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Chapter 77 Defeating Smallpox

Su He immediately picked up a pencil and wrote the prisoner camp disposal procedures on the table.

[The first point is to completely isolate smallpox patients, people who have had contact with the patients, and healthy people.]

The most important way to deal with the plague is complete isolation.

In ancient times, isolation was generally passive.

In small-scale peasant society, except for a small number of people, they basically have no contact with the outside world.

The plague occurs in the countryside and will only spread in a few villages and will not spread to other places.

If the plague occurs in a county town, the impact will be greater.

Surrounding counties will immediately cut off contact with the epidemic county.

When a plague occurs in a village or county where everyone has died, the plague will disappear naturally.

Once a patient enters a big city, a great plague will occur that will be recorded in history.

The ancients believed that plagues were caused by some kind of gas.

Su He knew that plague was caused by bacteria and viruses.

As long as the transmission route is cut off, no matter how strong the plague is, it can be controlled.

[The second point is to dispatch doctors from Baoji and Feng counties to immediately vaccinate healthy prisoners with cowpox vaccine.]

As long as they were vaccinated against cowpox immediately, they would be infected with smallpox quickly.

This will also build up a certain level of immunity, and when they get sick, most of them will have mild symptoms.

The number of deaths will drop dramatically.

[The third point is to use strong fire oil to completely burn the bodies of smallpox patients.

In the prisoner barracks, all places were thoroughly disinfected with quicklime.】

Su He finished writing the order.

He asked Li Fengming to organize these orders into specific tasks and assign them to specific people to execute.

Su He also asked Su Ying to send military police to keep an eye on anyone who failed to deal with them immediately.

A sudden outbreak of smallpox made the entire camp of the Guards Brigade busy.

They went from camp to camp to check for patients infected with smallpox late at night.

All smallpox patients were concentrated and isolated in several camps.

All people who live with them and have contact with them are taken away.

Allocate locations according to the original tents to prevent cross-infection.

The soldiers took quicklime and immediately sprinkled the entire prison camp with quicklime.

Su He, Su Xiong and Li Fengming came to the prisoner camp to inspect the situation here.

Su Xiong asked worriedly: "Commander Su, I had smallpox before, but now I'm not afraid at all.

Does your cowpox vaccine really work? Don't get smallpox then."

"Don't worry! The cowpox vaccine will definitely work.

If I don't come, the soldiers will worry about the effectiveness of the cowpox vaccine.

When I come here, they will stop worrying and devote all their experience to preventing the spread of smallpox."

Su He was very confident in the cowpox vaccine. Smallpox was the only three major Class A infectious diseases to be eradicated by humans in later generations.

This great achievement is due to the powerful effect of the vaccinia vaccine.

Su He saw soldiers holding guns and standing guard outside the camp to prevent the prisoners inside from escaping.

He walked up to the soldiers and encouraged: "Don't be afraid, you have been vaccinated with cowpea vaccine and you will not get smallpox again."

Su He saw the doubtful expression on the soldier's face.

He knew that as things unfolded and no soldiers contracted smallpox, these men would believe what he said.

Su He continued to inspect the prison camp.

After hard work last night, the soldiers have completed the isolation work.

The ground in the prison camps was also covered with a layer of quicklime, which could eliminate most viruses on the ground.

Su He was the first to arrive at the location of the healthy prisoners.

He asked the soldiers to pass the order and call a prisoner representative from each prisoner's camp.

Most of the prisoners didn't sleep last night.

The thief in yellow moved too much, and they were all worried.

Are the thieves in yellow preparing to eliminate smallpox completely to prevent soldiers from contracting smallpox?

When Su He saw these prisoners, he solemnly said: "Everyone, please rest assured that we will use our utmost determination to contain this smallpox plague.

I will give you the cowpox vaccine, which is a miracle drug that can prevent smallpox.

My soldiers have all been vaccinated against cowpox, and none of them will get smallpox.

If any of you are infected, we will send doctors to treat you as much as possible and we will not give up on you.

In order to enhance your resistance, the food is now changed to three meals a day."

When Su He said other words, the expressions of these prisoners did not change much.

When he said that the meals would be changed to three meals a day, the prisoner representatives showed expressions of surprise.

After Su He saw the healthy people, he went to the contact people again and repeated what he had just said.

Su He led the people and finally arrived at the smallpox patient's room.

He took this route to prevent him from seeing smallpox patients first and bringing the smallpox virus to other places.

The soldiers had been vaccinated against cowpox and no longer feared smallpox.

However, the prisoners in the camp had basically no resistance to smallpox.

Li Dazhuang was watching the smallpox patient.

When he saw Su He arriving, he immediately reported it.

"Commander Su, more than 300 people have developed symptoms.

We can only arrange for soldiers to feed them some food.

Patients with fever can only wipe their bodies with ice water.

Now there is no medicine that can treat smallpox among doctors."

Su He knew that there was no medicine to cure smallpox and could only rely on the body's own immunity.

"There are no cases of death. If death occurs, burn the body immediately with strong fire oil.

The corpses of smallpox patients were a huge source of infection and could not be buried.

Nor should he be exposed to anyone who has not been vaccinated against cowpox."

Su He emphasized this point again.

People today just don't understand this.

According to the original shopping mall custom, the deceased is put into a shroud.

Just this one custom could make the whole family infected with smallpox.

"Twenty-nine people have died, and soldiers have taken out the bodies and burned them into ashes with heavy fire oil.

The fierce fire oil is so strong that even a tiny bit on the road can burn violently.

If it were used in war, officers and soldiers would simply not be able to withstand it."

When Su He heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Menghuo oil is simply refined petroleum.

Some of the oil flowing out of the surface was collected by businessmen and sold to Hanzhong Prefecture.

When Su He ransacked his home, he found the oil.

He regarded these things as secret weapons, and this was one of the back-ups he prepared.

The fierce fire oil failed to deal with the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers, and was used as raw material for burning corpses.

In the prison camps, people who came into contact with the prisoners were found to be infected with smallpox every day.

The smallpox virus also appeared in healthy people, causing the prisoners to be very emotionally unstable.

It was only through the suppression of the soldiers that they did not have the courage to cause trouble.

The doctor received the order and soon came to the prisoner camp to compulsorily vaccinate the prisoners with cowpox vaccine.

Soldiers pointed guns directly at prisoners who did not receive the cowpox vaccine and shot them directly.

At this moment, there is no time to explain slowly, so strong measures must be used.

Most of the prisoners were obedient because they had seen it.

The thieves in yellow often came into contact with smallpox patients, but none of them contracted smallpox.

It only took half a month for the prison camp to control the spread of smallpox.

Among the healthy captive population, no one ever contracted smallpox again.

When Li Fengming saw this situation, he said excitedly: "This time when dealing with smallpox, none of our soldiers was infected with smallpox.

The effect of the cowpox vaccine is really powerful.

Now even the prisoners are beginning to believe us. They did not expect that humans could defeat smallpox.

They all think this is a miracle and Commander Su is the son of destiny."

This chapter has been completed!
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