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Chapter 861 Rebellion

Druk was nervous, but he pretended not to care.

Even if the Han superiors sent them to the front line to block the European Allied forces, he did not complain at all.

The heroic army's ammunition was all managed centrally. He estimated that this rule that was obviously not conducive to combat was because the Han people were on guard against foreigners like them.

When Duluke received the ammunition, he was always very nervous, fearing that someone would tell someone or the Han people would notice something unusual about him.

Everything went very smoothly. The Han commander may have been worried about the fighting on the front line and did not notice anything unusual about him.

When Druk went to the front line, he had already replaced the people around him with his absolute confidants.

Those who may have been favored by the Han people and had their hearts set on the Han people were all given excuses to arrange for other jobs.

Druk led his troops to the front line and saw the neatly organized European Allied forces.

It is this kind of strong army that can force the brave and powerful army in his heart to choose to retreat.

Druk took out the pistol he was assigned, took out his handkerchief and wiped it repeatedly, trying to smooth away the anxiety in his heart.

When the European Allied forces attacked his camp, he responded in a normal manner.

Until a huge red firework rose over the European Allied Forces.

A ball of fiery red gunpowder smoke floated in the sky for a long time, looking very eye-catching.

Druk shouted: "For Greece, brothers, take action."

He and his brothers immediately turned their guns and fired bullets at the Han chiefs who usually managed them very harshly.

The Han people were concentrating on directing Druk and others to deal with the European Allied Forces. They did not expect the sudden rebellion of their subordinates.

Without preparation, they were shot and killed one after another.

"Dulu Ke, what are you doing?"

Druk took control of the situation and heard someone in the camp questioning him.

He announced loudly: "Don't call me Druk, I am Brooke.

Pioneer of the Greek Revival, the great Marquis Brooke.

I will lead you to restore the glory of Greece."

The people who followed Brooke immediately raised their guns and cheered.

The Greeks, who had other ideas, saw this situation and kept silent and chose to be wise and protect themselves.

After Brooke took control of a corner of the battlefield, he sent people to move the barricades and welcome the European Allies while observing other parts of the battlefield.

He found that not only his battalion, but also people everywhere in the defense line were rebelling.

In some core fortifications, the clear clicking sound of heavy machine guns could already be heard.

He laughed at those who still dared to resist near heavy machine guns. These people were completely overestimating their own capabilities.

The camp has blossomed on all sides, many people have chosen to rebel, and the European Allied Forces have rushed towards the camp.

Some generals of the new brave army hold guns in their hands, like lost lambs, and do things in a disorganized manner.

They also wanted to clear out their rebellious colleagues and guard against an attack by the European Allied Forces.

When the Han chiefs encountered this situation, they did not adjust their behavior.

Brooke saw some machine guns, which were firing at everyone outside the position indiscriminately, regardless of whether the approaching troops had rebelled?

This chaotic situation further aggravated the chaos on the battlefield.

Zhou Shanhu, the general in charge of the frontline command of the heroic army, saw this chaotic situation.

He was also at a loss and immediately picked up the phone line and asked for instructions from the commander of the heroic army, Bian Yuhe.

Commander Bian Yuhe of the Heroic Army is conducting a sand table simulation with his staff.

He wants to find the breaking point of this war.

The weapons and ammunition in his hands were only enough for one counterattack, which failed to achieve the desired effect. He could only choose to retreat gradually.

He will most likely return to Greece, the place where Fujian has been operating for the longest time.

A harsh bell rang, interrupting Bian Yuhe who was thinking about the battle plan.

Before he could get angry, he saw the red hotline on the table ringing.

According to the rules passed down from the Dahua Empire, telephones are divided into dark green ordinary telephones and red emergency telephones.

When the red phone rings, it means there is a military emergency on the front lines.

Bian Yuhe immediately ran over. He picked up the phone and said, "I'm Bian Yuhe. Can I tell you something?"

An anxious voice sounded on the other side of the phone, accompanied by the sound of electricity.

"Master Commander, I am Zhou Shanhu, the frontline general. There is a new army rebellion on the frontline.

The number of the new rebel army was still very large. They broke through the defense of the camp, and the European Allied Forces had already attacked the camp.

The frontline camp can no longer be defended, please give me timely support, Commander-in-Chief."

When Bian Yuhe, the commander of the Heroic Army, heard that the new army was rebelling, he felt dizzy and held up the table before he could barely stand.

