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Chapter 975 Fujian’s Counterattack (5)

4356 (AD 1659), November 6, Yuguan, an important border city in southern Fujian.

The commander-in-chief of the Fujian army, Wen Chaoan, has secretly commanded 170,000 Fujian troops to go south.

Wen Chaoan looked at the troops that entered Guancheng overnight and were in somewhat disordered formation.

Among them, only 30,000 were veterans of the battlefield. They included the soldiers who followed the old King Min to conquer the world, and the remaining elite soldiers of the brave army.

Among the remaining 140,000 people, 40,000 are veterans who have never been on the battlefield, but their training has been continuous.

The remaining 100,000 people were all new recruits recruited this time. Most of them had only received basic militia training and went to the battlefield with a gun.

Only a few of these recruits were Han Chinese, and most were indigenous people who aspired to become Han Chinese.

Commander Wen Chaoan looked at the tall Yuguan, which was an important pass built by the old Min king.

The old King of Fujian led them to use this city as a base to continuously expand to the surrounding areas and conquer the territory that is now the country of Fujian.

He has also been guarding the southern gate of Fujian in this city located on the east bank of the Nile River.

South of Yuguan is the Nile River Reclamation Area of ​​Jin State.

This is an important grain and cotton planting base in Jin State.

Commander Wen Chaoan stood at the top of the city of Yuguan, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

Wei Zhifeng commanded the navy and achieved a great victory.

The Fujian navy did not have the ability to land in the Yue Kingdom, but it attacked the ports of the Yue Kingdom from time to time, causing the Yue Kingdom to be in turmoil.

Many businessmen who went to the country of Yue and wanted to invest in the country had chosen to switch to other countries after seeing how dangerous the country was.

The performance of Fujian's navy attracted a lot of investment to Fujian.

The navy is now in a stalemate, and various countries have sent people to lobby Fujian and Vietnam, hoping that the two countries will cease the war.

Because of the war between the two countries, merchants no longer dare to take the Mediterranean route, which has affected the development of many surrounding countries.

Fujian currently maintains an extremely tough attitude and does not accept mediation from other countries. It is just waiting for the army's action.

The navy is assembled in the port, making it very easy to dispatch, and it also facilitates collective action.

The army needs to mobilize troops from various places. In order to cover the movements of the army, it also uses militiamen to disguise themselves as troops stationed in various places.

Commander-in-Chief Wen Chaoan's operations in the Egyptian province have always been to rest and recuperate during the day, and to move through transport ships at night, relying on the flow of the Nile River.

In order to confuse the Jin State, he also sent a small army composed of new soldiers, pretending to be the main force and preparing to retake the oil fields.

At night, Commander Wen Chaoan sent an ordinary telegram to the Governor's Office in the name of General Yuguan.

"Yuguan is short of food, please ask the court to allocate it as soon as possible."

This is an ordinary telegram, but it also hides a mystery.

His hidden meaning was that the army was ready and asked the King of Fujian whether to launch an attack.

Commander Wen Chaoan received a call back soon.

"The court will make arrangements as soon as possible."

When he received the telegram, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The King of Fujian Zhang Wan and the Governor-General have agreed to attack tomorrow.

The situation did not suffer any major twists and turns.

Commander Wen Chaoan slapped his hand heavily on the map.

"The Jin State is so ambitious that it dares to rob our country of oil deposits.

I led the troops to rob their farmland.

Even if the oil mine brings huge profits, it will be exhausted one day.

Fertile fields can be cultivated for thousands of years and can still bring a steady stream of income.

Especially these fertile fields are located on both sides of the Nile River.

As long as the Nile keeps flowing, the fertile fields on both sides will continue to generate profits."

Wen Chaoan and the entire Fujian nation knew that food was far more important than oil.

Without oil, factories and warships can still burn coal.

Without food, people will starve to death.

Once the people don't have enough to eat, the country will inevitably be in turmoil.

Especially in Fujian, grain-producing areas are extremely important.

Fujian mainly consists of two territories, Africa and Europe.

In the territory of Africa, only the banks of the Nile River can grow food.

The rest of the place is vast desert and Gobi. Some Elaeagnus can be grown near oases. In places far away from water sources, only a few plants such as cacti can survive.

Europe is located in hilly areas where some corn and potatoes can be grown, but the yield of wheat is very low.

Since the founding of Fujian, it has needed to import food from the empire.

If Fujian takes over the grain-producing areas of Jin, the grain should be able to meet domestic demand.

Commander Wen Chaoan just took a nap at night. He and his staff gathered around the sand table and continued to discuss possible changes in the war situation.

On the morning of November 7th, the soldiers were given a sumptuous breakfast.

Commander-in-Chief Wen Chaoan immediately ordered the 170,000 troops of the Fujian state to leave Yuguan and begin to attack the Jin state.

The small steamers made a whining sound, and they carried cannon and ammunition.

