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Chapter 793 Industrial Upgrading

Emperor Su He looked at the imperial ministers who had arrived in a hurry.

Some of them guessed the reason why Emperor Su He held the imperial meeting, but most of them looked confused.

Emperor Su He ordered: "Prince, please introduce the diesel engine to all the ministers."

When Prince Su Shu heard his father's instructions, he immediately stood up from his seat. This was a good opportunity for him to show off.

Except for a few ministers, Prince Su Shu knew that most of the ministers did not care which prince became emperor, and they were not hungry for themselves.

Prince Su Shu needs to show more of his abilities and win the support of neutral ministers.

He spoke in a straightforward manner, describing what he saw during his visit to the diesel engine today.

He knew that what these ministers wanted to hear most was the facts, and telling them without adding color would not affect their judgment.

Besides, at least half of the people present are going to Hua Xia University.

It is really unwise for Prince Su Shu to add jealousy to things that are well known to everyone.

None of the officials who could attend the imperial meeting were stupid. They listened to Prince Su Shu's story.

People who have never been to Huaxia University are filled with regret.

They did have important things to be busy with, and they were worried that by participating in this occasion, they would be suspected of flattering Emperor Su He and being called jesters.

Only then did I make up my mind to do my own thing with peace of mind.

Who knew it would be such a hugely influential machine.

They had just received the news and had to think carefully before telling Emperor Su He their opinions.

Ministers who have been to Hua Xia University have been considering issues related to diesel engines since the morning.

The gap between the two parties will immediately become apparent.

There is no doubt who can leave a deeper impression on Emperor Su He.

After listening to Prince Su Shu's story, Emperor Su He looked at the minister who was lost in thought and asked: "The prince is right. The emergence of diesel engines has greatly touched me. There are some things that I haven't figured out yet. I want to

Listen to your opinions.

Dear friends, what do you think about the emergence of diesel engines?"

The ministers in the imperial meeting heard Emperor Su He's question, and this question was what they expected.

But this question is extremely difficult to answer and is related to their future.

The suggestions they put forward are not only meaningful, but also highly feasible.

If you want to make vague suggestions and leave the difficult problems of solving problems to others, this is simply impossible in the Imperial Council.

Cabinet Minister Honeysuckle knows that his foundation is the most unstable, and he is the last person to enter the cabinet.

The means by which he entered the cabinet were clever, and he publicly found fault with the prince's uncle. These were fatal problems, and everyone knew about it.

The talkative women in the market don't understand government affairs at all, and they can tell that cabinet minister Jin Yin Hua and Prince Su Shu are not dealing with each other.

The conflict is so acute that even if it is acting, it will not end in the end.

What's more, Honeysuckle is not acting. His mentor, former cabinet minister Li Zhisheng, was a potential minister of Emperor Su He. He joined the uprising team not long after Emperor Su He started to take action.

Li Zhisheng had hoped to become the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. Even if he had to slowly pass the qualifications, he would still have this opportunity.

However, he and former Prime Minister Wei Shiming were both involved in party disputes, and Emperor Su He demoted them both to commoners in anger.

Wei Shiming is relatively young, so he can also practice blacksmithing to cultivate his sentiments.

Li Zhisheng couldn't breathe and died of a stroke.

As a great Confucian of the retro-Confucian school, Honeysuckle prefers the views of the Gongyang School, and he must avenge himself.

After his review, the biggest beneficiaries were Prime Minister Qian Mingyi and the Prince's party.

At that time, Prime Minister Qian Mingyi had a close relationship with the prince and could be regarded as a party.

After the death of his mentor Li Zhisheng, the party members were also hit.

Honeysuckle has almost become a lonely minister. As a lonely minister, he is of great use to Emperor Su He. His greatest use is to contain Prince Su Shu.

He knew Emperor Su He fairly well. He was an emperor first, and his father second.

Huangdi Suhe will give the prince certain powers, but someone must restrain him.

Considering hatred and future, Honeysuckle chose to become the sword in the hands of Emperor Su He, specifically targeting Prince Su Shu.

He knew that if he lived long, he would end badly, but he did not regret this choice.

Honeysuckle has always wanted to find opportunities to show her abilities and gain more power.

As a cabinet minister, he was not very popular among the cabinet, and was also targeted by Prime Minister Qian Mingyi.

He has always wanted to change the status quo, and this time the diesel engine appeared, giving him a good opportunity.

When Honeysuckle came back from Huaxia University, he knew the opportunity had come and had been thinking about the application of diesel engines.

