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Chapter 717 School Examination

Su Shu felt exhausted and walked out of his mother's palace.

He returned to his palace and carefully recalled his mother's teachings.

Except for his mother who would teach him these things seriously, no one else would ever talk to him about such things.

Even if he hit his head and was bleeding, those people would not say a word.

Su Shu looked at the environment of his palace. Even after two years away, it was still spotless.

Judging from the cleanliness of the room, it was cleaned every day. Even the furnishings in the room were not much different from two years ago.

When the maids in the palace saw Su Shu returning to the palace, they were stunned for a moment at first, then they came to their senses and saluted respectfully: "Greetings to Your Highness."

Su Shu waved his hand and asked these maids to retreat.

He gathered his confidants in the palace and learned from these people about the changes in the empire in the past two years.

The news that Su Shu read in the newspapers was only the news that the empire allowed the people to know.

What is the inside story of these things? Only insiders can know clearly.

It was already evening, and Su Shu learned from his confidants how the major events in the empire had happened in the past two years and the inside story behind them.

The only thing that makes Su Shu feel at ease is that his power has not been greatly affected in the past two years.

He left the empire, and these people kept to themselves and only took care of their duties.

Doing so will help get rid of the vortex of conflict between the two forces.

This can be regarded as an unintentional intervention, and the power has not been lost.

Su Shu heard footsteps outside the door, and then someone knocked on the door.

He knew that if there was no important matter, the people in the palace would not disturb him.

Su Shu ordered the people outside to enter the house.

A female officer in her forties, a confidant of Queen Mother Wang Wenjun and responsible for palace affairs, walked in.

The female officer said respectfully: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has sent someone to invite you to Qianqing Palace."

When Su Shu heard the news, he was immediately shocked. He did not dare to waste time and went directly to Qianqing Palace.

After my father had taken care of the major military and state affairs, he finally found time to see him.

When Su Shu returned to the capital, he knew that his father must understand his situation. He had already prepared everything and was waiting for his father's summons.

He soon arrived in front of the Qianqing Palace. The place was still very simple, basically unchanged from two years ago.

Su Shu opened the door and walked into the Qianqing Palace. He saw that his father was still working at the desk.

Read the minister's memorials and review the minister's requests for instructions.

Emperor Su He met the eldest prince Su Shu again after two years.

Especially after learning about the eldest prince's performance in the past two years, he was very satisfied.

If Su Shu could insist on following the fleet and completing this journey, he was qualified in Su He's mind.

The eldest prince performed better and won unanimous praise from everyone in the fleet. He also learned to draw charts and use a sextant.

Through this detail, it can be shown that Su Shu is studying seriously.

Before the eldest prince Su Shu set off, Emperor Su He prepared a plan for Su Shu to return early if he could not persist.

This was Emperor Su He's test for Su Shu, and he completed the test perfectly.

The successor of the empire must have a broad vision, strong perseverance, and a rationality that is not influenced by emotions.

According to the traditional concept, a good person must be a foolish king.

If you treat the people around you too well, the people all over the country will be affected.

Only political creatures with greater rationality than sensibility can always proceed from the interests of the empire and their own interests, and make choices that are in the interest of the empire in the face of every important choice.

This is also the reason why the royal family is ruthless according to folk rumors.

Emperor Su He put down the memorial in his hand and waved his hand to give the eldest prince Su Shu a seat.

He saw Su Shu nervously sitting on the stool and asked in a soft tone: "Shu'er, whose fleet are you traveling with to go to the vassal states and Europe?

Along the way, do you have any questions or suggestions?"

Emperor Su He is preparing to take the exam for the eldest prince Su Shu to see if he has gained anything from his experience along the way.

The performance of the eldest prince Su Shu satisfied him, and the emperor Su He did not mind giving him more burdens.

Cultivating heirs should start as early as possible.

The eldest prince Su Shu has lived in the naval fleet for two years, and he will have a clearer understanding of the military.

He knows what the real demands of the army are from soldiers to generals.

Once you understand it clearly, you won't do stupid things.

The military is relatively simple, but government affairs are very complex.

A non-founding monarch will definitely be checked and balanced by all forces.

Emperor Su He did not believe that his princes had the courage to overthrow everything and rebuild the world.

This places higher requirements on the prince's level of government affairs.

Absolutely not to show up, the ministers dug a hole for the emperor, and the emperor jumped in happily.

