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Chapter 748 Developing Industry (1)

The second prince Su Lei looked a little panicked as he entered the Concubine De's palace.

After he saw Concubine De, he showed the fear he had never dared to show.

He said in a trembling tone: "Mom, there are thieves in my palace, I don't dare to live there at all.

My confidant, the eunuch Xiao Guizi, died suddenly.

The little eunuchs who serve me can be killed instantly, and I, the prince, may also be their target."

When Concubine Li Huixin saw her son's performance, he looked slightly disappointed.

When he was this age, the eldest prince had already gone to sea on a ship and lived alone on a warship for two years.

Su Leiping pretends to be very good, but once he encounters a major blow, the fact that he is still a child will be exposed.

Concubine Li Huixin said calmly: "Xiao Guizi, I have someone deal with it. You don't have to worry about your own safety."

The second prince, Su Lei, looked surprised at first and looked at his mother with disbelief.

He then came to his senses and said in a trembling voice: "Mother, Xiao Guizi is very loyal to me. I believe in his character."

The second prince Su Lei quickly realized that his mother executed Xiao Guizi just to keep it a secret.

There are many people in the empire who are dissatisfied with the eldest prince Su Shu.

They unanimously chose to cause some trouble when the eldest prince took office.

The second prince Su Lei provided some information and paid some money.

He hid behind and observed, letting others charge into the battle first.

Xiao Guizi is responsible for contacting people outside the palace and informing these people to do things.


Concubine Li Huixin snorted coldly and warned solemnly: "Only the dead can keep secrets completely.

Do you know what the consequences will be if this secret is leaked?

You will lose your bid for the throne forever.

Housemates are at war with each other, and the royal family is fighting within itself.

This can only be done in private. Before your father is still in power, it must not be discussed in public.

Your father encourages healthy competition between princes, ask yourself, is what you are doing considered healthy competition?"

When Su Lei heard his mother's words, he lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

"You are not stupid, you know how to hide yourself behind the scenes.

Otherwise, if such a big thing happens, even if mother wants to help you eliminate hidden dangers, she can't do it.

That idiot, Tian Shilang, completely messed up the matter and even ordered his gang to open a cigarette shop.

This incident completely touched your father's nerves.

During the court meeting, no official dared to speak for him for fear of causing embarrassment."

Su Lei still lowered his head. He did not handle this matter well and could only be scolded by his mother.

When the concubine Li Huixin saw the performance of the second prince Su Lei, she said helplessly: "Okay, remember the lesson from this time, you have to think carefully when doing things. If you don't expect victory, you should expect defeat."

Please be more honest in the near future and stop taking action against the eldest prince Su Shu.

When the storm of this matter is completely over, the relevant evidence will slowly dissipate with the passage of time."


The eldest prince Su Shu has been paying attention to the progress of Tian Guangsheng's case.

The three judicial departments jointly handled the case, and there was pressure from the emperor to investigate and deal with it severely.

The officials acted very quickly. Following Tian Guangsheng's lead, they began to investigate continuously and uncovered all his accomplices.

In order to survive, Tian Guangsheng knew exactly what he was doing, and the Third Law Division closed the case extremely quickly.

Su Shu looked at the court report and saw that the facade of the old Confucianism was almost wiped out.

The theory of the induction of heaven and man began to spread in the Han Dynasty, and Zhu Cheng Neo-Confucianism developed in the Song Dynasty and reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty.

After this case, they were almost swept into the garbage heap.

At least in the officialdom of the empire, there has been no figure who can hold the title for more than ten years.

Given the current development of various doctrines in the empire, the support of central officials is indispensable. Old Confucianism has been away from the central government for more than ten years, and its decline is almost doomed.

These people cannot see the situation clearly and stand on the opposite side of industrialization.

Their basic base of gentry and landlords has been wiped out by the empire. No matter how much these people jump around, they are just grasshoppers in the autumn.

After the eldest prince Su Shu read it, he laughed twice, very happily.

In this duel involving career life and death, he won a great victory.

This directly laid his foundation and allowed more knowledgeable people to gather around him to work.

Zhou Baixin knocked on the door, asked for instructions, and then walked into the room.

He first clasped his fists in congratulations and said: "Sir, we have won a great victory this time. My former classmates used me to inquire about your situation. They want to join you.

Now you have a minister to establish your authority, and all the officials know that you are not a paper tiger.

Your current situation will definitely be stable for a period of time. This is the time for us to lay a solid foundation and develop stronger."

