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Chapter 781 Duke Yàn

Zu Siming gave an order, and the artillery ambushed in the valley immediately opened fire on the enemies who entered the valley.

The infantrymen on the top of the mountain also used long-fuse grenades specially made by the weapons workshop to attack the enemies trapped in the valley.

Explosions sounded one after another in the valley.

This round of shelling lasted for ten minutes, and the casualties caused to the pioneering regiment that entered the valley were not large.

But the blow to their morale was severe.

Even the most confident people do not think they will win when they see their own side being bombarded on such a scale.

Shi Dashan walked to Zu Siming with a proud look on his face.

He said proudly: "Master, I used a little trick to introduce these people into the valley.

These people are so easy to deceive, and I didn't expect that my brain would suddenly become so easy to use.

With just a little trick, they all fell for it.

Like flies that smell something fishy, ​​swarms of swarms are chasing me. If I hadn’t acted quickly, I would have been tangled up by them.”

Of course Zu Siming knew why these people were chasing after them.

No matter which force it is, as long as it has the ability to produce its own firearms, it will become the unstoppable overlord of this area.

They believe that their side is at its most declining, and only by eliminating them at this time can these people have hope of rising.

They can also rob the craftsmen and raw materials for making muskets, and become the regional hegemon themselves.

It was precisely because of this consideration that they ignored the dangers they might encounter in the valley and saw Shi Dashan escaping into the valley.

They didn't have time to think too much, thinking that there were so many of them that they had a numerical advantage.

It's just a valley, so you won't encounter big problems.

Before the war, Zu Siming had clearly guessed what these people were thinking and doing.

The only regret is that Feng Qianshan and Feng Wanli were too cautious and stayed at the back of the team.

Zu Siming could only order in advance to catch the turtles in the jar and lock the two brothers' team outside the valley.

He rejected the enemies in the valley, leaving only two teams: Feng Qianshan and Feng Wanli. They were also unable to support themselves, and their defeat was only a matter of time.

Zu Siming looked at Shi Dashan and encouraged: "Da Shan, you did a great job this time and perfectly demonstrated the results of our training.

You must be good at spotting opportunities on the battlefield, only then can you become a famous general."

Zu Siming did not refute Shi Dashan's words, but instead gave him encouragement.

Only through continuous training can a soldier grow into a famous general.

Zu Siming must first build up Shi Dashan's self-confidence. This is the foundation of a famous general.

He listened to screams coming from the valley, and some people were so frightened that they broke down and shouted.

Some people were disabled and had no strength to shout, so they could only lie on the ground and groan.

Before the smoke cleared, Zu Siming immediately ordered: "Let the brother with the loud voice shout to surrender and avoid death.

If we don’t surrender, we will launch an artillery bombardment every ten minutes.”

Zu Siming's main purpose in doing this was to defeat the enemy without fighting.

He has a way to recruit most people as members of his side.

If you attack too harshly, you will weaken your future strength.

A small part of the reason is that the training time of his artillery was too short.

The artillery operated was a bronze cannon that was very troublesome to clean.

This kind of muzzleloader gun must clean the debris in the barrel after firing it.

It takes nearly ten minutes for the artillery to clear up and get ready for firing again.

The soldier hiding in the Tibetan Soldier Cave on the mountainside shouted at the top of his voice to the crowd in the valley:

"Brothers, we all come to America to make a fortune.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes. You have reached the end of your rope, and the feeling of being bombarded by cannons will not be pleasant.

As long as you surrender, we will never settle the score.

The reputation of the boss is a famous brand in this area."

"Brothers, you fought hard to the death, and all your achievements were taken away by the upper management of the pioneering group.

Why do you need to risk death to protect these people's things?

Brothers, working your life for someone is not selling your life, come to us and you will get better treatment."

"Brothers, now we just need to raise the white flag and put it in a conspicuous position.

You won't be bombarded by artillery next.

If you don't surrender, you will be bombarded by artillery again."

At the bottom of the valley, some people in the pioneering group who had just endured the bombing knew who Zu Siming was.

They immediately raised the white flag and chose to surrender.

There are also some pioneering groups that are internally unstable, and the upper management still wants to fight or escape.

When the life safety of the grassroots soldiers was threatened, they turned their guns and tied up all those who had hit or scolded them before, and raised a white flag.

