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Chapter 822 Breaking through the defense line

Lu Chenyang was sitting in a specially-made command vehicle.

The compartment of this car is huge, with a sand table in the middle and a combat map hung on the compartment.

There is also a wireless telegraph next to it, which can transmit and receive electromagnetic waves through an antenna outside the carriage.

He could communicate with officers on the front line by telegraph.

In order to prevent missing important telegram information, Lu Chenyang arranged for three correspondents to receive telegrams that might be sent from the front at any time through three wireless telegraph machines.

The codes used in military communications are extremely complex and must be used by communicators who have been trained for a long time.

They can receive and send telegrams clearly and accurately.

Lu Chenyang drew an arrow on the map with a pen.

The vanguard of the First Army should have crossed the agreed-upon boundary between the empire and Persia.

The empire's war against Persia will officially begin.

At this moment, the telegraph made a ticking sound.

The correspondent quickly received the telegram and walked to Lu Chenyang with the telegram.

"Report to the commander that the vanguard has entered Persian territory."

Lu Chenyang had no unnecessary expression. He was very calm and directly ordered: "Notify the arrival of the front line and act according to the established plan.

The vanguard army cleared out the enemy troops wandering around the perimeter and cleared a safe area for the army to set up camp.

The Persians were very arrogant. They built defense lines in the northern mountainous area specifically to defend against the empire.

Name it the Indestructible Shield, our First Army will smash its turtle shell."

After Lu Chenyang finished his instructions, he followed the relevant procedures and sent a report to the Metropolitan Governor's Office in the capital, notifying the First Army that it had officially crossed the border.


Governor Qi Gangyi has been waiting for the situation on the front line.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already evening, but in Persia it was noon.

According to the speed of the car, the First Army should reach the designated position.

"Grand Governor, the telegram from the First Army has arrived."

Qi Gangyi received the telegram and saw that the First Army was operating smoothly according to the plan.

He immediately took the telegram and approached Qianqing Palace.

After Qi Gangyi bowed and saluted, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the First Army has crossed the border. In half an hour, the First Army will launch an attack like the Persian defense line."

After Emperor Su He read the telegram, he said with a serious expression: "We are a country of etiquette, and we never do such dirty things as undeclared war.

It has always been the empire's guideline to conduct wars."

Chu Sheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, immediately stood up.

This matter is the first major task the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received since it became independent from the Ministry of Rites and was upgraded from a department to a ministry.

Only if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles this matter well can the value of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the empire be proved.

With emotions of sadness and anger, Chu Sheng gritted his teeth and reported: "Your Majesty, Zhu Youzhi, a great businessman of the empire, was detained without reason in Persia.

Persia did not establish diplomatic relations with the empire, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still sent officials to strongly condemn Persia and urge them to immediately release the empire's citizen Zhu Youzhi.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned Persia in advance that if Persia insists on going its own way, it will usher in the thunderous wrath of the empire.

Persia ignored the empire's warning and instead sentenced merchant Zhu Youzhi to death."

Everyone in Qianqing Palace suppressed their laughter. They all knew the cause and effect of this incident.

Zhu Youzhi was a smuggling merchant who specialized in smuggling novel items from the empire, as well as poorly controlled medicines, cement and other items, and sold them to Persia at high prices.

Some time ago, Zhu Youzhi died in a foreign land because he was involved in a dispute among Persian high-level officials.

After the empire decided to attack Persia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to rack its brains to come up with reasons for the invasion.

This reason must be able to withstand the test on the surface.

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was struggling to find a reason, it saw the obituary issued by the Chamber of Commerce and immediately decided to take down the obituary and pretend that Zhu Youzhi was not dead.

It is a reasonable thing for the empire to rescue its citizens who have been assassinated by foreign countries.

Even though Persia has great abilities, he cannot resurrect the dead.

Just reversing the order of some things would be enough to make all the people of the empire angry.

Emperor Su He slammed the table with his hand and said angrily: "This is unreasonable, the dignity of me and the empire must not be trampled on.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately issued a declaration of war to Persia, and the two countries were officially at war."

Emperor Suhe's order was issued, and a special radio wave was sent to the Persian capital Isfahan.

A white-haired Foreign Ministry official laughed wildly in the hotel where he was staying after receiving the telegram.

"My minister, Zhou Fengxiang, finally has a chance to serve his country.

Only by losing this small life in Persia can arouse the anger of the people of the empire.

Even if the empire’s attack on Persia is frustrated, the people will support the empire’s continued campaign against Persia.”

Zhou Fengci knew that he did not have much time left in his life, so he was the most suitable official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send a declaration of war.

Civilized countries have their own response methods, and barbaric countries have their own response methods.

Persia was extremely cruel and barbaric to its own people, let alone a small foreign official like him.

