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Chapter 944 Immigration Problem

Emperor Su He was reviewing memorials in the Qianqing Palace.

The addition of twelve additional vassal states aroused the people's minds in the empire and caused certain troubles.

However, the imperial court did not get involved in matters related to the vassal states. Recently, it has been dealing with issues related to this war and the newly occupied territories.

Part of the territory gained in this war became the territory of vassal states, and part was brought under the direct rule of the empire.

Emperor Su He decided whether and how many vassal states he would entrust this time.

He also considered everything thoroughly.

The reason why Emperor Su He did this was based on various considerations.

There are two main reasons for this.

Emperor Su He knew that the empire could not escape the historical cycle and its lifespan would only be a few hundred years.

With the rapid development of industrialization, the resources possessed by the world are not enough for everyone in the world to enjoy a prosperous life.

In ancient China, the contradiction between man and earth was sharp, and China's future will also have even sharper contradictions.

As long as society is still made up of people, human nature will not be completely changed, and violent contradictions will inevitably occur.

A long-lived empire is already rotten internally and will inevitably collapse one day.

The empire brought the whole world into its territory.

Once the day comes when the empire collapses, who knows what kind of monsters and monsters will appear.

Emperor Su He chose to enfeoff the Sweet Potato Kingdom, so that these vassal states could survive in the cracks of the empire.

Once something changes in the empire, these vassal states will definitely take advantage of the situation and rise up.

No matter what the future of the empire is like, the world is still controlled by the Han people.

Another important reason is the father's love for his children.

If these princes who are competitive with Prince Su Shu stay in the empire, their fate will be miserable.

Emperor Su He enfeoffed them overseas, and he could accept them no matter how much they were tortured.

The ministers' memorials were quickly reviewed.

Emperor Su He looked at several princes and kings and signed a memorial together.

After reading it, he frowned and said, "This is simply nonsense. Let them figure it out on their own. The empire will not get involved in this matter."

The other things these princes and kings did before were very smooth with money and connections.

They prepared to immigrate the Han people into the empire on a large scale, but encountered difficulties.

Officials want to gain higher status, and businessmen pursue profits.

As long as they get what they want, it's easy to recruit them.

Most of the peasants in the empire want to live a stable life, and they will be even happier if their children can make a living.

Leaving one's hometown has never been a good word in Chinese culture.

There has been no shortage of food in the empire in recent years, and no one in the countryside has starved to death.

It is difficult for farmers to make up their mind to leave their hometowns if it is not because of natural or man-made disasters that they cannot survive.

These princes and kings had to recruit a large number of Han people to fill their domestic population.

Through immigration, they made the Han Chinese the largest ethnic group in the country.

In this way, they can gain a solid foundation and don't have to worry about being overthrown by the people.

These princes and kings spoke well, but the process of recruiting immigrants encountered difficulties.

They wanted the empire to introduce policies to force immigration.

Emperor Su He was very angry after reading the memorial. In addition to occupying new territories, the empire also carried out large-scale immigration of indigenous peoples in order to prevent too many local indigenous peoples.

For the Han people, the empire used various guidance to allow them to immigrate, and there was no precedent for forced immigration.

Emperor Su He immediately sent eunuchs to reprimand several princes and kings who signed the petition.


A simple donkey cart pulled a cart of people from the county seat back to Liuhe Town.

There were two people in the car who were out of tune with the crowd, looking at the surrounding fields.

The local winter wheat in Henan is growing vigorously now, and the view from the donkey cart is green.

The local farmers on the donkey cart crowded together and stayed away from the two people at the front of the cart.

The people in the car were all wearing simple cotton clothes. As the empire promoted cotton, it was planted in large quantities in the Western Regions and other places.

Coupled with the rapid rise of the empire's textile industry, the price of cotton clothes dropped sharply, reaching the point where farmers could afford them.

A well-fitting cotton-padded coat only costs less than one hundred pennies. If you buy cloth and have it sewn by your own family, the price will be even lower.

For a poor farmer in Liuhe Town, as long as he is not too lazy, he does not need to work too hard to change his family into brand-new cotton clothes.

However, the cotton clothes they wear usually have no patterns or colors, or the clothes have been washed and washed many times and the color has faded.

The two people sitting on the front of the donkey cart were not wearing silk, but were wearing cotton clothes.

But the clothes on my body are very bright in color and relatively new in style, and they look good.

The farmers in Liuhe Town have limited knowledge, but they also know that such good-looking clothes cannot be bought for tens of pennies.