Using the Han to control the barbarians and recruiting a large number of foreign soldiers was a policy he had always pursued.

Bian Yuhe is also under a lot of pressure.

People in the country often asked him to learn the lessons of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

I feel that things in history are too far away, and the indigenous judgments made shortly after the founding of Fujian are also very profound.

The natives of Egypt can judge, and the natives of Europe can also judge.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

They are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. In order to be able to rely on others for their own interests, they will also rebel for their own interests.

However, because of the interests of the brave army, Bian Yuhe did not listen to these suggestions and forcibly promoted the new army plan.

Bian Yuhe believed that with the strength of the brave army, he could suppress these new foreign armies.

He did not expect that the brave army would only show some defeat, but before it was officially defeated, these new foreign troops would rebel.

They cooperated internally and externally, ruining the heroic army's hope of victory.

When Zhou Shanhu heard that the commander was silent, he asked anxiously: "Commander, what should we do now?"

Bian Yuhe knew that the most important thing now was to let the brave troops on the front line retreat.

The position can no longer be defended. Staying on the front line will only increase casualties.

He immediately ordered: "All the old camps of the brave army should be withdrawn.

The weapons that could be taken away were taken away, and the heavy artillery that could not be taken away were destroyed.

It must not be left behind by the European Allies and used as a weapon to attack us later.

Notify the new army and continue to resist in the camp.

New troops who dare to approach the old camp will be dealt with immediately according to the standards of rebels."

After Bian Yuhe issued the order, he immediately ordered the Chinese army to make preparations for the retreat.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At the same time, let the artillery battalion set up heavy artillery, and provide artillery support based on the news sent by the old battalion retreating from the front line through the radio.

He knew that the new army on the front line must have people who yearned for the Heroic Army. Normally, these people should be brought back together to enhance the strength of the Heroic Army.

But Bian Yuhe didn't dare to gamble, and the heroic army was the only trump card in his hand.

Once the heroic army suffers too many casualties, it loses its only army.

Neither the Bian family nor Princess Bian will end well.

As long as he leads the army back to Greece, he will be punished, but the brave army is still there, and the safety of the Bian family can at least be guaranteed.


General Zhou Shanhu received the order from the commander.

Having already retired, he immediately notified the artillerymen of the Heroic Army to carry out indiscriminate bombardment on the front line, shooting out all the artillery shells, and then destroying all the artillery pieces.

When artillery fire was falling, the old camp of the Heroic Army used heavy machine guns to clear the way, and they chose to retreat to the rear.

Zhoushan Lake saw the old camp of 15,000 people, but only 8,000 people were withdrawn.

There are some old people who have become accustomed to nutrition and respect for others, and they have lost their vigilance.

As soon as the new foreign army rebelled, they became the result of someone else's war.

As a general on the front line, Zhou Shanhu has a very clear understanding of the situation of the heroic army.

Some troops were completely corrupt, and some soldiers even sold their guns at high prices.

This situation started brilliantly when some nobles from the royal capital came to the heroic army to gain seniority, directly ruining military discipline.

Zhou Shanhu took a sip and laughed: "The only thing a soldier can protect himself is the gun in his hand.

He even sells guns. He is not worthy of being a soldier and deserves to die."

Zhou Shanhu took the remaining old battalion and retreated to the location of the Chinese army.

The European Allies marched very fast, just to get entangled with their own side.

Zhou Shanhu led the army to retreat while fighting.

Because the European Allied Forces had achieved a staged victory, their morale was very high. Even if they suffered heavy casualties, they still would not give up.

When Zhou Shanhu saw that the Chinese army was very close, he felt relieved.

He immediately asked the telegraph operator to report the enemy's coordinates via the radio.

As they retreated, they could hear the whistling of artillery shells flying overhead.

There was a huge explosion behind them.

The air waves generated by the explosion of the shells can blow off their hats.

When General Zhou Shanhu saw the powerful artillery, hatred emerged in his heart.

It's all the fault of the new foreign troops. These people didn't rebel until the forts were built.

If the European Allies want to break through the defense line, they will have to pay at least hundreds of thousands of people.

Bian Yuhe frowned when he saw that there were only 8,000 people left in the old camp.

The rebellion of the new foreign army caused the heroic army to lose more than 200,000 troops.

There are tens of thousands of new foreign troops near the Chinese army, but with the events on the front line, the entire army has spread.

The soldiers of the old camp no longer believed in these new foreign troops.

It is impossible for them to work together as closely as before.

