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Chapter 193 Mask (4)

"Why are you talking to me about this?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked puzzledly.

"Because I think you are very special, Imagawa Yoshimoto." Miyoshi Nagakei stopped and turned to look at Imagawa Yoshimoto, "I have heard a lot of rumors about you. You don't seem to be like most people in the world.

Like most house governors, they try their best to be a 'good house governor', right? And it's not that you can't do it, you just don't want to do it."

"I don't want to wear a mask and act day and night,

I feel very tired. People are going to die sooner or later. If you are born in this world once, why bother to make yourself suffer for the fleeting fame and fortune?" Imagawa Yoshimoto spread his hands and told this story that he didn't know how many times he had told it.

s reason:

"I just want to cherish the time, cherish the days with important people, and enjoy this hard-won life and beauty. So I will be true to myself,

It doesn't matter even if you are hated,

Those who hate the real me, there is no need for me to pursue their approval. And those who like such an imperfect Yoshimoto Imagawa are the ones I really want to cherish."

For example, Ginkgo, such as the smelly old man, such as Hayasaka and Sena, or you can also add Takeda Harunobu?

"Do you think you have always been yourself? Without any mask?" Miyoshi Changqing said with a somewhat mocking smile.

"Isn't it?" Imagawa Yoshimoto replied confidently.

"Of course not, you are also performing, Imagawa Yoshimoto, performing all the time. You are even more pathetic than me, because at least I know that I am performing with a mask on, but you don't know that you regard the mask as your own


Miyoshi Nagakei's few words made Imagawa Yoshimoto stunned. Miyoshi Nagakei then sneered, then stepped forward, almost pressing his forehead against his forehead and said:

"I just want to expose you. I can't stand your awesome look, that arrogant look where you think you're not performing, but think other people who are performing are pathetic. You think you're not performing

?Do you think there are no masks in your life? Wrong, big mistake,

You also wear a mask,

It’s just that your mask is not the ‘perfect house governor’, but the ‘imperfect house governor’. In the end, isn’t it still a mask?”

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Imagawa Yoshimoto was also slightly dissatisfied and retorted harshly.

"Don't understand? Okay, then let me tell you." Miyoshi Nagakei seemed eager to give it a try, and started to criticize with some excitement: "Let me ask you, aren't you the most benevolent person in Tokaido? Didn't you take in the refugees from Shinano?

You care about the people so much, then why didn't you try your best to stop Takeda Harunobu when he massacred the city of Shinano? Why was he satisfied with just taking in some of the children? If you are really like what you said, you have been completely responsible for your life.

If you were acting according to your own heart, shouldn't you have rather broken the alliance to stop him? Why? Why didn't you just be yourself?"

The scars in his heart were simply uncovered. Facing the bloody facts, Imagawa Yoshimoto was speechless.

"Because you are wearing a mask. Unknowingly, you are wearing the mask of an 'imperfect house governor' and the mask of a 'good friend'. An 'imperfect house governor', although he cannot do everything according to the family

Interests are the top priority, but he is not a 'bad governor' who doesn't care about the interests of the family at all. If you break the alliance with the Takeda family for some unknown common people, you are worried that your retainers will think you are messing around, and you are worried about Taiyuan Xuezhai.

Heni Yutai thinks you are acting nonsense,

You are worried that Takeda Harunobu will think you are betraying your friends, you are afraid of being disliked by them, and you want to be liked and recognized by everyone, so you dare not do what you really want to do. Isn’t this just acting? Isn’t this

Wearing a mask?”

"Aren't you the most benevolent person? Then why did you massacre the entire Fukushima family after the civil war in the house governor? Is this your true intention? Are you being yourself? No? You are just catering to Taiyuan Xuezai's words

, you wear the mask of a 'good disciple', and you are afraid of being disliked by the most important teacher, so you dare not disobey him."

"Are you really so gentle? Are you really born with such polite rhetoric and honorifics in every sentence? Haven't you ever thought about swearing since you were a child? No, it's just that you have a 'knowledgeable' attitude.

Mask, you want to be a polite person in everyone's mind, you think it makes you feel good, so you are just performing."

"Do you really love your wife so much? Have you really not been attracted to other women or have any intention of taking a concubine? Don't you dislike her ignorance of poetry, calligraphy and painting? You don't long for someone who can be with you.

A soul mate who recites poems and composes the right poem? No, right? It's just that you want to act like a 'dedicated husband' and get Ling Zheng's love."

