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Chapter 84

After the coins were minted, Suhe also started to reform the yamen.

The main purpose of this government reform is to split the household department.

The Ministry of Household Affairs is very bloated and manages civil affairs, finance, and taxation.

The power of the Ministry of Revenue is too great, which has affected the balance among various ministries.

Except for the Ministry of Personnel, all other departments must look at the face of the Ministry of Revenue.

Suhe split the household department this time and established three new bureaus, namely the bank, the tax bureau, and the grain storage bureau.

At the same time, various departments made budgets and had them reviewed by the newly established secretariat of the General Office, which took over the financial power of the Ministry of Revenue, leaving only the power to manage civil affairs.

Suhe has not split the household department before, mainly for two reasons.

The first reason was the lack of officials. At that time, Hanzhong Prefecture had just been conquered.

The literati are waiting and watching, they will not become officials.

Even the subordinate officials, most of them are waiting and watching.

Only some people who were marginalized and good at speculation became officials to serve Suhe.

There is a shortage of official manpower. If you want to set up a new yamen, you can't find enough people to manage it.

The second reason is the depression of all industries.

Hanzhong Prefecture had just suffered a military disaster, and the Ministry of Household Affairs had no place to collect taxes.

It is just a small department in charge of disaster relief.

The situation was completely different when more than 100,000 officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were annihilated in the Battle of Suhe.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs accepts literati to apply to become officials. Previously, it could be described as a lack of people.

When the news of the victory was delivered to Hanzhong Mansion, there was a long queue in front of the gate of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, mainly the children of subordinate officials, but the manpower was already sufficient.

Most of the gentry in Hanzhong Prefecture had their homes confiscated.

A small group of people had good virtues from their ancestors and did not do anything harmful to nature, so they escaped.

However, the commander-in-chief only allowed each family to retain up to 100 acres of land.

These people were divided urgently, and the remaining land was forcibly redeemed by the government.

Rather than redeeming it with cash, the land can be exchanged for a few white notes.

These people had resentments in their hearts, and most of them closed their shops in the city and stopped doing business.

Waiting for the government troops to call, they can take back everything they have.

When these people discovered the government troops, it was impossible to fight them.

They resigned themselves to their fate, knowing that they would never get the redeemed land back.

Many shops are opening again, and they did not have to pay business tax before.

Now that Suhe is preparing to collect commercial taxes, it is necessary to urgently reform the household department.

Su He met with the chief officials of three new yamen in Lingyun Hall.

The bank, tax bureau, and grain storage bureau are directly under the command of the government.

Their status is one level lower than the Six Ministries, but they are directly managed by Suhe, and the Six Ministries have no right to manage them.

Su He first called Feng Chunxiao, the president of the bank's head office.

He is a businessman from Nanzhili because he offended Yangzhou salt merchants and the Donglin Party behind the salt merchants.

Feng Chunxiao was made bankrupt and almost beheaded by his entire family.

He spent all his money and connections and was sentenced to exile.

The whole family was exiled to Lanzhou to guard the border.

Su He handed the pamphlet he wrote about the banking system to Feng Chunxiao.

"The role of the bank now is to complete the currency exchange work and allow the coins we mint to circulate among the people.

The mint was handed over to the management of the bank.

You are also responsible for the money exchange between the government and the government.

Please read the contents in the brochure first, and if you have any questions that you don’t understand, please consult me ​​again.”

Feng Chunxiao was very excited. He greeted Su He respectfully and started reading the booklet.

He quickly read the brochure and knew what the bank's functions were.

This is the money management department and has very powerful powers.

There are two main tasks now.

First task: exchange currency.

Recycle paper money from the hands of the people, as well as copper coins and scattered silver from the Ming Dynasty.

Exchange it into currency issued by the current bank.

The second task: money transfer.

The bank is responsible for all official accounts of money transactions.

Bonuses are given to soldiers and salaries are paid to officials.

In addition, taxes paid by various counties and cities, and funds released by the government to each county are transferred through banks.

From now on, all counties and cities will need to pay taxes is a bank deposit certificate.

They don't have to ship cash over anymore.

Feng Chunxiao said excitedly: "Commander Su, please rest assured that I will be able to be a good bank president and open banks in every county and city."

