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Chapter 121 The Evil Tiger

The potency of the drug was even more powerful than imagined. When Takeda Nobutora woke up, he was already lying in the guest room of Imagawa Hall. Okabe Motobu and Asahina Yasuo who escorted him back made a noise outside the door, and he was stunned by the noise outside the door.

Woke up after tossing.

"He's obviously an undercover agent, so why didn't you tell me earlier?" Asahina Taichao yelled in a particularly loud voice.

"To tell you a joke, someone would make this known to the public before going undercover?" Okabe Motonobu said coldly and sarcastically, "Are you going to be an undercover? Are you going to die?"

"Then since you're back, why don't you change your name back to 'Okabe Motsuna'?" Asahina Taitomo seemed to always find an angle to attack, and after a moment he calmed down and shouted, "Why are you keeping that Kaibi man?"

The bestowal word?"

"I can call you whatever I want. The main hall doesn't have any objections. What does it have to do with you?" Okabe Motonobu coldly refused. Seeing that Asahina Taito still wanted to talk, he immediately made a silent gesture, "Listen, the house

There seems to be movement in there."

The sound of Takeda Nobutora getting up was heard by Okabe Motonobu.

"Go and call Master Xue Zhai and Odai-don. Your Highness Sakyo is awake." Okabe Moto nobu gave a few instructions to the other two minor surnames. After a while, Taiyuan Xue Zhai and Shou Guini were led to the guest room.

He opened the door and walked in, looking at Nobutora Takeda who had just stood up.

"Your Majesty has announced that you will be exiled. Everyone in the Takeda family supports you, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold. Chengyoshi tried to attack the city, but Takeda has many soldiers and is defending in danger, so there is no good chance."

Taiyuan Xuezhai said the fact of the disastrous defeat, but with a smile on his face, "Our people found that you were suddenly unconscious, so they quickly sent you back. Your Majesty has sent someone to tell us to take in His Highness Sakyo and Takeda.

The family is willing to provide the necessary living expenses.”

"Damn it! My unfilial son must have planted a traitor in my bodyguard and drugged me. He sent so many people to block me at the border. There must have been a traitor who told him my plan!" Takeda Nobutora came back to his senses.

After arriving, he immediately became furious and hammered the tatami, "I'm going to chop down all my guards right now!"

"Hahahaha... Your Highness Sakyo, everyone here is a sensible person, so don't pretend to be confused and act like you do." Taiyuan Xuezai was so amused by Takeda Nobutora's appearance that he laughed so hard that his beard almost grew.

He fell down and said, "So far, everything is within your plan, including your current embarrassing appearance."

"Ha, Master Yukisai doesn't allow acting, doesn't this politics lose a lot of fun?" Takeda Nobutora instantly returned to his normal expression, and the anger and dissatisfaction just now disappeared like a fleeting cloud, and he joked with a smile, "That Yuki

Master Zhai, you might as well guess where I am singing?"

"Then the poor monk dared to make random guesses." Taiyuan Xuezhai laughed twice, then slowly said:

"His Royal Highness Sakyo has been fighting in the north and south for decades. Although he unified the chaotic and divided Kai with thunderous means, he has made too many enemies because of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and the people's resentment has boiled because of the violent conquests. In Kai, there are those who want to kill you.

There are probably countless lords, retainers, and common people. The Takeda family seems to be strong, but there are many internal conflicts. As a result, the Takeda family is unable to expand its territory and is destined to devote all its energy to maintaining stability."

"Trying to resolve conflicts one by one and unite the internal forces is tantamount to wishful thinking, and will only become more and more rigid. So you chose the most direct method, which is to continue to act in reverse, be domineering, and allow yourself to attract all the dissatisfaction and hatred in the leadership, and bring the dissatisfaction and hatred to the forefront.

All the contradictions and unstable factors in the territory will be focused on yourself. In this way, the solution to the problem will become simple - as long as you, the 'source of all evil', are eliminated, all the hatred and contradictions in the entire Kaibi

All can be eliminated. And the person who gets rid of you with his own hands will become a hero of Kai and gain the support and love of everyone."

"Sacrifice one of your own, and you will get a prosperous Jia Fei. Which one is lighter and which is more important can be known by just weighing it."

"Haha...Master Xuesai, the older you get, the better you become." Takeda Nobutora was able to see through his thoughts, and he also clapped his hands and laughed, "It's just that if this play needs to be sung realistically, it must not be known to Kai's retainers and common people.

Otherwise, it will inevitably show my fault. So I can only use the Imagawa family to cover up my little thoughts."

"You think we don't know?" Taiyuan Xuezhai shook his head repeatedly and bowed respectfully to Shou Guini beside him, "Yutai Palace had already anticipated that there would be a wedding as early as 4 years ago when Chengfang and Ling Ai got married.

This is a plan to worsen the relationship between myself and your beloved."

"Oh?" Takeda Nobutora was a little surprised when he heard this. He looked at Shouguini and said, "Since my mother-in-law has already known about my conspiracy, why didn't she backhand me and the Takeda family and trap me and the Takeda family to death?"