The Fujian army marched along the embankment of the Nile River. They carried their guns and did not cover up their tracks. They crossed the border and attacked Jin's territory.

Commander Wen Chaoan looked at the fields where wheat straws were still left.

Some farmers in Jin State are organizing black slaves to burn the wheat straw in the fields.

Thick smoke billowed from the wheat fields, and they also obscured the silhouette of the Fujian army.

The defenders of Baihe, a large city in the north of Jin State, could not see the Fujian army.

Wen Chaoan saw more than ten thousand acres of fertile land around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

“These fertile fields all belong to the territory of Fujian.

The Jin State is indeed very capable. Who knew that the rainforests, shrubs and grasslands of the past have now become fertile farmland after the development of the Jin State."

The army of Fujian was less than ten miles away from Baihe City of Jin.

Only then did the Jin army realize that this menacing army was an enemy.

They immediately sounded the piercing siren, and the troops began to enter the city fortifications.

Commander Wen Chaoan formed his formation and used his binoculars to inspect the fortifications of Baihe City.

With the development of artillery, the military has reached a consensus that even solid city walls cannot defend against artillery attacks.

The emergence of this result directly caused the empire to abandon the city walls and use defensive positions such as bunkers and trenches outside the city.

City defense warfare is divided into defensive warfare outside the city and street fighting inside the city.

Countries inherited the combat ideas of the Imperial Royal Army, and they did not consider the role of city walls when building new towns.

Commander Wen Chaoan knew that the Jin troops on the opposite side were all soldiers who had never been on the battlefield.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! By bullying the indigenous tribes who have no ability to resist, the army will not be trained at all.

After Commander Wen Chaoan adjusted his formation, he immediately asked the veterans to lead the new troops to try to attack the Jin army's defense line.

He wants to take over the White River City in front of him as soon as possible, as long as he can defend the White River City.

Hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land in the north of Baihe City all belong to the State of Fujian.

This is fertile land that is extremely important to a country. Fujian is already short of food and will never give up these fertile fields.

If he takes advantage of the fact that the Jin Kingdom doesn't react, he can capture Lianghu City.

The country of Fujian can harvest millions of acres of land.

As for attacking further north, Wen Chaoan did not have much confidence.

No matter how useless the Jin army is, if they are fighting on their own land and have sufficient logistical supplies, they will not suffer a brutal defeat.

The fierce drumbeats of the Fujian Army sounded, and along with the drumbeats came even more intense gunfire.

Hundreds of large-caliber artillery pieces of the Fujian army have been transported from small steamers, and they are constantly tilting the shells towards the Jin army's position.

Commander Wen Chaoyang saw that the soldiers in the trenches of the Jin army had suffered heavy casualties from shelling.

But the soldiers in the fortress did not suffer much damage.

The Jin army's artillery also fired back at the Fujian army's positions.

The Jin army knew the terrain better and their artillery shells were more accurate.

Commander Wen Chaoyang knew that if he wanted to deal with these fortresses, he could only send soldiers to get closer and use large explosive packs to blow up these fortresses.

A large explosive pack detonated at close range would kill the defenders inside the fortress even if it failed to blow up the fortress.

The defenders in the fortress also understand the weakness of the fortress and will definitely use machine guns and light artillery to block soldiers who want to approach the fortress.

Attacking the fortress will inevitably cause heavy casualties, but Commander Wen Chaoyang has already been prepared.

There were not many casualties in this battle, so there was no need for Fujian to recruit so many soldiers.

After Commander Wen Chaoyang gave the order, the Fujian army crawled on the ground and advanced. Carrying large explosive packs on their backs, they approached the enemy fortress that was constantly spitting out tongues of fire.

On the way forward, many comrades fell forever, but they still continued to carry out explosive packages and detonated them under the enemy's fortress.

Commander Wen Chaoyang originally thought that the recruits would be timid, but he found that these recruits had a sense of fanaticism, and they were not afraid of death on the battlefield.

He thought for a while before he realized that these recruits were willing to risk their lives in order to become Han Chinese.

The resistance of the White River City defenders did not last long.

The Fujian army attacked like a wave, causing the isolated Jin army to gradually collapse.

They saw their comrades being killed continuously by the enemy.

Tweeters are still being played on the battlefield.

"If the Han people don't kill the Han people, as long as they choose to surrender, the Fujian army will treat the prisoners preferentially."

"Brothers, don't fight for the noble lord, you only have so much salary per month.

Surrender and give preferential treatment to the prisoners, and if you want to join the Fujian Kingdom, we are also welcome."

The Jin army felt that the situation of the war could not be reversed, and some soldiers began to choose to surrender.

This immediately caused a chain reaction, and a large number of soldiers chose to surrender.

The Fujian army captured Baihe City, and Commander Wen Chaoyang asked the army to take a short rest, leaving behind 30,000 defenders.

He led the rest of the army and continued to attack Lianghu City further south.

