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Chapter 809 Dinner Table Chat

Prince Su Shu and others walked around the experimental field of fast-growing rice for a long time.

They all know in their hearts what changes this technology will bring if it breaks through.

Su Lin saw the setting sun appear on the horizon, and he invited: "His Royal Highness, Governor Niu.

It's already very late. Since you are here, I should also do my best to be a landlord.

Let’s go to the institute’s cafeteria for dinner.”

Prince Su Shu nodded and responded: "Uncle Su Lin, don't eat any delicacies from the mountains and seas. Eat some of the specialties from your research institute.

I didn’t know enough about the technology of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences before, but after seeing the value of fast-growing rice, I realized that my previous knowledge was shallow.”

Su Lin nodded and said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's thoughts are actually the thoughts of many people.

Many people will roll their eyes unconsciously when they hear that we are studying farming, pig raising, and chicken raising.

I thought in my mind that I was just farming and raising livestock, so what's the point of studying it?

This time I will give you the specialties from the research institute. The value of the ingredients is not high, but the value of the technology itself is extremely high."

Niu Shijin had just arrived in Nanyang. He had been preparing to start everything from scratch in Beihai and other provinces.

He did not expect that he would have such great achievements. As long as he planted fast-growing rice, all officials in Nanyang would not have to worry about their achievements in promotion.

Niu Shijin, who was originally in the Hopeless Pavilion, had a chance of promotion.

Niu Shijin looked at the rice fields that were not yet fully mature and said regretfully: "I really want to taste the taste of fast-growing rice, but it's a pity that the season is wrong.

I will have a chance to taste it in the future. Your Highness the Crown Prince wonders when he will be able to eat a bowl of rice made from quick-growing rice."

When Prince Su Shu heard Niu Shijin's words, he almost laughed.

"Governor Niu, fast-growing rice can be harvested six times a year. Why does Uncle Su Lin know that it can be harvested six times a year? Of course it is because the first five crops of rice have been harvested.

Governor Niu wants to eat quick-growing rice, but rice is enough."

Su Lin said quickly from the side: "We can easily satisfy Governor Niu's small request."

The group of them went to the cafeteria of the institute and came to the private room where distinguished guests were entertained.

The guards of Prince Su Shu were distributed throughout the cafeteria to protect him. Some of the guards entered the cafeteria directly to supervise the chef in cooking.

Su Lin sat near the door. Whenever the waiter in the cafeteria brought a dish, he would briefly introduce it.

"This is fried tomatoes with eggs. The eggs are from our carefully cultivated laying hens. They can lay one egg a day and they are laying eggs every day.

Once such laying hens are cultivated on a large scale, people will be able to afford eggs.

Tomatoes are a delicacy found in America, and this dish has a unique sweet and sour taste, which is very appetizing.”

"This is braised pork and nine-turn large intestine. We carefully cultivated the Chinese large black pig after many rounds of cross-breeding.

Let the big black pig eat more food and gain weight faster.

For large black pigs that originally took more than a year to be put on the market, we have shortened the time to ten months.

People who raise pigs in the future can shorten their breeding time by at least two to three months."

"This dish is soy sauce beef.

This is the beef cattle we specially raise. It is a beef cattle breed successfully developed by breeding Chinese cattle and cattle shipped from Europe.

The biggest advantage of this kind of cattle is that it can eat more feed.

Feed made from corn and soybean meal is rarely eaten by picky cattle. If raised in non-grassland areas, the cost of pasture is too expensive.

With this kind of cattle, there is no need to breed them on the grassland, they can be raised anywhere in the empire.

This kind of large yellow cattle is now bred around the main cities of the empire.

Just because the "Dahua Law" imposes penalties on eating beef, the number of large scalpers raised has never been high.

I believe that with the popularization of agricultural machinery, the importance of cattle to agricultural production has decreased, and the provisions of the "Dahua Law" regarding eating cattle have changed."

Su Lin talked about thirteen dishes in a row, and behind each dish were species carefully cultivated by the Agricultural Research Institute.

He finally took the rice bowl and placed it in the middle of the table.

"This is rice made from quick-growing rice. Let's officially start the meal and enjoy it."

They started to eat. Prince Su Shu was already very familiar with the taste of quick-growing rice. He only ate in small bites, mainly eating his favorite braised pork.

Niu Zhijin ate big rice. His eyes widened and he kept chewing the rice in his mouth.

I chewed it for a long time before swallowing it, and quickly added a piece of beef with soy sauce.

Prince Su Shu saw the way Niu Shijin was eating, and he asked: "Is the rice not delicious?"

