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Chapter 867 Reinforcements are coming

4354 (1657 AD), February 25th.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan has been stationed at Panshi Fortress for more than three months.

He basically completed the task assigned by the king and blocked the European coalition forces outside the Rock Fortress.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, wanted to follow the example of the ancients in building the Great Wall and build a permanent group of forts in the northern part of Greece.

Use a firepower network composed of a large number of artillery and heavy machine guns to resist the enemy's attack.

Troops were deployed between the forts, with fire support from the forts. These troops used trenches and bunkers for defense.

Just defend and not attack, so you don't need too many elites.

Facing this kind of firepower network, the enemy must sacrifice his life to fill it.

The king of Fujian Zhang Yuliang did have a long-term vision, and what he predicted did happen.

The place where Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan is located is the hub of Panshi Fortress.

It is also a place that the European Allied Forces must capture.

This area controls the main route into Greece, and other places are not suitable for large armies to pass.

A small group of troops entered the Greek area, and they could not even defeat the militia left by the Fujian state.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan fought against the European Allied Forces, and he discovered that the European Allied Forces were using them for training.

Soldiers from France, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, they had experienced the tempering of the Thirty Years' War.

Some ordinary soldiers who capture young men have poor combat skills.

But some battlefield veterans who have been tempered in life and death, they used to mainly use cold weapons, but after being exposed to hot weapons, they still performed very stably.

An officer who performs poorly will not survive on the battlefield.

These people command ordinary soldiers and want to train them into elite soldiers.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan didn't know why, but the European Allied Forces seemed to have gone crazy since yesterday.

They no longer trained troops, but commanded the troops and launched a general attack on the Rock Fortress regardless of casualties.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan came to the lookout point of the fort.

It observes the situation on the battlefield through a slender telescope extending out of the turret.

The Rock Fortress battery and the artillery of the European Allied Forces were firing fiercely at each other.

The forts of Rock Fortress are all heavy artillery with a caliber of over 300 mm.

This kind of powerful artillery cannot compete with the small-caliber army guns of the European Allies.

The Rock Fortress was at an absolute disadvantage and could persist for more than three months, largely due to these large-caliber heavy artillery.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan could see through the telescope that the heavy artillery shells of the Rock Fortress were falling.

The enemy's rear immediately set off bursts of smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, a cannon crater with a diameter of five or six meters was left on the ground.

Once it hits the artillery of the European Allied Forces, the shrapnel damage of the artillery shell and the range of the shock wave can directly destroy more than a dozen enemy artillery pieces.

The shells from the heavy artillery fell into the attacking army, and one shot could knock hundreds of people out of combat.

The European Allied forces were repeatedly killed by artillery and heavy machine guns, and they have now learned to master it.

Instead of using a dense formation to attack, a skirmish line attack was used.

The formation is more sparse, so the casualties of the army will be greatly reduced when artillery shells fall or heavy machine guns are swept.

The European Allied Army's artillery shells hit the rock fortress and only broke a little of the concrete wall.

Even so, cracks appeared outside the Rock Fortress.

Water drops penetrate the stone, and no matter how powerful the reinforced concrete is, it cannot withstand the continuous bombing.

The thing that made Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan the most angry was that most of the artillery used by the European Allied Forces were produced by the Fujian arsenal.

This is not the batch of artillery lost by the heroic army.

When the brave army retreated, they had already blown up most of their artillery.

Even if all the brave soldiers lie, the number of artillery used by the European Allied Forces exceeds the number of artillery left by the brave soldiers.

The artillery is basically the same as the artillery used in Fujian, both in appearance and parameters.

This amount of artillery is definitely not lost from domestic arsenals.

Dozens of artillery pieces can be transported out quietly, but thousands of artillery pieces are simply impossible to transport out quietly.

The only reason is that the European countries have obtained all the information on the artillery manufacturing technology of the Fujian arsenal.

When Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan thought of this, he felt filled with hatred.

These moths in the country should be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts.

He made up his mind, successfully completed the mission, and returned to China.

He must go to King Shumin to deal with the traitors in the country.

These people even dare to sell artillery manufacturing technology to the enemy, what else do they dare not do?

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan no longer thinks about these infuriating things.

He turned the monocular and looked at the open space between the forts.