Song Xuewen stood on the top of the mountain and saw nearly half of the pioneer group raising the white flag.

He said excitedly: "It's a big deal. No one in this area can be our opponent anymore."

Their first-mover advantage is already large enough that even if a new pioneering team enters the game, it cannot threaten their position.

Especially with the advancement of technology, the weapons Du Guangyou can create are more powerful.

They are no longer afraid of any challenge, even if Zhao State sends soldiers to attack.

They abandoned the big city and hid in the deep mountains and old forests, and they were able to slowly wear down Zhao's army.

Zu Siming said confidently: "One more round of shelling will allow these people to fully understand the current situation.

They also know that we keep our word and as long as we raise the white flag, we will not be attacked.

Except for some die-hards, everyone will basically choose to surrender."

The artillery general stood on the top of the mountain, constantly checking the position of the white flag.

He used semaphores to order artillerymen in various places to adjust the shooting parameters in time to avoid the position of the white chess piece.

The second round of shelling began soon, and this time the smoke was even thicker.

Because the impact points of the artillery shells are more concentrated, the casualties caused by the concentrated artillery shells are doubled.

Those who raised the white flag saw the tragic situation around them and were grateful for the choice they had just made.

People who were bombarded again and survived by luck.

Most of them were shelled for the first time on the battlefield, and their emotions were completely shattered.

In order to survive, these people immediately controlled the upper management of the pioneer group and chose to surrender.

They never wanted to face the terrible artillery bombardment again.

Shi Dashan saw that among the more than 10,000 people in the valley, only more than 1,000 were injured, so these people chose to surrender one after another.

He said disdainfully: "Cowards, they chose to surrender after just two rounds of shelling. They have no backbone at all."

Zu Siming didn't think so. While he sent people to the valley to receive the prisoners, he said:

"These people are just a mob and cannot have a very firm heart.

Since ancient times, casualties have reached 20%, and most of the army will collapse.

Only a powerful army with a world-famous reputation can persist until casualties reach 40%.

From ancient times to the present, one can count on one hand the number of armies that can continue to fight after suffering more than half of their casualties. They are simply rare and rare.

The casualties of these ragtag groups have reached 10%, and they have chosen to surrender one after another. This is normal."

When Shi Dashan heard what Zu Siming said, his face turned red and he did not refute, but continued to ask: "Master, the Feng brothers are still outside the valley. I request to send troops to eliminate them.

The weapons and ammunition we seized are enough to fight a fierce war."

Zu Siming rejected Shi Dashan's proposal.

"The Feng brothers, they are just grasshoppers after the fall, their fate is already doomed.

The most important thing for us now is to digest the results of this war.

As long as our strength is still strong, no matter whether the Feng family brothers, the Chamber of Commerce, or Zhao State want to interfere, they will not be able to achieve their goals."

Zu Siming immediately ordered them to go down, and the army escorted the prisoners back to their camp.

The upper and middle and lower levels of each pioneering group were escorted separately.

Without the upper management of the pioneering group, it loses the ability to act in a unified manner.

The upper echelons of these pioneering groups cannot accomplish anything without the middle and lower levels of staff to drive them.

Zu Siming's idea is very simple, just recruit the middle and lower levels of these pioneering groups as his subordinates.

After being adapted, these people will become his most loyal subordinates.

As for the upper-level personnel of the pioneering group, except for those whom he was sure to control, all the rest were driven away.

Zu Siming has no deep hatred against these people. He also wants to have a better reputation.

These people have failed, and they will have no chance to stir up trouble in the future. Expelling them is the best way.

The vigorous reorganization began immediately two days after the war ended.

Many of the new people who joined the team have been frightened by the horrors on the battlefield, and they do not want to stay in the army.

Without exception, these people who stayed in the army were people with a determined look.

Song Xuewen happily found Zu Siming and said excitedly: "It's a great thing to be the boss.

The results of the war have been spread.

Although most of the pioneering group participated in the war to encircle and suppress us.

But there are still some pioneering groups who choose to wait and see.

After the outcome of the war came out, some people chose to leave and go to other places to develop.

There are also some people who think they have lost the opportunity and choose to come to us."

"This is a normal situation, the situation is very clear, and no fool will choose to continue to confront us.

What I expected was correct, the Feng brothers were also the ones who chose to escape.