Niu Shijin did not answer directly, he said euphemistically: "This is related to the fact that I often eat pasta.

The main crops grown in the north are wheat and corn, and these two crops are difficult to eat for cooking.

Grind them into flour and you can make so many delicious foods.

Suddenly I started eating rice and I wasn’t used to the taste of rice.”

Prince Su Shu laughed and said: "Governor Niu, why do you have to say something that goes against your will.

If it doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t taste good. The advantage of fast-growing rice is that it can be harvested six times a year and has huge yields.

Everything has yin and yang. The disadvantage of fast-growing rice is that it is unpalatable.

I heard Uncle Su Lin say the specific reason, but I can’t remember it clearly.”

Su Lin quickly explained: "The delicious taste of plants also needs time to brew, and the specific reason is not yet understood.

However, according to data from agricultural research institutes in various places, only rice is used, excluding the influence of the quality of varieties.

Rice that matures in one year after a long period of sunlight tastes the most delicious.

The two- or three-ripe rice in the Jiangnan area is almost boring to eat, but it still has the taste of rice.

Fast-growing rice receives very short light, and its taste can be imagined.

The purpose of our research and development of fast-growing rice is to solve the empire's food and clothing problem, so that even the poorest people can afford to eat."

Niu Shijin smiled awkwardly, then clasped his fists and said, "I admire you very much for your righteousness, sir."

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he took the initiative to stir up the topic.

"Your Highness, I heard about the smuggling gang headed by the Wu family. They smuggled steam engines and other important technologies to Europe.

Will this allow technology in Europe to develop rapidly? By the time we come into contact with Europe, their ironclad ships have already been built."

When Prince Su Shu heard about the Wu family smuggling gang, he had an angry look on his face, and then said confidently:

“Steam engines are very important to industry, but if industry wants to develop, it is by no means just acquiring steam engine technology.

The steam engine cylinder requires strong seamless steel pipe, otherwise it will crack under the huge pressure.

Cylinder processing requires extremely high-precision boring machines, and there cannot be any deviation during processing.

Once the cylinder is crooked and the piston does not match the cylinder, the steam engine will not run at all.

There may be several skilled craftsmen in Europe who can make steam engines by hand hammering.

But if Europe wants to industrialize large-scale production, they still need to solve a lot of technologies.

But the Wu family smuggling gang was extremely hateful and smuggled steam engines to Europe.

Europe would have needed decades to break through technology. With physical reference, they would know the right direction to move forward. Sooner or later, technology would be broken through.

Fortunately, the Empire has developed diesel engines with higher technical requirements.

Even if the diesel engine technology is handed over to Europe, the locals will not have the ability to manufacture it."

After listening to this, Su Lin sighed with emotion: "What His Royal Highness the Prince said is extremely correct, scientific research is indeed like this.

Before success, I had no idea whether this road would work, and it was completely like a blind man trying to figure out the elephant.

If you can know in advance which path will be successful, scientific research is nothing but ink and wash skills, and you will succeed sooner or later.

The crimes committed by the Wu family's smuggling gang are too numerous to mention, and the court should be implicated.

Without the support of that old boy Wu Hongyi, how could Wu Hongyou, a member of the Wu family, become the director of the Nanyang Customs Administration?

Could it be that just saying that Wu Hongyou had started his own business was the reason to let it go?

If I change my name to Su Sen, am I no longer me? The royal family will no longer support me. How is this possible?

Blood must be thicker than water, how can it be dismissed by just saying "Self-reliance"."

Prince Su Shu did not expect that Uncle Su Lin was still very concerned about current affairs.

Regarding the handling of Cabinet Minister Wu Hongyi, the imperial court has only just reached a consensus and has not officially announced it to the world.

Cabinet Minister Wu Hongyi first retreated in the court and asked the court to punish Wu Hongyou.

Other ministers did not buy his approach at all, and they strongly demanded that Wu Hongyi be severely punished.

Without Wu Hongyi's secret connivance, Wu Hongyou would have been a subordinate promoted by Wu Hongyi and promoted to Nanyang Customs.

There is no trading of rights here, and that is treating everyone as fools.

Cabinet Minister Wu Hongyi could not bear the pressure and resigned.

His request for resignation was approved by Emperor Su He.

Wu Hongyi returned to his hometown in Rongcheng, Sichuan in despair, with no one to see him off.

Everyone in the court knew that the emperor had not punished the family severely, but was showing extra mercy.

Former Prime Minister Wei Shiming had a chance to make a comeback, but Wu Hongyi had no chance to make a comeback.

Prince Su Shu thought of Wu Hongyi's ending and thought it was normal.