These places were defensive positions consisting of trenches and forts.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan saw the Russian army starting to attack.

These Russian troops, at the very beginning, some of the soldiers couldn't even shoot.

It can be seen that these people are just recruiting young men into the army without any training.

Their fighting level is not even as good as that of the Fujian militia.

They suffered huge casualties in the face of heavy machine guns.

All the people with weak brains were killed by heavy machine guns.

Russia's military quality is improving rapidly.

This Russian army crawled on the ground, lowering their altitude to avoid heavy machine gun fire from the bunkers.

When the defenders in the bunker discovered the Russian attack, they immediately opened fire.

The heavy machine gun had the strongest firepower, constantly strafing the attacking enemy troops.

The bullets hit the ground, sending up bursts of smoke and dust, and occasionally the screams of Russian soldiers could be heard.

The defenders in the bunkers and trenches also fought back with rifles and grenades.

In an offensive attack, the Russian army suffered heavy casualties, and the Fujian defenders also suffered heavy casualties.

The European Allies wanted to destroy the bunkers sprayed with flames at all costs.

Even if the wounded soldiers were to bring the explosive packs near the bunker.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan felt that this battlefield was like a huge meat grinder.

Harvested by heavy artillery and heavy machine guns, the blood of the European Allies has stained this land red.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan estimated that the European Allied Forces would suffer at least 200,000 casualties in the Rock Fortress.

As a defender, Fujian still suffered more than 40,000 casualties with its powerful firepower.

Is this why Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan feels that this war is becoming more and more difficult?

Due to the lessons learned from the heroic army, all the troops in Panshi Fortress are composed of Han people.

The country of Fujian has a large population, but the proportion of Han people is less than half, and the Han people are the mainstay of the country.

Important positions such as arsenals and factories are inseparable from Han people, and the number of Han people who can enlist in the army is even rarer.

There were more than 40,000 casualties in a war, which had already reached the point of breaking bones and muscles.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan heard that there were already voices of dissatisfaction with him from behind.

But he still will not change this important strategy.

The Han casualties were higher, but the Rock Fortress could at least be defended.

Once foreigners are put in charge of defending the Rock Fortress.

They once again cooperated internally and externally, and the Greek area was captured.

By paddling a small sampan, you can reach Egypt, threatening the core area of ​​Fujian.

People like them also have no way to survive.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan put down his telescope, looked at General Xu Fei of Rock Fortress, and said in a relaxed tone:

"General Xu, don't worry, the European Allies are still doing the same thing, and the Rock Fortress will definitely be able to block this attack.

It's just a matter of consuming more ammunition. I'll send a telegram to Cairo and ask them to transport more ammunition to the front line."

General Xu Fei said worriedly: "I am still confident that we can hold on to the current situation of the European Allied Forces.

I am worried that the European Allied Forces will go crazy again and whether there is something important going on.

Behind every large-scale attack by the European Allied Forces that goes beyond the norm, there are unusual circumstances.

The first major offensive by the European Allied Forces was when Russia sent another 200,000 serf soldiers. I heard that these serf soldiers were mainly composed of Poles.

After the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, these Poles became the soft persimmons of Europe, and anyone could pinch them.

The European Allies' second major offensive was the defeat of the European Allies' navy in the Mediterranean.

They wanted to block the sea route, but this operation was thwarted by the intervention of the Imperial Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet.

The European Allies launched a major offensive for the third time, and that was when the Empire officially decided to intervene in the war.

Through diplomatic notes, the empire asked European countries to stop attacking Fujian.

The European Allies launched their fourth major offensive, which was when the Empire officially announced its involvement in the war.

The Imperial Royal Army located on the border of Russia and Ottoman Turkey began to attack these two countries.

Now the European Allied Forces are launching their fifth major offensive. I wonder what the meaning behind this is?

I don’t know if it’s good news or bad news for us.”

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan heard Xu Fei's concerns.

He is also very helpless. The intelligence system of Fujian has been severely destroyed. Now, Fujian is completely unaware of some major events happening in the surrounding areas.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan comforted him: "We don't need to worry about the enemy's actions, we can just stay the same in the face of changes and do our part well.

The king said at that time that the army supported by the suzerain country would arrive in February or March.

No matter what the cost, we will hold on for a while longer.