The eldest prince Su Shu knew that his father's question was a test for him.

A layer of sweat gradually formed on Su Shu's forehead. Today's answer will determine the fate of his life.

Fortunately, Su Shu was in the fleet and was definitely not dawdling around. After seeing the situation in the Sweet Potato Country and other European countries, he also had his own thoughts.

Su Shu swallowed his saliva, looked up at his father and said, "Father, I will first tell you the consensus of everyone in the fleet.

There is no future for standing still. If the empire wants to develop, it must borrow resources from around the world.

The empire absorbs global resources and must rely on sea transportation.

The safety of such routes is very important. If the empire wants to protect its own interests, it must have a navy that can quickly reach major places in the world.

Erchen's suggestion was to build large-scale naval bases overseas.

Use the naval base to master the most important waterways.

There are already naval bases such as Gibraltar in Europe, but there are no naval bases built around Sweet Potato Country.

In this way, once something goes wrong in the vassal country, the empire will be very passive.

Erchen also discovered two canals that were very important to the empire.

The Suez Canal, a canal dug by Fujian, connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

The empire traveled to Europe without having to go around the African continent.

The fleet took advantage of the civil strife in Fujian to take the Suez Canal into its hands.

The other canal, that is, Cao Guo seized the territory of Xiang State and wanted to dig a canal connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

In this way, you can go from the west coast of North America to the east coast of North America without going around the entire American continent.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! The strategic value of this canal is extremely high."

Emperor Su He was very satisfied when he heard what the eldest prince Su Shu said.

The strategic value of these two canals is extremely high, and it can be said that they can affect the process of the entire world.

The Suez Canal is the lifeblood of European countries.

It is in the hands of European countries. If other countries want to extend their hands to the Mediterranean, it will be extremely difficult.

Once the Suez Canal is controlled by an outside force, it means that the door to the Mediterranean has been opened.

The second canal mentioned by the eldest prince Su Shu was the Panama Canal in later generations.

This canal changed the destiny of countries on the American continent and paved the way for a regional power to transform into a world hegemon.

The strategy of these two canals is extremely important and must be controlled by the Great China Empire.

Emperor Su He smiled and praised: "Shu'er, you have really learned a lot in the past two years.

These two canals are extremely important, and my father has issued an order to the Governor-General to study and control these two canals."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, he personally wrote an imperial edict in front of the eldest prince Su Shu.

Su Shu heard his father's praise. He had always wanted to get his father's approval. Today he finally got what he wanted, and he felt very satisfied.

He became more confident and dared to express his doubts.

"My father and I have discovered that overseas vassal states are places with great potential.

Why does the emperor support outsiders to develop those places instead of directly managing them by the empire?

These places have great potential, such as Zhao State in North America, Wei State in South America, and Min State in the Mediterranean.

Even in these vassal states, they are all uncles and uncles of their children and brothers of their father and emperor.

The growth of their strength will inevitably be accompanied by the growth of their ambitions, and it is very likely that at some point they will rebel against the empire and become its opponents."

Emperor Su He was very pleased when he saw that the eldest prince Su Shu could ask this question.

This is definitely a question that the eldest prince Su Shu came up with himself.

The rest of the navy fleet will never teach the eldest prince Su Shu this knowledge.

The admirals of the naval fleet could see the threat that vassal countries might pose to the empire in the future.

But they are all human beings and will not let this issue become public.

These people are afraid that if they say something wrong, they will not be able to withstand the pressure from the vassal states and the Great China Empire, and they may be crowned kings and nobles.

People like them may also earn an overseas fortune in the future.

The eldest prince Su Shu may become the emperor of the empire in the future, and these smart people absolutely do not want to ruin their future.

Emperor Su He taught: "Shu'er, my father had no choice but to do this.

These places overseas are indeed lands with great potential.

You should see that some European countries have begun to colonize these places.

If we don't occupy them, these places will fall into the hands of Westerners and will inevitably become a serious problem for the empire in the future.

The empire's previous heritage means that if you want to develop these areas, you must invest a lot of resources.

The Nanyang region surrounding the empire is very close to the empire, making it easy to develop and control.

If a large amount of resources are invested in the Americas and other regions, changes may occur on the doorstep of the empire.

As long as the empire's own strength does not decline, cooperation with vassal countries will definitely outweigh competition in the future.

