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Chapter 763 Telegram from America

Prince Su Shu saw that both businesses, navigation insurance and weather forecasting, were on track.

January is coming to an end, and all maritime merchants from Tianjin are going to sea. He expressed his condolences to the merchants and at the same time implemented the fuse box weather forecast, which has achieved perfect results.

Prince Su Shu left Tianjin and returned to the capital under the auspices of Hebei Governor Du Yuan and other officials.

Du Yuan and others silently wiped the sweat from their heads.

When Emperor Su He inspected Tianjin, it caused an uproar.

From the governor down to the ninth-rank petty official, everyone has been implicated in the case. It is really hard to make a living as an official.

Prince Su Shu had a reputation for evil, and the officials in Tianjin were very afraid that Prince Su Shu would build a plank road in the open and secretly visit Chencang.

He did not come to express condolences to the merchants, but to catch a typical example.

During the period when Prince Su Shu was in Tianjin, everyone lived with their tail between their legs, and every official became extremely honest.

The train whined and started slowly.

Prince Su Shu was sipping tea, recalling the looks in the eyes of Hebei Governor Du Yuan and other officials as they sent off the plague god.

These people hide themselves very well, but Prince Su Shu has been able to observe words and emotions since he was a child.

When he was young, his father had not yet established an absolute advantage, and the Qin Palace was not so comfortable.

He even saw his uncle Wang Zhongce leading people to the Qin Palace to arrest the Jin Yiwei who had sneaked in.

Once his mother and father were defeated, she took him and fled incognito.

Prince Su Shu grew up in this environment, and he was completely different from the arrogant sons of nobles.

"My footing is not yet stable, and I have more important things to do.

Otherwise, I really want to thoroughly investigate Tianjin’s officialdom and eliminate all ghosts and ghosts.”

Prince Su Shu knew clearly that these officials must not be allowed to unite and form an independent kingdom.

Once it reaches this level, it will be very troublesome to manage.

It was not convenient for him to investigate before, and his own career was the most important thing.

Once he has the tendency to investigate Tianjin officialdom, it will inevitably cause a backlash from local officials.

Both businesses, marine insurance and weather forecasting, will be disrupted.

Prince Su Shu now obtained details of these two businesses.

When my father sees the relevant data, he will definitely support him in promoting these two businesses in other places.

The situation of the Tianjin pilot project is no longer important.

When Prince Su Shu returns to the capital, he can send his confidants to Tianjin to investigate. Once the situation is found out.

He can report it to his father, and the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will investigate the situation in Tianjin in detail.

Prince Su Shu rubbed his temples with his hands. He had sorted out his thoughts. After returning to the capital, there was still a lot of trouble.

Zhou Baixin looked slightly anxious as he walked to the workshop where Prince Su Shu was resting.

He received the order to allow entry and handed a telegram to Su Shu.

"Your Highness, the telegraph received by the telegraph operator is very strange.

This is a normal telegram using a private public frequency code, but it cannot be translated.

At the beginning of the telegram, he did not indicate that it was an encrypted telegram, which made the sender confused."

Prince Su Shu ordered: "Go and get me the original Yin-Yang message."

The yin and yang message was born out of the wired telegraph machine.

The earliest wired telegraphs transmitted messages through the opening and closing of circuits.

When the circuit is connected, it is positive, and when the circuit is disconnected, it is negative.

Just through the combination of the two sets of signals of yin and yang, any symbol or word can be displayed.

This representation method was born out of the military code book compiled by the emperor's father.

The signal that turns the circuit on and off is then replaced by a high-level signal and a low-level signal.

However, the Yin-Yang message, the most original information carrier, will still not change.

The telegraph operator translates the yin and yang messages through the ticking sound of the telegraph machine, and finally translates the telegram into ordinary text.

After in-depth research, Mei Hongyun discovered that electromagnetic waves have different frequencies.

The distance that each frequency can transmit and the information it carries are different.

Using telegraphs on different frequencies, they would not be interfered with.

It is for this reason that the civilian frequency is completely different from the frequency used by the court and the military frequency.

The latest wireless telegraph machine produced is also the first wireless telegraph machine to be put on the market on a large scale. The civilian frequency is completely separated from other frequencies.

The frequency that comes with the factory cannot be changed by ordinary people without going through the hands of professionals.

Zhou Baixin quickly brought the Yin-Yang message, which was an information carrier transformed from military encryption methods. Prince Su Shu had already understood it.

The military's confidential staff gave him lessons when he was a child, and he knew all the common military encryption.

Prince Su Shu served in the navy for another two years, and he understood all military coded languages ​​including semaphores very clearly.

As soon as he came into contact with this strange telegram, he immediately recognized that it was the navy's more traditional encryption method.