Bian Yuhe was also reflecting on his previous thoughts. He also lost trust in the new foreign army.

When Zhou Shanhu walked to Bian Yuhe's side, he immediately bowed at 90 degrees without getting up.

"Old Zhou was ashamed of his trust in the commander and did not detect signs of rebellion in the new foreign army in time, which led to the direct collapse of the front line."

Bian Yuhe immediately helped Zhou Shanhu up and comforted him: "It's not your fault, foreigners will never share our hearts.

I made a major mistake in my previous strategic decision.

Our most important thing now is to safely evacuate you to the rear."

There was a step at Zhoushan Lake, and he stood up.

He said with lingering fear: "Your Majesty, Commander, you despise your duty and fight against the European Allied Forces.

It was discovered that the European Allied Forces were definitely a strong force.

Especially in the current situation, the European Allies have millions of troops, while our army only has tens of thousands of people.

We must evacuate in time, once we are entangled by the European Allied Forces vanguard.

We can't afford to waste our army of millions even if it costs our troops human lives."

Zhou Shanhu used euphemistic words to remind Bian Yuhe to withdraw his troops.

This war was completely lost, they were completely defeated.

With only the power in his hands, it is completely impossible for the brave army to turn defeat into victory.

Bian Yuhe heard the veteran's consciousness.

He is not a fool, otherwise he would not have led a brave army to conquer half of Eastern Europe.

The most important reason for this failure was that he was proud.

Everyone knows this ancient saying: A arrogant soldier will be defeated.

But from personal experience, continuous victory can blind people's eyes.

The reason why the brave army was defeated was because of Bian Yu and his carelessness in underestimating the enemy.

The brave army marched too smoothly and did not build enough fortifications in the rear and dispatched officials to stabilize the rear.

This means that once the front line fails, the brave army will not be able to find a base except Greece.

There were no fortifications strong enough to withstand the strong army along the way, so they could only be defeated all the way to Greece.

When Bian Yuhe set out to conquer the Holy Roman Empire, he did not expect that European countries would unite to form the European Allied Forces.

The size of the European Allied Forces is still so large, reaching millions. This is almost the maximum amount of troops that European countries can use.

This is enough to make the people in their country suffer from hunger in order to support such a large number of troops.

Bian Yuhe looked at the map during this period, and he understood why the European countries were so crazy?

Austria is already the heart of Europe.

Further west is France and the German Confederation, and to the north is Russia.

Once the brave army captures Austria, the whole of Europe will be involved in the war.

These European monarchs and ministers can certainly see the future situation.

They chose to take the initiative rather than passively get involved in the war.

It was precisely because Bian Yuhe underestimated the enemy that he did not prevent the rebellion of the new foreign army in advance.

Bian Yuhe ordered the brave army to retreat to the Greek area.

When they came, they were like a majestic wolf king, entering Austria with their heads held high.

Now that I leave, everyone is dejected, like a defeated dog.


The brave army hurriedly walked on the mountain road.

They were lucky that the European Allies were not good at light cavalry.

The heavy armored cavalry in Europe could not run fast enough to entangle the brave soldiers.

A small number of cavalry is a walking feat for a brave army.

Bian Yuhe saw many civilians on the road, carrying Xinrou on their backs, preparing to retreat with the brave army.

Before evacuating, he had already notified the garrison in various places and led the local Han people to withdraw to Greece.

Fortunately, there are only a small number of Han people in this area, and there has not yet been a formal large-scale immigration.

Those who immigrated here in advance were basically smart people. They saw that the situation was not right and retreated very quickly.

Most people chose to evacuate by sea.

These low-value targets are not worth the risk for the European Allied Navy to attack.

There is also a small group of relatives of the heroic army. They trust the heroic army more and choose to retreat with the heroic army.

When Bian Yuhe saw the concrete road ahead, his tense expression relaxed.

Many brave soldiers looked like they were surviving the disaster.

This is already in Greece, and even if the European Allied Forces come after them, they can still wait for reinforcements.

Bian Yuhe looked at the tall fort in the distance, and he knew that the brave army was safe.

He left Greece with more than 30,000 brave troops and conquered a territory several times larger than Egypt.

Now he has returned to Greece in embarrassment with more than 30,000 brave troops.

After several years of hard work, I have come back to the past.

The brave army fled to Greece, and news of Fujian's disastrous defeat in Europe spread rapidly through telegraphs.

This chapter has been completed!
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