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Chapter 927 Nationwide Celebration (2)

The Imperial Palace in Beijing, outside the Qianqing Palace.

The middle-aged eunuch Cao Chun came over holding a telegram.

He was scolded softly by the head eunuch who was on duty: "You ignorant person, look what time it is now, three o'clock in the morning.

Long Live Lord is sleeping soundly at this time, and you can disturb him."

The young eunuch Cao Chun accompanied the smiling face and walked down the aisle beside the chief eunuch.

"Lord Controller, this is a red emergency telegram from Europe.

Lord Long Live has told me that whenever we receive the most top-notch telegram, we must inform Lord Long Live no matter when."

When the chief eunuch heard that it was a red-level telegram, his face immediately became serious.

The telegrams sent from the Great China Empire to the Imperial Palace are divided into four levels: red, yellow, green and white.

If he dares to intercept a red-level telegram, he will be sent to prison tomorrow.

The chief eunuch said with a straight face: "I'm going to the Qianqing Palace to ask Lord Long Live for his opinion. You wait here and don't leave."

The chief eunuch entered Qianqing Palace quietly, and he quickly came out of Qianqing Palace.

He said expressionlessly: "Long live the Lord to let you in."

Cao Chun entered Emperor Su He's chamber in Qianqing Palace.

He saw the dim lights of the palace turn on slightly, and he quietly entered the attack.

Cao Chun glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Long Live Lord sitting on the dragon bed.

He immediately bowed and saluted, then lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, good news came from the European battlefield.

This letter is a briefing. The telegraph office is receiving detailed battle reports and they will be verified and sent over soon."

Emperor Su He received the telegram from the eunuch.

This is a successful message jointly sent by three commanders of the Royal Army fighting in Europe.

The Great China Empire has achieved a glorious victory and wiped out all the countries in Europe.

Emperor Su He laughed heartily after reading the good news.

He led the Chinese people to seize the opportunity of industrialization and relied on the huge power brought by industrialization to destroy all competitors.

In the future, no matter what changes occur in the world, the Han people will always be the masters of this world.

For the Great China Empire, future changes in the world situation are almost predictable.

Prince Su Shu did not develop enough, but as a conservative king, there was no problem at all.

Emperor Su He can safely hand over power to Prince Su Shu after a hundred years, without worrying that Prince Su Shu will not be able to control this huge empire.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only three o'clock in the morning.

"Don't disturb other people's rest at this time.

Please bring the detailed battle report to me and move it to Qianqing Palace.

Notify the major newspapers of this news and ask them to publish the news as soon as possible so that the people of the country can also be happy with the success achieved by the empire."

Cao Chun immediately replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, I will do it right away."


The clear bell of the clock tower rang at five o'clock in the morning, and all the major shops along the street opened their doors for business.

Zhou Xile, the shopkeeper of Xile Restaurant, took out the steamed buns he had just wrapped and placed the steamer basket on the steamer.

The waiter was on the side, adding coal to the steamer and starting to steam the buns.

When it is time to go to work, some people who have not had breakfast will inevitably buy one or two when they smell the fragrant steamed buns.

There is also a wooden sign on the wall of the shop.

[Steamed stuffed buns with cabbage and radish filling: three cents each]

[Pork stuffed buns: five cents each]

Zhou Xile looked at the endless stream of people on the street. Very few people were buying buns, but he was not in a hurry.

Diagonally opposite his shop is the Beijing Railway Station.

The train station has a very large flow of people. People leaving or entering Beijing are always in a hurry and there is no one to eat.

"Boss Zhou, I'll put five hundred copies of Yanhuang Daily in the store for you."

Zhou Xile saw that it was a worker delivering newspapers from Yanhuang Daily.

This small shop not only sells steamed buns, but you can also order food inside.

Some people arrive at the train station early and are afraid of being late.

They just like to order a few side dishes, a few glasses of grain wine, and sit in the store to wait for the time.

Zhou Xile discovered this situation and distributed free newspapers to people dining in the store.

Thanks to this service, the prices of his dishes are higher than those of other restaurants, but the diners have no complaints.

Zhou Xile asked the waiter: "Bake the fire hotter so that the aroma of the buns can spread further."

He picked up a newspaper, which was the most important channel for him to understand information.

The first thing you see on the front page of a newspaper.

