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Chapter 886 Reading the battle report

The capital of the Great China Empire, in the Qianqing Palace.

Emperor Su He laughed loudly when he saw the war reports coming from Europe.

He picked up the bottle of liquor that had not been consumed for several months, poured a glass of wine, and drank it happily.

The Royal Army was unstoppable throughout Europe, destroying millions of European Allied troops.

This is almost the maximum amount of troops that European countries can mobilize without collapsing themselves.

Now that the European Allied Forces have been completely wiped out, this marks that European countries are no longer able to resist the Royal Army's attack.

European countries have entered a countdown, and the Royal Army can defeat them one by one.

Europe has always been a serious concern for Emperor Su He.

This war will definitely cause heavy losses to European countries.

Regardless of whether European countries can successfully restore their countries in the future, they will lag far behind the empire in the industrial field and will not pose a threat at all.

The biggest threat in Emperor Su He's heart was lifted.

Even the Great China Empire could not escape the law of historical cycles and fell apart after hundreds of years.

The new dynasty will still be established by the Han people, and the land of China will not fall into the hands of foreigners.

Prince Su Shu looked at the telegram. He did not expect that this ordinary telegram would make his father so happy.

In his eyes, it didn't take much effort for the Royal Army to defeat the barbarians in Europe who could only use primitive muskets.

Lu Chenyang was unable to lead the Royal Army to victory, so he had to advise his father to withdraw his generals before the battle.

The only possibility for this situation to arise is that the general who commanded the troops was too useless and rose to power purely through nepotism.

Prince Su Shu is very clever. He not only compiles relevant battle reports on the European battlefield.

He also compiled relevant battle reports from the Arabian battlefield and the Russian battlefield.

After Prince Su Shu compiled the battle report, he came to Emperor Su He holding a stack of battle reports.

"Father, this is the battle report compiled by my son.

Details of various battles on the European battlefield are here.

The mechanized army of the First Army performed very well on the battlefield.

The performance of the chariot fully meets the positioning of cavalry in the new era.

It has the advantages of light cavalry and heavy cavalry, but does not have the disadvantages of light cavalry and heavy cavalry.

The problems of high mechanical failure and short driving distance of combat vehicles can be solved by researching more advanced technologies.

The chariot was tested in actual combat on the European battlefield, and it wiped out five thousand light cavalry of the Holy Roman Empire at almost zero casualties."

Emperor Su He put these battle reports aside. Regarding the battle reports on the European battlefield, he only needed to pay attention to the final victory of the Royal Army.

As for their winning process, whether it is wonderful or slightly flawed, it does not require too much energy.

He tested Prince Su Shu and asked: "Shu'er, what do you think of chariots?"

Prince Su Shu knew that this was a test for him from his father.

Examining his understanding of military affairs, he does not need to be proficient in a certain field, but he must have a broad range of knowledge.

Prince Su Shu replied with a serious expression: "Father, the chariot regiment wiped out all the enemies on the battlefield, but there were no casualties among ourselves.

It has used real-life results to tell everyone how powerful the tank is.

Chariots are the cavalry of the new era, and they are still cavalry completely in the hands of the empire.

Erchen believes that the chariot is completely an epoch-making product, just like the emergence of muskets, which quickly eliminated archers.

Primitive musketeers may not be more powerful than archers.

Primitive muskets have a shorter range than bows and arrows, and the casualties caused by volleys are not as good as those of bows and arrows.

But it only takes three months to train a skilled musketeer.

It takes five to ten years to train a skilled archer.

A farmer who knows nothing can, after simple training, go to the battlefield with a musket.

However, an archer must be born into a family of military commanders to be able to train bows and arrows from an early age, and can go on the battlefield without training.

The tank has a similar situation, but it's not just about training convenience.

Traditional cavalry, whether it is soldiers or horses, is controlled in grassland areas.

Once the control of the Central Plains Dynasty weakened and the grassland areas were lost, it would be difficult for the Central Plains Dynasty to establish a strong cavalry.

Chariots are closely related to industrialization.

As long as steel production capacity is sufficient and factories ramp up production, tanks will continue to come off the production line.

This is equal to the core lifeblood of the chariot, which is in the hands of the empire.

Even if the combat effectiveness of chariots and cavalry is similar, the empire must support the development of chariots.

What's more, the combat effectiveness of chariots far exceeds that of cavalry. They will definitely be the main force of the Royal Army in the future, so we must vigorously develop chariots.

As long as the Royal Army has enough tanks, the aliens on the grassland will never dare to resist the rule of the empire."

