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Chapter 858 The brave army retreats

Bian Yuhe, the commander of the heroic army of Fujian, looked at the fortress built by the Holy Roman Empire with his telescope.

This is not a masonry fortress, but a reinforced concrete fortress.

It is a more traditional bastion fortress in Europe, using high-grade reinforced concrete structure.

Even if you use the most powerful cannonball, it will only blow up some cement blocks and have no impact on the overall structure of the fortress.

In the plain area, if you really want to get around this fortress, there are still many roads you can take.

But regardless of this fortress, if the troops inside rush out, they can cut off the logistics supply line of the brave army.

If the 200,000 troops under his command lose their logistical supplies, they will not be able to last for seven days even if they have enough food in hand.

Austria belongs to the plains. Without this extremely difficult to break fortress, Bian Yuhe would have led his troops to capture Vienna long ago.

As long as he takes the entire territory of Austria, most of the territory of Fujian will belong to him.

Bian Yuhe's prestige in the army will exceed that of Fujian King Zhang Yuliang.

He could then support his nephew Zhang Lie to ascend to the throne and become the King of Fujian.

He will become prime minister and governor, managing all military and political affairs.

This position is more accurately described as regent.

When the time comes, Bian Yuhe can learn from Sui Emperor Yang Jian and Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin.

These two ancestors have already demonstrated to him a successful example of how powerful ministers can ascend to power.

By that time, it will become another country that spans the Mediterranean after the Roman Empire.

He has accumulated strength based on the Mediterranean Sea and will have the opportunity to peek into China in the future.

Bian Yuhe gritted his teeth as he looked at the fortress in front of him.

"Those profit-seeking businessmen in the country, after I take power, I will definitely kill them all."

The reinforced concrete fortress here in Austria and the high-grade cement are prohibited from being exported by the Chinese Empire.

Even if it is shipped from the mainland of the Dahua Empire, the price is extremely high.

I simply can't bear to build a huge fortress.

The Minguoying Factory purchased cement production technology at a high price, produced cement that met the requirements, and built forts and fortresses.

Bian Yuhe didn't know when the customs in Fujian would change?

As long as they have money, these businessmen are willing to sell anything.

He has seen the standard weapons produced by the Fujian arsenal from his opponents.

Weapons can be sold, let alone cement that is not strictly controlled.

Zhao Manyu, chief of staff of the Heroic Army, walked over with sweat on his face.

Bian Yuhe frowned and said: "There is no need to worry about the fortress ahead, our tunnel has been dug soon.

I will send a death squad of Austrians with explosives to destroy this fortress."

Bian Yuhe's tone was a little impatient. The Heroic Army was an army he built by himself.

He has always been the only voice in the Heroic Army, and all others are his subordinates. No one dares to be on the same level as him.

Zhao Manyu's face was full of sorrow, and he reported in the most concise language: "Your Majesty, our commander in Vienna has sent news.

European countries have assembled 1.1 million reinforcements. They have been assembled and are rushing to the front line.

The formation of the army is tens of miles away, and the army can't be seen at a glance."

When Bian Yuhe heard the news, the sword in his hand was inserted directly into the ground. The scabbard was almost half submerged. The sword was knocked out of the scabbard, vibrating continuously and making a crisp metal impact sound.

His face immediately turned livid and he asked: "Chief of Staff Zhao, is this news true? Why did I receive this news so late?"

Zhao Manyu wiped the sweat from his forehead and immediately explained: "We Han people can no longer enter the Holy Roman Empire, especially the areas around Vienna.

Only Han people are trustworthy and can use confidential equipment such as radios.

We trained Greeks and other European orphans and used them to spy on the movements of the Holy Roman Empire.

They are basically at the bottom, and all the news they know is public news.

In the first wave of attempts to send out intelligence, they showed their flaws and disappeared.

The second wave of detailed operations was not activated until the coalition forces from various European countries went out, and they have just sent back the intelligence."

After Bian Yuhe listened, he took the information in Zhao Manyu's hand and read it carefully.

He looked at the fortress in front of him unwillingly.

"Chief of Staff Zhao, order the entire army to withdraw to the Quling area."

The Quling area is the mountainous forest area in the southeast of Austria, close to the sea.

When the Fujian Kingdom conquered this area, this was the name given by Bian Yuhe himself to celebrate his victory.

This is a hilly area, which is more conducive to defense than plain areas.

Bian Yuhe has decided to let the Yongyong Army garrison in the Quling area.

