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Chapter 824 Blitzing Persia (2)

Wei Xiaoyong was dragged out of the tent by the guards in a daze.

"Regiment Commander, Corps Commander's phone number."

When Wei Xiaoyong heard that the army commander was looking for him, he immediately recovered from his dazed state.

He immediately walked quickly to the phone and picked up the phone receiver placed on the table.

"Hello, Commander, I'm Wei Xiaoyong."

"Captain Wei, your chariot regiment is going to battle today.

There will be cameras standing aside to record this war, and the content will be reported directly to His Majesty the Emperor.

Your chariot regiment must perform well, and restrain some of your usual minor problems."

When Wei Xiaoyong heard about the battle situation, it would be captured on film and reported to His Majesty the Emperor.

If he performs well in this war, he will definitely be remembered by His Majesty the Emperor.

This is the first actual battle since the chariot was launched, and it must perform perfectly.

Wei Xiaoyong quickly assured: "Commander, please rest assured, when has Xiaoyong ever embarrassed you?

Our tank regiment will definitely perform as well as we did during training."

Wei Xiaoyong put down the phone and immediately asked the guards to notify everyone in the chariot group to gather at the entrance of the cafeteria.

The muster whistle sounded in the camp, and the sleeping soldiers heard this very familiar whistle.

They immediately opened their eyes, put on their clothes as quickly as possible, picked up their weapons, and rushed out of their tents.

They shouted slogans and looked for their respective teams.

Soon, thousands of people had already lined up at the entrance of the temporary canteen.

Wei Xiaoyong stood in front of the large loudspeaker brought by the guards. The sound of the diesel generator running could still be heard in the distance.

He patted the microphone in front of him, and a banging sound immediately came from the big iron speaker next to him.

"Brothers, our tank regiment is about to face its first battle.

His Majesty the Emperor, the Grand Governor, and the top military officials are all watching the performance of our chariot regiment.

The treatment of our tank regiment is only slightly worse than that of the Navy, but it is the top level in the Army.

No one wants the reputation of Young Master Bing to fall on them.

The chariot regiment must demonstrate merit commensurate with its treatment.

This war will be filmed entirely by cameras, and the recorded content will be reported to His Majesty the Emperor.

Your performance will be in the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor and will probably be circulated throughout the army.

I will never allow anyone to hold back our entire army.

Each tank commander takes full responsibility. Apart from mechanical failures, I don't want to hear about problems caused by individuals.

Whether the tank is full of oil, whether the lubricating oil is applied properly, and whether the ammunition is fully loaded.

The tank commander must determine these issues before setting off.

At the beginning of the war, the strongest strength of the tank regiment can be shown.

But it is absolutely not allowed to kill prisoners who have surrendered in a playful manner.

Did you all hear clearly?"

When Captain Wei Xiaoyong asked the last words, the soldiers of the chariot regiment shouted in unison: "Listen clearly."

"It's time for dinner.

Let me give you a piece of advice from a veteran. After eating, I will take care of all your poop and urine.

Once the war starts, even if you have diarrhea, you will have to be held in the car by me."

Commander Wei Xiaoyong waved his hand and asked the soldiers to go to the canteen to eat.

He ate the steamed buns and tofu bread that the guards had brought in advance, and finished his breakfast in just a few bites.

Wei Xiaoyong called the engineers sent by the tank manufacturer and the maintenance personnel of the tank regiment to check whether there were any hidden dangers in the tank during the meal break.

They really picked out tanks with hidden dangers, and the main hidden dangers were concentrated in the tracks of the tanks.

The engineers immediately concentrated their manpower and repaired these potentially dangerous tanks before most of the tank regiment finished their meal.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong saw that most of the chariot regiment had finished eating, and he immediately arranged for these people to board the chariot.

He ended up on a tank with a different paint job than the others.

Other tanks are mainly painted in earthy yellow. This kind of painting is similar to the color of soil in most areas, and can be used as a hidden color to reduce the chance of enemy discovery in advance.

Wei Xiaoyong's chariot is bright red, and he is the command vehicle of the chariot regiment.

After the battle began, there was no effective means of communication between the two tanks.

Telegrams take too long to send and receive and are not a good method of communication.

Chariots cannot communicate through primitive semaphores like the rest of the army.

The other tanks can only watch the actions of the command tank.

Once the order to charge is given, just like the previous cavalry, they can only move forward and cannot take a step back.

Wei Xiaoyong waited for other members to enter the chariot. He was the last to climb onto the chariot, with half of his body exposed outside the vehicle.

He waved his hand and said loudly: "Chariot regiment, move forward."

Their temporary camp is not far from Trobaz City.

