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Chapter 855: Overt and Covert Struggles (Part 2)

The westernmost territory of the empire, east of the Caspian Sea and north of Persia.

This is Aral Sea County, the feudal state of the second prince Sulei.

The name comes from the famous saltwater lake here.

Su Lei sat on the balcony of Prince Rui's Mansion, looking out at the sparsely populated town.

This is the busiest place in Xianshui County, with tens of thousands of people settling there.

Most places in Xianshui County are either uninhabited areas or nomadic tribes driving cattle and sheep.

These nomadic tribes live in pursuit of water and grass, and only drive their cattle and sheep here every spring and autumn in exchange for some salt, tea, and ironware.

When Su Lei first came, he was very ambitious.

He believed that as long as he performed better, his father would forgive his mistakes and allow him to return to the capital to serve.

When he saw Aral Sea County with nothing, his heart suddenly dropped.

Su Lei asked for help from his mother and concubine, and finally managed to gain a foothold here.

He originally had the intention to learn from the former Ming Yan King Zhu Di's approach and raise troops to win the throne.

Su Lei's thoughts were too good, and the actual situation in Aral Sea County could not support his delusions at all.

At first, he thought that his role was indispensable. Even if it was used to check and balance the prince, it was an extremely useful chess piece.

Su Lei previously maintained his noble status.

He wanted to marry a female Jinshi who had befriended a civil servant before, but was rejected.

After this kind of thing happened, Su Lei immediately woke up.

He himself doesn't have much ability, and he was highly praised by most people before, which was entirely based on his identity.

Su Lei is now disgusted by his father, and only after he has missed the throne, these people show their truest faces.

When he lost his father's favor, he lost everything.

The prince already knew this truth, and he always behaved in a way that his father liked.

Su Lei knows this knowledge now, but it is too late.

The father only has two sons, he and the prince, so there is still room for maneuver.

But his father had many sons, and he, the fallen prince, was completely worthless.

Su Lei thought that he would end his remaining days in this place suitable for retirement.

Suddenly he received a telegram from the capital.

This is a telegram sent by his confidant Wang Guangzhong, the head of the Ministry of Personnel.

The situation in Europe and the Arab region has changed drastically.

The father is planning to divide the vassal states again and let the vassal states guard the European and Arabian regions.

Wang Guangzhong guessed that His Majesty the Emperor was the candidate for enfeoffment, probably an important minister of the imperial court and a crowned prince.

He suggested that King Rui Sule try his best to seize this opportunity.

As long as he escapes from the prison of Arhae County, King Sulei will be as high as the sky, allowing birds to fly, and the sea to be as wide as fish can jump.

Su Lei thought carefully and found that Wang Guangzhong's suggestion was completely feasible.

The first time my father carried out enfeoffment, the prince had not yet grown up at that time, so my father could only choose important ministers in the court.

This is the method used by the emperor to place meritorious ministers.

Now these princes have grown up.

The heroes and princes went overseas to build the country. They belonged to different interest groups and would supervise each other.

Rui Wang Su Lei said gratefully: "Wang Guangzhong is really a trustworthy person.

After I lost power, I saw too many white-eyed wolves."

After Su Lei thought about it, he immediately started to act.

First, he wrote a sincere telegram to his father, stating that he wanted to perform meritorious service for his father, and that his father could arrange for him to go to difficult places.

After Su Lei finished writing the telegram, he was about to hand the manuscript to the telegraph operator.

He thought for a moment and pulled his hand back.

It was still inappropriate to send a telegram now. He no longer wanted to act recklessly when something happened.

Su Lei wrote a letter to his mother-in-law asking for his opinion.

He stared at the clock on the wall, and the sound of the pendulum swinging calmed his irritable heart.

Su Lei stayed by the radio station, waiting for a call back from his mother-in-law.

He repeatedly looked at the clock on the wall. It was already night in Beijing, and the radio station had not received a call back.

The telegraph operator quickly translated the telegram and handed it to King Sule of Rui.

Sule looked at the reply from his mother-in-law and supported him to go to Europe or Arabia to try his luck.

He continued to stay in Aralhae County, and after his ambitions were wiped out, he became a vassal king similar to that of the previous Ming Dynasty, and had no future in his life.

If the emperor does not agree to Su Lei's request to go overseas to establish a country, his mother and concubine will deal with it to make him achieve his wish.

Su Lei looked at the telegram sent by his mother-in-law. He knew what price this promise would cost.

His mother is the best person in the world to him. He failed to live up to his mother's hopes before, but he will definitely work hard to make his mother proud of him.

Only then did Su Lei actually send the telegram he was about to send.