They will rely on advanced weapons and a strength of 200,000 to wipe out the one million allied forces composed of European countries.

When leading troops in battle, whoever has more troops will never win.

But the advantage of having more troops was too great, and Bian Yuhe had to avoid its edge.

The Heroic Army must be fast. Once the European Allies block the Heroic Army on the Austrian Plains, they will cut off their logistical supply lines.

Only the brave army has no chance of winning.

Chief of Staff Zhao Manyu was stunned, thinking he heard wrongly.

"Master Commander, what did you say? Our army withdrew to the Quling area.

We marched northwest from Greece, captured the Slavic territories, and prepared to occupy the Austrian territories.

Now retreating to the westernmost tomb-hunting area of ​​the Slavs is equivalent to giving up most of the Austrian areas we have already occupied.

This territory is full of fertile plains, much better than the hilly areas we occupy in Europe.

The most famous agricultural products in the area now occupied are grapes and olives.

Corn and potatoes can also be grown here, but rice and wheat do not grow well.

The essence of this area is that it is an area composed of large hills and very few plains."

Chief of Staff Zhao Manyu didn't understand. After they occupied the Austrian Great Plains.

Each general of the Heroic Army can be allocated at least 10,000 acres of fertile land, and even ordinary soldiers can be allocated 500 acres of fertile land.

Judging from the action of dividing the land, the brave army is preparing to occupy this area for a long time.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! They are already in the core strategic area, starting to lay foundations and prepare to build the city.

Zhao Manyu's tester suggested: "Commander, can we use the city left by the Austrians to defend against the Austrian attack?"

When Bian Yuhe heard Zhao Manyu start talking, he knew what this person was thinking?

They just couldn't bear to part with the Austrian Great Plains that they had conquered. Many people already coveted the plains.

Bian Yuhe is also reluctant to leave. Once he chooses to retreat, his reputation will inevitably be affected.

If we don't win again this time.

His subsequent achievements were only that of Grand Governor, and his dream of becoming a Regent was no longer possible.

If the heroic army is defeated miserably, his fate will be even more unpredictable.

Bian Yuhe felt a little aggrieved. He was still dazzled by the victory before. He learned that European countries were showing signs of forming an alliance, but he desperately believed that the European countries were too divided to form an alliance.

Even if they form an alliance, the process of sending troops will be delayed due to different ideas.

The brave army captured Austria, and the Fujian king Zhang Yuliang was almost unable to govern at that time.

He just took advantage of his military exploits to promote his nephew Zhang Lie to the throne.

Once this is done, Fujian will be able to concentrate all its forces to respond to the attacks of European countries.

The hearts of the European countries must be divided, and it may be like what happened in Chinese history when the six countries attacked Qin's Hangu Pass.

Bian Yuhe did not consider that the European countries moved so quickly. In just two months, the entire process from alliance to expedition had been completed.

Give him another year and the situation will be completely reversed.

Now the Heroic Army does not know the strength of the European Allied Forces.

It is impossible to deal with the European Allied Forces' millions of troops with 200,000 troops.

Even at the last moment, choose to deploy militiamen to the battlefield.

The military strength controlled by Bian Yuhe was inferior to the million-strong army of the European Allied Forces.

Unless the European Allied Forces are still old-style armies equipped with matchlocks.

But this situation is basically impossible to happen. What kind of equipment does the Heroic Army have?

These Europeans know very well that since they can choose to take the initiative to attack, they must feel that they are sure to win, and their weapons must have made some breakthroughs.

Bian Yuhe patiently explained: "I was fortunate enough to listen to a class when the Emperor of the Chinese Empire gave a lecture at the military academy.

One of the sentences touched me deeply.

'Save people and lose land, and everyone and land will survive; save land and lose people, and everyone and land will be lost.'

This sentence has benefited me a lot. We are now at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and choose to fight head-on in the plains.

We were originally at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, so we took the initiative to divide them into relatively independent battlefields.

Doing this will not make the enemy happy.

As long as we can stop the European Allies' attack.

This fertile plain will be ours sooner or later.

If we cannot stop the European Allies' attack, we will retreat to a favorable position.

I can at least bring my brothers in the army back to China safely and prevent you from dying in a foreign country."

When Zhao Manyu heard Bian Yuhe's analysis, he immediately lowered his head in shame.

After receiving the order, the brave army responded extremely quickly.

They packed up their baggage and retreated to the rear overnight.

Bian Yuhe personally sent a telegram to the troops stationed across Austria, asking them to retreat to the Quling area immediately.