Zhou Fengxiu straightened his chest and walked squarely towards the palace of Persia, looking as if he was ready to die.

After he sent someone to inform him, he could not see the Persian king.

He could only throw the belligerent credentials to the doctorate official who met him.

He said word by word, arrogantly: "Persia has offended the emperor and hurt the dignity of the empire because it ignored the empire's requirements.

Imperial time 4351 (AD 1654), April 25th, after 17:34.

The empire will officially enter a state of war with Persia."

When the Persian reception official heard the news, his legs were shaking with fear.

He is one of the few officials in Persia who understands Chinese, but he still has no native language familiarity with Chinese.

He asked with a trembling tone: "You mean the empire is going to attack Persia."

Zhou Fengci nodded and said: "If you don't understand Chinese, I'll say it again slowly. From now on, the empire and Persia have officially entered a state of war."

When the Persian official heard the exact answer, he immediately lay down with beads of sweat on his head.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As an official who can speak Chinese, he usually reads some newspapers brought by businessmen to understand the situation in the world.

He was one of the first people in Persia who opened his eyes to see the world and knew the power of the empire.

The official left immediately and reported this important news to his superiors.

When the King of Persia learned about this, he was so frightened that his body trembled slightly. What he had been worried about finally happened.

He immediately summoned the Persian ministers to discuss how to deal with the situation.

Persia is now divided into two main factions.

One group is the local self-rescue group, who are prepared to use the complex terrain of Persia to deal with the enemy.

One group is the alliance group. The policy they have always advocated is to form an alliance with the Ottoman Turkish Empire in the west.

Use the powerful size of the Ottoman Turkish Empire to protect Persia from intrusion.

The two factions are arguing endlessly, and no one dares to be cautious when it comes to the life and death of Persia.

They believe that if the Great China Empire wants to attack Persia, it will take at least nearly half a year of preparation from notification to formal implementation.

They have enough time to figure out a way to save themselves.

The two factions quarreled for a long time, but there was no winner.

The only consensus they reached was to lock up the official sent by the Great China Empire and take advantage of the official.

Persia cut off its trade with the Great China Empire, and upon discovering the merchants of the Great China Empire, they were immediately thrown into prison.

Zhou Fengci saw that the Persians were coming to arrest him, so he sent out the news that the letter of engagement was successfully delivered.

At the same time, a dangerous warning was issued that Persia is extremely dangerous and is about to fall into war with the Great China Empire.

This danger warning is sent to everyone in clear code.

He was prepared to die generously and asked his subordinates to destroy the telegraph machine and some documents before doing so.


Lu Chenyang just took a car to the camp set up by the vanguard troops.

This temporary camp was built on a hill.

Low mountains and rift valleys are everywhere here.

To the south, these hilly areas are blocked by rolling mountains.

There are many mountains in Persia, many of which are somewhat low.

Lu Chenyang looked carefully towards the south. He saw a tall mountain range at the end of the rolling hillsides.

It seems that there are many roads out of the mountain, but for the empire, there is only one road that can pass a large number of troops, including tanks and cars.

Lu Chenyang said with emotion: "There is also an expert in Persia, who can see the importance of logistics to the empire.

The only reinforced concrete defense line is laid on the only path our army must pass."

Chief of Staff He Guangzhi agreed: "Countries that can stand for thousands of years without being completely destroyed have some background.

Anyone who knows a little bit about strategy can determine the direction of our army's attack."

Lu Chenyang pointed forward and said: "The telegram came from the capital, the empire officially issued a declaration of war to Persia, and the two countries entered a state of war.

If we want to attack Persia, we must first break through this heavily defended line of defense."

Lu Chenyang issued a military order, and an hour later, he officially launched an attack on the Persian army in front.

The Royal Army of China was resting in the camp.

The Persian army on the opposite side saw densely packed cars parked at the foot of the mountain.

There was a look of horror on their faces. There was no doubt about this formation. The empire took the initiative to attack Persia.

Bahram, the general of the fortress, used imported telescopes to look at the army of the Chinese Empire in front of him.

This situation is easy to judge. The Chinese Empire is preparing to attack Persia.

General Bahram judged the flag and learned that the number of attackers was approximately 40,000.

The entire defense line, including the militiamen, numbered 150,000, and the number of defenders was more than three times that of the opponent.

The weapons of the Persian army were very backward, but they were located on a high mountain and used the mountains as cover.

The Dahua Empire has sharp firearms, but in this situation, the power of their firearms cannot be exerted.

General Bahram chose to build a defense line here just to prevent the Great China Empire from fully exerting its strength.

It is now the end of April and the rainy season is coming.

As long as he delays it through the rainy season, the Great China Empire's attack will definitely be suspended.