A series of questions made Imagawa Yoshimoto fall into silence. He did not retort angrily, but carefully tasted Miyoshi Nagakei's words, and then answered:

"Some are, some are not. At least I can be sure that when it comes to my feelings for Zhuo Jing, I am being myself. People are inherently complicated, aren't they? Why do you call it a performance wearing a mask if there is even a little bit of contradiction?


"No, people are never complicated. Their true selves are very pure, as clean as a piece of white paper. Aren't children all pure and innocent? It's just that as they grow up, they understand

In order to act like what others expect, in order to be liked and recognized, they put on various masks for themselves. Some masks you are still aware of their existence, and you even hate them. But some masks have been worn for a long time.

, it just grows on the face, and I can’t tell whether it’s the mask or my own face. The reason why people are conflicted is because they can’t tell which is the mask and which is the self.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mihao Changqing was talking crazily, and his tone became more and more high-pitched without realizing it. It is estimated that this is a problem that has been bothering him day and night, so he

When you meet the right person, let it out without hesitation:

"Imagawa Yoshimoto, you are playing the same role as me. Your mask is the 'imperfect house governor', the 'hypocrite', and the 'limited and careful kindness'. Compared with my mask of the 'perfect house governor'

, your mask is indeed more real and more like a human face. But in the final analysis, it is still a mask, isn't it?"

"Do you dare to let everyone see the real you? In other words, do you still know what the real you is like? Can you still peel off the mask that has grown on your face?"

What is the real me like?

What do I look like without a mask?

What do I look like when I don’t need to perform for anyone’s likes and approval?

Imagawa Yoshimoto really didn't know, and he couldn't give Miyoshi Nagakei an answer.

Before they knew it, the two of them had walked side by side to Seta's ferry.

"I'm really rude today." Sanhao Changqing seemed to have gradually calmed down and returned to the state of calmness and intangibility of joy and anger. "I am always acting on weekdays. Indeed, as you said, I can

I'm very tired and under a lot of pressure. When I really can't stand it anymore, I will take off the mask, expose my true ugly self, put on the mask again and go to the casino to lose as much as I want without performing any more.

But if you just be yourself, you will feel much better."

"So, it's because Miyoshi Chikuzen didn't need my approval and love to reveal his true self in front of me?" Imagawa Yoshimoto seemed to understand Miyoshi Nagakei's brain circuit.

"That's right." Sanhao Changqing nodded in agreement.

"Didn't you also show yourself in front of my brother?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked curiously, "You should really need to be liked and recognized by your relatives, right? Why did you show yourself in front of him?"

This time it was Sanhao Changqing's turn to be silent.

"Perhaps he is a person who will like the real you even if you don't wear any mask. Even if you are a gambler who has achieved nothing." Imagawa Yoshimoto smiled and said a few words of relief, "I just heard you talking.

Memories, you seem to love your brothers very much."

"Don't say such boring words, Imagawa Yoshimoto." Miyoshi Nagakei regained his stern look before, looking at the hotel where Imagawa Yoshimoto and his party were staying at the port, "Now you'd better clarify what your intention is in going to Luo this time.


"I'm just here to manage relations in Kyoto and seek an official position by the way. I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Miyoshi family." Imagawa Yoshimoto answered frankly, "His Majesty Chikuzen is not interested in making things difficult for us, is he?"

"Of course not. Right now our Sanhao family is focused on revenge and has no intention of getting involved in other matters." Sanhao Changqing was also happy.


"Revenge for killing my father." Miyoshi Nagasaki replied calmly, "Issei, Miyoshi, and Kizawa Nagamasa. None of them can leave."

"Is this true feelings or a mask?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked with interest.

"Of course it is a mask." Miyoshi Nagakei responded to Imagawa Yoshimoto's question with ulterior motives without hesitation, "The best way to unite people's hearts is to establish an enemy. For the retainers of the Miyoshi family, revenge for the framed former master

, obviously there is no better reason.”

"Then I'll take my leave first, Your Highness Chikuzen. We'll see you again if we have the chance." When Imagawa Yoshimoto saw that he had arrived, he bowed to Miyoshi Nagakei and said, "I wish you success. Seven years ago, you said you would take over the world in thirty years.

There are still twenty-three years left on the bet, but I will wait and see."

"Thank you." Miyoshi Nagakei returned the rare gift and said at the same time, "By the way, my third brother has been boating on Lake Biwa recently to monitor the transportation situation on Lake Biwa. The task is about to end and he will go ashore from Seta back to Izumi.

But if you anchor in Seta, you are likely to bump into them and become the target of their surveillance. Take my warrant and tell them that they don't have to monitor you and leave on your own."

This chapter has been completed!
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