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Chapter 765 Dialogue (1)

Prince Su Shu reported to his father how popular these two services, navigation insurance and weather forecasting, were among maritime merchants.

He originally thought that the result he achieved would shock his father.

Prince Su Shu did not expect his father's performance to be mediocre.

The father also hit the nail on the head and pointed out the many shortcomings of the insurance industry, and asked Prince Su Shu to set an example and not be greedy for petty benefits.

Regarding the weather forecast business, Father Huang pointed out that the accuracy of forecasting weather is too low.

Providing inaccurate weather forecasts for a long time can easily cause dissatisfaction among maritime merchants and lose reputation.

His father suggested that the weather forecast should be changed to important information, including possible severe weather and events of concern to maritime merchants, such as price changes of major commodities in various places.

Prince Su Shu humbly accepted his father's advice and suggested ways to improve based on his father's ideas.

Emperor Su He saw that Prince Su Shu performed well and could draw inferences based on what he said.

He showed a satisfied smile. Prince Su Shu showed such intelligence that he would never let his ministers play around with applause.

At this moment, Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi held a telegram.

"Your Majesty, this is a telegram from General Shi Lang from America."

Emperor Su He received the telegram.

"There should be results there in America."

He read the telegram sent back by Shi Lang and found that Cao Guo's actions were almost as they expected.

Cao Guo planned to send artillery to secretly seize the Bull Run Road, and at the same time use the advantage of artillery fire to sneak attack the empire's navy.

Cao Guo was already prepared to blame Europe for this incident.

Shi Lang has discovered Cao Guo's purpose, and he will not let Cao Guo succeed.

Shi Lang asked Emperor Su He for instructions on what their navy should do.

Wipe out all the invading enemies, or just give some warnings, whether to attack the coastal cities of Cao State.

Emperor Su He handed the telegram to Prince Su Shu.

"Shu'er, what do you think about this matter?"

Prince Su Shu respectfully took the telegram from his father.

He briefly read the telegram. General Shi Lang had discovered Cao Guo's attempt and was asking his father for instructions whether the Imperial Navy would fight back.

Prince Su Shu looked at his father and said, "I thought it would be best not to turn into a hot war.

The empire's power in America was very limited, but Cao Guo had been operating there for a long time.

Even if we initially gain the upper hand with the advantage of weapons.

Once it enters a war of attrition, the Imperial Royal Navy, which is far away from homeland, will never take advantage.

Once the war starts, if it is not a great victory, the empire will lose more than it gains.

This will make those vassal states think that the empire has entered a decline. These vassal states did not have much ambition in the first place. After seeing this situation, they will inevitably breed ambition.

Even if my father wanted to start a war and teach King Cao Li Dazhuang a lesson, he shouldn't start it at this time.

We should first send troops to the Tanxiang Islands. After the troops are fully prepared, we can deal with Cao's problems with thunderous force."

Prince Su Shu put the interests of the empire first and stated what he thought was the best approach for the interests of the empire.

King Cao Li Dazhuang is Su Lei's biological uncle, and he is also Su Lei's biggest comeback point in the future.

But he did not let his personal affairs affect his judgment on the matter.

The lion and the rabbit still need all their strength, let alone launching a war.

At any time, war is the last resort.

Only when the two parties cannot communicate normally through all channels and the conflicts cannot be reconciled can an attack be launched.

Prince Su Shu believes that the development between the two countries has not yet reached this level.

He also couldn't leave a bad impression on his father.

His father's question was probably a test for him.

If he is not cautious about war, there will be personal grudges mixed in.

This will definitely disappoint my father very much.

When Emperor Su He heard what Prince Su Shu said, he nodded and said with a smile: "The most important thing in the country is to sacrifice and fight.

Any decision to launch an external attack must be carefully considered as to whether an attack is necessary.

Sufficient preparations must be made before the war, and only when you are sure of victory can you take action.

The current situation does not meet the conditions for war at all.

The war will begin now unless the Imperial fleet withdraws immediately and abandons the already built Bull Run.

Otherwise, we will definitely suffer a loss. Is there anything Shuer can do?

It can maintain the reputation of the empire without causing war."

Prince Su Shu saw his father's calm performance and knew that his father already had thoughts on this matter.

What he has to do now is to try his best to guess what his father is thinking.

Prince Su Shu thought that his father had just stated that there would be no war between the two countries.

Excluding war, the simplest and crudest method, the remaining methods are very limited.

Prince Su Shu's eyes lit up and he said: "Father, I believe that there is a war between the two countries, as long as there is no major conflict of interest.

In most cases, it is poor communication that leads to wars.

