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Chapter 827: Starting provocations without permission

The gray-haired Ma Xianglin looked at the rolling Caucasus Mountains in the distance, blowing the sea breeze from the Black Sea.

He is over fifty years old. He spent the first half of his life working for the Ming Dynasty, and the second half of his life became a general of the new dynasty.

He had fought against the Manchus, the Mongols, and the Russians, but he had never encountered an enemy like the Ottomans.

The Ottomans were clearly outmatched by the empire, but they often sent small armies to die.

Ma Xianglin has obtained permission from the Governor-General to cross the Caucasus and attack the northwest region of Persia.

Of course he knew that the drunkard in the Governor's Palace was not interested in drinking.

The war that is about to break out will be the last war in his military career, and he must stand on the last duty of his life.

The injuries Ma Xianglin suffered over the years have erupted in his old age, and his body continues to have problems. When this war is over, he will submit his resignation to the emperor.

He was already a veteran general. If the Ottomans had dared to provoke them according to his previous temperament, he would have led a large army to fight against them.

In fact, the most important reason is that the 19th Army can only stick to the Caucasus region and is unable to attack outwards.

After the Sino-Russian War, the Great China Empire controlled the Ural Mountains and the Ural River.

The Ural Mountains are a mountainous area in a cold zone, making it inconvenient for marching and fighting.

The front line of the Ural River has been advancing slowly.

The Royal Army has not had any major wars in recent years, but small-scale border conflicts have occurred from time to time.

The General Staff took advantage of Russia's inability to control the Caucasus.

Send the 19th Army to capture the Caucasus.

Ma Xianglin led the 19th Army from Anxi Province to the Caucasus.

He discovered the Ottoman Turkish Empire and took advantage of the Russian power's retreat from the Caucasus to immediately occupy this area.

When Ma Xianglin saw this situation, he immediately led the 19th Army to clean up the Ottomans in the Caucasus.

Due to logistical supply difficulties, the 19th Army was unwilling to waste bullets and artillery shells, but still fought against the Ottoman Turkish army.

The 19th Army captured the Caucasus region and built fortresses in the mountains to garrison them.

When Ma Xianglin reported this to the General Staff, the General Staff drew a stroke of a pen on the map and drew the entire Caucasus region as the territory of the empire.

In doing so, the 19th Army's operations in the Caucasus region served to clean up local bandits who disobeyed the king.

There is no need to alert the Governor's Office for the actions of the 19th Army, and they can handle it on their own.

The 19th Army began to move quickly, and they already controlled most of the territory in the Caucasus.

But as the control area becomes larger, logistics and transportation cannot keep up.

The 19th Army could only take a defensive stance. Ma Xianglin saw the expectant eyes of his subordinates and there was nothing he could do.

The empire is laying a railway to Anxi Prefecture.

The railway is still very far away from the Caucasus, and the roads in the Caucasus are difficult to travel.

It is very difficult for the Logistics Department to transport ammunition to the 19th Army.

The 19th Army did not have enough ammunition and could only rely on strong firepower to take a defensive position.

The 19th Army suppressed the Ottoman army in the Caucasus, which also gave many local people in other areas oppressed by the Ottoman Turks the confidence to resist.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire brutally massacred and suppressed the infidels in its territory.

These people fled to the areas controlled by the 19th Army.

In order to expand territory, Ma Xianglin also reduced the casualties of the 19th Army.

He chose to use these natives to form a servant army and equip them with some old flintlock guns.

Ammunition for flintlock muskets can be supplied locally in the Caucasus.

After training, the Servant Army defeated the Ottoman Turkish army several times with the 19th Army holding the battle.

The fighting enthusiasm of the servant army was immediately mobilized, and their hatred for the Ottomans made them act crazy during the battle.

The thumping sound of the diesel engine made Ma Xianglin excited.

The situation of the 19th Army changed after the emergence of tools like automobiles.

The empire transported goods from the interior to Anxi Province. This transportation process mainly relied on railways and was not difficult at all.

The most difficult thing is to transport goods from Anxi Province to the Caucasus.

In many places, transportation could only rely on mules and horses, and the roads in these places were even impassable for horse-drawn carriages.

After the invention of the diesel engine, various construction machinery such as excavators appeared, making road construction easy.

The workload of hundreds of strong men in a day is far less effective than an excavator.

Roads can be repaired quickly, and trucks can carry as much traffic as a train car.

The 19th Army no longer has to worry about lack of ammunition.

Ma Xianglin is preparing to flex his muscles to clean up the territories in the Caucasus that are still occupied by Ottoman Turkey.