Coupled with the shoes of the two people in front, their identities were directly revealed.

Farmers in Liuhe Town wear home-made thousand-layer cloth shoes.

The two people in front of the donkey cart were wearing rubber-soled cloth shoes that were obviously sold by a shoe factory.

If you want to buy this kind of shoes, you will need at least 200 yuan.

This pair of shoes is more expensive than all their clothes.

The veteran driver saw the village head in front of him organizing the villagers to take out the methane mud from the methane tank to prepare for fertilizing the fields.

Su Sheng, the sixth prince of the Tang Dynasty, smelled the pungent smell of biogas mud and quickly covered his mouth and nose.

There was an old man on the donkey cart with a pipe in his mouth. He held the pipe in his hand and laughed and said: "At first glance, he looks like a kid from the city. He is not even used to the smell of methane.

In the countryside of the empire, there is no methane gas anywhere."

The sixth prince Su Sheng had already raised funds in the stock market, and he began to make various preparations for the founding of the country.

He had to compete with others for the talents needed to build the country.

But he knew that he wanted to truly build the Tang Dynasty.

Talents from all walks of life are important, but the people at the bottom are even more important.

He thought it would be easy to recruit people to immigrate to Tang.

The empire issued an immigration policy, and they, the Tang State, cooperated.

With the empire's population of hundreds of millions, it was very easy to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people willing to immigrate to the Tang Kingdom.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The sixth prince Su Sheng has been waiting for the court's policy.

He had already prepared the supplies for the founding of the country, and many things had been shipped by sea to the ports of Tang.

Now he only needs enough immigrants to set off for the Tang Dynasty and become a real king.

The sixth prince Su Sheng found it very difficult to recruit immigrants for some unknown reason.

Wu Wangqi was determined to prepare faster, and he only had enough immigrants before he could set off for Europe.

He united with several worried princes and kings to write a joint letter to his father, asking the court for some support.

These princes and kings did not receive the policy of the imperial court, but received rebuke from their father.

These princes saw their father's attitude.

You can only find a way to solve this problem yourself.

The Sixth Prince Su Sheng believes that all problems will have solutions.

As long as he finds a solution first, he can take advantage and get more immigrants.

The Tang Kingdom was located in the Balkan Peninsula and was the frontline of the war between the Ottomans and Europeans.

This area was repeatedly contested by the Ottomans and Europeans.

The local ethnic groups and beliefs are very complex.

The sixth prince, Su Sheng, believed that he simply could not balance the various forces in the country with his own abilities.

The only solution is to immigrate a large number of Han people to Tang State and make Tang State a country of Han people.

He used the Han people as the dominant ethnic group to suppress other ethnic groups, and used the Han people's inclusive civilization to assimilate other people in the country.

The sixth prince Su Sheng believed that only in this way could the Tang Dynasty gain a long-term foothold in Europe.

In order to solve this matter, he came to Henan, a province that had previously been a major immigration province.

In order to obtain the most authentic news, he also disguised himself as an ordinary farmer, and his bodyguards put on makeup and stood guard from a distance.

The Sixth Prince Su Sheng thought his disguise was pretty good, but he didn't expect that someone discovered something was wrong with him before he even got off the donkey cart.

When he heard the old man pass through the marsh gas mud, he could tell that he was not a country boy.

The sixth prince Su Sheng asked curiously: "Old gentleman, are there methane digesters in the countryside of the empire?"

The old man took a puff of cigarette and laughed, revealing a row of yellow teeth.

"It's still the city kid who talks sweetly and calls me Mr.

The baby asked me about this matter, but I still know it relatively well.

There are biogas digesters all over the countryside of the Empire.

This is the virtuous policy left by Mr. Li Zhisheng, the cabinet minister at that time.

These biogas digesters were built with money from the township and with our own efforts.

After building a biogas digester, we can use biogas to cook without having to cut down wood everywhere or buy expensive coal.

The biogas mud at the bottom of the biogas digester is a good fertilizer.

It is not good to directly fertilize fields with human and animal excrement.

The technician told us that we should directly fertilize the fields and burn the seedlings.

There are also parasites in human and animal feces that can infect wheat with diseases.

After human and animal manure is fermented in a biogas digester, all the harmful things in it are eliminated.”

When the sixth prince Su Sheng saw this old man from the countryside, he had a beaming expression and an excited tone when he told this story.

In this way, he is enjoying the benefits brought by the biogas pool.

The sixth prince, Su Sheng, did not know the former cabinet minister Li Zhisheng very well.