The son thought that King Cao Li Dazhuang had great ideas about the Bull Running Road.

But as long as the father came forward and contacted Cao Wang Li Dazhuang directly via telegram, the misunderstanding was easily resolved.

King Cao Li Dazhuang had a good personal relationship with his father.

Cao Guo also wanted from the empire in many fields.

No matter how aggrieved King Cao Li Dazhuang felt, he would not dare to take action directly."

Emperor Su He tested Prince Su Shu, and he was very satisfied with the result.

Prince Su Shu has a keen eye and can get to the core of the problem.

Emperor Su He patted Prince Su Shu hard on the shoulder and said happily: "Shu'er, your method is very good, but it is a bit conservative.

I really want to talk to King Cao Li Dazhuang, but I don’t want to talk to him alone.

King Su Xiong of Zhao, King Su Hu of Wei, King Su Shan of Qi, and King Su Li of Xiang will all join in.

I want to talk to them not only about the canal, but also about the future of America."

Prince Su Shu looked excited, this was indeed his father's handiwork.

Just discussing with King Cao Li Dazhuang cannot reflect the strength of the empire.

The princes and kings of the American continent all joined in and communicated through wireless telegraphy.

This is what truly brought the relationship between the empire and the vassal states closer.

This method and skill shows the power of the empire, and it can suppress the party the empire wants to target through the combination of vertical and horizontal forces.

Prince Su Shu accompanied Emperor Su He, listened to Emperor Su He's oral instructions, and sent the order to Shi Lang for execution.


On the South American ocean, Shi Lang stood on an armored ship. He looked at the Cao army gathering in front of him.

Cao's army discovered the fleet on the seaside. They realized that their whereabouts had been exposed, so they began to build fortifications and aimed their artillery at the army at sea.

If Shi Lang had his previous temper, he would have ordered the fleet to fire.

Just these few people were rushed into their fleet.

This is too disrespectful to the Imperial Royal Navy. They must be shown what it means to have strong ships and powerful artillery.

But he can contact the court directly, so he must ask for instructions in this case.

While Shi Lang was waiting anxiously, he finally saw Li Xiaofei's figure.

"Sir Admiral, Your Majesty personally responded to the telegram. You are really honorable."

"Poor talk." Shi Lang cursed with a smile, and he began to read Emperor Su He's order.

"I wanted to get some military glory, but it seems I can't get it, so I can only slowly gain seniority."

After Shi Lang read the telegram, he understood what Emperor Su He was thinking.

The military has never been able to learn this ability to subdue others without fighting and get most of the benefits from the negotiation table.

Shi Lang looked at Li Xiaofei and asked, "The next days are when your communications troops will shine.

How many signal soldiers are there now who can use telegraph machines?"

When Li Xiaofei heard Tidu's question, he immediately stood up straight, saluted with a military salute, and replied: "Admiral, in order to implement the goal of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, every ironclad ship in the future must be equipped with a wireless transmitter.

Our signal corps has a total of twelve people, responsible for three groups of wireless telegraph machines.

Each person has the ability to independently operate a wireless telegraph machine.

He also taught more than thirty apprentices, who can complete the sending of simple sentences, but have not yet learned to receive telegrams."

Shi Lang said happily: "Twelve signal soldiers are enough to do this job.

Li Xiaofei, your communications corps has become more developed this time.

This is a task assigned by His Majesty himself. If you handle this task perfectly, you will be able to obtain at least second-class merit."

When Li Xiaofei heard about the second-class performance, he immediately became happy.

First-class merit is too difficult to achieve. Only by making great achievements on the battlefield, or even making achievements that change the situation of the battle, can one be recognized as first-class merit.

There is a consensus among the Imperial Army that there are very few living first-class merit recipients, and most of them are senior generals.

When Li Xiaofei learned that they would serve as His Majesty's special envoys, carrying wireless telegraph machines to various princes and kings.

Li Xiaofei asked worriedly: "Admiral, will we leave and never come back?

There is no problem if something happens to us, but it would be a big deal if it delays His Majesty's affairs."

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you little naughty boy.

I, the general, will lead the fleet in the nearby waters to protect you, so there will be no problem."

After Li Xiaofei received the imperial edict, he returned to the communication ship and immediately began to select personnel to go to the major vassal states.

He assigned simple and easy tasks to others.

He personally went to Cao State, the most dangerous country.

Li Xiaofei heard that his subordinate asked him to take charge of the communication ship.

His eyes widened and he said: "The matter is settled like this, we all perform our duties, and there must be no mistakes.

As the captain of a communications ship, I must undertake the most important mission.

Some of you are very young and not yet married.