"The Empire's Great Victory in Europe, Destroying All Countries in Europe"

Zhou Xile was shocked when he saw this content.

The empire's biggest move at this stage is to send a large army to conquer Europe.

He really didn't expect the empire to be so powerful. It was just over half a year ago and the empire had already conquered Europe.

"The war has been won. This is really good news. Stimulated by this news, the stocks I bought will definitely rise sharply."

As soon as Zhou Xile finished speaking, his expression changed dramatically.

There is definitely no problem with the war bonds officially issued by the imperial court.

The collateral for war bonds was land in Europe.

Whether the imperial court wants to develop it itself or entrust it to vassal states.

They all need to repay war bonds.

This is also one of the most important principles of the empire's foreign wars, whoever benefits will pay.

The price of war bonds will not decrease. If the war bond purchased belongs to a vassal country, the price of war bonds will increase slightly.

Because if these vassal states want to obtain land, they must repay the principal and interest of the war bonds in one lump sum.

Between twenty-year installments and one-time repayment, the latter is worth more.

Not long after Zhou Xile was happy, he thought that after the war, the stocks of the three major sectors of arms, steel, and automobiles would definitely plummet.

He asked the store clerk to look after the store, and he immediately drove to the stock exchange with his stock certificates.

When Zhou Xile arrived at the stock exchange, he saw that before six o'clock in the morning, there were already crowds of people outside the stock exchange.

Many people were holding a newspaper and sighing constantly.

A fat man with a big gold chain hanging around his neck and a gold tooth in his mouth.

He looked at the newspaper and cursed: "Why did the war end so quickly? The war should continue.

I have a heavy position in arms stocks, and now that the news of the great victory has come, the stock price will show signs of halving, and I will go bankrupt."

When Zhou Xile heard this, he said angrily: "Keep your mouth clean. The empire's army won the victory. How can you still harbor resentment? What kind of peace of mind do you have?"

The people around him also started to criticize this rude person.

The people's accusations made this man with a nouveau riche face hide in despair.

Zhou Xile couldn't stand this kind of person. He complained about everything but not himself for being stupid.

The price of the stock in his hand will also plummet, but this is his own choice, and he will accept the consequences no matter what.

The empire's army achieved a great victory, and because the war was over, the stock prices of some commodities promoted by the war were bound to plummet.

What goes down must go up. As long as you buy stocks whose prices rise, you can at least offset your losses.

The crowd gathered more and more, and they began to gradually discuss among themselves, which stock will rise or fall?

There are many different opinions on the stocks that are going up, but everyone has reached a consensus on the stocks that are going down.

"The stocks of major arsenals will definitely fall sharply.

Now that the war is over, the Metropolitan Government will no longer continue to purchase weapons.

The major arsenals will definitely shrink their scale, the number of weapons they sell will be significantly reduced, their profits will definitely be cut in half, and their stock prices will be even more cut in half."

"The industrialized army fights against steel production.

Now that the war is over, are there any redundant projects that can consume the huge steel production?

Steel will inevitably enter a cold winter, and some small and weak factories will go bankrupt, and their stocks will be worthless.

Even large-scale steel plants will inevitably experience a drop in revenue and a sharp drop in stock prices."

"I don't think cars can run anymore. The wealthy people in China buy very few cars except agricultural tricycles.

The performance of major automobile manufacturers relies entirely on profits from the sale of large trucks.

For this war, the Metropolitan Government purchased more than 50,000 vehicles of various types.

Once orders of this size disappear, the stock prices of these automakers will fall faster than they rise."

Zhou Xile waited anxiously until the stock exchange finally opened.

He saw that most people were rushing to sell arms, steel, and automobile stocks.

He also holds these stocks, but when he sells them now, there is no opponent at all.

No matter how low the price is, the transaction will not be completed.

Because of these people's craziness, emotions began to spread, and many people were afraid that the stocks in their hands would depreciate, so they sold their stocks one after another.

He took advantage of most people's panic to sell stocks.

Zhou Xile immediately bought stocks related to grain, textiles and clothing, ships, railways, and medicine.

He directly spent all his silver coins and bought a large number of stocks.

Zhou Xile looked at the stock certificates in his hands. He no longer had to worry about the price of the original stocks in his hands plummeting.

The panic at the beginning of the market soon ended, and the stock prices of various commodities became clear.

Stock prices related to arms, steel, and automobiles have halved during this period.