Su Shu waved his hand and said: "Mr. Zhou, you don't need to talk about these well-known things, you can analyze the current situation.

What should I do to really stand out?"

Zhou Baixin didn't need to think, he immediately said: "I have three strategies, upper, middle and lower, for you to choose."

After Su Shu heard this, he smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou has watched too much "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

He also came up with the three strategies of upper, middle and lower, so I will listen to Mr. Zhou’s three strategies of upper, middle and lower."

Zhou Baixin also ignored the teasing of the eldest prince Su Shu.

As a staff member, he must provide a variety of strategies.

Everyone's personality and way of doing things are not static, and only one choice is provided, which also means that he is unqualified as a staff member.

Zhou Baixin sat opposite the eldest prince Su Shu and said calmly: "My lord, the next best thing is to constantly visit the needy groups and show an honest official's attitude of making decisions for the people.

No matter how clean he is, he still has a dark side.

If the world is unified, why would the empire have an army and a criminal department?

Although Shuntian Mansion is at the feet of the Emperor, there are also many powerful people here.

There must be cases of bullying, and if you really look into it carefully, the number will be quite large.

People usually look forward to the appearance of Lord Qingtian.

Your Majesty's doing this perfectly meets the expectations of the people, and they will definitely support you as the crown prince."

After Su Shu listened, he waved his hands and said: "This method is not done by a wise man, it is just a show.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! You can deceive the common people with little experience, but you will never be able to deceive the court officials and the emperor.

When something happens to the people, I, as the magistrate, need to solve it, not the county magistrates below. Just some eighth- or ninth-grade officials can handle it properly.

The county magistrate can handle really serious matters properly.

If they can't handle it, then I will remove these people's official hats and let capable people handle it.

With this kind of showmanship, the reputation accumulated is like a castle in the air.

Even if you do these trivial things, your father will not pay attention to you."

Zhou Baixin listened to the choice of the eldest prince Su Shu, which was basically the same as his guess.

He continued: "Sir, I still have a strategy.

The role of the imperial prefect has been divested of related matters such as Xing prison and tax collection.

The prefect's main job is to manage the territory of a prefecture so that it can develop and grow as much as possible.

The adults just need to manage this place well, demolish a few brick buildings and build some high-rise reinforced concrete buildings.

Build a large market and designate products from various places to be sold in the market.

Building universities, opening hospitals, and many other methods can increase the prosperity here.

But this kind of prosperity is entirely due to the various supports adults can bring.

Once the master leaves and the standard of the successor is not up to par, the situation here in Shuntian Mansion will continue to decline.

But with the foundation of Shuntian Mansion, even if it declines again, he will retain his basic dignity."

Su Shu heard about the strategy, which was a strategy that Zhou Baixin had considered for a long time.

This strategy works quickly and can lead to skyrocketing gains in a short period of time.

But he didn't want to leave a mess of chicken feathers here after he left.

If he is recognized by his father, he will be called the crown prince of the empire.

If you do this now, you are tarnishing your own future.

He is not the crown prince yet and can do whatever he wants.

Once you become the crown prince, it represents the face of the empire.

Su Shu was confident of becoming the prince of the empire, and he usually acted according to his imagination of the prince.

"Mr. Zhou, you'd better talk about the best strategy. The hidden dangers of this final test are relatively big."

When Zhou Baixin heard what the eldest prince said, it was as expected. The eldest prince was a steady man and would definitely not choose the best of both worlds.

He became more confident and said in a high-spirited tone: "Sir, I have carefully designed the best strategy. To put it bluntly, it is in the favor of His Majesty the Emperor, and it can also bring continuous benefits to Shuntian Mansion.

What Your Majesty likes is to build industry.

As long as you can do this well, in His Majesty's heart, you will definitely be the one who performs well."

Su Shu nodded after hearing this. His father liked industry, which was a well-known fact in the empire.

Civil servants who do well in industry will, without exception, be promoted very quickly.

The benefits of running an industry are exactly what Mr. Zhou said.

As long as there are no problems with the factory you choose, there will be no problems with the factory for decades.

Suncheon Bok can receive a steady stream of tax revenue, and local people can work in the factory, increasing their income and generating a large amount of tax revenue.

If the industry is really successful, it will provide him with a steady stream of benefits not just now, but even in the future.

Su Shu sighed and said: "This matter is well known to everyone, how could I not know about it.

But now the industrial development of the empire has taken shape.

