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Chapter 736 Telephone and Radio

Principal Xu Qinqing didn’t know where to start.

Mei Hongyun was a student of Academician Liu Dongliang, and their master and apprentice had conflicts of ideas.

This led to an unpleasant quarrel between Mei Hongyun and Academician Liu Dongliang.

It is precisely because of this situation and the fact that Mei Hongyun's research projects are not very reliable that he cannot even form a reliable team at Hua Xia University.

Su Shu saw that Principal Xu Qinqing was hesitant, and he said cheerfully: "Sister Shaoyao, just tell the truth.

I just want to know the real situation of Mei Hongyun.

I looked through the files of the Ministry of Science and Technology and found no projects reported by this professor from Huaxia University.

I just heard his name occasionally and got a little curious."

When Principal Xu Qinqing heard what the eldest prince said, he really didn't know much about Mei Hongyun, and their relationship was not close.

Principal Xu Qinqing then put down the burden in his heart and briefly introduced what he knew about Mei Hongyun.

This was also due to the fact that he was the proud disciple of Academician Liu Dongliang, and he caused unpleasant troubles in the later period. Everyone in Huaxia University knew about it, otherwise she would not have learned the information about this person.

"Mei Hongyun is a student who has not yet graduated from Huaxia University.

He has been a famous genius since he was a child, but now it is rumored in the school that he hurt Zhongyong.

Mei Hongyun studied under Academician Liu Dongliang and majored in electromagnetics.

He actually proposed that electric fields and magnetic fields can be converted into each other and transmit a wave outward. He also said that light is an electromagnetic wave.

This theory is not accepted by the current mainstream.

It was precisely because of differences in ideas that Mei Dongliang left the laboratory where Academician Liu Dongliang worked.

Relying on the income from several patents he researched, he rented a laboratory at Huaxia University to study its electromagnetic wave theory."

After Su Shu listened, he didn't quite understand.

During this time, he found teachers to supplement college courses, especially science-related courses.

Otherwise, it would be a big joke if a foreigner from the Science Department knew nothing about cutting-edge scientific knowledge.

The current mainstream of electromagnetics mainly studies the mutual conversion between electric fields and magnetic fields.

The emergence of generators and electric motors is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Scholars have discovered that conductors moving in a magnetic field can produce electric current.

Conductors carrying electricity in a magnetic field can also move.

Generators are now widely used, and both electric lights and telegraphs require electricity from generators.

The accuracy requirements of generators are not too high either.

Electric motors have very high precision requirements and are extremely difficult to manufacture. They are not used in many scenarios and are mainly used in various high-precision machine tools.

When Su Shu was a child, he saw the vigorous development of science.

A theory today will be overturned tomorrow.

He never believed that all kinds of strange scientific theories were wrong.

My father also once said that science is a subject that can be falsified, and science is never afraid of being questioned.

Su Shu asked: "Sister Shaoyao, you all said that Mei Hongyun is a genius, he must be outstanding.

Since this genius proposed electromagnetic waves, he did not provide any evidence, leaving the doubters speechless."

President Xu Qinqing shook his head and said: "There is no such rumor in Huaxia University, and I don't know the specific situation.

I will take His Highness to Mei Hongyun’s laboratory right away.”

A group of them immediately rode their bicycles and rushed to the laboratory where the physics department was located.

Su Shu asked curiously: "Mei Hongyun is still a student now, doesn't he need to attend classes at Huaxia University?"

Principal Xu Qinqing raised his brows and said with a hint of joy: "Mei Hongyun was indeed born as a child prodigy. In his sophomore year, he had already learned all the content he should learn in college.

It was precisely this kind of genius that caused such a sensation that Academician Liu Dongliang accepted him as his disciple."

"He is indeed a genius." Su Shu nodded and said, "I hope he can make more contributions to the empire."

They rode bicycles, and Principal Xu Qinqing occasionally greeted professors who were passing by on bicycles.

They walked about fifteen minutes from the Mechanical Department Laboratory to the Physics Department Laboratory.

Su Shu looked at the situation of the laboratory building of the Department of Physics. This department was richer than the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The hottest industry in the empire now is electricity-related industries.

Various electrical appliances are emerging one after another, many of which require patents from Huaxia University, which will definitely bring huge profits to the physics department.

Principal Xu Qinqing led them to a laboratory building in the corner.

In other experimental buildings, there are many people coming and going at the door, so they seem to be very popular.

This experimental building was deserted. During the time they were walking on the road, no one was seen coming in or out.

Principal Xu Qinqing walked into the laboratory building, turned to look at Su Shu and said, "Your Highness, we have arrived.