Sugar, alcohol, and tobacco stock prices fell slightly.

Most people can understand this. Arms, steel, and automobiles were purchased in large quantities by the Metropolitan Government, and the end of the war affected the supply and demand of these commodities.

Sugar, alcohol, and tobacco are commonly used consumables in the military, but they also account for a large proportion of common people's daily lives.

They will have some fluctuations, but not too much.

Grain and cotton stock prices soared, almost doubling.

The prices of medicines increased by one-third, while the prices of transportation did not fall, but increased slightly.

Zhou Xile's friend saw Zhou Xile's operation just now, and he also followed the operation of the approved grain and made a small profit.

He saw that the facts were not much different from Zhou Xile's inference, and he was very curious.

"Brother Zhou, how did you deduce that these commodities are going to rise."

Zhou Xile said confidently: "Before I came to the stock exchange, I was still very nervous.

I care too much about the price of my stocks and am afraid of losing a lot of money.

Always focus on the stocks in your hand.

Then I thought that the imperial court had to pay such a heavy price to win over Europe. Why?

As soon as I open my eyes wide, I immediately notice something unusual.

The war lasted from March to September, when food was ripe.

The war will definitely have a great impact on farming.

We read in the newspaper before that the French also dug up river embankments in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

As a result, a large number of grain-producing areas in Poland were flooded.

All things considered, Europe will definitely be short of food.

Whether it is directly managed by the imperial court or establishing a vassal state.

A large number of immigrants will inevitably move to Europe to ensure local stability.

I believe that within the next few years, the population of Europe will definitely exceed tens of millions.

This requires the consumption of a large amount of food, which will inevitably lead to an increase in food prices.

Precisely because of immigration and domination of larger populations.

Even for preliminary industrialization, population is an extremely precious resource.

The local rulers will definitely not let the population die of starvation, freezing, or disease easily.

The demand for grain, cotton, and medicine will increase significantly, and stock prices will definitely rise.

An unprecedented large-scale immigration is bound to occur.

In addition, the empire's mainland will definitely strengthen its ties with the newly occupied territories, and a large number of roads will be built to make travel between the two places more convenient.

Based on the above speculation, I chose to buy these stocks.

This situation can be easily imagined if you calm down a little.

But most people like to follow what others say rather than think for themselves.”

After listening to Zhou Xile's analysis, my friend just gave him a thumbs up. He was a little short of words and didn't know what words to use to praise him.

Zhou Xile walked out of the stock exchange in high spirits.

He drove back to his shop.

He is rich now, but the shop inherited from his ancestors must not be closed.

Zhou Xile will not be obsessed with stock trading. He will not make a move without a good grasp.

He drove his car and walked on the street and saw that with the spread of newspapers, a large number of people in the capital knew the news of the victory in the European War.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! They used different forms to celebrate the imperial army's victory.

Many of them don't know what benefits a victory in the European War will bring to the empire?

What changes will victory in the European War bring to their own lives?

But based on their simple feelings for the empire, these people chose to celebrate the empire's victory.

Zhou Xile hurried back to the store and saw that banners had been hung above his store door to celebrate the empire's victory.

He walked into the store and said with satisfaction: "You have done a good job, and you will be rewarded heavily."

When the waiters heard the shopkeeper's praise, they were all very happy.

"Shopkeeper, this is what we should do.

We saw many customers coming to other stores nearby after putting up banners.

We will follow up immediately and we must not let our store lose its reputation."

Zhou Xile smiled and promised to give the clerk an extra month's salary.

When the guys heard about this reward, they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

Zhou Xile heard that many customers in the store were discussing the victory in the European War.

"I don't know how many people there are in Europe, but it must be a very big market.

The domestic market is almost saturated. Any business needs to compete with other people. It is very difficult to do business.

After it is confirmed that Europe is safe, I will definitely go to Europe to investigate and see if there is any business."

"I heard that the imperial court was planning to carve out vassal states in Europe, and this matter has caused quite a stir.

After the vassal state is established, a lot of opportunities will definitely arise.

Before the vassal state was established, we were young and did not catch up with the good times.

You must not miss this opportunity this time.”

Zhou Xile saw these people celebrating the victory of the war, and they also had their own thoughts in their hearts.

He believed that victory in this war would definitely bring great changes to the empire.

It's just that his knowledge is shallow and he can't see clearly for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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