When the army of the sovereign country arrives, we can win the war.

At that time, everything lost will have to be regained, and European countries will pay a huge price."

General Xu Fei nodded and said helplessly: "Under the current situation, we can only continue to persevere. There is no other good way."


4354 (1657 AD), March 6th.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan received a telegram, and he read out ecstatically: "Reinforcements are about to arrive, our reinforcements are coming soon.

The king sent a telegram that the troops of the Chinese Empire are passing through the Suez Canal.

They still have three to five days to reach the Rock Fortress.

If we persist for another three to five days, victory will be ours."

The exhausted soldiers immediately cheered when they heard the good news.


"Victory will be ours!"

"Down with the European Allies and avenge our brothers!"

After Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan finished speaking, he looked at the telegram in a daze.

This telegram came just in time. Starting from the 24th of last month, the European Allied Forces launched a frantic attack on the Rock Fortress.

It was not the previous two or three days, but lasted for more than ten days.

After more than ten days of continuous high-intensity fighting, everyone in the army was in a tense state, and casualties continued to increase.

There is already some panic among the military.

There is a high level of tension in the military, like a taut rubber band that may break at any time.

But the reinforcements were coming, and this good news completely dispelled the panic in the army.

The army is most afraid of being left alone and unable to see the prospect of victory.

As long as you persist for a while now, you will surely win.

This trust in the Imperial Army has translated into high morale.

When Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan saw this situation, he felt relieved.

Now the morale of the defenders is sufficient, and the supply of ammunition and supplies can be guaranteed.

Even if the European Allies attack madly, they can still resist it.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan guessed that the European Allied Forces were going crazy this time, and they must be speculating on the approximate time when reinforcements would arrive.

I want to use a high-intensity siege to tire out the Rock Fortress defenders and capture the Rock Fortress.

From this detail, Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan understood the European Allied Forces and believed that his side was no match for the Imperial Royal Army.

He prayed in his heart that the reinforcements would not be delayed on the way and could arrive at the Rock Fortress smoothly.


After several months of sailing, Commander-in-Chief Zhan Tie led the Imperial Royal Navy’s expeditionary fleet and arrived safely at the Suez Canal.

He looked at the busy Suez Canal ahead and said with emotion: "We were careful along the way to escort the troop ships.

I would like to inform everyone to be vigilant, I don’t want to be tricked by the enemy at this last point of the journey.”

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan said with a smile: "Commander, don't worry, we have a certain understanding of the weapons used by the European Allied Navy.

They have a large buoy-like device on the ocean floor.

The device is filled with explosives and ignited when approaching the target.

Ordinary ships simply cannot guard against this threat.

But there are many types of Imperial Royal Navy warships, and each type of warship has different missions.

Destroyers are responsible for guarding the fleet. There are many depth charges on the warships, which are enough to deal with the threat of such weapons.

The diving boats of the European Allies are not fast, but here, there are no weapons that can deal with these diving boats.

The Imperial Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet achieved an effect similar to depth charges by improving the fuses of artillery shells.

Real depth charges are much more powerful than this simple depth charge."

When Zhan Tie saw the Suez Canal, they spotted the Imperial Navy's troops and began to evacuate ships near the port.

After a period of preparation, they sent a telegram to the fleet to order them to pass through the Suez Canal in an orderly manner.

Zhan Tie said worriedly: "The Emperor-class ironclad ship has a somewhat deep draft due to its weight.

Can the Suez Canal pass such a large warship?"

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan said: "The Suez Canal is managed by the empire.

The empire controlled the Suez Canal not to make money, but to control this important golden waterway.

The empire invested a large amount of silver coins to continuously dredge the Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal allows the passage of the Emperor-class ironclads.

They must be confident that the Qin Shihuang battleship, the empire's only Emperor-class ironclad, can pass through the Suez Canal."

Zhan Tie was not a reckless person, so he sent the cruiser Dongting Lake to the Suez Canal to explore the water depth of the canal.

He saw that the conditions of the Suez Canal were suitable for the passage of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

Only then did Zhan Tie order the imperial Royal Navy expedition fleet to pass through the Suez Canal one by one.

The people of Fujian on both sides of the canal saw the imperial army coming.

These people immediately celebrated on the shore as reinforcements arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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