Persia had a chance to breathe.

When General Bahram ordered all armies to prepare for war, he immediately sent people to Isfahan to inform the king of the invasion of the Dahua Empire.

At this moment, he envied the telegraph technology of the Great China Empire, which could send messages to distant places in an instant.

Persia did not have this technology, so it could only send cavalry on fast horses to inform the rear of the news.

The peacetime consumption of a 150,000-strong army is completely different from the wartime consumption.

General Bahram also needed support from the home front.


Lu Chenyang came to the artillery position with a cigarette in his mouth.

While other branches of the military are resting, the artillery has been busy.

He looked at Zhang Wenliang, the commander of the army's heavy artillery regiment, and asked, "How are the artillery preparations going?"

Zhang Wenliang saluted with a military salute and immediately replied: "Commander, the artillery regiment has been prepared and can attack the enemy at any time."

Lu Chenyang issued the order: "Don't look at it. It is already six o'clock in the evening, Empire time. We have just finished eating here and the sun is still high in the sky.

The artillery regiment first conducted shelling for two hours to destroy the enemy's fortifications and confidence in resistance."

Zhang Wenliang said confidently: "Commander, please rest assured, even the reinforced concrete buildings built by the empire cannot withstand two hours of heavy artillery bombardment.

The cement purchased by Persia through smuggling is only the most basic civilian model, and this cement is not resistant to explosions at all."

Zhang Wenliang received the order, and he immediately commanded the artillery to start bombarding the Persian fortress ahead indiscriminately according to the set parameters.

Lu Chenyang looked at the heavy cannons that kept emitting streams of fire, and he felt very emotional in his heart.

He was a soldier at that time. When encountering such a fortress that was difficult to attack, he could only rely on soldiers who were not afraid of sacrifice to carry explosive bags to break through the enemy's defense and blow up the enemy's fortress.

Now there is no need for soldiers to carry explosive bags, only heavy artillery is needed to exert its power, and the enemy troops will be wiped out.

The heavy artillery regiment continued to bombard the Persian fortress, and the smoke over the Persian fortress was so thick that it had obscured the entire fortress.

Lu Chenyang occasionally saw from the smoke rising from above that various parts of the fortress had cracked.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "The profiteers are really making money. It has only been half an hour since the explosion, and the fortress is already cracking.

They used the cheapest cement to build the fortress."

Lu Chenyang informed the eager troops in front that when the fortress collapsed, it was time for them to attack.


Liu Yangyang saw the artillery regiment bombing indiscriminately.

He was so far away that his ears kept ringing.

"This scene is so spectacular, the war scene is completely different from what my father said.

Our artillery is too powerful, and the place will definitely be destroyed.

Elite soldiers like us cannot withstand such a bombing."

Liu Yangyang saw the cannonballs falling on the fortress, and there were constant banging sounds, and he felt his heartbeat rising and falling with it.

He only heard a loud roar, and the flying dust was thicker than the smoke before.

The ground where he was was constantly shaking.

Liu Yangyang looked at the scene ahead and said excitedly: "The heavy artillery regiment is really powerful. The enemy's fortress collapsed."

He looked at the friendly troops in front of them, immediately picked up his gun and crawled forward, running towards the collapsed fortress.

Liu Yangyang heard his subordinates say with envy: "Traditional infantry can get more military honors."

He immediately retorted: "Open your eyes, the fortress has collapsed.

These people rushed over just to collect the corpses of the Persians, so how could they get much military merit?"

Liu Yangyang continued to wait, knowing that his subordinates would definitely win military honors.

The special whistle of his life reached Liu Yangyang's ears, and he immediately became excited and shouted loudly: "Brothers, it's our time to show off."

Liu Yangyang had a pistol on his waist. He carried a half-meter-high iron box on his back and held an iron pipe made of fine steel in his right hand.

As he walked, the sound of liquid colliding seemed to come from the box.

Protected by an army, they immediately crossed the Persian fortress.

Liu Yangyang glanced at the fortress, which had been completely destroyed by artillery.

Many Persians were shocked to death or were crushed to death by the collapse of their fortresses.

Liu Yangyang led his men to a cave soon.

He skillfully aimed the iron pipe at the cave and pulled the trigger in his hand.

A huge fire snake spurted out from the iron pipe in his hand.

They are a very special type of fire-breathing soldier in the army, and they are best suited to clearing these sealed caves.

Several tongues of fire spurted out, and the screams of the enemy soldiers came from the cave.

Liu Yangyang said disdainfully: "In what age, if you still want to rely on the cave to resist, I will burn you all to ashes."

The sun sets from the west and the sky becomes darker.

Lu Chenyang received news that the army had broken through the enemy's defense line.

This chapter has been completed!
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