Su He said with a smile: "It's not just counties and cities, we need to open banks in every township."

He asked Feng Chunxiao to set up a bank. There should be a bank in every township. This goal was very ambitious.

The current goal is to have at least one bank in every county.

The second person Su He met was Gao Xuanming, director of the Grain Reserve Bureau.

As the name suggests, the Grain Storage Bureau is the yamen that manages granaries.

There were so many rats in the granary of the Ming Dynasty that it was simply shocking.

There wasn't even a grain of grain stored in the official warehouse, it was all resold by corrupt officials.

Gao Xuanming used to be a subordinate official, mainly responsible for managing the granary.

His work is extremely mediocre, but he has a good quality - not greedy.

The granary managed by Gao Xuanming is the only one with some old grain in it.

Gao Xuanming greeted Su He tremblingly.

"Commander Su, I am Gao Xuanming, director of the Grain Reserves Bureau."

"Grain Reserve Bureau, I don't need to explain what this yamen does.

You usually only do two jobs, storing food.

When the autumn harvest comes, go to the countryside to collect grain according to the price given by the commander's office.

When you become the director of the Grain Reserves Bureau, you should understand.

Your Grain Reserve Bureau will definitely be subject to key inspections, I hope you are mentally prepared."

Su He said straightforwardly, he knew it was impossible to completely eliminate Shuoshu.

The only way to do this is through severe penalties and frequent inspections.

Only in this way can we ensure that we try to catch the bad rats as much as possible.

Now food is not allowed to be traded freely.

Others can only sell grain to the granaries set up by the Grain Storage Bureau in various places.

The Grain Reserve Bureau sells grain to grain merchants in the city.

This transaction process, except for special circumstances, will be taxed normally.

Gao Xuanming said confidently: "Please rest assured, Commander Su, I will not be corrupt and I will try my best to manage my subordinates strictly."

“This kind of thing doesn’t depend on how you say it, but how you do it.

I try my best to eliminate some corruption loopholes in the system."

Su He said with a kind smile.

But there was a fierce light in his eyes, and the torture of peeling off the skin and weeds like that of Zhu Yuanzhang could not scare corrupt officials at all.

He had a more ruthless method, which he learned from Confucian methods of forcing women.

If one person is corrupt, the whole family will suffer.

Let their children and grandchildren have to bear this stain.

Su Que saw the other two people leaving. He took a pamphlet and walked to Su He.

"Brother, tax collection is too complicated. I'm afraid I can't do it well myself."

"Believe in yourself, no one can do it right at the beginning.

As long as you keep summarizing experience, I believe you will have no problem." Su He encouraged.

Su Que was the first director of the tax bureau.

The tax bureau must choose Su He's cronies.

The tax bureau is responsible for collecting taxes. This is a matter related to the survival of the regime, and no mistakes can be made.

The tax bureau also controls the third armed force after the army and inspections - the tax police.

Suhe has only two requirements for taxation.

The first is comprehensive.

Everyone has to pay taxes, even Su He himself needs to pay taxes when doing business.

The military also needs to pay taxes when purchasing weapons from arsenals.

In this regard, Suhe will never allow any loopholes.

As long as there is a slight loophole now, the bureaucrats will break through it step by step.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, there was a quota for tax exemption for everyone.

Gradually, it developed to the point that as long as you became a Juren, you didn't have to pay taxes on any land you owned.

The second is severe penalties.

The tax police were established to severely punish tax evaders.

If you evade taxes, you will be punished by one hundred taels of silver.

This encourages crime.

Tax evasion of one hundred taels of silver will result in a fine of one thousand taels of silver.

Everyone will consider it.

For tax evasion of one hundred taels of silver, the penalty is one thousand taels and five years in prison.

With such heavy penalties, most people will not dare to evade taxes again.

The punishment method Su He chose was the last one.

If the total amount of tax evasion is less than one hundred taels, it is usually just a fine.

If the total amount of tax evasion exceeds one hundred taels, you will be sentenced.

The more tax evasion occurs, the more severe the sentence. If the amount exceeds 10,000 taels, it is the death penalty.

This chapter has been completed!
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