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Chapter 776 The Impact of the Canal on Cooperation between the Two Countries

Su Jinghong, the eldest son of Zhao Kingdom, saw that his father was chatting with other princes via telegram.

He looked at the telegraph machine in the distance with a longing look on his face.

Being able to have others execute your orders is the essence of power.

This telegraph machine is the guarantee of power. Now it only communicates with other vassal countries and obtains recognition of status from other vassal countries.

The founding monarch of a generation does not need anyone's approval.

These second-generation successors do not have the prestige of the founding monarch of the first generation, and must be recognized by others before they can legitimately hold the royal power.

He envied Su Zhenxing. Prince Su Li of Xiang was in poor health and began to let his son Su Zhenxing use the telegraph machine.

In Su Jinghong's view, this action was a signal to hand over power.

The telegraph is now just a tool for these vassal countries to understand the world situation.

The telegraph machine could receive the content published by telegraph from the empire's major newspapers.

With the increase in the number of domestic telegraph machines, especially high-ranking people, all people can be contacted through telegraph.

The status of the telegraph machine will be second only to the Imperial Seal, and it will become the tool for the new king to communicate with everyone.

Su Jinghong knew that his father was very strong now, and he could only endure it little by little while waiting for his father to hand over power.

If he does not live as long as his father, his position as king will be advantageous to one of his younger brothers.

Su Jinghong saw that his father Su Xiong had just explained the contents of sending the telegram.

He immediately stepped forward to report: "Father, the envoy sent by King Wei has arrived at the port of Golden City.

King Wei also sent us 30,000 tons of saltpeter."

When King Zhao Su Xiong heard the report from his son Su Jinghong, he said happily: "Your Uncle Hu has already stated in the telegram that the two countries should help each other.

The canal had just been opened to navigation, and the distance from Wei to Zhao was shortened several times.

Your Uncle Tiger heard that Zhao State was short of saltpeter and that the quantity was disappearing too quickly due to battle consumption, so he immediately decided to support us with a large amount of saltpeter.

With the saltpeter sent by your Uncle Tiger, there is no need to worry about insufficient gunpowder in this war.

Zhao's artillery regiment can freely attack the indigenous people and European barbarians.

The European barbarians' idea of ​​consuming our ammunition through the indigenous people is completely bankrupt."

When the prince Su Jinghong heard what his father said, he also looked happy.

Only when Zhao Guo wins successive external victories and defeats all opponents will his future King Zhao have less troubles in his life.

He didn't want to be in fear every day when he sat on the throne.

He happily agreed: "Father, King Wei has really helped us a lot.

How can we thank King Wei?"

Su Jinghong knew that it was inappropriate to reciprocate.

They cannot ask for it without paying any price.

Between brothers, if this situation lasts for a long time, gaps will inevitably occur.

What's more, between Zhao and Wei, this is a diplomatic issue between the two countries.

Once the relationship was not managed well, everyone in Wei State unanimously believed that Zhao State should not have deep friendship.

Even if King Wei is the biological brother of King Zhao, the relationship between the two countries will inevitably decline sharply.

Seeing his father's silence, Su Jinghong added again: "Father, I don't know what kind of gift I can give that will satisfy all the forces in Zhao and Wei.

The purpose of giving gifts is to maintain the relationship between the two countries. If giving gifts offends others, then it is better not to give them."

Zhao Wang Su Xiong is also thinking about this issue.

His brother sent him much needed saltpeter, and he could not return a shipload of gold.

Common things like gold and silver are important to a country, but they are not the most important things. Wei State has no shortage of gold and silver.

He sent a boatload of gold and silver, which was a bit of a show-off, but could not truly express his sincerity.

King Zhao Su Xiong looked up at the military map he hung on the wall.

This military map is very simple. It doesn't even include mountains and rivers. It can only indicate the approximate locations of various forces.

But when he looked at the map, he had an idea.

He looked at the eldest son Su Jinghong and asked: "My father has thought of a suitable gift. What gift do you think should be given?"

Su Jinghong was stunned for a moment when he heard his father's question. He didn't expect that his father would ask such a question.

He later realized that this was his father teaching him how to deal with his allies.

Su Jinghong said while thinking: "Father, I think we must not give away gold.

The special product of our Zhao country is gold, but with the wealth of King Wei, there will be no shortage of gold.

We give gifts mainly to show Zhao Guo's sincerity.

The State of Wei gave us the saltpeter that we lacked the most, and we also gave the State of Wei the things that we needed the most.

