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Chapter 920 Paris Uprising (2)

Walker confidently shot the gun and missed it.

The soldiers guarding the warehouse immediately prepared to fight back with their muskets.

Wickham, who stood next to Walker and was assigned a musket, pulled the trigger immediately after Walker pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and the soldiers guarding the warehouse were immediately hit by lead bullets and let out pitiful screams.

Wickham reminded: "Uncle Walker, before the people guarding the warehouse react, we must seize the weapons warehouse.

Many workers around us are dissatisfied with the kingdom's nobles. As long as we have weapons in our hands, I can convince many of my partners to join us in resisting the nobles."

Walker was surprised that Wickham's marksmanship was so accurate and he could hit the enemy with this percussion gun from fifty paces away.

It was hard for him to believe that ordinary workers with no military training could do this.

But he knew that now was not the time to delve into Wickham's identity, but to lead many workers to seize the weapons warehouse together.

Walker raised his fist and said excitedly: "We have killed the defenders. These defenders are very weak. Everyone, hurry up and rush with me to take down the weapons warehouse."

After he finished speaking, he immediately handed the gun to the young man who followed him.

For this kind of percussion gun, after firing a shot, you must use a purge to clean the debris in the barrel. This is a cleaning procedure that must be completed after firing a gun that uses black powder as propellant.

Walker took out his pistol and looked at the warehouse door warily.

After he fired just now, apart from the dead soldier, the other two people had already hid in the courtyard of the warehouse.

With his peripheral vision, Walker saw Wickam skillfully removing the purge from the gun, quickly handling the barrel, quickly loading the lead bullets and gunpowder, and finally attaching the somewhat crudely made flash.

They shouted slogans about defeating the nobles and soon arrived near the weapons warehouse.

Because there were some workers he was not familiar with, he immediately ran to the corner, bent down, with his back facing up, and leaned against the wall.

Wickham's movements were skillful, and he guessed that the worker's back and upper body were just above the courtyard wall.

He stretched his musket into the courtyard and immediately pulled the trigger.

A scream came from the courtyard, and then a shout was shouted inside: "Surrender, stop fighting, we surrender."

Walker was surprised by Wickham's skillful movements, and he immediately led people to rush into the warehouse door.

I saw a soldier lying in a pool of blood.

The other soldier seemed frightened and kept shouting surrender.

Walker asked someone to control the soldier and remove all the muskets and other weapons from his hands.

He looked at the warehouse he was thinking about in front of him. The big iron door of this warehouse had been locked with a big lock.

The soldiers who stayed behind did not have the key and could not open the door of the warehouse.

Before the attack, Walker was most worried about the soldiers inside and used the weapons in the weapons warehouse to repel their attack.

The performance of these defenders was worse than he imagined.

The weapons warehouse is normally defended by more than twenty people, but this is only the number of defenders on the surface.

The generals who defended the warehouse were on empty pay, and their total strength was only about ten.

Usually the defense is very lax, usually only three to five people are left behind.

They were lucky this time, as there were only three people left in the warehouse.

After Wickam took action, he immediately killed the two of them.

They did not injure anyone and captured the entire supply warehouse, which enhanced everyone's confidence.

Walker immediately ordered: "Smash the lock on the warehouse door, take out the weapons inside, and arm us all."

The big lock of the warehouse was quickly broken open, and they saw that the warehouse was filled with wooden boxes.

Walker excitedly opened the wooden box, which contained weapons that had just been produced.

Muskets, artillery, mines, grenades are all available.

When Walker saw a warehouse of weapons, he couldn't help laughing wildly: "Our big thing can be successful."

Wickham suggested: "Uncle Walker, we should take the initiative.

Attack the nobles and disrupt the situation while actively uniting with more people at the bottom.

As I said just now, I have some acquaintances who have a deep hatred for the nobles.

As long as you provide them with some weapons, these people will definitely aim their guns at the nobles."

Walker said excitedly: "I led people to attack the prison and free the prisoners.

Many of them were imprisoned for resisting taxes.

These people are full of hatred for the nobles.

You go contact your friends.

There are so many weapons in the warehouse that we simply can’t use them all, and we need more people who share the same ideals."