When Wu Hongyi got this result, he was almost certain that Wu Hongyi was not involved in the smuggling case.

The punishment his father gave him was just for not knowing people well and for failing to manage the clan well.

Wu Hongyi was implicated by his family, but this is a normal situation.

The relationship between an individual and a clan is one of mutual prosperity and loss.

There is no such thing as enjoying the benefits without paying the price.

Prince Su Shu did not express his thoughts.

He just said lightly: "I believe in my father's judgment. There must be corresponding reasons for my father's decision."

When Su Lin heard what Prince Su Shu said, he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Even in an ordinary clan, it is a very unethical thing for an ordinary father to do in front of his son.

What's more, this is the royal family. If you don't pay attention to your words, you will be irresponsible to yourself.

He saw that Prince Su Shu was not angry because of this.

Fortunately, the joy of the success of fast-growing rice made Prince Su Shu very happy.

Su Lin immediately changed the topic and stopped talking about things that his status was not suitable to talk about.

He looked at the Nanyang governor beef jerky who was tasting the dishes and asked about the governor's affairs.

Whatever happens, his identity can cover it up.

Su Lin looked at Niu Shijin and asked, "Governor Niu, since you know about fast-growing rice, your next policy strategy should change.

Let’s talk about it conveniently. If our Agricultural Research Institute can help, we will definitely help immediately.”

Niu Shijin looked at Prince Su Shu who was sitting beside him.

His policy strategy has been recognized by Emperor Su He.

The emergence of fast-growing rice will allow him to slightly adjust his policy strategy, but will never change the general direction of his policy.

If his policy strategy can be approved by Prince Su Shu, it will have great hidden benefits for him.

Niu Shijin glanced at Su Lin gratefully. It was the first time he met this royal relative, and they had nothing to do with each other.

He didn't know the reason why Su Lin did this. You En would repay the favor later and show his ability first.

Niu Shijin coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "I came to Nanyang to govern in three main directions.

The first direction is to strengthen Chinese education in Nanyang.

Chinese education involves the fundamentals of the frontier and must not be slacked off at all.

I have been managing local areas in border provinces for many years, and I know that we must find ways to integrate the newly conquered areas into the mainstream of the empire, and we must not retain the characteristics of this place.

People will divide into small circles based on different points.

When I was in Beihai Province, I saw some nomadic tribes who were separated from a large tribe.

It's just because of the difference between the rich and the poor. The grassland where a certain tribe is located has fertile water and grass and can raise more cattle and sheep, so they are richer.

Two identical tribes, just because of this slight difference, split into two completely different tribes decades later.

The two tribes even fought each other with swords, completely forgetting that they came from the same origin.

Sinicization education is essential, which is to assimilate the people here on the frontier into the same people as those in the interior of the empire.

We have common beliefs, we have common customs, and we have common culture, then we are all Chinese.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Education must be completely universal, and both adults and children must use Chinese and Chinese characters.

Completely abolish indigenous languages ​​and do not allow them to retain indigenous languages ​​in the name of dialects.

If Nanyang wants to realize this, it must be led by the governor's office and build a large number of schools, which also open night schools.

I was worried that the governor's office didn't have that much money, and the success of fast-growing rice would definitely lead to a bumper harvest in Nanyang.

Just the tax generated from the processing and trading of grain products is enough to build a primary school.

The second policy direction is not to miss the opportunity and build the Nanyang region into the granary of the empire.

Once this large-scale granary is successful, even if the entire interior of the empire is hit by a disaster, the people will have a large supply of food and will never go hungry.

The third policy direction is to make full use of the Strait of Malacca to make Nanyang an imperial shipping center.

Take shipping as the leader, absorb a large number of shipyards, and provide merchants with high-quality cargo ships."

Niu Shijin knew that the imperial court would never let border provinces control systematic industrial capabilities, especially military production capabilities.

He then stepped back and focused on the field of cargo ships. Cargo ships were not sensitive at all and were very suitable for Nanyang, which had a weak foundation.

As long as there is an industrial industrial chain for cargo ships in Nanyang, driven by this industrial chain, it will definitely drive the development of Nanyang's industry.

When Prince Su Shu heard Niu Shijin's strategy, he gave a thumbs up and said in approval: "Governor Niu is very thoughtful in his work. I believe that Nanyang will be transformed under the leadership of Governor Niu."

They chatted and laughed, discussing recent events in the empire.

After eating, Prince Su Shu and Governor Niu Shijin drove back to the city.

Prince Su Shu has finished handing over to Niu Shijin.

He has investigated the case, has nothing to miss in Nanyang, and is preparing to return to the capital.

This chapter has been completed!
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