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Chapter 853 The Empire’s Choice

Cabinet Prime Minister Qian Mingyi looked at the map with fiery eyes.

He suppressed his excitement and said calmly: "Fujian is now in trouble both internally and externally, and can no longer hold its territory.

There are at least three million Han people in Fujian, and the empire must not sit back and watch three million compatriots being slaughtered by European countries.

I suggest that your Majesty send troops to help the Fujian country resist the attacks of European countries.

We, the suzerain country, must set an example for all the major vassal countries."

Cabinet minister Jin Yinhua frowned and objected: "Assisting the defense of Fujian is completely thankless.

If the empire now takes the initiative to contact Fujian, Fujian will definitely oppose it strongly.

They cannot see that there is something wrong with them.

The Fujian Congress believed that the empire coveted their property and territory, and would absolutely prohibit the empire's troops from entering the Fujian lords.

The friendship between His Majesty and the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang cannot be stronger.

When it comes to major choices about the survival of the country, Fujian King Zhang Yuliang will definitely choose a more conservative option.

Furthermore, the empire and Fujian did not border on the road.

Even if it means mobilizing the royal army stationed in Persia and letting them sail to Fujian on merchant ships.

According to Mr. Zhao and Counselor Qu, the Imperial Royal Army may not be able to reach the battlefield before the collapse of the Fujian Kingdom.

Once the Min Kingdom collapses, the battlefield will be a huge meat grinder.

The brave men and women of the Royal Army will fill this meat grinder with their bravery and flesh and blood."

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi first heard that Cabinet Minister Honeysuckle objected to his suggestions.

Qian Mingyi was extremely angry. He was the prime minister of the cabinet and managed all government affairs of the cabinet and the empire.

He is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

His suggestions have never been refuted by civilian officials in such a public forum.

Of course, he made this opinion without careful consideration.

The most fundamental reason why Qian Mingyi put forward this opinion is that interests are attractive to people.

Wang Zhongce's lessons learned that the later prime ministers of the empire most desired the treatment of being crowned kings and going overseas to found a country.

Qian Mingyi previously thought that he would never have the chance to be crowned king in this life.

Today's Emperor Su He is uncharacteristically revealing that he is thinking about the feasibility of enfeoffment in Europe and Arabia.

As long as there is a chance, Qian Mingyi will try his best to fight for this opportunity.

If he wants to win the chance to become king, the empire must intervene in this war in Fujian.

Qian Mingyi heard what Honeysuckle said behind her.

He immediately realized that he had acted too eagerly.

No wonder the military attachés in the Governor's Mansion are more eager for the outbreak of war, so that they can accumulate enough military exploits to break the soil and become king.

These people shrewdly kept their mouths shut.

It would be better for the empire to wait until the defeat of the Min Kingdom before getting involved in this war.

Fujian was undefeated and the battlefield remained stalemate.

Whether the conquered territory belongs to them or to the Fujian state is a confusing matter.

Only when the Min Kingdom suffered a disastrous defeat and the territory regained by the empire could it be divided up among these people.

The country of Fujian experienced a disastrous defeat and its strength has been greatly reduced.

That will give emerging countries opportunities to develop and grow.

Otherwise, if they get this opportunity, they may not be able to hold on to the powerful Fujian country.

When Qian Mingyi thought of this, he immediately took the initiative to admit his mistake and said: "Your Majesty, I also think that some things were not considered well.

The empire included more than just one vassal state: Fujian.

In order to maintain the stability of the system of suzerain states and vassal states.

Other vassal states were not allowed to be vassal states because they were afraid of the suzerain state.

They united and prepared to get rid of the rule of the suzerain country.

When the empire acts, it must be known for its actions, leaving no force with anything to say.

I believe that the Governor-General can prepare troops for the expedition in advance and provide logistical supplies.

As long as the timing is right, the empire can rush to the battlefield immediately without preparation."

Grand Governor Qi Gangyi looked at the performance of Prime Minister Qian Mingyi, and he immediately cursed the old fox in his heart.

Qian Mingyi said this, he almost restricted the imperial army to seek greater results.

These civil servants are too short-sighted and only think about immediate interests and do not consider greater interests.

Qi Gangyi originally wanted to persuade Emperor Su He to invest a large amount of troops and directly defeat the mainstream countries in Western Europe.

This was a plan that cost a lot of money but yielded very little profit for the empire.

Most of the interests were occupied by vassal states.

Qi Gangyi has not thought of any way to persuade Emperor Su He.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi, representing the civilian officials, has put forward their ideas.

Qi Gangyi immediately kept his original thoughts on his lips and did not say them out.