"Hello Mr. Tiger!

We have just finished dividing the land, and you want to divide it again."

"Mr. Li, the taxes for five years have already been paid.

You must also give us ordinary people a way to survive."

Li Dahu's right arm is empty, but his body is very dexterous.

He stepped forward and kicked an old man with blue eyes and yellow hair down hard.

"Why aren't you willing to charge you a little tax?

I, Li Dahu, am willing to collect your taxes to give you a way to survive.

Otherwise, your whole family will be arrested as a traitor and sent to work in the mines.

These lands only charge some taxes, so you can continue to farm.

If you don’t want to plant this land, I will make the decision to divide all your land.”

Li Dahu became angry when he looked at these foreigners.

After his right arm was amputated, he could no longer hold a gun and had to retire and become a magistrate.

In this barbarian land where he lives, educating the people is the most important assessment indicator.

These barbarians, who had no access to food and salt, did not listen to the enlightenment, which gave him endless headaches every day.

"Li Dahu, if something urgent happens, come to the military camp quickly."

Li Dahu saw that it was Li Si, the local garrison battalion commander, running to find him.

He immediately went to the military camp without delay.

Li Si took out a telegram and said sadly: "This is the order issued by the commander."

After Li Dahu read the telegram, he frowned.

"I will cooperate with the garrison operations."

Li Dahu took action according to the order in the telegram.

He summoned all the real Han people and informed them that the European Allied Forces were about to attack and the army chose to retreat.

Let them pack up their finances as quickly as possible and follow the army to retreat.

Li Dahu finally reminded: "Don't bring any troublesome things, just bring some gold, silver and food.

Only by keeping this life alive can we have a future."

While he asked these Han people to prepare, he also informed the Japanese and Indians who had not been fully Sinicized.

Tell them that the commander allows them to purchase the land here.

As long as they pay a sum of money now, the land will belong to them, and the price will be only half of the market price.

These people have not yet been completely Chineseized, but in the eyes of the Western Yi people, they are Han people.

They paid a large sum of money they had saved to buy local land.

The commander ordered that only fully Chinese people be brought back.

These people who were not fully Chinese and who had taken refuge with them in the local area, the commander took the initiative to give up.

Once the European Allied Forces come over, these people will end up miserable.

Li Dahu knew the reason why the commander gave up on these people.

There's no complicated reason, it's just that there's not enough food and grass.

A large number of people gathered in the Quling area, and even if food was transported by sea, it would not be able to feed hundreds of thousands of people.

Once something goes wrong with shipping, most people will starve to death in the Quling area.

These people have brought it upon themselves, and their behavior and self-identity have completely transformed into that of Han Chinese.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He will not cheat these people's money and abandon these people.

Li Dahu, with his strict confidants, began to carry out the tasks specially assigned by the commander.

Li Si was also busy. He immediately summoned his brothers in the camp and hurriedly prepared the carriage for transporting supplies.

When he was about to retreat, he saw that many people's guns had disappeared.

Li Si pointed at a familiar face and shouted loudly: "Wang Wu, where is your gun?"

Wang Wu looked like he was in trouble, and he said helplessly: "Sir, you are not asking questions knowingly.

Where did the gun go? Of course the gun was sold for money.

In this case, don't talk about us garrison troops who don't want to see you.

Even soldiers of the brave army, many people will do this.

It’s just that the brave army can report losses, but it’s difficult for us to report losses.”

Li Si knew that the current atmosphere in the army was very bad.

He is just not sociable and doesn't know how to please his superiors.

After spending some time in the Heroic Army, I was directly kicked down by someone from the rear who had no military merit at all.

There is a saying that goes well, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

The commander completely regards the brave army as his own private army.

Others in Fujian are completely unable to put their hands into the heroic army.

The soldiers of the brave army found that they could do anything without being punished by the court.

In this way, the brave army completely let themselves go, and they dared to do anything.

It is a very common phenomenon for generals to live on empty wages and ordinary soldiers to sell their weapons.

The brave army is still invincible, but they only use advanced weapons to bully the weak forces holding matchlock guns.

Not to mention brave soldiers who still have some experience, even newly trained militiamen can win.

When the brave army goes head-to-head with the enemy, the real shortcomings will be exposed.

Li Si shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

The army packed up its baggage, and the army and civilian officials retreated to the rear overnight.

Many people in the city didn't know that the army and the upper echelons of the government had quietly left.

This place has become a worthless empty city.

This chapter has been completed!
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