Seeing that Shouguini didn't answer, Taiyuan Xuezhai spoke up himself, intriguingly: "Will killing you bring any additional benefits to the Imagawa family?"

"What's the explanation?" Takeda Nobutora frowned.

"Imagawa and Takeda are not the only two families in the world, and there is no zero-sum between us. Even if the Takeda family is destroyed by our calculations, the Imagawa family will not have the chance to swallow up all of Kai's land, and in the end they will just make wedding clothes for others.

At that time, we will not only lose the Takeda family as an ally, but we will also have to compete with various forces for Kaibi and add enemies to the Imagawa family." Taiyuan Xuezai fiddled with the rosary beads in his arms and said without hesitation:

"So we chose to use the trick and cooperate with your plan. By keeping the Takeda family, we will have a strong support in the Northeast to help each other. At the same time, we can also take the opportunity to take back the land in Junbei and boost the morale of the family."

"The Takeda family can also benefit from this plan and unite within the territory; the Imagawa family can also benefit from this plan and regain their lost ground. You and I hit it off immediately and each get what we need - this is no better than pushing the other party towards death.

, in the end, is it much better to kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses?"

Taiyuan Xuezai smiled and stretched out his hand to Takeda Nobutora, who also smiled and gave him a high-five:

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The real trick is always to get what you need."

"I have a question."

Shouguini, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Why don't you tell your son the truth?"

"Good question." Takeda Nobutora showed a subtle expression, as if an ingenious craftsman was finally asked about the most subtle point of the design of his work. "Does my mother-in-law think that I should tell him all my plans? Let him accompany me.

Singing a double act? Let him know that all this is me, the father, paving the way for his son? Do you think this is better for him? "

Shouguini remained silent.

"Wrong, big mistake!" Takeda Nobutora suddenly became excited, shook his head and shouted sternly, "What a leader in troubled times needs is not a loving father and a filial son, what he needs is not family happiness, what he needs is not his father's expectations and entrustments, he What is needed is 'cruel', 'vicious', 'cruel', and 'doing all evil'! Those who achieve great things must abandon all mortal emotions, which will only become a constraint in decision-making, leaving people tied up and unable to make a choice! "

"I just want Harunobu to bear the reputation of 'chasing his father' and being 'unfaithful and unfilial'. I just want him to expel me or even kill me, so that he will live in the shadow of sin for the rest of his life! Only in this way can he grow up." , can he give up those boring relationships between children, and only in this way can he become a profit-seeking villain and a person who can protect and strengthen the Takeda family!"

"You, Suruga, rely on water for drafts, the soil is fertile, and commerce extends in all directions. Warriors and common people alike can live and work in peace and contentment on this fertile land, and enjoy family happiness. If nothing else, every household of you Suruga common people wears The clothes we Kaifei people never dream of. Because you are rich and can survive easily, you are used to being comfortable. Especially my kind-hearted son-in-law, who has no ambitions and is only thinking about his wife. "Children are hot on the kang". It seems as if life is meant to be enjoyed, as if survival is a matter of course."

"But we in Kaibi are different. In the barren mountains and rivers, there is nothing but ugly things like poverty, hunger, and war. For us, survival itself is the biggest pursuit. We will fight for half an acre of shabby dry land that can barely be cultivated. You have to fight to the death, and hundreds of people have to die to take it - but if this land is placed in Suruga, where you have paddy fields, even the poorest farmers may not be willing to take a second look. But in our Kai mountains, this may be a family The hope of my life."

"So you Suruga people are destined not to understand, and it is impossible to understand the determination of us mountain people who come from the backwoods to do whatever it takes to survive." Takeda Nobutora laughed dryly twice, and his smile was filled with laughter. Sad and painful, but with a different kind of pride:

“We can work day and night just to harvest the pitiful little crops; we can fight for a mouthful of food and a bed of quilts, and kill anyone to the death; we can fight for the safety of our children when we are fleeing. If we live and leave our parents in the mountains to wait for death, the old man will accept his fate calmly; but for the children left behind after all the hard work, we can be ruthless enough to exchange children for food in times of famine; we have eaten dirt , drank urine, dug graves, killed people, and did everything just to survive. We just want to survive, what's wrong with that?"

"As long as it is for the survival of the family, we Kai people are willing to do anything and dare to do anything. This is the reason why our Koshu Army is good at fighting and willing to die! And our Takeda family is the lord of Kai, so naturally we are more capable than any other family. We must be ruthless. It is precisely because we are so ruthless that we can stand on the top of Mount Kai!"

"We in Kaibi don't have arty female warriors like you. Only evil tigers emerge from the poor mountains. And tigers never show any tenderness when raising their cubs. A soft-hearted tiger cannot survive in the mountains. Only those who have enough Cruel, so cruel that you can even eat the flesh and blood of parents and children, so you have the right to survive in the mountains of Kai!"

But one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers...

Takeda Nobutora raised his head proudly and looked out the window, as if he could see through the layers of mountains the young tiger in the Kai mountains roaring on his father's body.

The trust tiger is gone.

My son Qingxin, you are the tiger of Kaifei!

This chapter has been completed!
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