Mei Hongyun is in the laboratory ahead."

As soon as they walked into the laboratory door, they heard someone discussing in the laboratory.

In a slightly decadent voice, he said gratefully with a joyful tone: "Brother Mei, I knew your theory must be correct.

The circuit you designed in order to verify electromagnetic waves has solved a huge problem for my technology."

The confident voice said nonchalantly: "This is just an ordinary filter circuit. I hope it can help Brother Lu."

Principal Xu Qinqing walked to the door and knocked gently on the door.

The conversation in the laboratory stopped, and then a young man with a Chinese character who looked like Song Yu opened the door.

He was the first to recognize Principal Xu Qinqing, frowned slightly and asked: "Principal Xu, a patent in my hand has been sold, and the money will be received next month.

The electricity and material bills owed to the school will definitely be paid next month."

Principal Xu Qinqing said with a smile: "Mei Hongyun, the money you owe the school, is it worth it for me, the principal, to come and collect it myself?"

She turned sideways and introduced Su Shu: "This is Mr. Su, a member of the Science Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

He is interested in your research, and if you can convince Mr. Su, future funding for the project will be secured."

Mei Hongyun looked at Su Shu, his pupils tightened and he immediately became more serious.

He was able to get the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Not only was the project he had been dreaming about able to be completed, but his theory was also recognized by the empire.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Those old stubborns can no longer suppress his theory.

Mei Hongyun showed a somewhat stiff smile and invited: "Master Su, Principal Mei, please come in."

Su Shu walked into the laboratory. The laboratory had very few equipment and looked relatively empty.

But the laboratory is very clean. There are many coils placed in every corner of the laboratory.

In the laboratory, there is also a bald middle-aged man.

There was a large box in front of him, and two devices that looked like door handles came out of the box.

When Su Shu saw the box connected to the power supply, he knew it was some kind of new electrical appliance that was still in the research stage.

Lu Dawei saw a group of people coming into the laboratory, including Xu Qinqing, president of Huaxia University.

He said excitedly: "Principal Xu, your information is too well-informed.

The phone project that was the focus of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s bounty was broken by me.

We won this project before the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Among them, Mei Hongyun made an outstanding contribution in solving the unnecessary noise on the phone."

He has already made a breakthrough and takes most of the credit. There is no need to take the credit from Mei Hongyun.

With Mei Hongyun's talent, it will only be a matter of time before he surpasses him in the future. Lu Dawei will not offend anyone because of this trivial matter.

Lu Dawei's project achieved a breakthrough. After his successful experiment, he has been in a state of extreme excitement.

After seeing Principal Xu Qinqing, he immediately reported the results of the project.

He was also a little surprised that Principal Xu Qinqing knew that his project had achieved a breakthrough so quickly.

After President Xu Qinqing heard this, he asked in surprise: "Professor Lu Dawei, is the electrochemical project really successful?"

Professor Lu Dawei pointed to the big box in front of him and said excitedly: "We just finished debugging it. If you don't believe me, Principal Xu, you can try it yourself."

Su Shu had a clear understanding of the projects that the Ministry of Science and Technology focused on when he took office.

The telephone project is a very important project.

Especially after the advent of microphones, speakers and phonographs.

People are imagining that what is said through the microphone can be transmitted through the speaker.

In that way, as long as a microphone and speaker are installed on one device and connected together, you can speak thousands of miles away.

Both of these devices are devices made using the principle of electromagnetic induction.

The principles are the same, but the focus of microphones and speakers is different.

But as long as the coil windings and the speaker are made of the same material.

The sound from the microphone can be played through the speaker with the help of wires.

The principle is very simple, but after trying it, it is very difficult to implement.

If the distance is slightly further, the content of what is said cannot be heard clearly.

Now that this project has achieved a breakthrough, Su Shu was very happy. He immediately tried the phone call with Xu Qinqing.

They came to opposite ends of the laboratory.

Su Shu picked up the phone and whispered: "Sister Shaoyao, can you hear me?"

A slightly distorted voice came from the phone, and the voice was also mixed with the sound of squeaking electricity.

But he could clearly hear Xu Qinqing's reply.

Su Shu put down the phone and said excitedly: "Congratulations to Professor Lu, the phone project was really successful.

The reward from the Ministry of Science and Technology will be distributed to Professor Lu later."

Su Shu knew that the phone was very useful. As long as he didn't leave home, he could communicate with the other end. This was really convenient.

Delivering clear instructions in real time is very important to the empire's top brass.

The emperor can transmit orders in real time to the ministers and generals outside the palace, which can avoid many unexpected situations. My father must like the phone.

For the military, timely communication is even more important.