He was afraid that the telegraph operator would make a mistake, so he pressed the sending button himself and sent the telegram without any ambiguity.

After Su Lei finished sending the telegram, he leaned back on his chair as if exhausted.

Will this be an important turning point in his destiny?

His father still had a grudge against him and wouldn't even give him a chance to let him out.

His life can be seen almost at a glance without any twists and turns.

His father agreed to his request, and Sule was confident that he would rise to become a powerful force no less powerful than other vassal states in Europe or Arabia.

If Su Lei develops the country, he will definitely not have the chance to become King Qin.

If his descendants are successful and the empire falls into chaos, they are likely to dominate the Central Plains.

The premise for all this is that he gets the opportunity to go overseas and build a country.

All of this was based on the fact that the father had the idea to control the strength of the vassal states, so that he could check and balance each other with the vassal states established by the imperial ministers.

His father did not have this idea, or thought that he was too young to assume this responsibility.

Then we can only wait for the power of the mother-in-law's pillow wind.

Su Shu stared at the clock on the wall. As time passed, he became more and more anxious.

At this time, it was already midnight in the capital.

His father didn't reply to his telegram, so he basically didn't have much chance.

Su Lei could not calm himself down and waited quietly for the telegram.

He paced the room with his hands behind his back, occasionally approaching the radio station, expecting the radio to make the ticking sound of receiving a telegram.

When Su Lei saw the maid bringing food, he was completely uninterested.

Staring at the radio with red eyes, my heart became more and more desperate.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! His father must be very disappointed in him, so he would not leave him any chance.

He was standing by the window, staring at the bright moon in the sky in a daze.

The ticking sound sounded like the sound of nature coming from the horizon.

Su Lei heard the ticking sound of the radio station, and he immediately ran to the radio station.

Before the telegraph operator could finish translating the telegram, he grabbed the original telegram.

When Sulei was bored in Aralhae County, he chatted with others through the radio. He gradually learned to receive and send telegrams.

The telegram was composed entirely of dots and dashes, and it was not difficult for Su Lei to read it.

After reading this telegram from his father, he couldn't help laughing.

"My father still hasn't given up on me. I really have a chance to build my own country and become the king of it.

The opponent of Ottoman Turkey is very powerful, but with the help of my father, I have the opportunity to gain a foothold in the Arab region."

Su Lei put down the telegram and was ready to pack his luggage and return to the capital.

The specific details of establishing a country still need to be discussed with the father.

The manpower he needs to build his country must be recruited from the empire.

The vassal country recruits manpower and has formed a complete industry in the empire, so there is no need to worry too much about this matter.

The only troublesome thing is about the training of the army.

As a prince, he has an advantage in this regard.

Su Lei was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. He immediately summoned his confidants to explain the situation clearly.

He asked Dong Shilei, who had a steady personality, to stay in Xianhai County and wait for the court to send officials to take over the affairs here.

They immediately rode back to the capital and began preparations to establish a country.

Su Lei found a military map and looked at the European and Arab regions.

Then he said easily: "I am not a veteran on the battlefield, so my father arranged for a weaker opponent for me.

These countries in Europe are too powerful, and it will be difficult for the empire to destroy them without mobilizing its army."

Sule knew that Arabia was very poor and the people in this place were not easy to rule.

But he hopes that his future country must have a large oil field.

Oil is too profitable, and the Arab region is rich in oil.

No wonder my father set his sights on the Arab region.

If a child holds money to get through the busy city, he is looking for death.

Weak countries are not worthy of controlling such a rare resource as oil.


The atmosphere in the Governor's Mansion was very intense.

Everyone knows that this time Emperor Suhe enfeoffed princes and allowed him to go overseas to establish vassal states.

I cherish this opportunity very much. If you look at the map, you will know that except for the desolate deserts, there are very few places that can be entrusted.

Except for the Arab region and the European region, every region on the earth has already seen the footsteps of the empire and its vassal states.

Even if His Majesty the Emperor wants to be crowned king again in the future.

He will also be embarrassed to find that the current situation is simply unblockable.

Afterwards, the reward is just an empty title, and it is impossible to achieve the title.

The Grand Governor Qi Gangyi saw that everyone in the Grand Governor's Mansion was constantly speculating.

He knew that these people just wanted to be rewarded by the emperor.

It is difficult for these people to get promoted based on their qualifications. The only chance they have is through military merit.

Based on the experience of Cai Wang Wu Jie, if you want to get this opportunity, you must be the commander-in-chief of the entire war, and you must fight well.

Two major battlefields, the European battlefield and the Arabian battlefield, plus the commander-in-chief of the army and navy.

