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Chapter 829 The Ottoman Army was defeated

Instructor Tian Qing saw that the servant army still had not learned to fight after several victories, but the confidence of the servant army increased sharply.

He didn't understand this situation very much. When he saw the servant general Ma Zhonghua, he whistled excitedly.

When Tian Qing and Ma Zhonghua summarized the recent war, he raised his own questions.

Ma Zhonghua said proudly: "Mr. Tian, ​​you regard us based on the requirements of the heavenly army of the heaven.

There is a huge gap between our combat capability and that of the Great Kingdom.

We are a nomadic civilization, and the Ottoman Turks are a more powerful nomadic people.

I heard that the ancestors of the Turks also came from the East.

With a thousand Turkic cavalry, he can defeat an army of tens of thousands of us.

The news I learned from my grandfather made me know that the Turks were invincible since I was a child.

To be honest, if I hadn't seen the Heavenly Army suppressing the Turks and fighting against them, I would not have dared to seek refuge with the Heavenly Kingdom.

Now that this war is over, counting only the casualties on the battlefield, we are basically equal to the Turks.

An Armenian recruit who has been trained for several months can be replaced by a Turkic veteran.

This is simply worth it and we have already made a lot of money.

My reputation in the army has almost become that of a military god, and everyone in the army recognizes my abilities."

When Tian Qing heard Ma Zhonghua say this, he smiled on his face, but sighed in his heart.

The current strength of the servant army made him feel embarrassed just looking at it.

Even with such a simple tactic as lining up to kill, the servant army often makes mistakes.

Either they fired when the distance was not enough, or the formation was scattered and they accidentally shot friendly troops.

This is the last major incident in the Royal Army that will lead to dismissal.

Here in the servant army, it is a common thing.

Tian Qing was afraid that his comrades would find out that he was training the servant army.

He felt frustrated by the servant army's performance, and was afraid that he would be embarrassed.

The servant army felt good about themselves. They only felt that they could defeat the Ottoman Turkish army, even if the casualties were larger, it would be very worthwhile.

When Tian Qing learned of this situation, he no longer interfered with the development of the servant army.

The war was about to begin, and he pointed out that the problem of the servant army would destroy the morale of the servant army.

In such a short period of time, with the military literacy of a servant army, there is absolutely nothing that can be learned.

The morale of the servant army is the most critical link.

Tian Qing encouraged: "You are indeed very brave in fighting. I found that if some soldiers were not afraid of the Ottomans, you would have fought better."

He was a key part of the plan, and of course he knew what strategic goals Chief of Staff Su wanted to achieve.

The victory or defeat of the servant army does not affect the outcome of the strategy. The most critical point of the plan is to use the servant army to anger the Ottomans.

The servant army's current practice of not taking prisoners will definitely anger the Ottomans.

When Ma Zhonghua heard Tian Qing's compliment, his big brown eyes almost narrowed.

He nodded repeatedly and said: "Master Tian is right, our army has such a problem now.

Some people have been frightened out of fear by the hateful Turks. They must be made to realize that as long as they hit the Turks with the guns in their hands, these Turks will never survive.

I will gradually arrange for these timid people to deal with the Turkic prisoners.

If anyone is timid again, I will never show mercy and kick them out of the team."

Ma Zhonghua is very confident now. He has already imagined in his heart that he will be the savior of Armenia and a great hero passed down through the ages.

When the flintlock in his hand hit a Turkic man, he saw him lying on the ground wailing.

Ma Zhonghua was afraid of the Turks' shadow and disappeared immediately.

He found that the Turks were nothing more than that, and the strength of the Turks was not as good as that of the Han people.

They were driven out of the East by the Han people thousands of years ago.

Now they, the Armenians, are embracing the Han people, hoping to completely drive away the Turks and regain their homeland.

Outside the camp, I suddenly remembered the sound of car engines and the noise of soldiers.

Tian Qing stood up excitedly and said, "Here we come."

General Ma Zhonghua immediately ran out to observe the situation. He looked back at Tian Qing and said, "It is indeed coming."

The two of them immediately rushed to the direction of the sound of the car.

Tian Qing knew that this unique engine sound was transporting supplies to the servant army.

With the current capabilities of the servant army, they don't even have the production capacity for lead bullets and black powder, let alone the need to replace damaged barrels.

Tian Qing was very confused. It was May now, and it rained a little bit not long ago, which made the road a little muddy.

It was precisely because of this rain that the Ottoman Turkish army was slower to gather.

The servant army can use the limited time to go to surrounding tribes, recruit Armenian youths, and at the same time publicize the powerful results of the slave army.