The strength of the empire really declined, and it was treated at the hands of the descendants of these vassal states of the same clan and species.

That would end better than falling into the hands of Westerners."

When the eldest prince Su Shu heard his father's answer, he realized his father's painstaking efforts.

He only saw possible future threats from the vassal state.

Even my father has seen what will happen to the empire after its strength may decline.

There will come a time when the empire declines to the point where it cannot even retain its core territory.

If it fell into the hands of the descendants of the vassal state, the worst outcome would be that the royal family and top nobles would be liquidated, and the people would welcome the change of dynasty.

Once they fall into the hands of Westerners, the fate of the Indians in eastern North America and the black indigenous people in western Africa can already prove the ruthlessness of Westerners.

The eldest prince Su Shu looked at his father with sincere eyes.

He said firmly: "Father, please rest assured that our generation will definitely lead the empire to grow and develop.

I saw the situation of the empire and the performance of European countries.

Only development and war can resolve internal contradictions.

The empire must not stop. Once it stops, it will be a sign of decline."

Emperor Su He looked at the sincere and determined little face of the eldest prince Su Shu, and he praised: "Shu'er has this idea, and my father is very happy.

The empire must find a way and use all its strength to move forward.

As long as the development speed is fast enough, it can cover up internal contradictions.

When internal conflicts cannot be concealed, as long as the country is strong enough, it can divert the conflicts through external war.

The development and prosperity of an empire are inseparable from the development of industry.

Shu'er, you have to remember.

Everything else can be stagnant and can be tossed around.

But we must not let anything affect the development of industry."

The eldest prince Su Shu saw his father saying this in a serious tone. He nodded seriously and said: "Father, I will definitely remember this sentence."

Su Shu was very happy. His father could say this because he valued him more.

His status in his father's heart has improved, and he is getting closer and closer to the position of crown prince.

At this time, the more he must maintain his composure.

Before the matter is settled, the forces behind his brother will definitely try their best to muddy the waters.

Su Shu knew that the most important thing during this period of time was not to let any force catch his mistakes.

Emperor Su He was very satisfied with the performance of the eldest prince Su Shu.

From Su Shu, he saw that the growth route he designed had blossomed and bore fruit.

The way the eldest prince Su Shu thinks about things is the way he has taught him since he was a child.

He wanted to test the abilities of the school's eldest prince Su Shu more deeply.

Emperor Su He asked: "Shu'er, you have just returned home, do you understand the current situation in the court?

Nowadays, the struggle between business studies and Confucianism in the court is fierce.

Shu'er, is there any way to solve this problem?"

When Su Shu heard his father ask this question, a confident smile appeared on his face.

After returning to China, he has been paying attention to this problem and thinking about its solution.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Su Shu thought of many ways and just discussed it with his confidants.

He couldn't find a perfect solution, but there was another stupid solution.

Su Shu said confidently: "Father, my son and I have a certain understanding of this situation.

Traditional Confucian scholars have held power for thousands of years since the Han Dynasty.

The status of merchants in the empire rose rapidly, and some merchants also gained certain rights through parliament and other channels.

The scholars could not accept this situation and wanted to suppress the merchant group.

This is the source of the current chaos in the empire.

If we don't solve the root cause and just deal with some troublemaking officials, this matter will not go away.

Since ancient times, except for scholars who have been in power.

Soldiers also held power. They were princes, they were governors, and they were powerful ministers.

At that time, the scholars did not dare to say a word.

A soldier can hold a knife in his hand, but a scholar will never dare to speak when he sees a knife dripping with blood.

The problem now is that the scholars believe that their actions will not harm their interests.

It is precisely because of this kind of self-confidence that scholars have that they ignore everything.

Businessmen are indeed on the rise, and they always think that money can buy everything.

I have seen the power of businessmen in Europe. Together, these people can influence the outcome of a war.

When Spain, France and other countries go to war with their enemy, they still need to look at the faces of these businessmen.

This situation must not happen in the empire, and businessmen must know that the bottom line must not be breached.

My solution is to hit eighty boards each.

Father takes action and agrees on a bottom line. Once anyone dares to cross the line, they will face the thunderous wrath of the court."

After Su Shu finished speaking, he looked at his father with nervous and expectant eyes.

He relaxed when he saw the corners of his father's mouth raised slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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