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Chapter 769 Dialogue (5)

Through chatting with the monarchs of the vassal states, Emperor Su He learned about the general tendencies of these monarchs.

He thought it was time to get down to business and discuss the canal issue.

Emperor Su He immediately informed Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi to send the telegram.

[Emperor Su He: The products on the Bull Run Road are scarce, the area is full of poisonous diseases, and there are not even many indigenous people.

But I discovered that the Bull Run is the narrowest place in America.

I was inspired by the Suez Canal. As long as we dig a canal manually from the west coast of America to the east coast of America, we no longer need to detour through South America and can save thousands of miles of voyage.

It can also promote exchanges between countries.

What do you think about the canal?]

[Qi Wang Sushan: The canal has little to do with our Qi State.

The terrain of our country is long and narrow, and the distance from east to west is not very far.

Our country is located at the southernmost tip of America and is surrounded by seas to the east and west. There is definitely no need for the Bull Run Canal.

No matter what happens to the canal, it will have no impact on us at all.]

Qi Wang Sushan was very free and easy. He looked at the mutton steamed buns in front of him.

Qi State has a special geography, mainly composed of hills, mountains and grasslands, which is very suitable for raising cattle and sheep.

The key products exported by Qi State are minerals and food.

The geographical location of Qi State determines whether the canal is opened or not and has nothing to do with them.

[King Su Hu of Wei: I unequivocally support the opening of this canal.

If Wei wanted to go to the west coast of America, besides taking a boat in a large circle, the most convenient way was to pass through Central America and go to the port on the other side to change ships.

This method of passage cannot pass bulk cargo at all.

This directly caused the selling price of imperial goods in Wei to be 2.5% higher than that in other countries.

Once this canal is opened, imperial goods can pass through this canal and reach Wei's ports directly.

This will bring huge business opportunities to Weiguo and stabilize Weiguo’s prices.】

When King Su Hu of Wei saw this news, his breathing became heavier.

A canal was opened along the Bull Run, which can easily connect the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

At the same time, the distance between Wei and the empire was shortened by thousands of miles.

Wei's industry is well-known throughout America.

This is not because King Su Hu of Wei attaches great importance to industrial development, but because Wei is too far away from the empire.

The value of industrial products is too high, so we can only invest manpower and material resources to catch up with the empire bit by bit.

Unlike other countries, which use cheap industrial products from the empire, they simply do not have enough motivation to cultivate their own industrial system.

Wei State invested a lot, but after all, its national power was low and it could only choose limited fields, such as the military industry.

Some mainstream civilian industrial products were purchased by Wei State at higher prices, and most of them were defective products.

After the canal is opened, the problems that have been plaguing Wei will be solved.

King Su Hu of Wei believed that their country, Wei, would be the country that would benefit the most from the opening of the canal.

This kind of thing that is of no harm to you must give strong support and express your attitude.

[Xiang Wang Su Li: The opening of the canal is a very good thing. I welcome it with both hands.

It takes several months to rush from the east to the west of the country because the roads have not yet been built.

Once the canal is connected, it will only take two or three days to transport a large amount of goods by sea.]

King Xiang Su Li struggled to speak, but he explained clearly every word.

King Xiang Su Li raised his hands and feet in favor of the opening of the canal.

He knew the potential of the Suez Canal and could see the huge benefits that the opening of the canal would bring.

He is not greedy for the empire's profits now. The most pressing issue is facing the threat from Cao State.

Once the empire built the canal at Bull Run.

The canal provided the empire with huge amounts of silver every year.

After the empire got the canal, and saw the huge benefits brought by the canal, it would definitely take the canal into its own hands.

It would be an almost impossible task for Cao Guo to pursue the Bull Run Road.

In this way, the situation facing Xiangguo will be greatly improved.

[King Cao Li Dazhuang: The opening of the canal is considered a good thing.

With this canal, it can connect most of the vassal states.】

King Cao Li Dazhuang did not want the empire to open the canal, but he had no other option.

If he objects, he will be the only monarch to object. This intention is too obvious.

[Zhao Wang Su Xiong: The opening of the canal can be considered a good thing.

But the material needs of our countries are not as great as those of Europe.

Our countries are even less wealthy than Europe.

The most critical point is that goods from other countries do not need to be transported through the canal.

Only Wei's goods need to be transported through canals.

It's just that Wei, a country, doesn't need so many ships to transport supplies.