Emperor Su He was very satisfied when he heard that Prince Su Shu knew the chariot.

Prince Su Shu said something wonderful, and he even praised it a few words.

Su Shu was even happier when he received his father's approval.

He immediately took out the war report in the Arabian region and said: "Father, my son, please briefly summarize the war situation in the Arabian region."

Emperor Su He had already read these battle reports.

But in order to let Prince Su Shu express himself, he agreed to Prince Su Shu's request.

Prince Su Shu received his father's permission and said happily: "Father, the Arabian battlefield can be summed up in one sentence, that is, it is overwhelming.

This Royal Army was one of the three armies that fell, and their opponent was also the decadent Ottoman Turkey.

General Wu Ming was unstoppable along the way and did not encounter any enemy that could contend with the Royal Army for a moment.

The Ottoman Turkish army's musket equipment is less than 10%.

More than 90% of the Ottoman Turkish army used swords and spears to fight the Royal Army.

Even under the control of religion, they launched a charge without fear of death.

Faith cannot withstand the torrent of steel and the lessons of Royal Army artillery and machine guns.

The Ottoman Turkish army used die-hard elements to be quickly eliminated, while the faith of the rest was not so firm.

When they encountered the Royal Army, they all chose to surrender.

The empire's policy towards the Armenians also attracted other ethnic groups in Ottoman Turkey to join the empire.

For example, the Kurds are a large ethnic group in Ottoman Turkey. Their greatest hope is to establish their own country.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Groups with similar ideas have taken the initiative to contact the empire and want to join the empire.

General Wu Ming focused on killing the Turks and adopted a soft policy towards non-Turks.

The conflicts between the various ethnic groups, which were already in sharp conflict, became irreconcilable.

For example, promoting oppressed ethnic groups and managing occupied Turkish areas.

In this way, only a small number of troops are needed to maintain stability in the occupied area.

General Wu Ming is about to eliminate the last Ottoman Turkish army and head to Europe to join forces with General Lu Chenyang."

Emperor Su He listened to the battle report with great interest.

The Royal Army of the Great China Empire attacks Ottoman Turkey, which means fully armed humans fighting against uncivilized monkeys.

The army in the industrial era, even in the relatively primitive industrial era, would crush the army in all aspects against the army in the agricultural era.

What's more, Ottoman Turkey has now become decadent, and theirs is no match for the Imperial Royal Army.

Emperor Su He asked: "Shu'er, why do you think the progress in the Arab region is slow?"

Prince Su Shu did not expect that his father would ask this question.

He didn't prepare in advance at all and could only answer on the spot.

Use the knowledge he has learned before to analyze the problems encountered by this Royal Army and the thoughts of General Wu Ming.

Prince Su Shu thought briefly and analyzed: "Does General Wu Ming want to build a road?

It would be more convenient to transport supplies for more than 100,000 troops by railway.

Today's railroads extend westward at a slower pace.

There are no railways and we must rely on roads so that a large number of freight vehicles can pass.

Obsidian produces a lot of oil and is very close to Ottoman Türkiye.

Use large trucks for transportation, so you don’t have to worry about insufficient oil supply.”

Emperor Su He shook his head and said, "Think about it some more."

Prince Su Shu saw that the reason he thought of was not recognized by his father.

Beads of sweat formed on his anxious forehead, and his toes kept digging in his shoes.

He knew that his father would not ask this question for no reason, so he immediately recalled what he had said before his father asked the question.

Prince Su Shu had a flash of inspiration and analyzed: "Father, I have another idea.

General Wu Ming still wants to protect the logistics supply line.

They need to fight all the way to Europe, and they cannot expect to be able to grab enough food near the battlefield every time they fight.

What's more, the Royal Army is a firearms force, and the ammunition consumption in each war is very considerable.

Without smooth logistics supply lines responsible for transporting ammunition, the Royal Army would not be able to fight several wars.

From this perspective, General Wu Ming's idea is ready to come out.

He wants to establish a complete logistical supply line, and the most important thing is to stabilize the Arab region.

Rebellions broke out one after another in this area, and logistics and supply lines were constantly attacked.

When the Royal Army goes to Europe, the war will not go smoothly, and it is very likely that it will have to go back to fight the rebellion."

After Emperor Su He listened, he instructed Prince Su Shu to get several memorials from the telegraph cabinet.

These memorials are all requests from the Arab Theater Command to establish multiple countries in the Arab region.

Among them are Turkey, Armenia, Kurdistan and other countries.