Tian Qing had been worried that Chief of Staff Su would not be able to transport the supplies here in time because of the muddy roads.

Now it seems that he has many fish to worry about.

When Tian Qing saw the truck pulling goods, he suddenly realized.

This vehicle was completely different from the multi-wheel trucks he had seen.

The chassis of this car is extremely high, and the tires are not ordinary diameter, about half a meter in diameter.

The tires of this car are about two meters in diameter, and he can walk underneath the car even if he bends down.

He was towing a carriage behind him. The diameter of the carriage's tires was not that high, but it was still taller than an ordinary truck.

This kind of vehicle could drive slowly in paddy fields, let alone muddy roads.

Ma Zhonghua picked up the truck box and looked inside the truck carefully.

It's all packed with paper-cased ammunition.

He walked to the next car. Inside the car were wooden boxes stuffed with straw, and rows of gun barrels wrapped in oil paper were neatly placed in the wooden boxes.

He can obtain food for the army from surrounding tribes.

Ma Zhonghua led the army to walk around the outside of the tribe.

They saw the strong strength of the young men of their tribe, and even though the tribe was already extremely poor, they still gave them mutton cheese and strong young men.

These tribal elders all understand the cruelty of the Turks, even if their tribe has nothing to do with this army.

It's just that this army is composed of Armenians.

If the Turks fight back, they will inevitably brutally massacre the Armenians.

This situation has occurred dozens of times in the previous period, and many tribes with small numbers perished.

Whether you support this army or not, you will be massacred by the Turks.

Their only choice is to strongly support this army and drive away the Turks completely.

Ma Zhonghua held a box of cardboard ammunition and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, the Heavenly Kingdom has given us enough weapons and ammunition, we must drive away the Turks."

Tian Qing looked at the servant army picking up ammunition and cheering.

If the servant army has no ability to produce ammunition, he will always be the cannon fodder of the empire and become a minion of the empire, helping the empire suppress those who disobey.

Tian Qing has been guarding the border in the Caucasus for several years. He knows that this area is too chaotic, and beliefs and ethnic groups are simply a mess.

He also listened to the lectures given by the chief of staff. If the empire takes over the management personally, various problems will definitely arise.

The most effective way to rule is to recruit a group of younger brothers and let them rule people of foreign races and religions.

There is natural hatred between these two groups of people.

Even if it is done with a lot of complaints, managers will attract enough resentment.

The empire can stay out of the situation and act as a judge, ready to deal with various issues at any time.

Tian Qing thought about the content of the course. A more obedient person like Armenia is more suitable to play the role of a manager.

From his understanding, if the Ottoman oppression of Armenia was not so serious, this tribe would be a very obedient tribe.

Tian Qing saw that the trucks had finished unloading and left the camp one after another.

He immediately instructed Ma Zhonghua to start preparing for war. They would camp here and wait for the decisive battle with the local Ottoman Turkish army.


Governor Serin gathered the Armenian army, a total of one hundred thousand troops, and attacked the Armenian army who dared to provoke them.

Before setting off for the expedition, he reported what happened here to the Sultan.

As long as he destroys this Armenian army now, he will be able to make up for his mistakes, and the Sultan will definitely not punish him severely.

The composition of the army led by Governor Serin was also relatively complex, with nearly half of the people being Turks.

The remaining half are cannon fodder supported by various tribes.

Governor Serien was extremely confident. He had already learned that the number of the rebel army was no more than 10,000.

He attacked with more than ten times the force to attack the weak Armenians, but how could he fail?

Governor Serien ordered his troops and horses and set off with confidence.

The Ottoman Turkish army had almost no military discipline, especially the Armenian tribes they encountered along the way.

Governor Serien also took the initiative to send troops to plunder, not only plundering all the property, but also capturing the people of these tribes.

With these people in his hands, they are hostages who can break through the enemy's defense lines.

He has suppressed some tribal rebellions before, and this is one of the most effective methods.

The Ottoman Turkish army had no intention of hiding its whereabouts.

The servant army quickly learned the whereabouts of the Ottoman Turkish army.

After Tian Qing read the map, he suggested: "I think our army should find an ambush location to give the Austrian army a showdown and completely destroy their morale."

After listening to this, Ma Zhonghua smiled bitterly and said: "Master Tian, ​​you are overestimating the capabilities of our army.

Under your training, our army fought normally with the enemy before, so there was no big problem.

With the capabilities of our army, if we want to ambush several times the number of enemy troops, even if the ambush is successful, if the enemy troops charge, we will lose our troops.