Su Shu quickly asked: "Professor Guo, how far is the phone range?"

Guo Dawei touched his bald head and said happily: "Based on my experience, I calculated the signal attenuation.

The usable area of ​​the telephone is about the size of the Forbidden City.

But with the upgrade of technology, the transmission distance will become farther and farther in the future."

Su Shu said happily: "This distance can be used normally."

He then looked at Mei Hongyun, his sister's husband, who was a real genius.

Even the electromagnetic waves he studied couldn't be proven at the moment.

He is able to solve problems that have troubled the Royal Academy of Sciences for a long time, and he indeed has real talent and learning.

As long as Mei Hongyun has real talent and real knowledge, instead of being a fake liar.

Su Shu is not worried about the development of his relationship with his sister.

The royal family is still tolerant, and as long as it is not deception, everything can be accepted.

Su Shu looked at Mei Hongyun and said with a smile: "Mr. Mei can easily solve problems that even the Royal Academy of Sciences cannot solve.

Mr. Mei must be a great talent, and now you can introduce to me Mr. Mei’s research projects.”

Mei Hongyun just saw Lu Dawei taking the lead, and he was still a little angry.

The opportunity that I finally waited for was almost interfered with by Lu Dawei.

Hearing Master Su's question, he said modestly: "This is just a simple capacitor-inductor filter circuit.

This kind of electronic component was developed more than ten years ago but has not been reused.

Because I study electromagnetic waves, I have studied capacitance and inductance more deeply.

To solve Professor Lu's problem, it was just done casually without much effort.

My research on electromagnetic waves has already yielded initial results.

Master Su, as long as the Ministry of Science and Technology invests hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins to upgrade the laboratory equipment, the project will definitely succeed."

After Su Shu listened to Mei Hongyun's words, he knew why the line was bottlenecked in this project.

Hundreds of thousands taels of silver coins, this is a huge sum of money.

For an ordinary city in the empire, the annual tax revenue is only a few hundred thousand taels of silver coins.

In the previous Ming Dynasty, the annual tax revenue was only four million taels of silver coins.

A project with an uncertain future costs hundreds of thousands of silver coins at a time, and no one will support it.

His sister Su Rong had money in her hands. She could give out thousands of taels of silver coins, but she would never be able to give out hundreds of thousands taels of silver coins.

Su Shu did not refuse directly, but said: "Mr. Mei, you should let me see your research results, which are worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins.

These are public funds from the imperial court, and there are no concrete results. I can't even convince myself, so how can I convince others to allocate funds."

When Mei Hongyun heard Su Shu say this, his eyes became slightly moist.

He said in an excited tone: "Thanks to Mr. Su for your trust, my project has achieved initial results.

I previously wanted to publish this result in the journal Science.

But the editor of this journal didn't know what the article was and rejected my manuscript directly.

Mr. Su is an official of the Ministry of Science and Technology and represents the authority of the imperial court.

I will now show Mr. Su the phased results of the project."

Mei Hongyun has been a child prodigy since he was a child and has never suffered setbacks. However, the setbacks he encountered during this period made him grow rapidly.

The results he sent to the journal Science were indeed breakthrough results, but they were relatively preliminary results.

In this way, even if someone wants to plagiarize the project, he can come up with countermeasures.

But now Mr. Su from the Ministry of Science and Technology and Xu Qinqing, the president of Huaxia University, are both present.

He doesn't have to hide it and can directly bring out the latest results.

Neither of these two people are engaged in scientific research and will not rob him of his achievements.

Mei Hongyun brought two pairs of slightly different coils and placed them on the shelf.

He had to put me on the button and said: "Master Su, Principal Mei, the coil in front of me is energized.

Look at the coil on the opposite side, it's hanging in the air and not connected to the power supply."

After he pressed the button, the coil in front of him continued to flash with arcs, and soon the coil on the opposite side flashed with arcs simultaneously.

Mei Hongyun said excitedly: "This experiment proves the existence of electromagnetic waves.

Electric fields and magnetic fields excite each other to form electromagnetic waves, which can be transmitted in space."

When Su Shu saw this scene, he was still shocked.

He saw Mei Hongyun holding a cardboard tape with holes on it and putting it into a machine, which was connected to a coil.

Then the machine released currents of different sizes, and he saw different arcs jumping on the coils.

The opposite coil flashed an electric arc at the same time, and a paper tape with a special mark was punched out on the machine connected to the coil.

When Su Shu saw this situation, he shouted excitedly: "Mr. Mei, let alone hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins, even if it is one million taels of silver coins, I will invest in this project."

This chapter has been completed!
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