The telegraph operator could not understand the telegram, but Prince Su Shu could read it easily.

[Admiral Shi Langqi of the Sandalwood Squadron of the Second Fleet of the Imperial Navy reported to His Majesty.

At the request of His Majesty, Shi Lang went to South America to coordinate the conflict between Cao and Xiang.

Cao Guo occupied the Bull Run Road at the junction between the two countries.

When Chen Shi Lang arrived in South America, a greater conflict was about to break out between the two countries.

Shi Lang, the minister, kept in mind His Majesty's teachings and tried his best to calm down the war between the two countries in a peaceful way.

Shi Lang took out the imperial edict issued by His Majesty when he tested the seal, and proved that the Bull Running Road does not belong to any country of Cao Xiang.

The Empire temporarily controls the Bull Run to prevent further conflict between the two countries.

King Cao Li Dazhuang has ordered the withdrawal of troops, but King Xiang Su Li is seriously ill and his health continues to deteriorate.

Cao Guo proposed to dig a canal connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at the Running Bull Road.

I can't make the decision on this matter, so I'm preparing to send someone back to report it.

Suddenly I heard that the empire sent a messenger, which could carry messages thousands of miles away.

Chen Shi Lang was very excited and sighed at the greatness of the empire.

Due to the limited length of the telegram, long chapters are easily missing, so I can only briefly report to His Majesty the situation in South America.]

After Prince Su Shu read this telegram, he immediately knew that the wireless communication ship sent by his father had officially reunited with General Shi Lang.

The telegraph ships sent by the emperor not only went to the Sandalwood Islands where the Royal Navy was stationed, but also to some small islands that were habitable and had excellent geographical locations. They also sent signal troops to garrison them.

Passing through Japan and many small islands in the Pacific.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The empire has been able to receive fleet information from as far away as South America.

This event is of great significance, as it signifies that the empire can control the navy in every corner of the earth at any time.

The center can communicate with the fleet on the sea at any time, so there is no need to worry that the fleet may leave alone.

If a certain fleet encounters a problem, they can also ask for instructions in time and obtain support from other fleets.

This also marks that the empire has officially established real-time communication channels in the Americas.

As the suzerain state, the empire's control over the vassal states was further strengthened.

Prince Su Shu is proud of the empire's increased strength.

This telegram was also sent by a communication ship. At that time, the separation of military and civilian wireless telegraph frequencies had not yet been carried out.

This resulted in him receiving a garbled telegram.

Prince Su Shu expected the train to arrive at the station soon. He knew that when he stepped off the train, the imperial meeting to discuss this matter should also be held at Qianqing Palace.


Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi led the way with an anxious look on his face.

"Your Highness, you will be back in time.

His Majesty believes that the prince has experience of traveling overseas and has always wanted to listen to the prince's opinion.

As soon as the imperial meeting began, His Majesty asked me to go to the train station to greet the prince."

Prince Su Shu felt that his father valued him, and he was really happy.

They immediately drove to Qianqing Palace. On the way, Zhou Fangzhi explained to Prince Su Shu the contents of the imperial meeting.

Prince Su Shu's prediction was correct. His father received a telegram from General Shi Lang and immediately held an imperial meeting.

He had already prepared a draft on the way, and if there were no surprises in what was discussed at the imperial meeting, Prince Su Shu would not have to worry.

He quickly approached the Qianqing Palace and heard that the new governor Qi Gangyi was having a normal affair with Prime Minister Qian Mingyi.

This new Grand Governor is good at defense and has always been an anomaly in the Royal Army, which advocates offense.

Qi Gangyi is also the staunchest supporter of the Continental Army strategy.

He believed that the empire was vast and sparsely populated, and a large army was necessary to protect the security of the empire.

Prince Su Shu learned that because he served in the navy, his attitude was more inclined to the navy.

This veteran army general had a lot of criticism of himself before he became the governor-general.

Most of them don't have a good attitude towards themselves, plus the honeysuckle minister is like dog-skin plaster.

Prince Su Shu thought that he would not be so leisurely in the court.

Emperor Su He saw Prince Su Shu returning and asked, "Prince, you know the situation in America very well.

What do you think the Empire should do?"

Prince Su Shu thought about his plans all the way. He knew that when he spoke, he must stand firmly in the interests of the empire. This was a matter of principle and should never be taken lightly.

He bowed first and then said: "Father, I understand the situation in America and have some say in the affairs there.

To put it bluntly, those uncles and uncles are very ambitious.

It is precisely because of their ambition that these vassal states have developed so powerfully.

King Xiang Su Li is one of the less ambitious people, and his country is about to be divided up.

It is precisely because these uncles and uncles are very ambitious that I believe that the empire cannot easily satisfy the ambitions of these vassal states.

