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Chapter 979 Free Clinic

4357 (AD 1660), February 2, Danji Port, Vietnam.

A 3,000-ton ship flying the red gourd flag, enjoying preferential treatment than a 10,000-ton cargo ship, was immediately welcomed into the dock by the port management.

Ye Jingli looked at the bustling Danji Port and said in surprise: "Brother, Europe is not a barbarian land.

The scale of this port is inferior to many ports in the empire."

Ye Jingren looked at the newly crowned third brother, still maintaining the innocent side of a young man.

This is why he decided to bring his third brother to Europe to see the world.

He and his third brother are more than 20 years apart in age, and his father has been busy expanding his ancestral pharmacy.

The ancestral Ci'antang Pharmacy has developed into one of the top thirty pharmaceutical companies in the empire.

But the father also neglected to discipline his children.

Ye Jingren has raised his younger brother since he was a child. He, the eldest brother, really treats his younger brother like a father.

Ye Jingren smiled and explained: "Don't even look at how big the flow of the Strait of Gibraltar is.

Busy waterways will inevitably bring fire to important ports along the way.

Had the Port of Gibraltar not been an important military port for the empire, there would have been almost no commercial development.

How could Tangi Port get so many tourists in its turn?"

Ye Jingli blurted out: "Danji Port has become so prosperous, and the Min Kingdom that has lost Danji Port, their hatred for the Yue Kingdom is growing day by day.

When I passed by Fujian, I could feel that the atmosphere in the whole country was very strange.

They gave up many things such as entertainment and only wanted revenge.

Most of the country is made up of this kind of people, so war will definitely break out, it’s just a matter of time."

When Ye Jingren heard his third brother's words, he angrily said: "Third brother, you must pay attention to the occasion when you speak. This is not the territory of the empire. Some words cannot be said out loud. Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth."

When Ye Jingli heard his elder brother's scolding, he immediately covered his mouth and did not dare to say anything more.

Ships replenish supplies at Danji Port, mainly fuel, fresh water, and fresh food, the three most important supplies when sailing.

The ship was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean, and many warships from European countries were passing by around it.

They saw the red gourd symbol flying high on the ship, but they did not trouble the ship.

The red gourd symbol was born out of the empire's field hospitals and gradually developed into the symbol of the empire's humanitarian relief organization.

Members of the organization go to war-torn or disaster-stricken areas on a voluntary basis to treat injured people.

Such an organization is respected by everyone.

Ye Jingli left the port, and he was finally able to speak out the words he had been holding in his heart.

"Brother, let's go to West Africa for humanitarian relief.

I found a very special situation. Those vassal states in Western Europe basically went to West Africa to open up colonies.

The Shu Kingdom, which had the least motivation to open up colonies, could not bear the benefits brought by the colonies and went to West Africa to open up colonies.

Other countries in the European region do not have this idea. They only focus on developing themselves.

The benefits brought by development are not as rapid as those brought by plunder.

As the situation develops, the vassal states in Western Europe will compete for regional hegemony."

Ye Jingren laughed when he heard his brother's slightly innocent statement.

"Third brother, your view is too one-sided.

The most important reason for this difference is the Strait of Gibraltar.

If a country wants to develop colonies, it must have military escort.

If the army wants to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, it needs to report to the Imperial Mediterranean Fleet and obtain permission before passing.

After Vietnam occupied Tangi Port, it also used various methods to prevent armies from other countries from passing through the Strait of Gibraltar.

For this reason, countries along the Mediterranean Sea should carefully consider whether to participate in the colonization of West Africa.

There is another important reason, that is, cargo ships passing through the Strait of Gibraltar must pay taxes.

This alone makes the cost of developing colonies for these countries increase dramatically.

When they chose to colonize, they must have been unable to make ends meet.

The major vassal states in Western Europe went directly to West Africa through the vast Atlantic Ocean.

Both the convenience and the cost are very low.

Establishing a colony in a barbaric land also requires paying a heavy price.

When we carry out humanitarian aid this time, the first batch of immigrants from the colonies were too tragic.

The data I have show that the mortality rate of the first batch of immigrants was over 50%.

This mortality rate has directly discouraged many countries.

They chose to wait for other countries to open up colonies while their own country developed silently.

When you are strong enough, you can directly plunder the developed colonies to gain greater benefits.