Wickham received permission, and he took three muskets and prepared to walk out of the warehouse.

He saw a few familiar people outside the warehouse.

He turned around and said: "Uncle Walker, my friends should have noticed something going on here. They were observing around the warehouse and did not dare to come over.

I will explain the situation here to them and persuade these people to join us."

Walker looked up and glanced at the people wandering outside the warehouse.

Some of them looked familiar to him.

In recent years, there have been some non-local workers in the factory who have formed gangs and have certain power.

Some of them are the leaders of several gangs.

"Go! Stay safe."

Wickham nodded, walked out of the warehouse, and headed to the dilapidated house a few hundred meters away from the warehouse.

The people outside also converged on this dilapidated house.

Wickham walked into the house and saw some familiar faces.

He said in Chinese: "The European branch of the Dahua Empire's Military Intelligence Bureau, codenamed Thirteen, is now named Wickham.

In accordance with the war regulations of the Imperial Military Intelligence Agency, the identity was officially activated.

As you know the current situation, the imperial army has surrounded Paris.

We have officially captured an arsenal."

They had just noticed a familiar feeling with each other before.

Wickham said that his identity was activated, which meant that he was going to do something big and needed their help.

These people can judge the current situation and if they are willing to cooperate, they will reveal their identities.

If they are unwilling to cooperate, they will continue to hide and will not choose to contact them at all.

As soon as he said this, the person opposite quickly responded.

"The European branch of the Dahua Empire's Military Intelligence Bureau, codenamed 25, is now named Bleifen."

"The European branch of the Dahua Empire's Military Intelligence Bureau, codenamed Wuqi, is now called Chisida."

"Sergeant O. Henry of the Xuanwu Guards of the Great China Empire."

When Wickham heard everyone reveal their identity, he was very satisfied that he had guessed correctly.

The practices and habits of these people were out of place in Paris.

If they hadn't lived at the lowest level, they would have attracted the attention of the nobles long ago.

Wickham said: "We are all orphans rescued by the empire.

We have a Western face, but we have a heart for the empire.

The empire has trained us for many years, and we are finally able to repay the empire.

We were sent to France not long ago and our background is not very deep.

It would be very abrupt to act rashly, and it would be difficult for outsiders like us to gain the trust of French locals.

I have been waiting for the opportunity, and finally I waited for a local Parisian who encountered injustice and wanted to rebel against the nobles.

To resist at this time is to cut off France's vitality.

Our task is to find ways to expand the scale of this riot and turn it into a major uprising of the bottom French citizens.

Everyone has received special training, and everyone knows very well what to do during this period."

O'Henry smiled and said: "There is no problem at all, we know what to do.

The mob at the bottom has a very simple idea: they will help whoever wins.

As long as we achieve preliminary results, these Paris citizens who have been oppressed by the nobles for hundreds of years will definitely vent their anger."

Wickam waited until the others finished expressing their attitudes, and then he led everyone back to the warehouse.

Wickham introduced everyone: "This is Uncle Walker who led us to resist the nobles."

He then introduced to Uncle Walker: "Briffin, Chistar, and O. Henry, these are three very powerful friends.

They have also been oppressed by the nobles for a long time, and they are willing to join forces with Uncle Walker to teach these pampered nobles a profound lesson."

Blefen said angrily: "We were very weak before and did not dare to resist these nobles.

But as long as we unite and control stronger power, the nobles will become the weaker party.

Now that a large number of troops in Paris have been mobilized out of the city, this is great news for us."

Chisida said anxiously: "We have notified our confidants and will be here soon.

We first took down the prison and rescued our companions who were persecuted by the nobles, and then we acted separately to attack the nobles who persecuted us."

Walker was very happy when he heard that so many people had joined the team.

He has a very clear positioning of himself and has no leadership skills.

If he can unite a group of people around him through his own efforts, it is very worthwhile.

He also does not have the ability to lead a large team.

It was already very difficult for Walker to command the more than 100 people around him.

He immediately welcomed everyone to join him and began to distribute weapons to them.

Wickham took advantage of the opportunity to distribute weapons and simply taught the workers how to shoot and throw grenades.