These two people are extremely shrewd in their work. They were the ones who launched the encirclement and suppression, but they were able to escape unscathed."

Zu Siming put down his tea cup and told his guess before Song Xuewen finished speaking.

Song Xuewen nodded quickly and said excitedly: "The boss guessed it right, the Feng brothers immediately contacted the Chamber of Commerce and ran away with the ship.

I can't find out where exactly he went.

The good place has been divided up, even if the two brothers went to other places.

As people who are already half a year late, they can only rely on others."

After Song Xuewen finished talking about the Feng brothers, he said embarrassedly: "The boss, the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce has changed its boss, and they want to get back on good terms with us."

Zu Siming waved his hand and said firmly: "There are so many chambers of commerce in the empire. As long as we still have value, there will be no shortage of chambers of commerce to contact us.

Based on the principle of fellow villagers, we accepted investment from the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce.

But these short-sighted businessmen choose to abandon us.

From the day we made our choice, we officially parted ways with the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce.

A good horse never turns back, and the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce wants to regret it now, but it's too late.

Lao Song, you have a good relationship with the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce. Please inform them to leave the port within three days, otherwise we will be rude to them.

The few armed merchant ships of the Chamber of Commerce alone cannot compete with us."

Zu Siming now has full wings and he no longer has to rely on others.

He can do things as he pleases now.

Song Xuewen saw that Zu Siming had made up his mind.

He knew that the outcome of this matter could not be changed.

Even when Zu Siming was in despair, he never broke the rules set by the caravan.

Now that my status is different, I will pay more attention to rules.

The moment the Liaozhong Chamber of Commerce broke their rules and cut off supply, the relationship between the two families could not be restored to what it was before.


Zu Siming looked at the people attending the meeting. There were many unfamiliar faces among these people.

Even when they attend meetings, they appear to be trepidatious.

Zu Siming said enthusiastically: "With everyone's joint efforts, our team has become the undisputed dominant force in this area.

The area we control now is comparable to the size of the Empire's Shandong Province.

When the Expansion Order was promulgated, the empire had already stated that as long as the controlled area reached the size of a province.

His Majesty, the Emperor, will make the leader of the forces the Duke of the country.

Now that I have met this qualification, I should apply to the empire for a title.

The Liaodong Chamber of Commerce apologized and gave us a wireless telegraph machine.

Even if we are in a remote and cold place like North America, we can still contact the Empire at any time."

After Zu Siming finished speaking, everyone's faces showed joy.

The reason why they chose to surrender was to embrace Zu Siming and share in Zu Siming's success.

After the army was reorganized, they lost the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce as their main supply channel.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Choose to pick up the matchlock gun and attack the indigenous tribes.

Take advantage of spring and summer to expand as much land as possible and plant corn and potatoes in time.

Now that the territory they control exceeds one province, they should indeed apply for a seal from the empire.

Only when Zu Siming was granted the title of Duke, could they accept the enfeoffment from the Duke and become recognized nobles.

Self-proclaimed nobles are like a joke and cannot be recognized by the empire and many forces.

If they want to obtain noble status, Zu Siming's canonization is indispensable.

Song Xuewen said excitedly: "The empire will never break its promise when it issues a development order.

The great master should not be called the great master now, but should be called the Duke of the State."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zu Siming and asked: "Master, what kind of Duke should we ask for?"

This is likely to be the name of our next nation.

You must choose a nice title.

As far as I know, we are the first force to conquer such a large territory.

If you state the title you want in the telegram, as long as it doesn't violate any taboos, the empire won't refuse."

Zu Siming had thought about this problem for a long time. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Many of us are from Liaodong.

This place has outstanding people and was called Youyan in ancient times.

The title "You" doesn't sound very good, I personally don't like it.

The title of Yan is more pleasant, and it does not conflict with the titles of other princes in the empire."

They reached a consensus and chose to send a telegram to the Great China Empire to explain their situation and ask for the title of Duke of Yan.

Zu Siming and others sat around the telegraph machine, waiting for the results with anxious expressions.

The situation here should have been known to the empire a long time ago.

The imperial warships had all docked at the port for supplies a month ago.

Near night, when they were looking anxious, they received a telegram from Emperor Su He.

Zu Siming was officially canonized as Duke of Yan.

This chapter has been completed!
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