This is still calculated based on the previous combat effectiveness. Our army has absorbed the young and strong tribes. Now the number of the army exceeds 10,000, and as many as one-third of the recruits have never been on the battlefield.

It is simply impossible for these new recruits to implement such complex tactics.

The only way now is to reject the stronghold and defend it.

I know what the Turks are afraid of? He will definitely not let our army become a flag to attract more tribes to rebel.

The Turks must be trying to solve my problem quickly and completely.

They also have a numerical advantage and will definitely take the initiative to attack the camp where we have set up fortifications."

Ma Zhonghua admired Tian Qing's ability to train troops, and his analysis of the battlefield was also very accurate.

His only problem is that he knows nothing about politics.

The Turks have regarded him as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and they will never let him go.

Besides, they must not take risks. For the future of the Armenians, he must win this war.

Once the war is lost, the Armenian tribe will most likely cease to exist.

Ma Zhonghua didn't want to take risks at all. He knew that the machine guns and artillery supported by the Chinese Empire were very effective in dealing with the enemy's dense charging formation.

Even if this kind of battle is not conducive to flintlock guns, it can completely eliminate the Turks.

The smoke of war was getting closer and closer. Tian Qing stood in the camp and saw the Austrian army surrounding the camp.

They also wanted to use some large-caliber iron cannons and trebuchets produced in Europe to attack the people in the camp.

Tian Qing asked the artillery supporting the servant army to open fire, and soon destroyed the long-range heavy weapons of the Ottoman Turkish army.

The only long-range weapons of the Ottoman Turkish army were bows and arrows and a small number of muskets.

Tian Qing estimated that the Ottoman Turkish army was frightened by the artillery in the camp, and they did not dare to attack.

While he was thinking, he heard roars and cries from the Ottoman Turkish army.

He saw an Ottoman Turkish army on horseback carrying strong bows.

They drove a group of old and weak women and children, who looked very similar to the Armenians.

Tian Qing made a gesture to the machine gun company. He wanted to observe Ma Zhonghua's reaction.

Ma Zhonghua did not disappoint him and immediately ordered the army to open fire in a volley.

He shouted loudly: "These are scum who have taken refuge with the Turks. They should die instead of shaking our military morale."

Open fire and kill these people."

Tian Qing still made up his mind after seeing Ma Zhonghua.

He commanded the most elite veterans of the servant army, and they came to the gate of the camp and lined up to be shot.

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! These people tore open the paper bullets in advance, took out the lead bullets inside, walked to a large iron bucket in front, and dipped the bullets into the

Solidified lard.

Tian Qing didn't understand the significance of doing this. The lead bullet was stained with lard and had no lubrication effect at all. It was completely useless.

It's not like maintaining a firearm, they're doing it completely wrong.

But Ma Zhonghua walked up to him and said with a very firm tone: "Mr. Tian, ​​please have the machine guns ready. The Turks will definitely launch a crazy attack later."

Tian Qing still didn't understand, but asked the machine gun company to prepare for the attack.

He watched from the camp, and the servant army just carried out the usual tactic of lining up and shooting.

They fired a volley, and the enemy soldiers they hit fell down.

They will also be hit by enemy bows and arrows, and the losses between the two sides will be similar.

As the war continued to stalemate, Tian Qing saw a phenomenon that puzzled him.

After the wounded soldiers of the Ottoman army returned to camp, the entire army was like crazy wild dogs.

They mobilized their entire army and wanted to destroy the army in front of them at all costs.

Even though the servant army had chosen to withdraw to the camp, the Ottoman Turkish army was still pursuing them.

Tian Qing was very puzzled. He couldn't understand how powerful lard bullets were, but he still ordered the machine gun to fire.

The rattling sound of machine guns sounded like several metal sickles, constantly harvesting the lives of the Ottoman Turkish troops.

When the sound of machine guns stopped, the Ottoman Turkish army was frightened and fled. In just a few dozen minutes, at least half of their troops were left behind.

Ma Zhonghua immediately stood up and shouted: "With the help of the Heavenly Kingdom, we have defeated the Turkic army.

Everyone, follow me and kill this Turkic army completely."

The servant army immediately followed and killed them. They walked hard on the bloody muddy ground and held on to the Ottoman Turkish army.

The surrounding Armenian tribes saw the Turks being defeated miserably.

At this time, they should have expressed their tribe's position, and they immediately joined the team chasing the Turks.

Governor Serien suddenly found that he could no longer move in this area.

This chapter has been completed!
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