Feed their appetite too much, and the empire will suffer backlash.

Erchen believed that the empire should seek balance in America.

Support the weak sweet potato country while letting the powerful vassal countries compete with each other.

Regarding the Benniu Canal, Erchen believes that it should be opened.

The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, which actually connects the Pacific and the Atlantic.

The huge benefits that the Suez Canal brought to the empire are obvious to all.

The value of the Bull Run Canal is by no means inferior to that of the Suez Canal.

As the narrowest place on the American continent, the Bull Run Trail has no huge rock formations and is suitable for digging canals.

Once the canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Nearly half of the sea transportation between the east and west coasts of the Americas is no longer needed to pass through the forefront of South America.

This also made the relationship between Wei and the empire closer.

Cao King Li Dazhuang and Wei King Su Hu were both ambitious people, and the two countries bordered each other.

As Wei's strength increases, Cao will definitely feel a great threat.

In this way, Cao State was unable to expand externally. King Qi Sushan and King Xiang Su Li were similar in that they were both people without great ambitions.

At least South America will return to peace and will not be affected by war."

Prince Su Shu not only talked about the situation in the American continent, he also proposed solutions.

All civil and military officials applauded, they were very satisfied with Prince Su Shu.

Emperor Su He was very happy after hearing Prince Su Shu's answer.

Prince Su Shu can see this clearly, and he is better than many people.

He could foresee that after the vassal country's national power expanded, he would find the empire's national power declining.

They will inevitably turn their guns on the empire to prove to the world that they are not puppets. In fact, they are just competing for interests.

Prince Su Shu only relied on his own knowledge, and he had already thought of offshore balancing hands to allow the major vassal states to check and balance each other.

As long as there is no powerful vassal state dominating the American continent, the authority of the empire will not be challenged.

Emperor Su He smiled and praised: "Shu'er said very well that the empire must not be led by the vassal states.

Maintaining the balance of the vassal states is the goal that the empire strives to pursue.

But this does not mean that the empire is the nanny of a certain vassal state.

Survival of the fittest, only in this way can countries with real combat effectiveness rise and rotten countries be eliminated.

The country of Xiang is in chaos right now. No matter how much resources the empire invests, it will most likely be in vain.

My idea is to let the Kingdom of Xiang be reborn from nirvana, and the army of the empire only needs to protect King Xiang’s family.”

Su He enfeoffed overseas princes and allowed them to go overseas to establish the country. This was to expand China's sphere of influence and to resettle the founding heroes.

The empire's previous investment was for the sale of raw materials and goods, not for being a nanny.

Emperor Su He also did not believe that rescuing a terminally ill vassal state would bring more benefits to the empire.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi saw that Emperor Su He and Prince Su Shu both supported the construction of the Benniu Canal and invested limited resources in South America.

He looked at the Governor Qi Gangyi and said in a slightly mocking tone: "Captain Qi, this is the first time I have seen the Governor's Mansion so cowardly.

Just now, Governor Qi actually didn’t want the empire to invest its power in South America.”

Qi Gangyi slapped the table and reprimanded loudly: "Put it on, let it go, it's a stinky dog's fart."

He almost blurted out swear words, and was not used to the situation of imperial meetings.

It was really abominable that these civil servants wanted to deliberately guide him.

"Master Qian, if you can become the Prime Minister of the Empire, I am really worried about the Empire.

You really don't know what I mean. The child is acting up.

If the empire wants to maintain its power in South America, just one fleet is simply not enough.

I really thought that the cannons of those vassal states were just decorations.

The navy in South America should not be too domineering. Before it has absolute power, it must understand its own position.

I really think Cao Wang Li Dazhuang, Wei Wang Su Hu and others are easy to get along with.

I don't know much about the others, but these two people really dared to order the bombardment of the fleet attacking the empire.

Shi Lang's actions in South America were completely disrespectful to King Cao Li Dazhuang.

I'm afraid that his little life will end up in South America and he will never come back."

When Prince Su Shu heard what Governor Qi Gangyi said, he whispered: "No way! I have contacted King Cao and King Wei, and they should not act so impulsively."

Qi Gangyi snorted coldly and said: "Now we can contact the fleet on the front line through telegram.

Ask Shi Lang whether Cao State has mobilized a large number of troops to the north.

King Cao Li Dazhuang did not know the existence of wireless telegraphy.

He can find countless reasons for destroying the empire's fleet."

Emperor Su He heard Qi Gangyi's statement, but he did not refute it. King Cao Li Dazhuang could indeed do such a thing.

He said: "Everyone, please stop arguing for now. I have issued a decree and asked the frontline soldiers to explain the specific situation on the ground."

This chapter has been completed!
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