It will take too long for the empire to recover its costs.

Our countries can take shares and jointly develop this canal.]

King Zhao Su Xiong listened to the carriage running fast on the road and the sound of the wheels hitting the road.

These carriages were very eager because Zhao was about to launch a large-scale campaign against the indigenous tribes, and they were trying their best to transport food to the front line.

The Zhao State was nominally to deal with the indigenous tribes who had taken refuge with the British colonists.

The actual reason is that the population growth of Zhao State is somewhat beyond Su Xiong's expectation.

All the previously cultivated land in the country has been distributed to old immigrants.

In order to settle the new immigrants, Zhao must expand outward and seize more land from the natives.

King Zhao Su Xiong was about to set off, but the imperial envoy sent a wireless telegraph machine to delay his departure.

Based on his many years of military experience, the wireless telegraph machine will definitely change the course of the war.

Now he has a telegraph machine in his hand. Even if he cannot purchase a telegraph machine from the empire, he must ask domestic scientists to imitate the telegraph machine as soon as possible.

Su Xiong can accept even if it is a replica of a wired telegraph machine.

Zhao Wang Su Xiong already likes the process of chatting with these old brothers.

As the founding monarch, he experienced the life of a lonely man.

He must not show his emotions wantonly in Zhao State.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Only with these old brothers can he speak freely and not worry about his unintentional words causing domestic turmoil.

Su Xiong is not optimistic about this new canal.

He believed that the cost of digging this canal would not be recouped in a hundred years.

The empire is close to the west coast of America, and their vassal states, except for his brother, all landed from the west coast.

Of course these countries have ports right on the west coast.

The only country that really needs the canal is his younger brother Wei.

The popularity of the Suez Canal is due to the strong demand from European countries.

King Zhao Su Xiong could not imagine that this canal would one day be compared with the Suez Canal.

Emperor Su He saw the kings of the vassal states and all expressed their attitudes.

As he expected, the same canal was opened in all the vassal countries.

This was not beyond his expectation. When Emperor Su He asked, he was equivalent to expressing his attitude.

If they feel that there is no conflict of interest and they can even make a profit, they will definitely agree to the opening of the canal.

The only situation that surprised Emperor Su He.

On the contrary, King Zhao Su Xiong did not actively participate in the canal project as he thought.

If he was really an ambitious man with outstanding vision, he would definitely be able to see the role of the Bull Run Canal.

Emperor Su He felt that King Zhao Su Xiong's mentality was indeed a bit inflated, but it did not reach the level of ignoring the empire.

His current state is more like he has no heart and dares to say anything.

Emperor Su He still decided to curb Zhao's development and introduce more competitors to him.

The potential of Zhao State is too great if there are no competitors.

Even if their generation has a harmonious relationship, if the Zhao country develops to a certain level, sooner or later he will target the empire.

Emperor Su He made up his mind and began to turn his attention back to the telegram group chat.

[Emperor Su He: I have received everyone’s opinions.

After careful consideration, it was decided to open the Benniu Road Canal to facilitate exchanges between the empire and the major vassal states.

Bull Run also serves as a garrison for the Imperial Army and will play an important role in maintaining stability in the Americas.

The Benniu Road Canal would not be possible without your help, so I would like to express my thanks in advance.]

[Su Hu, King of Wei: The empire is not short of money. If it needs people, I will provide people. If it needs tools, I will provide tools.

I will definitely show my full sincerity and assist the empire in digging the Bull Run Road.]

[Qi Wang Sushan: This will be a big project. 】

[Xiang Wang Su Li: I strongly support the excavation of the canal.

The canal not only requires normal workers, there are also many dangerous places on the Bull Run.

Our country has a group of slaves that can be provided to the empire at low prices so that they can deal with dangerous areas.]

Emperor Su He looked at the message from King Xiang Su Li, and he knew that King Xiang was in poor health because of Su Li.

If there is a rebellion in the country of Xiang, there must be people who are captured, and these are the sources of slaves.

Emperor Su He had originally planned to transport a group of slaves from the overseas provinces of the empire.

Now with Su Li's promise, he doesn't have to transport slaves there.

[King Cao Li Dazhuang: Waiting for the opening of the canal. 】

[Zhao Wang Su Xiong: If you are missing something, you must ask, and everyone who can help will help. 】

[Emperor Su He: I thank you for your help, let us build the American continent together. 】

Emperor Su He finished this sentence and determined the issues related to the construction of the canal.

