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Chapter 93 Preparing for the recruitment hall

Su He and Wang Wenjun were observing beside the sweet potato field in the Wangfu Garden.

The sweet potatoes have grown now, and the big leaves look very strong.

The sweet potato fields here completely simulate the sweet potato fields in the arid zone of Hanzhong County.

Its living conditions are even worse than those in Hanzhong.

When it rains here in Hanzhong, a tarp is used to cover it.

It has not been watered since it was planted.

Sweet potatoes are very tenacious and keep growing vigorously.

Su He saw that the sweet potatoes were growing very well, so he came to Lingyun Hall for a meeting.

Wang Wenjun went to teach some girls, and most of the students were former Le girls.

Most of them plan to become teachers, and those with talent for studying medicine plan to become doctors.

Nowadays, most of the doctors are men, and there are not many girls in the Ming Dynasty.

For some diseases, such as the treatment of some obstetric and gynecological diseases, it is more convenient for a girl to have sex than for a male man.

Su He walked into Lingyun Hall, where Wang Zhongce had already been waiting.

"Commander Su, we were planning to take advantage of this victory to directly hold the imperial examination.

But Xinxue has not developed, and most of the scholars now are disciples of Zhu Cheng's Neo-Confucianism.

Now that the imperial examination is being held, a large number of officials who pass the examination are still corrupt scholars.

We want officials who do things, not just talk."

Su He thought for a moment and then ordered: "Then we won't hold the imperial examination for the time being. We are only one country. It is not appropriate to hold the imperial examination now.

We are imitating the Han system and preparing to set up a recruitment hall to recruit literati who want to become officials."

Su He really couldn't understand the thoughts of these literati.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs has been recruiting junior officials openly. The starting point for official positions is very low, but some subordinate officials have been promoted to county magistrates.

None of these literati applied for the job.

Even a poor scholar is so hungry that he has to sell calligraphy and paintings and can only buy one meal of food a day.

Seeing that the official position offered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs was too small, I decided not to take it.

I have been waiting for the imperial examination.

Now that the imperial examination has been suspended, we need to provide them with a way to enter the officialdom.

There are too few literate people now, and the gentry has gone through another round of attacks, and the number of literate people is even rarer.

Suhe has been strengthening the centralization of power, establishing a large government, and established more township-level government offices than the Ming Dynasty.

The number of officials needed was much greater than that of the Ming Dynasty. With subordinate officials on top, the manpower was insufficient.

Su He had long wanted to set up a recruiting center and was preparing to recruit some strange people and elementary school teachers.

It is also very suitable to use the recruitment hall as a platform to recruit some officials.

Su He has long wanted to build a primary school to cultivate children's literacy and help young people eliminate illiteracy.

If you want stable rule, a large number of people who receive new education must replace the old bureaucracy.

If you want to enter industrialization, you must have a large number of intellectuals who have graduated from primary school.

But let alone the township-level schools, every county builds a primary school and cannot find all the teachers.

Su He looked at the school-age teenagers adopted by the orphanage. They had no teachers to teach them how to read. Su He was very anxious.

This kind of adopted orphan is his strongest supporter.

As long as you have proper education, you can enter various positions when you grow up.

At that time, even the civil servants will all rebel.

Su He is not afraid, he has developed a new system.

Literacy is the basis for opening your eyes to the world.

Su He asked: "How is the Hanzhong school of Xinxue that you and Li Fengming started doing now?"

Wang Zhongce said confidently: "Commander Su, our Hanzhong school of thought is now very mature.

It is completely different from Zhu Cheng Neo-Confucianism.

But we are confident that we can use it to transform this decadent society.

It’s just that the number of people is too small and the development is a bit slow.”

Su He learned about the Hanzhong School of Xinxue from Wang Zhongce.

It's just a big gathering.

Most of the thoughts of the Hanzhong School of Xinxue were also directly influenced by Su He.

This kind of thinking will influence China for decades, even hundreds of years to come.

He must put his own stamp on it and cannot let this idea go astray.

Su He asked Wang Zhongce to be responsible for preparing the recruiting hall.

"Tell me about the situation in the Talent Recruitment Hall.