The changing situation in the empire made him dizzy.

The empire that originally gave up its expansion to the west is not even attacking the crippled Russia.

Suddenly he changed his attitude and declared war on Persia in the southwest of the empire.

Ma Xianglin didn’t know what oil was at first?

For this kind of thing, the empire uninhibitedly changed its strategic stance.

When he learned that the diesel used in cars is extracted from petroleum, he immediately understood the empire's position.

Everyone in the 19th Army was very excited when they received the news that they were assisting the First Army in attacking Persia.

Ma Xianglin knew that some people in the Metropolitan Government wanted the 19th Army to provoke a war between the Empire and Ottoman Turkey.

The Royal Army has been frustrated for too long, and a war between the Empire and Persia cannot satisfy many people's appetites.

Ma Xianglin was already over fifty, and without the energy of a young man, he was ready to fight a war against Persia.

As for whether he could provoke Ottoman Türkiye into this war, he decided to let it happen.

Cars passed by Ma Xianglin one after another, carrying large amounts of cement and steel.

These are the materials for building fortifications and bridges.

The road to the southern Caucasus is about to be completed.

For a normal mountain road, you only need to lay some gravel and compact it with a road roller.

The slowest part of building roads is digging tunnels and building bridges.

But this road, which the 19th Army has been building for several years, acquired a large number of construction machinery, and has suddenly accelerated, is about to be completed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Ma Xianglin heard a rapid breathing sound.

He saw Su Cheng, Chief of Staff of the 19th Army, holding a telegram and gasping for air.

Ma Xianglin asked in surprise: "Chief of Staff Su, we have worked together for many years, and you have always been a steady character. Why are you so impatient today?"

The road will be built soon, and our army will march straight in. We must let the Persians see the style of the iron army.

What are you worried about, Staff Officer Su? The cooked duck can fly."

Su Cheng blushed and said: "The cooked duck has really flown away. I received a telegram that the First Army has captured Isfahan and captured the King of Persia alive.

The main Persian army has been wiped out by the First Army, and all that is left are big cats and a few small cats. If you send out militiamen, you can just wait and see.

The Persian campaign is basically over, and even if we go to Persia, we won’t gain much military success.”

"What? How could this happen?"

Ma Xianglin's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

"The speed of the First Army was really unexpected. In less than ten days after our army received the order from the General Staff, the First Army had occupied Persia.

We have been away from the interior of the empire for too long and cannot understand the strength of the First Army.

I must apply to His Majesty to exchange troops from various places.

A large army stationed in a certain place for a long time is not conducive to the rule of the empire."

Su Cheng sighed and said regretfully: "What should we do now?

Everyone in our 19th Army is very excited and wants to make meritorious deeds and be rewarded.

Now that no merit has been achieved, if we just accept it like this, it will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

This is also not good for the empire’s reputation, and the servant army we formed thought we didn’t dare to send troops.”

After Su Cheng said these reasons, he thought for a moment and said: "Old Ma, we should carefully consider the opinion of Grand Governor Qi Gangyi."

He also has his own selfish motives. He is already the Chief of Staff of the First Army. If he wants to be promoted, he can only serve in the Governor's Palace.

The competition for the position in the Metropolitan Governor's Office is very fierce. The First Army has already made great achievements, but the 25th Army does not know the specific situation yet.

Their 19th Army still has not made any achievements, and all its personnel have no hope of making progress.

When Ma Xianglin heard what Chief of Staff Su Cheng said, he already understood which direction Chief of Staff Su Cheng was standing on.

In the absence of the emperor's imperial edict, if a border general provokes a border provocation without authorization, even if there is a good reason, this is a huge loss for the general.

Ma Xianglin knew that Governor Qi Gangyi came to him because he had characteristics that others could not replace.

Is he a surrendered general of the Ming Dynasty, or a surrendered general who was defeated and captured in the later period? It is almost impossible for him to go further.

Wu Jie, King of Cai, was a general who surrendered early and followed His Majesty the Emperor to conquer the world. His progress was much slower than that of his elder brothers.

Ma Xianglin was over fifty and was not in good health, so he was ready to give up his military career.

He is also located next to a neighboring country that has a bad relationship with the empire.

These characteristics of Ma Xianglin come together, and he is the most suitable person to start a border provocation without authorization.

Even if he starts a border provocation without authorization, as long as the war is won, the most serious punishment will be to be transferred from his post.

He wants to stand on the last duty and doesn't want to lose his job later in the season.

The most important point is that Ma Xianglin has worked so hard. In addition to fame and fortune, he also hopes that his family will live a better life.