This official's reputation in official circles is not very good, but his reputation among the people is not bad.

It seems that Li Zhisheng has indeed done a lot of practical things.

The donkey cart quickly arrived at the stop, and everyone on the cart got off the car and returned to their homes.

The sixth prince Su Sheng came to Liuhe Town. He specifically wanted to understand these farmers. Why didn't they immigrate?

He walked on the rural dirt road in Liuhe Town and looked at the real rural situation.

The sixth prince Su Sheng did not obtain valuable information.

The farmers in the village didn't want to talk to him at all.

While he was anxiously thinking of a solution, he saw a dozen people enjoying the shade under the big willow tree in the village.

These people were the same people who dug methane mud when he first entered the village.

The sixth prince, Su Sheng, endured the unpleasant smell of methane. He stood in front of these people, clasped his fists and said, "Brothers, please help me. I am a student at Henan University and I am preparing to write an investigation report on the countryside.

Can I ask you a few questions?"

The Sixth Prince Su Sheng finally decided to get straight to the point and directly asked the question he wanted to know most.

The big men in the village asked the student girl seriously when they saw her.

They smoked cigarettes and happily agreed.

The sixth prince Su Sheng took this opportunity to ask: "If you have the opportunity to immigrate to Europe, would you be willing to go?"

As soon as his question came out, many farmers present looked angry.

“If you don’t go, you’d be a fool to go.

My family has 120 acres of mature farmland here. We usually work as a cooperative in the township and use agricultural machinery for planting and harvesting.

I'm not in a hurry when I'm busy in farming. I can also go to the countryside to do odd jobs.

When I immigrated overseas, I was given a few extra acres of land and didn't even have any farm tools. If I wanted to farm, it would be really tiring.

When I was young, farming more than ten acres of land was already my limit.

If you want to plant hundreds of acres of land by manpower, you will be exhausted.

I heard that some vassal states allocate land to raw land that has just been reclaimed, and they need to pay a lot of money to turn it into mature land."

“The environment in rural areas is so good now. There are primary schools and hospitals in the villages.

Our children can go to elementary school in the countryside, and if we have a headache or fever, we can go to the township health center for treatment.

Immigrate to a barbaric place like Europe, a place where even a small cold can kill you.

I only did this when I was full."

"Young children, today is different from the past.

In our town more than ten years ago, many people immigrated to various places under the organization of the government.

That's because back then there were too many people and too little land, and disasters occurred frequently, making it impossible to survive.

They can only leave their hometown and go overseas to seek life.

Now that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, we can live and work in peace and contentment, so there is no need to continue to make trouble."

“My old bones have reached the age of being buried, so there is no need to immigrate.

We Han people are very particular about returning fallen leaves to their roots. Old man, I only have a few years to live, so I can't go out and mess around."

The sixth prince Su Sheng listened and took notes. He heard the information from these villagers and already understood the reason why he failed to recruit immigrants.

He took a donkey cart back to the county seat, preparing to return to the city to readjust his ideas for recruiting immigrants.

On the donkey cart, he took out his notes to summarize the harvest.

The reason why he failed in recruitment was simply because he did not understand the current situation in the countryside of the empire.

He didn't bother to investigate and directly used the methods of Zhao and Wei to recruit immigrants.

At that time, the farmers in the countryside had little knowledge, and they could be fooled away with just a few words.

Although most of the farmers in the countryside today are illiterate, they often use loudspeakers to read newspapers in the village.

The farmers in the countryside already have a basic understanding of the empire and vassal states, and they are not easy to fool.

Because of previous immigration, the empire's contradiction of more people and less land disappeared.

A farmer owns enough land to feed his family without having to worry about going hungry.

There is no motivation to go to a place tens of thousands of miles away.

The sixth prince Su Sheng thinks the most prominent reason.

That is because there are too few young people in rural areas.

You can't make much money by farming. If you go to a factory in the city, you can earn more in one month than by farming in a year.

Aspiring young farmers all flocked to the city to work.

There are only a group of older people left in the countryside. How could they be willing to leave their hometown?

The Sixth Prince Su Sheng wrote this, he has found a solution to the problem.

This time the recruitment of immigrants should be targeted at young people.

Especially unmarried young men, they are not only excellent soldiers, but can also promote the assimilation of Han people into local investment.

Where are these people most numerous?

Of course the empire has as many factories as the stars.

They recruited immigrants but had the wrong target from the beginning.

This chapter has been completed!
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