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Chapter 132 Dilemma

After arranging for Hayasaka Nao to rush to the Murakami family's camp with a handwritten letter, Imagawa Yoshimoto in the camp was a little uneasy. He asked Himura Umoha and Akai Kurotaka to prepare their troops in case of a night battle, but he was also tossing and turning.

"Sir, why are you still thinking about what just happened?" Ginkgo on the pillow had heard the conversation between Imagawa Yoshimoto and Takeda Harunobu before, so she naturally understood what her husband was thinking, "There is really nothing I can do...you keep turning over, and I can't help it."

Can't sleep."

"We Ginkgo actually have a day when we can't sleep?" Imagawa Yoshimoto made a joke, but he couldn't laugh out loud.

"You are wondering whether what you just said was for Imagawa's credit and interests." Ginkgo did not smile, but turned over, lying on Imagawa Yoshimoto's chest, and looked into his eyes.

He said, "right?"

Imagawa Yoshimoto nodded wordlessly.

"Are you doing it for your own conscience? You don't think you should use other people's kindness and trust to hurt them." Ginkgo guessed again.

"I'm very conflicted." This time Imagawa Yoshimoto did not nod, but sighed.

"I'm actually very curious about this." Ginkgo turned her face to the side, her black hair spread around Imagawa Yoshimoto's neck, "Have you already recognized your identity as the governor of the Imagawa family? Are you already acting in accordance with this identity?

Have you? Or are you still acting as the individual 'Imagawa Yoshimoto' as before?"

"I'm very conflicted." Imagawa Yoshimoto repeated, but he also laughed, but it was a bitter smile, "I still remember 5 years ago, when I was just promoted to be the superintendent of the house, I really didn't want to do it for a day.

All government affairs were left to my teacher. But at that time, the Imagawa family was in danger of being destroyed at any time, so I could only bite the bullet and lead the army to go on an expedition, which was regarded as fulfilling the duties of a family governor. But my own pursuit and the interests of the family

It's completely different. I think about flowers, birds, wind and moon every day, and I can't do my job as diligently as other house governors."

"Later, when I met you Gingko, my mentality was different. All I could think about at that time was to grow the family as soon as possible so that I could propose marriage to your family. So, my own pursuit and the interests of the family

It coincided subtly. When I pursued my long-cherished wish, I also unintentionally satisfied the interests of the family, and I lived like a true family governor during that short half year."

"But such a subtle tacit understanding did not last long. In the autumn of the fifth year of Tenmon (1536), I led my army and the Hojo Army fought a bloody battle in Yui, resulting in thousands of casualties. Seeing so many fresh lives passing away, I really felt

My heart is like a knife. Although in the eyes of outsiders, this is just a battle launched by me as the governor of the Imagawa family to regain the territory of the Imagawa family. It is inevitable that there will be casualties. But only I know that what I care about

It’s not the interests of the Imagawa family, it’s just my own feelings.”

"I feel like I'm a selfish bastard, bringing so many people to the battlefield to die for my own selfish gain... I can't stand it anymore, I can't go on like that, I can't continue to deceive myself, deceive myself and say:

The subordinates who were sent to hell by me were all for the benefit of the Imakawa family, not my own selfish interests. So I completely gave up being the governor of the family, and I turned back into the idle monk who was just a hands-off shopkeeper, no longer responsible for anyone's life.

, leaving all the work of house supervisor to my teacher. This way I feel relaxed and feel at ease."

"After marrying you, I gave up completely because I no longer had any personal pursuits that were in line with the interests of the family. All I thought about was enjoying family happiness, and I had no ambition or ambition to grow the family.

.But at the same time, I also gave up thinking about the contradiction between my own demands and the interests of my family. I was escaping. I felt that as long as I didn’t think about it, I would not realize that I was contradictory and hypocritical. I still

Entrust all government and military affairs to the teacher, and if the teacher needs me to play the role of a family governor to complete some expedition tasks for him, I will agree, of course, not so willingly. The same goes for the expedition to Sanhe, and the same goes for the expedition to Jiaxin this time..."

"But tonight's conversation between Torachiyo and me exposed the contradiction that I have always been able to escape - am I acting as the governor of the Imagawa family, or am I acting as Imagawa Yoshimoto myself? What if I am acting as the Imagawa family?

Yoshimoto himself, then I should not accept this expedition mission at all, carrying the lives of so many soldiers to die in a foreign country; as the governor of the Imagawa family, I have no reason to dissuade Tora Chiyo from massacre and go

Taking in refugees from Shinano.”

"When I opposed Torachiyo's suggestion of a night attack, was my starting point based on Imagawa Yoshimoto's own goodwill or the interests of the Imagawa family? I don't know. I didn't want to violate my goodwill and trust, so I didn't want to break the contract and attack Murakami.

Where is the family? Or are you worried that this breach of contract will cast a shadow on the Imagawa family’s diplomatic credibility and affect future negotiations, so you want to keep your promise? I don’t know.”

"I only know that I am a complete hypocrite. I am neither a simple good person nor a good family governor who will do anything for the sake of the family."