News has been released that the recruitment hall will be opened soon.

This is an important step for us to recruit literati, so we must not make any mistakes."

Su He learned that the recruitment hall was basically ready.

He called Wang Zhongce to learn about the situation of the recruitment hall.

The Talent Recruitment Hall is so important. If you take the first step well, you can attract a lot of private talents.

Not only talents from Hanzhong Prefecture, but also talents from neighboring provinces can rush to Hanzhong in order to become officials.

Wang Zhongce introduced the operation mechanism of the recruitment hall to Su He.

The recruitment hall is different from the imperial examination.

It is for the commander-in-chief and each yamen to recruit the officials they need according to their own needs.

When taking the recruitment examination, candidates pass the preliminary test and are screened for their literacy skills.

They need to choose the yamen they want to apply for.

After a written examination and interview, official positions will be awarded based on performance.

The content of the written test depends on which yamen these people apply for.

The interview is the last step and involves interviewing his supervisor in person.

The recruitment of senior officials by the Tongcheng Mansion is the most important attraction of this recruitment hall.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate, one of the three legal departments in the Commander's Office, does not yet have a chief official.

Both the Left Capital Censor and the Right Capital Censor are vacant, and there are only a few who supervise the work of the Censor.

The most senior officials recruited in this recruitment hall are the Censor of Zuodu and the Censor of Youdu.

Su He will be responsible for the interview personally.

Each government office will release a large number of official positions to recruit scarce talents.

For example, Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are collectively called the Three Law Divisions, and they recruit talents who are familiar with the law.

Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple, and Su Yan, the minister of punishment, were responsible for the interview.

"That's good. Keep the process as simple as possible and don't make it too complicated."

Su He was quite satisfied with the examination procedure of the recruitment hall.

After Wang Zhongce introduced the details of the Talent Recruitment Hall, he asked: "Commander Su, does the Talent Recruitment Hall need to set up entry barriers?

When selecting officials in the Ming Dynasty, household registration must be verified, and officials were also required to have good facial features.”

Su He waved his hand and said firmly: "Don't set up barriers to entry, we are short of officials now.

A literate person, no matter how useless he is, can still do the job of copying official documents and teaching children to read.

Even if a woman becomes an official, I will still have an official position for her.

Wang Zhongce, I have already asked those women who were previously from Leji to take the examination at the Talent Recruitment Hall.

They mainly apply for primary school teachers.

Spread the news and let the people know that we are open to all rivers."

Su He also knew that when selecting officials in the Ming Dynasty, they must have good facial features.

Those who are uglier will be rejected directly during the official selection process.

This is Confucianism that links appearance and virtue.

People who are ugly or physically disabled are directly considered to have no moral character.

Another most important point is that there were too many literati in the Ming Dynasty and few official positions.

If the involution is too serious, you can choose the best one. If there are any small flaws, they will be brushed off.

They are not good at it. Every literate person is a treasure.

Wang Zhongce looked very confused and said: "Commander Su, is this too bold?

Girls from brothels can also become officials. When scholars hear this news, will they still join the recruitment hall?"

Will these people boycott the recruiting center?"

"Don't worry, there is never a shortage of people who want to be officials.

During the Southern Han Dynasty, working with women was nothing if you could become an eunuch just to be an official.

The kind of defenders who oppose it are the same as the Qingliu of the Ming Dynasty.

I don't want to use this kind of person who can only talk empty words and can't do anything serious."

Suhe will not change the entry requirements for talent recruitment centers.

The recruitment hall is an important supplement to the imperial examination.

Women are still not allowed to participate in the imperial examination, and some strange people cannot pass the imperial examination to become officials.

Su He met the atheist Taoist priest whom the secret guards had investigated, named Song Kangnian.

There must be many people like Song Kangnian among the people who are in line with his wishes, and we must leave a channel for them to enter the officialdom.

When Wang Zhongce heard what Su He said, he stopped trying to persuade him.

They discussed all the details of the recruitment hall.

Immediately announce the details of recruiting officials at the recruiting center.

On June 15, the recruitment hall officially opened the examination to select and appoint officials.

This chapter has been completed!
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