problems that affect the performance of the military's combat effectiveness, problems may easily arise if the offensive continues.

But the Russian army does not know the situation of the Dahua army.

They simply did not dare to let the Dahua army continue to attack.

Russia does not dare to bet. Losing the bet means the country will be destroyed.

No matter how harsh the conditions proposed by Chu Sheng are, Russia will accept them in full.

What's more, the distance between the Tsarist envoy Karl Novikov and Moscow is too great.

He encountered some problems and could only rely on his own experience to solve them.

Chu Sheng believed that he knew Karl Novikov very well, and he was confident that he knew himself better than Karl Novikov.

Chu Sheng knew that it was appropriate to stop, and not to push too far, and to propose things that even Karl Novikov could not make the decision.

He sat in the car and recited the contents of the drafted treaty.

Karl Novikov was unwilling to sign most of the treaties, but he had no choice. Russia had to sign these treaties.

The motorcade had arrived at Honglu Temple, and Chu Sheng stepped out of the car confidently.

The Dahua Empire has an absolute advantage, as long as it does not send out a traitor.

In this peace negotiation, they can not only get what they have actually occupied, but also get things that cannot be obtained in war.

Chu Sheng saw a large number of people surrounding the entrance of Honglu Temple.

They are all concerned about the content of the peace talks between the Chinese Empire and Russia.

Someone shouted at Chu Sheng: "Sir, you must not lose your dignity as a great king.

We are all waiting outside for your good news."

The scene was so noisy, with so many people shouting together that it was impossible to judge the content.

Chu Sheng waved his hands to the crowd and walked into Honglu Temple with a confident look on his face.

He will definitely not disappoint the expectations of His Majesty the Emperor and the people.

This time during peace talks with Russia, Chu Sheng was determined to negotiate a treaty that would be passed down to future generations.

Chu Sheng led the representatives of the Dahua Empire to the room specially set aside in Honglu Temple.

The Tsarist envoy Karl Novikov and his Russian representatives had been waiting for a long time.

The two countries officially began peace talks. (End of chapter)

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