This plan has major flaws, and the civil and military factions do not work together, making it difficult to implement this plan.

Qu Tian, ​​the chief of general staff, saw Qi Gangyi, the governor-general, in a daze.

Qi Gangyi didn't notice his signal at all.

Qu Tian guessed that Qi Gangyi was enveloped in a huge surprise.

As one of the early veterans, Qi Gangyi was a typical example of those who are good at fighting but have no outstanding achievements.

Qi Gangyi did not perform well in the founding war, so he failed to convince the public and lost the opportunity to be crowned king.

Now that there is hope of getting another chance to be crowned king, Qi Gangyi is in a daze, and he can understand.

Chief of General Staff Qu Tian immediately stood up on behalf of the Governor's Office and expressed his position: "The Governor's Office awaits His Majesty's decree.

The Imperial Army always obeys His Majesty’s orders.”

Qu Tian knew that no matter what opportunities the army got, they must show their loyalty to the emperor.

This is the basis for the existence of the Imperial Army.

Without this foundation, the Imperial Army will soon cease to exist.

Qu Tian's words immediately awakened all the military attachés in the Governor's Mansion.

They expressed their stance in unison: "We respect your Majesty's will."

Emperor Su He saw the attitude of many facial features in the Governor's Palace, and he smiled with satisfaction.

When the Grand Governor Qi Gangyi saw the smile on Emperor Su He's face, he was so happy that he broke out in a cold sweat.

He was indeed a little distracted just now, forgetting his most important identity for a moment.

As a minister, the most important role is to relieve the king's worries, rather than always thinking about his own future.

The more concerned ministers are about their own future, the slower their promotion will be.

The enfeoffment after Emperor Su He must have also enfeoffed loyal ministers and close friends.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Qi Gangyi also knows that his performance just now was very bad.

If he were an ordinary person, he would easily arouse the emperor's suspicion, but he was different.

He always does things half a step slower than others, and this has always been his behavior.

Just now, I just performed normally, not extraordinary, and missed the opportunity.

In the course of the following meeting, Qi Gangyi did not make a mistake and completely forgot about Emperor Su He's desire to enfeoff.

He had immersed himself in the military for many years and pointed out the timing and preparation for intervention in the European war.

The Grand Governor Qi Gangyi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think there is no need to be too hasty in sending troops to Europe.

As the art of war goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Now the Imperial Royal Army and the Imperial Royal Navy, the most elite troops are in the hinterland of the Empire.

Gathering these armies together, transporting them to Europe and allowing them to maintain peak combat effectiveness is a matter that requires the coordination of multiple yamen.

Since European countries dare to launch a war, they must have their own backers.

The European Allies thought they could defeat Fujian, so they would send troops.

As these people take the initiative, they will never take the initiative to die.

The empire's second-line army was poorly equipped and poorly trained.

The main role of these armies is to suppress rebellion and banditry within the territory.

With the help of perfect fortifications, possible enemy troops can be held back.

They are good at defense but not good at offense, and their weapons, equipment and combat qualities are not much better than the elites of the Fujian army.

This time the empire sent troops to Europe not just to win, but to win with absolute victory.

Through such a war, the empire wanted to make European countries suffer from Sinophobia and completely destroy their confidence.

If the empire wants to achieve this goal, it must deploy its most elite troops.

Chariots and Emperor-class battleships both need to show their strength on the battlefield.

The empire spent tens of millions of taels of silver coins to develop and equip weapons that were by no means just decorations.

They must be allowed to show their due value on the battlefield."

Emperor Su He listened to the thoughts of all the ministers.

Only then did he say with finality: "The Grand Governor Qi Gangyi is an experienced country planner. Based on the actual situation, he believes that this war should involve dispatching the most elite troops of the empire.

I agree with this idea. If this battle is to be fought, we must display the majesty of the imperial royal army.

Let the vassal states and European countries see the strength of the empire.

Through this war, we will establish the empire’s hegemony for at least a hundred years.”

After Emperor Su He made his decision, he immediately issued several decrees to ask the governor's office and the cabinet to prepare for this war.

Chief of General Staff Qu Tian thought he would perform better.

However, he saw that Governor Qi Gangyi had completely given up on his previous pursuit.

From the perspective of the empire, he carefully analyzed what should be done to maximize the interests of the empire, and won the favor of His Majesty the Emperor.

Chief of General Staff Qu Tian didn't want to miss this opportunity. He waited until Emperor Su He issued the decree.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think there are still some things that need to be added.

The empire did not have borders with European countries on the way.

The empire borders Russia, which is an important component of the European Allied Forces.