As soon as Emperor Su He finished speaking, Honeysuckle immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that the emergence of the diesel engine is a great progress in industry.

I don't know much about industry. When I was in charge of the local government, the industry in Sichuan and Guangdong developed very well, but this is not my credit.

The method I learned at work is to hand over problems that I don’t understand to people who understand to deal with them.

My understanding of industry is relatively shallow, but my knowledge over the years is still of some use.

I previously served as Minister of Industry and had some knowledge of the empire's industry.

I believe that the weak point of the empire's industry is agricultural machinery.

Some simple agricultural machinery, such as a combined ox and mule plow, can really bring benefits to the people.

But steam-driven agricultural machinery, except for large farms that can afford technicians, ordinary farmers will not use this kind of machinery at all.

These machines are very delicate and difficult to use.

After it breaks, if you don't know how to repair it yourself, it will be extremely troublesome to send it to another place for repair.

The really troublesome thing is that the steam engine starts too slowly and the operation efficiency is not high.

The money from using the steam engine can hire many good hands to do farm work in villages and towns all over the country.

However, as the empire's controlled areas continued to expand, overseas vassal states began to absorb a large number of immigrants.

Our country originally had a sharp conflict between man and land, with owner-peasants and tenant farmers only owning a small amount of land.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Today’s contradiction between man and land has been greatly improved.

In the inland provinces of the empire, such as Henan and Shandong, the average household has fifteen acres of land.

They farmed intensively and could afford to support themselves.

But in border provinces such as the Western Region and Northeast China, one household owns an average of 170 acres of land.

The common feature of these places is that there are many people but little land. If you want to hire workers during the busy farming season, there are not enough people.

We can only let the militia and garrison troops help the fellow villagers during the busy farming season.

The emergence of diesel engines has comprehensively made up for the shortcomings of steam engines in the field of agricultural machinery.

Chen believes that heavy investment should be made in agricultural machinery and sold at a price slightly higher than the cost.

Let farmers also enjoy the convenience of industry. As long as the empire's food production is sufficient, this can ensure the stability of the empire."

Emperor Su He saw cabinet minister Jinyinhua talking eloquently.

The main reason why he promoted Honeysuckle was that this person knew how to advance and retreat.

He could not explicitly restrict the prince Su Shu, but he must restrict the prince's arbitrary expansion of power.

It has often happened in history that an emperor who loses power will end up miserable.

Emperor Su He was very pleased to hear the suggestion from cabinet minister Jinyinhua.

Many people have subconsciously glanced at the farmers group.

Chinese farmers are easy to appease, but they are also very difficult to appease.

As long as the imperial court allows farmers to have land to plant crops and have enough to eat, these people will silently contribute.

But they really don't have enough to eat and will never wait to die. Instead, they take up arms and smash all the order that restrains them.

Emperor Su He, as the man who led the peasant uprising successfully and created a huge empire, would never look down on the peasants.

Nowadays, agricultural planting is completely heavy manual labor, mainly due to the lack of agricultural machinery.

Emperor Su He praised: "Jin Aiqing's thought was very good. The overall size of the diesel engine is small, it is relatively simple to use, and its power exceeds that of a steam engine.

Diesel engines are indeed a good choice for agricultural machinery.

But this matter cannot be rushed, we must at least complete the oil refining industry first, so that the machines must have oil available."

Fang Yizhi, the newly appointed Minister of Industry, saw Honeysuckle and talked about it. The diesel engine related industries were obviously closely related to the Ministry of Industry.

Although he did not go to Hua Xia University, the time spent by Honeysuckle during the report was enough for him to think clearly.

When Fang Yizhi waited for Honeysuckle to sit down, he immediately stood up and reported: "Your Majesty, I believe that the emergence of diesel engines will bring about earth-shaking changes to the empire's industry.

Industry's pursuit of efficiency never ends.

At that time, hydraulic machines could not meet the factories' pursuit of efficiency, so factories turned to steam engines one after another.

After the electric motor appeared, it became more efficient.

As long as the conditions are suitable, factories will purchase electric motors and transform their production lines.

But some places are not suitable for using electricity. They could only use steam engines before, but after the emergence of diesel engines, these people have better choices.

Chen believes that the emergence of diesel engines has made up for the empire's industrial shortcomings.

The empire will complete industrial upgrading at an extremely fast speed.

The court must prepare early and provide guidance.

Factory managers are responsible for industrial upgrading of factories.