I already have three children at home, and I am your big brother. I am responsible for dangerous things, and you all stay back."

Li Xiaofei used his rights to suppress opposition.

He and Zhang Daniu broke away from the fleet, crossed the long and narrow terrain of Central America, and went to the other side to catch Cao and Wei by boat.

Zhang Daniu could only travel to Wei State by water.

Li Xiaofei chose the waterway to go to Cao State because the road was dotted with military sentries.

It will be very troublesome for him to pass these sentries.

As an envoy of the empire, he had nothing to do when he encountered a big-headed soldier who couldn't explain why.

Li Xiaofei and Zhang Daniu's boats were moving together at first.

They had already seen the port ahead, and then they said goodbye to each other and rushed to their respective goals.

The imperial dragon flag was raised on the fishing boat Li Xiaofei was on.

Thanks to the blessing of the dragon flag, no one from Cao's army patrolling the offshore area dared to intercept the ship.

King Cao Li Dazhuang wanted to teach the Imperial Navy a lesson, but he did so in the name of Europe and did not dare to take a clear-cut stand against the Empire.

Not to mention actively attacking ships flying the Imperial Dragon Flag outside the port.

Li Xiaofei arrived at the port smoothly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can reach the port safely, he will most likely not be harmed.

What Li Xiaofei fears most is that Cao Guo will directly bombard fishing boats indiscriminately.

When the officials at the port learned about Li Xiaofei's identity, they immediately arranged for them and quickly reported the news to King Cao Li Dazhuang.

The news of the arrival of the imperial envoy immediately spread from the port, causing long-awaited fluctuations in the Cao Kingdom, which was under strict order.

Cao State is not large in area, and the distance between the capital and the port is relatively close.

King Cao Li Dazhuang received this urgent report the next morning.

He immediately summoned his confidants to discuss the matter.

"Lao Liu, Lao Kong. The empire has sent a special envoy. What do you think we should do about this matter?

Liu Zhengyuan sent news that the sneak attack with his troops had been noticed by that boy Shi Lang.

They were confronting each other at the border of the Bull Run Trail.

Liu Yuanzheng is such a loser, he can't handle such a small thing well.

I originally wanted to use the monkey of the Imperial Navy to scare those chickens in Xiang Kingdom.

We can use the minimum cost to annex the already chaotic Xiang Kingdom.

In this way, we have a vast territory and huge strategic depth.

It only takes a few more years to recuperate, and then you can challenge the powerful countries in the world.

We have gone from being chess pieces to being chess players.”

Prime Minister Liu Yuanshan persuaded: "Your Majesty, no matter what they think, the empire's special envoy still wants to see them.

You can do these things, but you must never say them.

We must maintain basic ties with the empire and prevent being isolated by other countries."

General Kong Erniu also shook his head slightly.

"Your Majesty, our troops preparing for a sneak attack have been discovered. The imperial warships can leave at any time. There is nothing we can do.

It's an anticlimax now, but at least it's not embarrassing.

The empire’s special envoys still have to meet with them. If they really launch an attack to investigate, it will depend on whether we agree or not.”

King Cao Li Dazhuang didn't want to mess things up, and he had no room for maneuver.

He also wanted to meet the imperial envoy, and even wanted to question him as to why the empire occupied Bull Run Road, a disputed territory.

King Cao Li Dazhuang felt that the special envoys were all members of the fleet. Once this person answered wrongly.

He has sufficient reasons to become famous as a teacher.

King Cao Li Dazhuang ordered: "Let the special envoy from the empire come to the palace. We must entertain him well and do everything we can to suit the landlord."

Li Xiaofei was worried in the room. He didn't know what his fate was.

He observed the style of Cao State and found that the people here were relatively tough and the laws were extremely harsh.

Li Xiaofei felt that Cao State was like a big military camp, and he felt extremely constrained here.

When he received news from Cao officials that he could go to the palace to meet Cao King Li Dazhuang, he was completely relieved.

If King Cao Li Dazhuang agreed to meet him, nothing would happen before he received King Cao. After he met King Cao, the probability of something happening would be even lower.

Li Xiaofei was tired from traveling all the way, and he hugged the wireless telegraph machine tightly.

This machine was carefully inspected by Cao Guo officials and no problems were found.

Even so, someone must be watching next to the machine.

When he met King Cao, he was not allowed to approach the machine.

Li Xiaofei was quite surprised when he came to the palace.

He has seen many large palaces, and this place is very simple.

When he saw King Cao Li Dazhuang, he bowed slightly and saluted, and then said: "King Cao, do you know that the message can be transmitted thousands of miles away?"

This chapter has been completed!
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