The area of ​​these countries is very small, not as big as a province of the empire, which is almost as big as two Jinan prefectures.

Emperor Su He taught: "Shu'er, when observing a war, you must observe it as a whole, not just the battle report."

Prince Su Shu nodded solemnly. This incident would make him remember it for the rest of his life. He should look at things from multiple angles.

He looked at the intertwined colors of these countries and didn't understand what they meant, so he immediately asked his father.

Emperor Su He laughed and said: "The country assigned to the Turks contains Kurds, Armenians and other ethnic groups that are in conflict with him.

Wu Ming and others know how to balance. Most of the Armenian traditional gathering areas are allocated to the Armenian country, and a small part is allocated to other countries.

It is impossible for the empire to eliminate all people, let alone absorb too many of them.

We Han people have a strong ability to assimilate, but too much is not enough.

If too many foreign races are absorbed, it is very likely that a new ethnic group will be created.

We can only divide these people who are difficult to assimilate to form a country, which will be easier to handle.

These people are already full of contradictions, and as the empire intensifies from all aspects, they can't even think of settling down.

There are constant frictions and conflicts in this area, and it will definitely not be able to develop itself stably.

The empire can control this area with a small amount of experience.

What Shu'er said just now is right, they are also waiting for the asphalt road to be connected.

Petroleum refining provides a large amount of materials for road construction, making road paving much easier.

But that’s not the main reason.”

Prince Su Shu nodded in understanding.

He just remembers this thing, and the connotation needs to have richer life experiences to fully understand it.

He continued to take out the Russian battle report and said happily: "Father, the most important reason for Russia's slow progress is the road problem.

General Bai Yuangui made rapid progress when the roads were frozen.

Then spring arrived, and the frozen soil in Russia began to thaw, turning everything into muddy swamps.

Especially tanks, in this case, simply cannot move forward.

The Royal Army's logistical supplies also mainly rely on freight truck transportation.

They are also unable to drive in muddy areas similar to swamps.

In order to prevent the Royal Army from being divided, General Bai Yuangui could only stop at the same spot and confront the Russian army.

During this period, Russia took the opportunity to complete national mobilization.

With the muskets and artillery supported by France, they could only fight to save the life and death of the people at the bottom, and could barely keep the battle line at a standstill.

As all the snow on the nearby mountains melted, there was no excess water flowing through.

All the water stored in the soil is dried by the hot sun.

The Russian plains were transformed into roads suitable for mechanized troops.

General Bai Yuangui commanded chariots to clear the way and relied on the tactics of transporting troops by automobile.

It only took half a month to advance the army to the vicinity of Moscow, the capital of Russia.

A telegram from General Bai Yungui of Zhejiang Feng said that they have stored more ammunition and supplies and are preparing to launch a general attack on Moscow when the time is right."

After Prince Su Shu finished speaking, a confident smile appeared on his face.

The situation in Russia is very simple. Just look at the battle reports and you will know the local situation.

The cold in Russia is similar to that in Mobei, and the window period for combat is very short.

It is not suitable for fighting before and after winter. In the severe cold season, the gun bolt will freeze directly.

Just after winter, the land thawed and turned into a swamp, which was not conducive to marching.

Only when there is little rain in summer is a good opportunity to fight.

General Bai Yuangui obviously seized this opportunity and took advantage of the power of the chariot to reach Moscow.

If the Royal Army captures Moscow, Russia's morale will collapse and the resistance of the nobles will weaken a lot.

Emperor Su He looked extremely excited when Prince Su Shu finished speaking.

Regarding the Royal Army attacking Russia, Emperor Su He was not worried that the Russian army could withstand the Royal Army's attack.

His biggest concern was the unbearable cold in Russia.

This Royal Army carried one more cotton-padded coat than other armies.

Emperor Su He asked as usual: "According to the practices in the Arab region, how does Shu'er think we should treat Russia?"

Prince Su Shu carefully thought about the situation just now.

He tentatively said: "Father, the most important thing for the governance of Russia is to build a direct railway to Russia.

As long as there is a railway connecting the two places, the empire's rule will be stable.

My father also explained just now that we cannot execute all those Russians.

According to the father's idea, it would be more appropriate to relocate these people to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Then send half of the Poles to Russia.

If this happens, Europe will never be at peace.

There's a lot of shit going on in the country, and they can't develop and grow at all."

Emperor Su He gave a thumbs up and praised: "Shu'er has learned well. Some details were not considered well. The general direction is very suitable."

When Prince Su Shu heard his father's praise, a sincere smile appeared on his face. This time, his father's test was passed perfectly.

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