Fierce battlefields may open up new battlefields.

Even based on the most optimistic estimate, the number of people who were entrusted by the emperor by commanding the army was only about four or five.

Qi Gangyi did not stop the quarrel between these people, mainly because the person quarreling now was an official naval general.

It is precisely because of the huge potential benefits that these fleet governors are fighting for the quota of Emperor-class battleships in the capital.

They are now gathered around the Governor's Mansion, hoping to differentiate themselves so that they can stand out and become the commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy heading to Europe.

These people are smart people, and they know that only the European battlefield can provide a scenario where the Royal Navy fleet can perform.

If sent to the Arab region, the biggest task is to ensure that the logistics department transport ship does not encounter pirates.

Normally, it only serves as a mobile fort to provide artillery support to the army.

Zhang Wanfeng, the governor of the Royal Navy's Third Fleet, said excitedly: "I am the founding father of the Imperial Royal Navy following Mr. Li Qingmu.

The navy is a service that requires experience. When I commanded the navy in combat, many of you were still wearing crotchless pants."

Li Yuanqi, the governor of the Royal Navy's Fourth Fleet, frowned and said: "Governor Zhang, your experience is outdated and has no effect on the development of the navy at all.

The Third Fleet is responsible for patrolling the Southeast Asia region and usually fights pirates. It only needs a few cruisers.

Governor Zhang did not understand the command of ironclad ships, and the Third Fleet achieved the lowest results in all Royal Navy exercises.

Governor Zhang was not strong enough and commanded the naval fleet to fight, but all the people were sent to Europe.

I am different. My ability to command ironclads is obvious to all. Otherwise, why would the imperial court promote me to the position of Fleet Governor when the Fourth Fleet was restored.

His Majesty and the leaders of the Metropolitan Government all think that I am an outstanding talent."

Zhan Tie, the governor of the First Fleet, said not to be outdone: "Which of you has the ability to command the armored fleet in combat?

Which of you has the ability to command a fleet across the ocean?

The Imperial Royal Navy has more experience in commanding ironclads than I do.

Who else would be the commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy who is heading to Europe this time?

What's more, our First Fleet has the only Emperor-class battleship in the Royal Navy.

His Majesty's opinion has been very clear. He must use the strongest elite soldiers in the army to go to the European battlefield.

Only a naval fleet composed of Emperor-class battleships can make the enemy despair."

After Zhan Tie said this, there was a brief silence. Everyone didn't know how to refute, and they left with unconvinced expressions.

Grand Governor Qi Gangyi was very envious when he saw how quickly the navy decided the winner.

The navy has an outstanding fleet governor like Zhan Tie.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With his own abilities and qualifications, he surpassed everyone present.

The Navy has such an outstanding person, but the Army does not have one at all. Most of the people are half-measured.

During this period, the army generals were quarreling fiercely over the position of commander, but there has been no result yet.

While the Grand Governor Qi Gangyi was sighing, his master Xiao Wang came over nervously holding several official documents.

"Master Qi, this is an official document sent by the Military Law Department.

The Military Justice Department will soon be stationed in all yamen of the Metropolitan Government to thoroughly investigate the sudden increase in the number of whistleblowers recently."

Grand Governor Qi Gangyi heard that the Military Law Department was dispatched, and his head gradually began to hurt.

Civil officials have the Metropolitan Procuratorate keeping an eye on all civil servants. Once taken away by the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the official's fate is basically doomed.

The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion also has its own related yamen, which is the Military Law Department.

The Ministry of Military Justice was nominally under the management of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, but in fact it was personally managed by Emperor Su He.

Under normal circumstances, the Military Justice Department will not take action, but will investigate secretly.

Only personnel from the Military Justice Department will be dispatched if they have evidence that can lead to a conviction.

Qi Gangyi signed the official document and asked the other yamen of the Governor's Mansion to cooperate with the investigation of the Military Justice Department.

Master Xiao Wang said with emotion: "The officials of the Military Law Department are also very upset.

It is extremely difficult to connect these new case clues together.

For some unknown reason, a large number of people who appear to be insiders have recently come forward to report their accomplices.

Some people made up the number of soldiers, some withheld their pay, and some used them as slaves.

These cases that could not be solved before have now been solved because of sufficient evidence."

Grand Governor Qi Gangyi listened to what Master Xiao Wang said.

He slapped his thigh and said worriedly: "These people immediately choose to report in order to reduce their competitors and understand their opponents' criminal status.

Sometimes, enemies know a person best.

I only hope that after this storm is over, there will be more military attachés left in the Governor's Mansion."

This chapter has been completed!
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