He discovered the kings of America and began chatting via wireless telegraph.

Emperor Su He specially sent someone to record the content of their chat, but he did not pay attention to the group chat.

It may be the first time for them to experience the fun of long-distance group chatting through technological means.

Now I am in a state of never getting tired of it.

Emperor Su He was accompanied by civil and military officials for a fortune telling.

"Dear dear friends, you have been with me for such a long time, and through the dialogue between me and the king of the vassal country, what do you think?"

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi first said: "Your Majesty, I think what the prince just said is very reasonable.

In terms of geographical division, the situation of the vassal states in North America and South America is indeed somewhat different.

South America presents a stable triangular structure, even though the Qi State is very weak.

However, due to the mutual restraint between Wei and Cao, they had no chance to annex Qi.

No country has the ability to withstand the risk of a joint attack by two countries.

This allowed the vassal states to gradually adjust and form a more stable coordination mechanism.

There will be no gunfire between the two countries due to accidents.

North America is completely dominated by Zhao State, and Xiang State is still in turmoil.

They have never played a role in containing the Zhao State. Once the country is destroyed by turmoil, the Zhao State will have no power to contain it, and its development will far exceed our imagination.

I suggest that while there are still large tracts of ownerless territory in the North American continent, we should continue to enfeoff the meritorious nobles and let them establish new kingdoms."

Cabinet Minister Han Cuibai agreed: "Your Majesty, I agree with the idea proposed by the Prime Minister.

The empty area of ​​influence in North America should indeed be filled, and the buffer zone between the three major vassal states in South America should also be filled in as much as possible.

However, I do not think that the method of enfeoffing nobles should be adopted.

The overseas princes and kings that Your Majesty has entrusted before are all people who have made great contributions to the empire, and their meritorious deeds can convince everyone.

Looking at the empire now, there is simply no nobleman who can convince the public.

Even Duke Fu Xiucheng, who captured the Indian region, mainly relied on the foundation laid by his predecessors for his achievements and could not convince the public.

Apart from Duke Fu Xiucheng, the empire could not find anyone whose merits exceeded those of Duke Fu Xiucheng.

His Majesty's enfeoffment of nobles who could not convince the public not only caused turmoil among the nobles in the country.

When they go to America, they will also be ridiculed by the kings of the vassal countries."

Emperor Su He heard that cabinet minister Han Cuibai repeatedly emphasized that there was no one in the empire who could be enfeoffed.

He could hear Han Cuibai's unspoken meaning.

Emperor Su He tried his best not to enfeoff all those who were promising.

He wanted to leave some people and territory to the prince to operate, so that he could successfully take over the imperial power after he succeeded to the throne.

Emperor Su He looked at Han Cuibai and asked curiously: "Han Aiqing, after hearing your speech, I should have thought of a better way.

You have to impress me first before you can convince more people."

Han Cuibai took a deep breath and finished speaking quickly.

"Your Majesty, today is different from the past, especially some maritime merchants. They have mastered the ability to cross the Pacific.

His Majesty does not need to come forward directly, he only needs to give a promise.

How much territory these people have conquered will determine which level of nobles they will be granted.

The empire has never been short of careerists, but they all limited the ability to exert their strength for the long-term stability and rapid development of the empire.

Now let these families raise their own funds to go to America.

They have done a good job, His Majesty just needs an imperial edict and a few words of praise for them.

If they don't do well, whether they are annexed by their peers or dealt with by a vassal state, they will suffer the consequences because they fail to recognize the formality.

These people do not have much relationship with the empire on the surface, and this will not cause any unhappiness between the empire and the vassal states in the early stage."

After Emperor Su He heard Han Cuibai's plan, he clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Han Cuibai's strategy is to use the method of raising poison to let ambitious people get involved in the American continent.

They have lagged behind the major vassal states for a long time, and only this kind of king can catch up quickly.

This method of raising gu does not require any resources and is easy to blame.

Emperor Su He believed that this strategy was very feasible.

He learned from the group chat that Zhao State was about to launch a large-scale war, and Xiang State had no time to take care of itself.

Neither of the two vassal states in North America had the energy to deal with these careerists, so they had the opportunity to develop in the cracks.

Emperor Su He thought that Han Cuibai's plan still had some flaws, so he asked him to revise it and report to Qianqing Palace immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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