Commander Wen Chaoyang wants to race against time with the Jin army.

Whether the Fujian army arrived at Lianghu City first or the reinforcements from the Jin army arrived first, this determined the ownership of Lianghu City.


Luoyang, the capital of Jin State.

Jin Wang Li Fengming summoned Jin's important ministers at the palace.

Jin Wang Li Fengming, who was originally good-tempered, rarely got angry.

"How did the army fight the battle? Baihe City has been lost, and Lianghu City is also in danger now.

Do you want the Fujian army to fight all the way to Luoyang City and make us all prisoners?"

The Grand Governor Gu Lingjun lowered his head when he heard Jin Wang Li Fengming's scolding.

He knew that after this war ended, he would have to bear the main responsibility, and retiring and returning home would be the best outcome.

If he doesn't want to step down with dignity, Jin Wang Li Fengming will help him with dignity.

He made a complete mistake in his judgment this time, thinking that the Fujianese Congress would swallow its anger and even if the scale of the war expanded, it would be limited to the fight for oil mines.

Gu Lingjun did not expect that the country of Fujian was completely different from what they thought.

Not only did they not want to control the scale of the war, but they were ready to start a national war as soon as they started.

The size of the army of hundreds of thousands is already more than 90% of the army of Fujian.

The youth population of Fujian is only over two million, but they actually sent out one-tenth of them out of spite.

Once the Min Kingdom fails in this war, even if the Min Kingdom survives, it will be in ruins.

If Gu Lingjun had known that the Min country was so crazy, he would never provoke the Min country.

He was thinking in his mind how to deal with Min's attack.

Governor Gu Lingjun waited until King Li Fengming of Jin finished his anger, and immediately reported: "Your Majesty, the Governor's Office has dispatched the main garrison troops along the Nile River to the Lianghu City via water transport.

The artillery and ammunition stored in the country were also urgently transported to Lianghu City.

In our military defensive operations, if we have sufficient ammunition, we still have the ability to defend the city.

The Fujian Army's dispatch was very sudden. It is indeed because I did not think carefully and did not detect the signs of the Fujian Army's dispatch in advance.

The defense of the northern cities was also poorly thought out, and the number of garrisoned troops was unable to cope with the large-scale enemy attack.

I will make up for it and solve the problem of insufficient frontline troops as soon as possible.

I believe that the strength of the Jin army will not lag behind the Min army, and the Min army will not threaten the safety of Daoluoyang City."

Jin King Li Fengming is also reflecting on himself. He, a veteran vassal king, was taught a lesson by his nephew.

The reason for this is that they have committed the problem of arrogance and defeat.

Looking at people with raised nostrils, doing things first, without considering everything.

He continued to be proud of his success in seizing the oil mines, and did not believe that the Fujianese government would fight back, and was not prepared in advance.

The main reason is that the Jin King Li Fengming did not regard the Fujian King Zhang Wan as his real opponent.

Jin Wang Li Fengming has not yet issued an edict to punish oneself, and Governor Gu Lingjun can still take the blame.

He looked at Commander Gu Lingjun and ordered: "Captain Gu, go to Lianghu City immediately to supervise the battle.

The Two Lakes City must not fall into the hands of the Fujian army. It is the location of an important reservoir of the Nile River.

The large reservoir built by our Jin army at a cost of millions of taels of silver coins has an extremely important strategic position and must not fall into the hands of the enemy."

Commander Gu Lingjun saluted with a military salute.

He stood up straight and said: "I promise to complete the task."

Governor Gu Lingjun knew that this was Jin Wang Li Fengming giving him dignity.

As long as he completes this task, he will be transferred to a sinecure and be in a semi-retired state.

Before setting off, Governor Gu Lingjun suggested: "Your Majesty, we should actively participate in the mediation of various countries and let them mediate the war between Fujian and Jin.

Even if a temporary ceasefire is achieved, we will have enough time to mobilize troops and supplies."

Gu Lingjun felt relieved when he saw Jin Wang Li Fengming's face moving.

The Jin State is now in a weak position, and the best solution is to induce external forces to intervene.

He returned to the Governor's Mansion and immediately sent a stern telegram to the defenders of Lianghu City.

Reinforcements will arrive in two or three days, and they must defend the Fujian army's attack.

After this war is over, they will be the heroes of the Jin Kingdom. They can easily obtain glory and wealth, and have the opportunity to obtain titles and honor their ancestors.

The failure of defense led to the loss of Lianghu City, and they and their families would suffer the hatred of the Forbidden King.

Governor Gu Lingjun rushed to Lianghu City with reinforcements and a large amount of supplies to provide support.

Jin Wang Li Fengming also communicated with kings of various countries through telegraphs.

He stated the pros and cons and asked the kings of various countries to mediate.

None of the countries wanted Fujian to take advantage of the opportunity to become bigger. After they had an excuse, they put pressure on Fujian one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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