Chariots rely on their own power to travel to the battlefield, and they also rely on automobile transportation when approaching the battlefield.

Once discovered by the enemy on the way, the tank will become a useless target.

Wei Xiaoyong will not let the tank regiment fall into danger and eventually become a joke to the entire army.

The chariot regiment formed a chariot phalanx, braving billowing black smoke and making bang-bang-bang sounds, moving towards the main battlefield at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour.

A high-altitude reconnaissance airship headed to the vicinity of Trobatz for reconnaissance.

The scouts on the reconnaissance airship Chlorophytum look at the ground through binoculars.

He saw phalanxes of cars heading in different directions towards Trobaz.

The most special phalanx on the ground is the chariot phalanx.

The phalanx of chariots moves slower than cars, but when viewed from a high altitude, the phalanx of chariots gives people a very strong momentum.


April 27, 4351 (1654 AD).

The command vehicle in which Lu Chenyang, commander of the First Army, was already parked on the roadside.

We are approaching the battlefield here, and the personnel carriers are beginning to let the soldiers off.

The soldiers had already begun digging trenches, setting up machine guns, and building camps.

Vehicles transporting logistics supplies have been parked in advance according to the divided areas.

Commander Lu Chenyang looked at the many officers who came to the meeting.

He stretched out his left wrist and looked at the time on his watch.

"According to the custom of our ancestors, we time the time according to the shadow of the sun's corona.

It's now 10:45 local time.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Everyone’s watches are set according to this time.”

What Lu Chenyang was doing was a necessary task before the war started, which was to unify the time on all officers' watches.

When he issues orders, he always issues them according to standard time.

A time error on the battlefield is likely to be the difference between life and death.

Especially when artillery regiments carry out extended artillery fire, once the timing of friendly forces is wrong, it is very likely that there will be an own incident in which heavy artillery accidentally bombs one's own side.

All officers adjusted the time on their watches to match.

Lu Chenyang continued to arrange combat tasks.

He arranged the task and finally gave instructions: "The artillery regiment will bomb the Persian army at 11:20.

Attack the Persian bunkers and forts and completely suppress the Persians with firepower.

After the artillery bombardment stopped, the chariot regiment immediately launched an attack on the Persian army.

The rest of the troops will follow the chariot regiment, and when the chariot regiment breaks the enemy's gap, you will follow immediately."

Lu Chenyang looked at the eager officers, and he finally warned: "You must behave better.

The performance of the tank regiment will be videotaped throughout this war.

Who knows if the people sent by the Metropolitan Government will take random pictures with cameras.

I don’t want anyone to lose their career because of this.”

As soon as Lu Chenyang said these words, all the officers' faces became nervous.

They no longer behaved casually, thinking that the Persians were vulnerable and only needed to show some skills to deal with them.

This war will be videotaped, and the emperor will be crowned emperor. They must show their best performance.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you perform well, you will be successful. If you perform poorly, you will have no hope.

Lu Chenyang was very happy when he saw the performance of the officers.

He just wanted to use this method to urge his generals to use all their abilities.

Lu Chenyang knew that the performance of the First Army in this war basically determined the future development of the Royal Army.

Only if the Royal Army develops well will they have a broader space for development. Dragons cannot be raised in a small pond.

Lu Chenyang waved his hand at the end and said: "I have already explained everything I need to explain. Your wireless telegraph machines and backup wireless telegraph machines are all ready. They will go to their designated locations and wait for my orders at any time."

When the officers heard this order, they left the camp and led their troops to move to the designated location.

Wei Xiaoyong took the map in his hand and returned to the tank regiment to arrange the mission.

He boarded his command chariot and led all the chariots in the chariot regiment to the designated location to wait for orders.

Wei Xiaoyong stood on the chariot, breathing the air full of diesel exhaust.

He heard the sound of an air whistle coming from behind the tank regiment.

Wei Xiaoyong turned around and saw that this was the transport team pulling the heavy artillery regiment.

Before the vehicle overtook him, Zhang Wenliang said loudly: "Our artillery regiment goes first."

Wei Xiaoyong clenched his fists. This war must be fought successfully. He wanted others to stop looking down on the Chariot Group from now on.

Wei Xiaoyong was thinking about tactics and tactics in his mind. When he saw the artillery regiment again, the artillery regiment had already assumed the artillery position.

He picked up his binoculars and looked ahead. He could already see a city ahead that was slightly more luxurious than the imperial county seat.

This is Trobaz, the most important city in the Persian Empire.

Many Persian merchants in this city will go to the empire to do business, and they are considered to be a group of people in Persia who are relatively familiar with the empire.