On the front line on the battlefield, you can easily learn how to use it after seeing how others use it, as long as you don't die quickly.

Throwing grenades also requires a certain method.

Otherwise, due to nervousness, the grenade is not thrown, which will cause casualties to one's own side.

Wickham saw that it wasn't just the Empire's hidden spies.

There are really some native French people who have noticed something and want to join their team.

Wickham saw that Walker was always ready to come.

This approach can snowball in the early stage, but once the team expands, it will inevitably fall apart.

Wickham did not stop it, and the turmoil that started tonight was getting louder and louder.

It would be better to form the Great Paris Uprising, and they would turn Paris upside down.

In this way, the imperial troops outside the city can occupy Paris without any effort.

When the Imperial Army captured Paris, the mission of these ragtag groups was accomplished.

If they surrender to the empire, they will receive better treatment.

If you resist to the end, the best result is to work in a mine that never sees the light of day until you die.

Walker waited until everyone finished distributing weapons, and then he urged: "Let's take action, don't delay.

The sound of gunfire will definitely attract the attention of the city government.

By the time the nobles react, we will have no chance."

As we neared departure, some people’s eyes flickered.

They prepared to take weapons and attack the nobles who had enmity with them.

When Wickham saw the eyes of these people, he knew that some of them wanted revenge, and some were greedy for the nobles' property.

Seeing that Volker was very angry, he immediately advised: "Uncle Volker, these people are not of the same mind as us. If we lead our actions, they will probably shoot us behind our backs.

Let these people do what they want to do and attract the attention of the nobles, making our actions smoother."

After listening to this, Walker felt much calmer.

He snorted coldly and ignored people who wanted to separate now.

His performance already meant compromise.

The team walked out of the warehouse and immediately divided into several groups, running towards different goals.

Walker led the largest group of people to the prison in Paris.

He didn't know how many allies he had, but he knew where the people hated the nobles the most.

At least 90% of the civilians in prison were persecuted by the nobles.

As long as there is a part of them, they want to rebel against the nobles.

This is a huge force.

As long as Walker can master this power, he will have the strength to complete his revenge on the nobles.

A group of them walked the streets of Paris at night with muskets in hand.

Along the way, no one paid any attention to me.

Ordinary citizens have a curfew at night, and they will not walk around on the streets at will.

Some patrolling soldiers thought these people were a team of strong men heading to the front line.

There is no need to look at other things, just look at the brand-new muskets in the hands of these people. They must be going to the front line to fight.

They have seen too many teams like this during this period.

This team is not even a huge team.

The largest team captured more than 10,000 strong men.

Walker saw that he had made it all the way to the prison gate.

He couldn't believe it. This was really child's play.

He also thought that he would encounter many enemies on the road, and he was already prepared in advance for a battle with the army.

Walker saw that the prison was heavily guarded.

If they want to enter the prison, it is impossible to use any tricks. They can only enter the prison.

Walker held a musket and fired a shot in the direction of the prison door.

This gunshot was the order to attack.

The gunfire sounded like fried beans, and lead bullets flew forward.

The guards at the prison gate were wondering why this strange army came to the prison?

Suddenly a gunshot was heard, and then the body was beaten into a sieve.

Wickham saw someone in the prison who wanted to come out.

He took out a grenade, pulled the fuse, and the grenade emitted white smoke, and he immediately threw it towards the prison gate.

He shouted: "When we encounter a dense enemy, we will throw grenades at them.

Throwing a grenade is very easy, much easier than learning to shoot."

A large number of grenades were thrown at the prison door.

The shock wave of the explosion directly blew away the iron door of the prison.

They immediately rushed into the prison and shot the guards on sight.

Seeing their ferocious performance, the jailer only persisted for a short time before choosing to surrender.

Walker walked in the prison, where the smell mixed with the smell of blood.

Many people watched their arrival with numb eyes.

Only those who had just arrived in prison shouted loudly that they were wronged.

Walker had the prison door unlocked.

He shouted to the imprisoned people: "You are free."

They did not have time to identify which criminal was wronged by the nobles, so they had no choice but to let everyone go.

This chapter has been completed!
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