Ginkgo listened quietly, feeling the heat of Imakawa Yoshimoto's breath and the heartbeat in his chest. It was not until Imagawa Yoshimoto fell silent that he suddenly said: "Is the family (country) really the highest source of justice?"

"How to say?"

"Everyone will have their own set of 'justice' when acting in these troubled times, and firmly believe that what they do is right, so that they can feel at ease." Gingko sighed, and then explained, "Many people in the martial arts family,

The 'justice' they firmly believe in is the family. For them, the interests of the family are the supreme 'justice'. As long as it is for the interests of the family, they can give up everything. It doesn't matter whether it's human relations, morality or principles.

.That’s why my brother feels that the sneak attack is natural and the massacre of the city is natural, because this is all to maximize the interests of the Takeda family."

"But why is the family the highest 'justice'? Who stipulates this? Is it the heaven? Is it the gods and Buddhas? None, they haven't said it. In addition to family interests, there are other more universal

Isn't it the 'justice' of the world? Be it benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, trust, family affection, love, friendship and other emotions, or good principles, aren't they all also 'justice'? Why should they be subordinated to family interests? Why?

Those who abandon family interests for the sake of these 'justices' will be condemned? Aren't these purer 'justices' the ones that can truly be sung through the ages and truly remembered and praised by future generations?"

"So I think, sir, you don't need to have any self-blame or contradiction at all. The 'justice' that sir insists on in your heart is not inferior to the existence of family interests. Do what you want to do, be a just person, not a

A good governor. Be a person that you approve of in your heart, rather than a competent governor in the eyes of your retainers."

"You live a better life than I do." Imagawa Yoshimoto laughed and felt much better. He gently stroked Ginkgo's long hair, "Seeing that you usually don't think about anything and are lazy every day. You only sleep and eat. Unexpectedly,


"What are you talking about, sir? Don't try to taint someone's innocence." Ginkgo rolled her eyes at Imagawa Yoshimoto with dissatisfaction, and found that the latter was still a little frowning, so she asked, "What's wrong? I haven't finished enlightening you.

, why are you still unhappy?”

"I'm worried about your brother." Imagawa Yoshimoto raised his eyebrows, "I have already sent someone to tell the Murakami family. If he still goes for a sneak attack, won't he be ambushed?"

"Don't worry about him, he's very clever and can't die." Ginkgo curled her lips angrily when she mentioned her younger brother, "Although I wish that this heartless bastard of his would die soon."

At this time, the atmosphere in the Northern Shinano Allied Forces tent was very depressing. Murakami Yoshikiyo waved to Kiyono Kiyohide to send Hayasaka Nao out of the camp. The latter had just sent the news that the armistice agreement was to be terminated immediately, and conveyed an apology on behalf of Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Lord, please prepare early, I'm afraid there will be changes tonight." Leyanji Masakata spoke first to break the silence, stood up suddenly and said anxiously, "The front leg of the Imagawa family just made an agreement with us, and came to break the agreement a moment later.

It means that troops must be launched."

"If we really want to mobilize troops, why bother to notify us?" Masakuni Yashiro, the governor of the Yashiro family, also frowned. The situation in front of him was beyond the scope of his past experience. "Wouldn't it be better to attack us secretly while we are careless?"

"A humble gentleman does not want to take advantage of others' danger." Murakami Yoshikiyo's expression remained as usual, and he exhaled calmly, "Be polite before fighting. Even if you are about to fight to the death, you still do not forget to greet each other by name before the duel. This is the way of the samurai.


"Does His Highness Zhou Fang think there is no fraud in this?" Mitsuru Suda smiled bitterly, "Do you think His Highness Imagawa was really kind-hearted in informing you before launching the troops? How can such a good thing happen in the world? If His Highness Imagawa is really kind,

Such a 'good man', the Imagawa clan has long been destroyed, how could he possibly win in the civil war?"

"If the 'good guys' are honest, we should prepare our troops for war. If the 'bad guys' are cheating, we can only stop them with our troops. In any case, His Highness Imagawa's move is a warning to me that something will change tonight." Murakami Yoshikiyo.

He is open-minded and not affected by negative emotions at all.

"There is a change. What does it mean specifically?" Yashiro Masakuni was confused. "Where should we set up defenses? Or take the initiative? Should we inform His Highness Ogasawara Daizen on the other side of the river?"

"We'll find out if we arrest someone and ask." Murakami Yoshikiyo waved his hand, and several jounin waiting outside the tent immediately took the order and led their subordinates toward the southeast in the night.

"What is the purpose of His Highness Zhou Fang's move?" Mitsuru Suda asked in a low voice.

"His Majesty Imagawa was still undecided and asked me to wait for his reply. Then he suddenly sent someone to stop the truce. Apparently there was some information that made him change his mind in a short period of time. There is only one possibility, and it is from the Takeda family.

The message, and it was conveyed by a very important person, could convince His Highness Imagawa so quickly." Murakami Yoshikiyo slowly stood up and stared at the darkness under the moonlight, "Either Takeda Harunobu went to his camp in person, or

The messenger went with a handwritten letter. At this time, I'm afraid he hasn't reached the Takeda family camp yet. Send someone to intercept him, and it's 100% sure."

This chapter has been completed!
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