Wei Xiaoyong waved his hand and commanded the chariot to make a special air whistle sound and slowly stop in the open space in front.

The remaining tanks of the tank regiment were parked according to the fixed terrain.

Wei Xiaoyong got off the chariot and came to the car following the chariot regiment. There were wireless telegraph machines and communications troops inside.

He took out two important telegrams from the signal soldiers.

A telegram was sent from a reconnaissance airship, which introduced the situation of the Persian army's defense.

Another telegram was specially sent by Army Commander Lu Chenyang before the war, asking him to avoid certain troops during the attack.

This is the army that the empire has already incited to rebel against. They will, under the right circumstances, stir up unrest within the Polish army.

Wei Xiaoyong was not surprised by this situation. The empire wanted to incorporate Persia into its direct territory, which was inseparable from the active integration of the local people.

He heard that this kind of active surrender to the indigenous people would usually be very loyal, and he heard that this was the fanaticism of the converts.

Wei Xiaoyong used a telescope to observe Trobatz's situation. He found that the local army was slightly panicked. They had already sensed the approach of the Imperial Royal Army.

He looked at his watch repeatedly, and the time finally came to eleven-twenty, which was the agreed time for the artillery regiment to fire.

The signal corpsman received a telegram at the same time, and he said excitedly: "Commander, the war has begun."

Wei Xiaoyong turned on the phone and the army commander formally issued the order to start the war.

Only then did he feel completely reassured that the chariot regiment's debut on the battlefield would not be terminated due to unexpected circumstances.

When Wei Xiaoyong returned to command the tank, he ordered the diesel engine of the tank to start and standby.

This is a diesel engine and it only takes a short time to restart.

If this was a steam engine, it would take nearly an hour to start, and the opportunity for war would have been missed.

He saw the various cannons of the artillery regiment roaring and countless shells falling into the enemy's formation.

Wei Xiaoyong saw that most of the artillery of the artillery regiment had ended the war, and some of the artillery had already aimed at the enemy's positions.

He immediately gave the order and the tank regiment set off towards the target.

The artillery regiment has cleared all the Persian forts. The only artillery that could cause damage to the tanks has been eliminated by the artillery regiment.

If the artillery regiment attacks now, it is likely to achieve zero casualties that will shock everyone.

Wei Xiaoyong entered the chariot and observed the situation of the enemy troops in front.

The enemy troops were completely panicked when they were bombarded by artillery. Many people found the tanks approaching at high speed and did not know what to do.

Wei Xiaoyong saw that the time was right, and he immediately gave the order to charge.

The cannon of the command tank rotates slightly, aiming in the direction of the enemy and firing a shot.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At the same time, the chariot also roared violently and began to speed up.

Directing the artillery fire of the tank is the order to charge.

All tanks of the tank regiment followed closely the actions of the command tank.

The tank's artillery began to target high-value targets and attack.

At this time, the artillery regiment had stopped shelling the enemy in order to prevent damage to the tanks, and only the shelling from the tanks could be seen on the battlefield.

The power of the artillery shells is far inferior to the heavy artillery of the artillery regiment, but if it is fired, it will knock the enemy soldiers off their feet.

The distance between the two armies was thousands of meters, and with the high-speed driving of the chariots, they soon arrived at the Persian army's camp.

Wei Xiaoyong saw several small ditches dug in front of the Persian army, and there were also horseback obstacles around the military camp.

Seeing this crude defense, he said excitedly: "Run over and get over here.

We have already come into close contact. It would be too wasteful to launch artillery shells from the ship. Then it is time for the machine guns to come into play."

After saying that, he personally controlled the machine gun and strafed the enemies in front and sides of the tank.

While the chariot was firing machine guns, it also rushed over the Persian ditch and ran over the Juma directly.

The performance of the chariot is extremely high. This kind of defensive tool against the war horse is a piece of cake for the chariot.

This wild marching posture scared the Persian army and screamed as if they were encountering a monster.

There were also some calm Persian soldiers, who took high-priced flintlock guns and aimed at the chariot.

With a bang, the lead bullet hit the steel plate of the tank without leaving even a hole.

When Wei Xiaoyong heard the gunfire, he immediately controlled the machine gun and fired in the direction of the sound.

The chariot easily tore through the Persian army's defense line.

The infantry following behind looked enviously at the performance of the chariots, dividing the Persian army into small pieces.

Wei Xiaoyong led his chariot and ship directly through the Persians' wails.

He looked at the Persian cavalry on the side who was preparing to support them, and immediately commanded the chariot to rush over.

The cavalry chariots of the new era will teach the cavalry of the old era that they have been eliminated by the times.

This chapter has been completed!
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