I don't know much about Wei's situation, and I can't imagine what Wei is lacking most.

But my father often communicated with the King of Wei, so he must know what kind of things the Wei Kingdom lacked.

I think this is why my father is so confident."

King Zhao Su Xiong laughed and scolded: "You little naughty boy.

But you are right, we do want to give Wei what it needs most.

Your Uncle Hu has said many times that because Wei State was located in a remote area, the channels for obtaining information at that time were basically through merchants and newspapers, and their information was relatively limited.

We, the West Coast countries, were able to take advantage of the Imperial Navy's obsolescence of equipment, acquire many obsolete ships, and hire a group of retired naval soldiers at high prices.

Wei State did not get this opportunity. Their current naval strength is not only incomparable to that of neighboring Cao State.

Their naval strength cannot even compare to that of the Xiang Kingdom, which was in turmoil.

If the Spanish Navy hadn't been more sophisticated at that time, the Spanish Navy would still be equipped with muzzle-loading cannons, and there would be a generational difference in artillery technology.

You, Uncle Tiger, may not be able to keep the land of Wei.

He had been worried that the Cao State next door would take advantage of Wei's navy to harass Wei's seaport.

I have decided to give the Wei State five iron-framed and wooden-hulled steamships as a gift.

This is a warship in the transition period from sailing ships to ironclads, and it is sufficient for the Wei State to use at this stage."

When Su Jinghong heard what his father said, he was simply stunned and stumbled a little as he said: "Father, is this true? We are really sending warships to Wei.

Warships are an important weapon we use to deter other forces."

When King Zhao Su Xiong saw Su Jinghong's reaction, he was not surprised at all.

He told the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the State of Zhao that if this plan was revealed, most people would have the same reaction.

Zhao Wang Su Xiong pointed to the map on the wall and patiently taught: "What our Zhao country is based on is a strong army.

We go east to attack the indigenous tribes and European barbarians. Infantry and cavalry are very important, but there is a battle that requires the navy.

For our country, warships are just the icing on the cake, as long as they have enough strength to protect our country's maritime borders from being invaded by other forces.

There is no need to waste the treasury's money on raising a huge navy.

These navy were given to Wei State, including all officers and soldiers, who helped Wei State train naval soldiers one-on-one.

Of course, I will ask your Uncle Tiger to do a small favor and send this army to attack the European barbarians' base camp when the war between us and the European barbarians begins."

When Su Jinghong heard his father's ultimate goal, he widened his eyes and said with admiration: "Father, you are going to open up a second battlefield. Once we start a war with the British, we will pass the heavy firearms corps on the way and advance towards the east coast.


If the English want to resist our fortifications, they have only one choice, which is to build fortifications in the west to block the speed of our attack through forts and trenches.

The number of British colonial troops and civilians was limited.

They will deduct a large number of manpower and go to the battlefield on the Western Front, leaving the base camp empty.

At this time, a new force appeared on the coast, and they were completely unable to defend themselves against the attack of this army.

The British will definitely bribe some scum and closely monitor the movements of our army.

My father allowed the navy to stay in Wei State. Not only was it very close to the battlefield, it could intervene in the war at any time.

He also hid this army to prevent traitors bribed by the English from informing them."

Zhao Wang Su Xiong stroked his beard gently and said confidently: "Soldiers are crafty, and the "Art of War" passed down by our ancestors will never be out of date.

After years of brutal wars, my father dare not say that he has fully mastered this art of war.

Now I just use it and do whatever I want.

Opening up a second battlefield was something that was completely impossible to do before.

But with the birth of the canal, the distance between the west coast and the east coast of America was artificially reduced by more than half.

The distance between the west coast and the east coast of America can already support an army fighting far away from home.

Coupled with the fact that telegraph machines can communicate remotely, the obstacles to opening up a second battlefield have completely disappeared.

European barbarians did not pay attention to the opening of the canal, which was a major event that could change the balance of strength between the two parties.

Under such circumstances, I cannot even imagine the state in which Zhao's army will be defeated."

King Zhao Su Xiong looked at Su Jinghong who was bowing his head in deep thought. He was very satisfied with his teaching.

He walked to the desk and took out a pen and paper, wrote down what he had just thought into a formal text, and sent it to King Su Hu of Wei via telegram.


King Su Hu of Wei was chatting with Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong.

Wei State closed the loopholes in tariffs in time. They watched Wei State's tax revenue increase rapidly during this period, and they were very happy.