Even with my abilities, I can’t change the layout of the empire’s industry.”

After Zhou Baixin listened, he puffed up his chest and said confidently: "I can find a way to solve the things that adults are worried about.

At that time, the empire artificially divided industrial zones according to different conditions in various places, and made great efforts to develop itself.

Nowadays, the empire's industrial products are very abundant. If we manufacture conventional products, we will have no competitiveness at all.

But now science and technology are changing with each passing day. As long as we cooperate more with professors and scholars, there will definitely be a lot suitable for investment in the market.

These new things are not yet available on the market and are very competitive.

As an adult, it is not difficult at all to develop some new technologies and attract some investment businessmen."

After Su Shu heard this, he applauded enthusiastically and praised: "Mr. Zhou, heroes think alike."

He pulled out a piece of paper from the desk, scrawled on it with pencil, and made detailed notes on it.

Zhou Baixin initially thought that the eldest prince Su Shu was complimenting him, but then he took a look at the simple drawing and was immediately attracted to it.

The content painted on it is exactly the eldest prince Su Shu's plan for the future of Shuntian Mansion.

Zhou Baixin looked carefully and found that the eldest prince Su Shu had already planned to establish an industrial zone in Shuntian Mansion.

Everything in the industrial area uses relatively new technologies, and the things produced are things that have never been heard of before. These things have a unified name called electrical appliances.

The eldest prince Su Shu chose the power from the factory differently from others.

Most of the factories in the empire are now powered by steam engines.

The eldest prince Su Shu wanted to use electric motors. This kind of machine can move by consuming electric energy. He was not mature at all.

Zhou Baixin heard that when this kind of machine was put into trial operation, someone saw the discount and wanted to buy it and take it back to his home factory to experience it.

This machine directly caused three employees to be electrocuted to death.

This problem occurred when I first started trying it out. I thought it was unreliable and very few people would use it.

The machine tools used in factories are also different from ordinary machine tools.

The machine tools in most factories use a steam engine to drive other machine tools through a shaft and a belt.

In the factory envisioned by the eldest prince Su Shu, all machine tools are motor-controlled machine tools.

Machine tools can be made very small and independent of each other.

But this kind of machine tool is rarely used. One reason is that the situation of the power plant is unstable.

People can have a power outage in their homes, and at most they can just light candles again. If a power outage occurs in a factory, a major accident will occur.

In the event of frequent power outages, the factory can only stop for maintenance and repairs, which affects the enthusiasm of workers, and the output will drop to an extremely low level, ultimately resulting in the failure to complete orders.

Zhou Baixin asked the questions he could think of in a tactful tone.

After Su Shu listened, he laughed and said: "Technology is developing very fast, and the things that Mr. Zhou was worried about are no longer a problem now.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The electric field has undergone technological improvements and the power generation has become very stable.

When the time comes for the industrial zone, the cables of just one company will not be connected. It must be very rare for all power plants to lose power.

After several years of development, electric motors have surpassed steam engines in terms of power and stability.

Machine tools using electric motors have more stable power output and easier operation.

The machining accuracy of electric machine tools far exceeds that of steam-powered machine tools.

Many electrical appliances on the market today are unqualified for processing because the machine tools they use are not good enough."

Zhou Baixin still had some doubts, so he could only suggest: "Sir, the industrial zone does not need to be too big to start with.

Let’s practice our skills first, and when the market is cultivated, we can expand the scale of the industrial zone.”

Su Shu shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Don't be too cautious, have confidence in the new technology.

We must work hard and quickly now to set an example for all businessmen in the world, so that they can see clearly the application of electricity in industry."

Zhou Baixin saw that the eldest prince Su Shu had a firm attitude, and he heard what the eldest prince Su Shu said.

He already knew that the main purpose of this factory was not to make profits, but to make the empire's businessmen realize the power of the power plant.

The empire has been pushing for electric power plants, but due to various reasons, including sunk costs, lack of understanding of new technologies, and stubbornness.

The speed of power plant rollout has always been very difficult.

Now the eldest prince Su Shu decided to set an example and build a factory powered by electricity.

Regardless of success or failure, the eldest prince Su Shu will definitely leave a deep impression on His Majesty the Emperor.

Zhou Baixin resigned himself to defeat, and at first he was complacent about his superior and inferior strategies.

Now look at the layout of the eldest prince Su Shu, it is really a link within a link.

The eldest prince Su Shu's plans are often meticulous, and he believes that the eldest prince Su Shu will be the one who laughs in the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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