Especially when his children and grandchildren have grown up, he wants to earn an inheritance for his children and grandchildren.

Once he is convicted of the unforgivable crime by the court, the court's attitude towards consecutive serious crimes will be followed.

His children and grandchildren will definitely not be able to enjoy the benefits he brings, but will be implicated by him.

For the sake of other people's future, you harm your own family's future.

Ma Xianglin thought that he was not noble enough yet, so he was very hesitant.

Ma Xianglin's previous idea was that he would lead the 19th Army to achieve some meritorious deeds and test the Ottoman Turkey by the way.

The current opinion of Chief of Staff Su Cheng and others is basically to let the 19th Army take the initiative to provoke border provocations.

Commander Ma Xianglin said hesitantly: "Our 19th Army is now attacking Ottoman Turkey, and the progress will be very smooth.

But can the imperial court bear the consequences? Without resources, can the 19th Army withstand the Ottoman Turkish counterattack?

If we do not understand these issues clearly and attack Ottoman Turkey impulsively, we will be the sinners of the empire."

Su Cheng is also a good person. He could see Ma Xianglin's real worry at a glance and patiently advised: "Old Ma, today is different from the past.

The First Army has been attacking for a long time, and the news from Persia will definitely spread outward.

Ottoman Turkey will definitely become a frightened bird. As long as our army makes the slightest move, Ottoman Turkey will definitely react crazily.

We don't need the entire army to press forward, not even the troops from the 19th Army headquarters.

As long as it sends its servant army into action, the Ottoman Turkish Empire is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

There is another advantage to sending out the servant army.

The area south of the Caucasus was the Ottoman-Turkish Armenian territory.

Armenians make up the majority of our servant army.

Once the servant army is allowed to attack the Armenian Territory.

The Ottoman Turks will never tolerate the people who were previously ruled by them. Now they can easily defeat them with weapons, and they will definitely increase their troops in large numbers.

Taking these two considerations into account, Ottoman Türkiye will definitely be angered.

Then let the servant army withdraw to the Caucasus, and the Ottoman Turkish Empire will definitely send a large army to attack the Caucasus.

If they can really endure it, then we will have to attack a few more times. Sooner or later, the Ottoman Turkey will be unable to bear it any longer."

After Ma Xianglin heard this, his eyes lit up.

There is no need to use the 19th Army, only the Servant Army, and if you follow Su Cheng's method, you will definitely achieve the desired goal.

The 19th Army remained content in the Caucasus, and the crime of initiating border provocations without authorization fell on him.

This is just a well-known crime, but it is not a crime under military law.

He did not violate military law and mobilize the army without authorization to trigger a war.

As long as he started the border provocation without authorization, based on his previous achievements and his voluntary resignation, he would not be punished by the court at all.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ma Xianglin’s family, children and grandchildren will not be affected by this incident.

He was also able to gain the gratitude of the army generals such as Governor Qi Gangyi and most of the officers of the 19th Army.

These are extremely important favors. After his children and grandchildren entered the officialdom, they received support from these people, and Huizhou was even later.

After Ma Xianglin got rid of his worries, he raised his concerns with the perspective of a battlefield veteran.

"Will the protracted war between the empire and Ottoman Turkey affect the development of the empire?"

When Chief of Staff Su Cheng heard Ma Xianglin's question, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

When his old partner thinks about problems, he not only thinks about the future of himself and his family, but also thinks about the impact of this incident on the empire.

Those who can do this are indeed considered loyal ministers of the empire.

Su Cheng explained: "This war, to put it more clearly, is a proxy war.

We support the indigenous people here in Ottoman Türkiye who are oppressed by the authorities.

Ottoman Turkey is a fragmented country, and will fall into civil strife with just the slightest provocation.

Proxy war only requires spending some resources.

The 19th Army, as the final force, does not have to go to the battlefield to fight in person. It only needs to send a small number of officers to train the local indigenous people.

This is what I learned from the Fujian country, their method against the Ottoman Turks.

It's just that Fujian didn't think of sending officers for training, so those who led to the uprising were just a mess and couldn't defeat the regular Ottoman Turkish army.

These people became cannon fodder, causing trouble to Ottoman Türkiye one after another.

If the empire takes action, even if it uses cannon fodder, it must cultivate the cannon fodder into valuable cannon fodder."

Ma Xianglin knew that this strategy was definitely not what Chief of Staff Su Cheng thought of alone.

Since these people are fully prepared.

In the current situation, if he initiates a border provocation without authorization, he will bear it on himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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