Not only non-Western European countries think so, but also the vassal states in Western Europe, they should also have this idea."

When Ye Jingli heard his elder brother's analysis, he opened his mouth wide and showed an innocent giggle.

He really didn't expect that such a simple thing could have such a complicated problem hidden behind it.

Ye Jingli said honestly: "Brother, I don't understand this kind of twists and turns at all.

Medical skills are still simple, and being a doctor doesn’t require you to consider such complicated issues.

I originally thought Europe was safer. What I just said, brother, is that the conflicts between the vassal states in Europe are very sharp.

Then if we go to West Africa for free clinics, will we be harmed?"

Ye Jingren waved his hand and said confidently: "We belong to the Red Gourd Organization and go to various places to carry out humanitarian relief.

We will not act recklessly. When working in such a conflict-ridden area, we must contact local officials and reporters from major newspapers.

As long as these vassal countries want to save face and do not want to embarrass themselves in front of other countries, they will not take action against us.

Our influence on the ownership of a region is almost zero, and they have no need to take action against us."

Ye Jingli felt slightly relieved now, and he said happily: "This is good, we can earn fame and accumulate experience at the same time.

If a new disease is discovered, or during the treatment process, drugs to treat the new disease are experimented.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! We will definitely be recorded in the history of medicine."

Ye Jingli couldn't help but smile on his face when he thought about him being recorded in history and being admired by future generations.

The ship soon arrived at a simple pier.

Ye Jingli saw cargo ships loading and unloading goods at this pier from time to time.

The temperature here is already very hot, and Ye Jingli wipes the sweat from his forehead with his hands from time to time.

He judged with a professional eye: "The miasma here is thicker than the miasma in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas of the empire.

The temperature here is very hot, and plague is easy to occur.

Living here is really not a very comfortable thing.”

As soon as Ye Jingli finished speaking, a hearty voice came from the dock.

"What this little brother says is reasonable, but I believe that man can conquer nature.

We Han people never complain about the environment, we always change the environment to meet our requirements.

We transformed Yunmeng Daze into fertile farmland for Hu Guangshu.

We have transformed the miasmatic Lingnan land into an important town in Guangdong and Guangxi with a population of hundreds of millions.

As long as we Han people are given enough time, even the death desert in North Africa can be transformed into an oasis.

Not to mention the small rainforest here in West Africa.

Sooner or later, we will turn this rainforest, which is not easy to survive, into a livable place.

It's just that when you start the transformation process, you need to pay a certain price.

We warmly welcome Hong Hulu to carry out free clinics, which can reduce many casualties for us."

Ye Jingren saw the person who was speaking. He was probably in his thirties, with sharp eyes and an extraordinary aura about him.

He knew that this person was definitely not an ordinary person, so he immediately stepped off the boat, clasped his hands in his fists and asked: "Ye Jingren of Red Gourd, came to West Africa for free medical treatment.

Please forgive me if there is any inconvenience."

The young man clasped his hands in his fists and said, "I am Bao Yun, the general manager of the Jinhe area. I would like to thank Hong Hulu for coming to the Jinhe free clinic."

Bao Yun expressed his heartfelt gratitude. In order to protect the Jinhe Gold Mine, they were confident that they could repel the colonial armies of other vassal states.

But in the face of ubiquitous diseases in West Africa, they have absolutely no solution.

Penicillin, a miracle drug, is only very effective against bacterial infections.

For the most common diseases in the rainforest, they also have specific medicines like artemisinin.

It is precisely because of the existence of these two magical medicines that Jinhe Gold Mine can mine gold normally.

However, strange illnesses often appeared among the garrison troops and miners.

The doctors sent by Chu State were unable to solve complex diseases.

Even if the empire's top doctors come to Chu, they will not be sent to the colonies.

Ye Jingren said a few polite words, contacted the reporters waiting at the port, and headed to the Jinhe Gold Mine with Bao Yun.

The motorcade was driving on a simple cement road, with Ye Jingren and Bao Yun sitting in the car at the front.

The State of Chu arranged a large number of cars to transport 13 doctors and a large amount of medical equipment and medicines.

Ye Jingren sighed with emotion: "Master Bao, this colony is well constructed, and there is a cement road leading to the gold mine.

Without this cement road, doctors can go to the gold mine, and equipment cannot go there. It is really difficult for a woman to make a meal without straw."

