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Chapter 82

Li Fengming held the statistical report with a relaxed expression on his face.

After their war with the Ming Dynasty ended, Li Fengming led the staff and has been busy with this matter.

The analysis and summary of tens of thousands of questionnaires is finally over.

"Commander Su, we have completed the report as per your request.

We draw fan charts based on percentages for various statistics."

Su He took the report. The data on it was very detailed.

He could clearly see the wishes of grassroots soldiers from the fan chart on the report form.

Soldiers at the grassroots level have serious differences on some issues and do not form unified opinions.

But for some questions, the soldiers chose roughly the same.

There were three questions in total, and 90% of the soldiers chose the same answer.

Su He looked at the result of the soldier's choice.

Soldiers hope that the title system will be more detailed. The title system they are most likely to accept is the military title system of the Qin Dynasty.

Soldiers hope that officers cannot beat or scold soldiers at will, and that they have the right to punish officers.

The soldiers were satisfied that the military salary was one acre of land for one year of service, but they wanted the reward to be preferably in silver.

The second question was directly rejected by Su He. This is completely delusional.

Nowadays, the range of the flintlock gun is only one hundred meters. You cannot lie down to shoot, you must remain standing.

The tactic that can maximize the power of flintlock guns is to line up and shoot.

This requires officers to have absolute authority.

Soldiers must obey discipline.

Discipline represents combat effectiveness.

But in response to this problem, Su He has been exploring more suitable punishment methods.

The solution he is now planning to try is to refine the military regulations.

Let every soldier know why they are being punished.

At the same time, officers' rights are restricted. Only when soldiers violate discipline can officers punish them.

At the same time, the methods of punishment are stipulated. Officers are not allowed to insult soldiers, and soldiers are not allowed to be treated as servants.

Su He used a pencil to record his idea.

When asking Su Ying to create military regulations and rules, he used his idea as the standard.

Su He looked at the third item.

He wanted to understand why the soldiers wanted more money.

Su He found that the main reason was that silver was more convenient to use.

You can use silver to buy land directly. You can send the silver back home to improve your family's life. The silver can be used directly as a betrothal gift to marry a wife.

The land awarded cannot be freely bought and sold, so it is very difficult to realize it.

Suhe can easily meet this requirement.

Coinciding with the currency reform, new coins were issued to soldiers.

The most important one is the title reform.

Su He did not make a decision immediately. He sought the opinions of many senior generals.

He discussed with Li Fengming and Wang Zhongce for a long time.

They finally discussed an improvement plan for the title system.

Refer to the military title system of the Qin Dynasty and the title system formulated previously.

It mainly adds low-level titles to facilitate the understanding of lower-level personnel without creating complicated title names.

The new title system has a total of twenty-four titles.

The most basic title is Lord.

From the ninth-class Lord to the first-class Lord.

Advance through the levels of viscount, earl, duke, and king.

Viscounts are divided into third-class viscounts, second-class viscounts and first-class viscounts.

Earls are divided into third-class Earls, second-class Earls and first-class Earls.

Marquises are divided into rural marquises, county marquises and county marquises.

The dukes are divided into county dukes, county dukes, and national dukes.

The royal titles are divided into county kings, county kings and princes.

In the hereditary system, Suhe listened to the opinions of senior officials and made certain improvements.

The recipient of the initial title can designate direct descendants to inherit the title during his or her lifetime.

The heir's title remains unchanged, and when it is passed on to future generations, it must be hereditary at a reduced level.

Descendants have no merit, and the title can only be maintained for one generation.

The heir to a title obtains a new title, and this title is higher than his original title.

He can transfer his original title to his immediate family members.

The title does not have the privilege of tax exemption or the privilege of disregarding the law.

There is a stipend for the title, but the money is not much.

The highest prince is given five hundred taels of silver per year, and the lowest ninth-level lord is given ten taels of silver per year.

The real benefits of a title are the attendant privileges and honors.

The way to obtain a title is not just military merit, but military merit is the easiest to obtain.

Civil servants and craftsmen can also make great achievements and obtain titles, which is very difficult.

Su He looked at the designed title system and said with emotion: "I still didn't understand people's hearts clearly before.

The designed title system is too high-end, which makes it irrelevant to most people.

The title system of the Qin Dynasty was designed very well, and it could mobilize lower-level soldiers.

Now this title system is divided into twenty-four levels.

The lowest title can be seen and touched by ordinary people.

They have fought for their titles all their lives and contributed to our cause of rebellion."

It took Su He a long time to understand the advantages of the Qin Dynasty's military merit title system.

It broke the class monopoly, and even a slave could become a Chehou through military merit.

People have extremely high potential, and as long as they can see hope, their full potential can be unleashed.

Wang Zhongce and Li Fengming, listening to Su He's words, just echoed from the sidelines.

The matter of knighthood is too sensitive, so they can only provide suggestions from the sidelines and cannot make the decision on behalf of Su He.

After Su He set up the new title system, he formally awarded titles to the soldiers who had made military exploits this time.

At the same time, new titles will be granted to those who made military exploits last time but were not awarded a title.

Su He asked the commander-in-chief to immediately issue a notice and invite the person who was awarded the title to attend the ceremony.

On the Han River, Li Fuyun rowed his boat, humming a small tune, and rushed towards Hanzhong City.

"Song Chaozi, your fortune telling is really accurate. You said that I would make a great fortune, and this time I really made a great fortune.

The commander-in-chief informed me that I have been awarded the eighth rank of Lord. This is a title!

I didn’t expect that I, an old boatman, could become a nobleman, and my ancestral graves are filled with smoke."

Song Kangnian defected to Suhe, Hanzhong. He met the Suhe army in Hanyin who had just occupied Hanyin.

With his third-rate medical skills and amazing eloquence, he became familiar with these soldiers.

Take their warship and rush to Hanzhong Mansion.

"Brother, you also met a noble person. In the first battle, you uncovered a spy who wanted to burn down the ship.

When he attacked Hanyin, he took the lead and captured the city of Hanyin, achieving sufficient military exploits.

If you can't be knighted in this way, then your leadership level is really not good enough."

"You speak nicely. I live a very happy life in this army.

Rewards and punishments are clear, and you will be rewarded for your military exploits, but the discipline is too strict."

Yu Fuyun said with a smile.

In the camp outside Baoji County, Su Hu and Li Dazhuang were saying goodbye.

"Brother Li, you have worked hard these days to train elite soldiers for me."

Li Dazhuang asked with some surprise: "Commander Su asked us to go back to attend the investiture ceremony. I am a first-class earl.

Master Su Hu has made great achievements, why don’t you go back and award him with honors?”

Su Hu pointed to the north and said calmly: "The army is here. As the commander-in-chief, how can I leave?

I also received a title this time, Marquis of Yimen, a rural Marquis, not worth mentioning."

Su Hu also wanted to go back to attend the medal ceremony, but the Weihe Defense Line could not do without him.

Who knows whether the Ming Dynasty will suddenly mobilize the border troops to attack them.

Su Hu knew that this was not just a medal ceremony, Su He would also get married in the near future.

He was unable to attend any of these important occasions.

This is really a regret in life, but there is no way.

Li Dazhuang also understood Su Hu.

He felt uncomfortable having to miss such an important occasion.

He was even more envious of Su Hu's title. From these few titles, it can be seen that the Marquis will not be awarded easily without great merit.

Li Dazhuang hopes that he can make great contributions in the future, be granted a marquis title, and honor his ancestors.

The greater his fame, the farther his name spreads.

If his sister was still alive, she would know his identity and take the initiative to look for him.

This chapter has been completed!
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