Previously, due to logistical supply and other factors, the empire's army could no longer penetrate deep into Russia.

Once the army cannot withstand the severe cold in Russia, or its logistics supplies are cut off, it will suffer an extremely serious failure.

But now the railway has been built to the Ural Pass, and the emergence of automobiles has made material transportation more discernible.

The empire can try to attack the Sino-Russian border and contain Russia's large army.

The Russian emperor could never abandon his own country for the sake of other European countries.

The mission of this army is a feint attack. It doesn't matter how many results it achieves. The most important mission is to hold back the Russian army.

The Arab regional empires should also take action.

Once Fujian is targeted by European countries, they will inevitably choose to mobilize troops from various places to defend against the pressure of the Western defense line.

Ottoman Türkiye will surely be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

They were accepting the temptations of European countries and saw the great defeat of Fujian.

They chose to send troops to Fujian to obtain the greatest benefits.

At that time, the Fujian Kingdom was likely to be attacked from two sides, causing them to lose sight of the other and completely destroy themselves.

Once this situation occurs, it will be fatal to the overlord country.

The empire was able to contain the Ottoman Turks, and Fujian only had to deal with the offensive of the European Allies.

Even if they lose European territory, it will not be difficult to hold on to their core territory of Egypt with the help of the empire and the Suez Canal defenders."

Emperor Su He heard the advice of Chief of General Staff Qu Tian.

He thinks this suggestion has merit.

Containing Russia and Ottoman Turkey is what the empire, as the suzerain state, must do once a war breaks out.

Russia and Ottoman Türkiye both had large armies.

Although the army is weak, it does not take human life seriously.

The armies of these two countries are very good cannon fodder.

England and France used elite troops to suppress the battle, allowing the armies of these two countries to serve as cannon fodder and consume Fujian's ammunition.

Fujian was a vassal state with weak industrial strength, and their self-produced ammunition was very limited.

Once the Fujian army lost its ammunition, the country of Fujian could survive for a while, but it would collapse immediately.

Emperor Su He immediately issued an order for the General Staff to improve the battle plan and mobilize no more than five armies.

Troops were stationed in the border areas to put a certain amount of pressure on Russia and Ottoman Türkiye.

This prevents them from devoting too many troops to support the European battlefield.

Once a war breaks out in Europe, they will immediately choose to go to war to contain Russia and Ottoman Turkey.

Chief of General Staff Qu Tian heard Emperor Su He's orders.

A smile appeared on his face. His suggestion was not just to fill in the gaps for the empire.

To prevent the Min Kingdom from being surrounded by enemies on all sides and the empire being unprepared, they would have perished.

The empire's elite military relies heavily on logistical support.

To participate in the European war, it is necessary to have a rear area, which serves as a transfer center for the imperial royal army's support supplies.

If the Min Kingdom is destroyed, the empire may choose to open another battlefield.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It is also possible that the European countries have experienced the tempering of this war and really healed the rifts between countries and become a powerful alliance.

The empire came from afar to confront this alliance, and the outcome could not be determined in a short time.

After consideration, the empire will most likely choose to withdraw its troops.

Chief of General Staff Qu Tian didn't want to see this happen, so he could only find and fill in the gaps and let the empire make up for possible loopholes.

Emperor Su He looked at the many ministers in Wuying Hall.

"This is the end of my discussion with you dear friends regarding the European war caused by the Fujian Kingdom.

Once this war breaks out, start taking action according to today's preparation measures.

The cabinet and the Metropolitan Government must cooperate closely, and things that should be prepared in advance must be smoothly connected.

If any yamen makes a mistake, I will hold it accountable to the end and will never tolerate it.

Prince Su Shu was responsible for supervising the empire's preparations for war.

Generals who are preparing to go on an expedition must maintain a humble attitude and must not be arrogant or righteous.

Wars in history tell me that arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

Even if you are facing an opponent who is not as good as yourself, you must use all your strength to give it a fatal blow.

Today's imperial meeting is so long, let's adjourn it."

Emperor Su He returned to the Palace of Qianqing. The ministers were very distinguished in civil and military affairs. They were quietly discussing what had just happened based on their proximity to each other.

The alliance between European countries is already shocking. A little analysis will reveal that the war between Fujian and the European Allied Forces is imminent.

For this war, the empire anticipated that Fujian might fail and prepared to intervene in this war.

The officials walked out of the palace, and the content of today's imperial meeting was already discussed in a small area.

Many people don't care what will happen to the Fujian National Congress?

Some capable people were more concerned about Emperor Su He's idea of ​​enfeoffing again.

This chapter has been completed!
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