Bao Yun said with a smile: "This is the road leading to the gold mine. The gold must be transported out as soon as it is mined.

Gold mines cannot store too much gold, otherwise big problems will arise."

Ye Jingren saw that there were no more trees on both sides of the road.

All the trees in the rainforest have been cut down.

Litter and fallen leaves are directly ignited and turned into fertilizer.

After being reclaimed, the forest has turned into acres of fertile farmland.

Ye Jingren saw farmers driving agricultural machinery and plowing in the fields.

Ye Jingren's heart is shocked every time he sees this kind of power that man can conquer nature.

The convoy soon followed the cement road and arrived at the location of the Jinhe Gold Mine.

Ye Jingren heard the rumbling sound of machinery.

Iron mine cars are constantly being pulled out of the gold mine.

There is gold ore mixed with yellow and gray inside the carriage. These raw ores are sent to the smelting furnace. After simple smelting, they turn into gold with not very high purity.

Ye Jingren didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the gold mine. The output of the Jinhe Gold Mine had nothing to do with him.

He and his companions built a simple hospital outside the Jinhe Gold Mine, officially held free clinics, and began to treat patients in the gold mine.

Bao Yun immediately asked people to notify the seriously ill patients in the gold mine and give them priority to come for treatment.

These people could only wait to die here before, but now they have a chance to live.

Ye Jingren directed the Chu soldiers to build a simple hospital. They put on masks and protective clothing and began to officially receive patients.

Seriously ill patients were carried on stretchers into a simple hospital and began to receive treatment.

Ye Jingren saw many patients who were not adults.

Some people shook their heads and had no choice but to be carried away.

These people are extremely ill and cannot be cured.

His medical skills are limited and cannot save such a person.

But for most diseases, he is confident that he can help these people relieve their symptoms.

There is no guarantee that they will be completely cured, but it is not difficult to keep them alive for a while.

Ye Jingren and other doctors have been busy for several days, and then they are optimistic about the patients in Jinhe Hospital.

He looked at his third brother who became more confident and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Third brother, free clinics are very training. After this training, you have basically mastered the medical skills you learned before and become a qualified doctor.

After these days of exercise, what’s your biggest feeling?”

Ye Jingli replied depressedly: "Brother, the biggest feeling is the sense of powerlessness. There are still too many things that medicine has not solved.

Most of our current treatments are to relieve patients' symptoms.

I simply don’t know what reasons caused the patient to suffer from the disease.

Brother, have you gained anything during this time?"

Ye Jingren said confidently: "Of course I have gained something, I isolated an unfamiliar pathogen from a dead patient.

His lungs were completely destroyed by this microorganism, which was the cause of her illness and death.

This disease, which causes high fever symptoms, is very common and is also a type of plague.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! We have obtained the original strain of the virus, and if we can develop a vaccine against this disease, we will really become famous all over the world.

In addition to smallpox, there are other plagues that can be solved by vaccines, which proves that vaccines can prevent most plagues."

When Ye Jingren introduced him, he couldn't help but dance.

This discovery is extremely important, and the verification process is not difficult. If the verification is successful, it will definitely go down in history.

When Ye Jingli heard what his eldest brother said, he gave a thumbs up and praised, "As expected of you, eldest brother. With this achievement, our free clinic has been very successful."

"Third brother, notify other doctors, pack your things, and prepare to go to other places in West Africa for free clinics.

I need to collect enough data before I can produce results."

While the two of them were discussing, gunshots and explosions were heard outside the temporary hospital.

Ye Jingren carefully opened the door and looked outside.

A strange force is exchanging fire with the defenders of the gold mine.

The two armies fought fiercely, but the defenders could only stick to the permanent fortifications due to their numerical disadvantage.

Ye Jingli was trembling with fear, and he said worriedly: "Brother, will these people come over?

My elder brother said before that it was very dangerous here, but I didn't feel much about it.

Now it seems that this place is extremely dangerous, and small-scale conflicts can break out anytime and anywhere."

Ye Jingren comforted him: "At first glance, the other party is well-trained, and they are by no means a mob.

These people should know Hong Hulu and will not attack us.

No matter which side wins, they are bound to have casualties.

These people want us to provide free medical treatment to the wounded, so they won't touch us."

Ye Jingli finally felt at ease. He saw his elder brother comforting other doctors and secretly observing the two armies.

This chapter has been completed!
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