King Su Hu of Wei looked at the calendar on the table.

"Counting the days, the envoy sent by this king should arrive in the Kingdom of Zhao within a few days.

Communication is still too difficult now. For long-distance communication, we can only rely on the telegraph machines in the hands of our princes.

If the eldest brother does not contact me for one day, it means that the messenger has not seen the eldest brother."

Qu Xiaolong heard Wei King Su Hu often talking about this matter. The reason why he kept this matter in his heart and could not let it go for so long.

He knew that this was a test by King Wei, and by observing the condition of the deceased, he understood Zhao's attitude towards Wei.

Once Zhao Guo's attitude does not meet expectations.

King Su Hu of Wei and Su Xiong, King of Zhao, have only a simple relationship.

Wei Wang Su Hu attached great importance to this matter, so he often talked about it.

They quickly ended the topic and continued talking about other topics.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

The confidential guard came to the room with a telegram.

He saluted with a military salute and when he saw other people in the room, without saying a word, he handed the telegram directly to Wei Wang Su Hu.

King Su Hu of Wei looked at the series of actions of his confidential guards. This was the standard he had set.

When he opened the telegram, the first thing he saw was a thank you from King Zhao Su Xiong.

Wei Wang Su Hu continued to look down, and he could soon read between the lines and see the true attitude of Zhao Wang Su Xiong.

"Okay, this is really great. It makes up for the current situation that our domestic navy is not strong."

King Su Hu of Wei was very happy, not just for the upcoming five warships.

With these five obsolete warships from the empire, the Wei navy was moving sideways in the surrounding waters.

There is no problem at all for the Wei navy to deal with some small groups, and at least it can protect the security of the sea.

The most critical point is that the Wei Navy can use these warships as seeds to slowly expand the size of the navy.

The current Wei navy has not even seen the true strength of the world's naval power.

The Wei navy's vision is not broad, and even if they practice hard, it will not have much effect.

King Su Hu of Wei saw the curious look on Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong's face.

He handed the telegram to Qu Xiaolong.

Qu Xiaolong received the telegram respectfully. He kept reading the contents of the telegram, and his expression kept changing.

He sighed at the end and said: "I didn't expect that King Zhao Su Xiong would give such a big gift in return.

Advanced warships and mature naval instructors are indeed what we urgently need.

King Zhao Su Xiong also had unique insights into war.

He decided to open a second battlefield. This was indeed the best plan for Zhao to quickly defeat the enemy.

King Zhao Su Xiong also has the idea of ​​using our country to cover up his action plan.

The gift from King Zhao Su Xiong is both beneficial and harmful to our country.

The only harm is that if you participate in this war, you will be extremely hated by the English, and there will be almost no possibility of reconciliation."

King Su Hu of Wei laughed when he heard this and said easily: "Our relationship with these European countries will not be very good.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Now it is the Chinese civilization and the Europa civilization competing for living space on the earth.

As long as this civilized war is not over, there will never be any relaxation between us and European countries.

This harm to our country is not worth mentioning at all."

When Qu Xiaolong heard Wei Wang Su Hu say this, he asked with a determined tone: "Your Majesty has made up his mind, so I will be ready to welcome you.

At the same time, we have also prepared the supplies needed for these five warships."

King Su Hu of Wei made up his mind and said: "I have already thought about it. These five warships must be obtained.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If the navy falls behind, it will definitely be unable to withstand enemies from the sea.

But with the arrival of these five warships, our country's navy will inevitably become stronger.

Once this happens, even if the English attack with their battleships, Wei's navy will be able to keep the enemy at bay."

King Su Hu of Wei immediately sent a telegram back to King Su Xiong of Zhao.

【Brother’s gift, I am very satisfied.

Brother, I also fully agree to your request.

Brother, when the war starts, send it to me via telegram, and I will relay it to the instructors on the warship and let them act according to the plan.

Brother is really a smart man. He left the navy in Wei and let us support these soldiers and warships.】

This telegram was converted into electromagnetic waves, which were transmitted at the speed of light to the Golden City on the west coast of America.

King Su Xiong of Zhao has been waiting by the telegraph machine. He hopes that the call back from King Su Hu of Wei will be what he expects.

His waiting was not in vain, and he finally waited until Wei King Su Hu agreed to the matter.

The second battlefield was opened, the most critical factor was solved, and Zhao Wang Su Xiong began to solve other minor problems encountered.

He believed that the enemy would soon experience the magic weapon descending from heaven.

This chapter has been completed!
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