The minister believes that the industry that should be prioritized for upgrading is none other than city transportation.

Whether it is a train or a horse-drawn carriage, the speed and cargo carrying capacity have reached their limits.

Such transportation conditions cannot meet the needs of domestic cargo transportation.

This has resulted in extremely busy seaports and railway hubs, and heavy traffic on newly built asphalt roads, but there is still a backlog of goods in warehouses.

According to the prince's description, a car equipped with a diesel engine is very powerful and can completely replace a horse-drawn carriage and transport huge amounts of goods.

Horse-drawn carriages are too slow to transport and need to rest in the middle. Machines like cars do not need rest.

The power of a diesel engine is higher than that of a steam engine. When trains used steam engines before, the speed was already close to the limit, and the weight could not be increased.

I think replacing the train with a diesel engine should solve the problem."

When Fang Yizhi spoke, many ministers were regretful.

Fang Yizhi said that the angle is not difficult to find at all, it just depends on who moves faster.

They admired Fang Yizhi in a short period of time.

They didn't know that Fang Yizhi was also very nervous. He was thinking and talking at the same time, which led to some logical incoherence.

Fang Yizhi also knows the angle he is talking about. As long as he thinks about it for a while, many people can think of it.

Emperor Su He smiled and said: "Fang Aiqing, I also want to start from this place. The hero has the same idea.

Only when goods flow can they generate value.

This matter is coordinated by Nege and the Ministry of Industry is responsible for completing it and coming up with corresponding plans as soon as possible."

After the warm-up by the two ministers, the others also figured out what Emperor Su He wanted to hear.

They use a certain industry as a breakthrough point and apply diesel engines to this industry.

Someone had a flash of inspiration and came up with a good industry.

Some people have rigid ideas and just want to apply things mechanically.

Emperor Su He heard that Li Yan, the Minister of Household Affairs, wanted to use diesel engines to replace steam engines for power generation.

He directly rejected this idea. In the field of miniaturization, diesel engines are much better than steam engines because they are internal combustion engines.

But in places such as power plants, huge steam engines are used, and this will be the home field of steam engines.

The technical essence of power generation is to burn boilers. Whether it is burned with coal or diesel, there is not much difference.

Emperor Su He looked at Prime Minister Qian Mingyi, who had never spoken.

Qian Mingyi knew it was his turn to speak.

He had already prepared the manuscript, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, all the ministers have said very well, and I clapped my hands and applauded some of the properties.

But no one has said where the money for industrial upgrading will come from.

It's just that these two projects, diesel engine cars and diesel engine trains, cannot be researched without hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins.

The imperial court's annual budget is planned based on the taxes received.

All of a sudden, the expenditure has increased a lot. Where can we get the money to make up for the hole?

The imperial court's emergency funds must not be touched.

This is money that the court can use urgently in case of a disaster in a certain place.

Chen’s suggestion is to rely on diesel engines to collect taxes and gradually complete industrial upgrading.

This will complete the industrial upgrading plan without causing turmoil and affecting other places."

Many ministers looked at Qian Mingyi and saw him boasting about Haikou. How could he come back?

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi's words made Emperor Su He think deeply.

"Your Majesty, diesel engines follow the same guidelines as steam engines.

The imperial court only guides the price and production of diesel engines, and specific transactions are conducted normally between buyers and sellers.

The price of diesel engines is fair and the taxes paid are normal, which will not cause resentment among the people.

If a diesel engine wants to operate normally, it must rely on diesel.

Chen's idea is to make a fuss about diesel.

A higher tax can be charged on diesel because diesel is used in huge quantities. Even if the tax is raised a little, the money gained will be enough for the empire to complete industrial upgrading."

After Emperor Su He heard this, he applauded in person.

"Qian Aiqing's method is very feasible. If you increase taxes on diesel, the people's reaction will not be too drastic."

This imperial meeting was very fruitful, and Emperor Su He and the ministers reached a lot of consensus.

The empire's industrial upgrade plan is about to begin.

This will be a long-term plan lasting more than ten years.

The initial plan is to start with diesel trucks and diesel locomotives.

Emperor Su He believed that with sufficient silver coins guaranteed, this plan would definitely succeed.

Except for the urgently needed freight, other industries of the empire compete on their own.

Once these people discover that diesel engines are more efficient, they will inevitably replace them in order to make more money.

Emperor Su He believed that the emergence of diesel engines would shock everyone.

The empire's industries will also shift from coal to oil.

This chapter has been completed!
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