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Chapter 208: Vice King (5) sodu777.net

"Where did Kizawa catch everyone?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked uneasily.

"It's probably Awata Shrine, right? We went to Otowa Mountain in the southeast of Kyoto." Ichijo Kanemasa recalled the movement of torches in Kyoto he saw before escaping. "I don't know the specific situation. At that time, everyone was scared to death. The whole Kyoto

It’s all a wild goose chase.”

"At the same time, he attacked the governors, shoguns, ministers and ministers, and took control of the entire Kyoto at once. This was a big move by Kizawa Nagamasa." Takeda Harunobu took a breath, and his eyebrows were already wrinkled.


"What does he want to do?"

"He wanted to wipe out all the three good families without spending a single soldier or damaging his reputation." Taiyuan Xuezhai had already reacted and showed a rare expression of admiration, "One link after another, it's not simple... Okay.

Strategy. And,

There will be another move soon."

On the afternoon of March 26, the twelfth year of Astronomy (1543),

Kizawa Nagamasa's back-up moves were launched one after another.

First, Ashikaga Yoshiharu announced the appointment of Masatoshi Shiokawa as the Lord of Ichikura Castle.

He issued a security guard for the territory around Ikko Castle and ordered Miyoshi Nagakei to immediately stop invading his legal territory. At the same time, the three positions of Kawachi Guardian, Yamato Guardian, and Kii Guardian were given to Kizawa Nagamasa.

Then, the Konoe Ue family and a group of ministers jointly signed a petition to remove Miyoshi Nagakei from his post as Chikuzen Mori, and appointed Kizawa Nagamasa as the fifth chief military officer.

Finally, Hosokawa Harumoto sent an envoy to the military camp of Miyoshi's family. He took a letter written by Hosokawa Harumoto and scolded Miyoshi Nagakei for his failure to suppress the rebellion. He asked him to immediately put down the troops at hand and go to Beijing to personally report to Hosokawa Harumoto.

Please forgive me. If you do not obey the Lord's orders, it will be regarded as treason against the Hosokawa family.

There is no doubt that the above actions were all done under the coercion of Kisawa Nagamasa, but it was enough to push Miyoshi Nagakei to the forefront of public opinion. After the news spread in Settsu, the morale of the rebels was high, and Miyoshi's home was filled with excitement.

There was an uproar, the army had no fighting spirit, and even the retainers began to look for a way out. Sanhao Changqing, who was so ambitious half a month ago, was about to reach the end of the road.

"Sit back and wait for death, and the three good things will last forever." At this moment,

Kizawa Nagamasa was sitting on the wall of Nijo Imperial Palace.

He drooped his legs and laughed loudly in the direction of Settsu: "In ten days, I will declare that you are disobedient and refuse to enter the capital, have evil intentions, are disrespectful, and are a traitor to the Hosokawa family. I will call on the entire Hosokawa family to attack you.

By that time, your army will have collapsed due to lack of food, and your retainers will also find their own way out of despair, just waiting for everyone to betray their relatives and leave. How loyal are you really thinking that the old troops you gathered together in a hurry can be so loyal?


"Don't let your imagination run wild. Before that, you should lead the army and fight to the death with my people." Kizawa Nagamasa smacked his lips and said to himself in a tone as if he was comforting a rambunctious baby: "

I am determined to conquer the world, and I cannot afford to make any mistakes at every step. I cannot afford to lose my troops for no reason in a battle where I am sure of victory. I am very greedy for the retainers of your Sanhao family. Sooner or later, they will be taken back for my use.

How can we let them die fighting in vain?"

On the evening of March 26, the twelfth year of Tianwen (1543), inside Anle Temple.


It's really weird." Taiyuan Xuezhai listed all the changes that happened in recent days on paper.

Savoring it over and over again, I was thinking in circles in the room, "It's so accurate, it's so powerful. How could this Kizawa Nagamasa have such a method? Facing an opponent of Miyoshi Chikuzen's level, no matter how powerful a counselor or veteran he is,

, it is inevitable that there will be one or two miscalculations. And he actually made all the plans?"

"But if he is really so powerful, why has he been so unknown in the past 20 years or so? Could it be that he just wanted to become a blockbuster without making a name for himself? He has been hiding for many years just to make everyone despise him, so that he can seize it in one fell swoop when the opportunity comes.

The whole Kinki?" Taiyuan Xuezhai scratched his shiny head and kept thinking, "If that's the case, it would be even more terrifying."

"Yes, teacher, he is too strong." Yoshimoto Imagawa, who has always had little motivation, saw that Kizawa Nagamasa was so sharp and retreated loudly: "Let's not get involved in this matter, hurry up

Let's leave. Anyway, no matter how bold Kizawa Nagamasa is, he will definitely not kill Nakamikado, Yamashina and the others. The most he can do is make them retire. Then I will bring them to Suruga."

"No, don't leave, I want to interfere in this matter." But Taiyuan Xuezhai suddenly slapped his head, showing a rare serious look, "I want to drag this Kizawa Nagamasa off his horse!


"Teacher, why is this necessary? He has no grievances with you, right?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was a little confused when he saw this, and quickly wanted to persuade the teacher above him: "Didn't you say before that you would wait and see the situation? Now we will wait and see the results.

Even if Kizawa Nagamasa is very strong and the Miyoshi family is at the end of its rope, why should we interfere? Do you really have a problem? When you were hanging around the Whale House in Kyoto in your early years, you snatched the same dancer from him?"

"No, if Kizawa Nagamasa is strong, I will give up intervening. But if he is too strong, I will definitely intervene." Taiyuan Xuesai sat down in front of Imagawa Yoshimoto and Takeda Harunobu, exuding a

The level of murderousness and fighting spirit Imagawa Yoshimoto has never seen before, "Such a strong samurai, if he becomes powerful in Kinki, who else in the world can be his enemy in the future? Only when he is still gaining momentum."

How can we prevent him from becoming a serious problem by pressing him to death?"

"That's right." Takeda Harunobu on the side was also gearing up and eager to give it a try, "Sooner or later we will go to Luo, and sooner or later we will have a battle with the lord of Kinki. If the time comes, we will face such an unpredictable and unpredictable Kizawa Naga.

In addition, he also controls the Kinki Kingdom and has hundreds of thousands of troops. Who else can be his opponent? This is when he is most vulnerable, so of course he will take the chance to kill him!"

"Kinki is far away from Suruga and Kai. As for that..." Imagawa Yoshimoto looked helpless, but he couldn't resist the determination of his teachers and friends. He just nodded and agreed: "There is really no way... The problem is, facing

For such a strong man, the situation has become so bad that the Sanhao family is almost sitting there waiting for death. Is there any way for dozens of us to come back?"

"Being strong is never scary, and the situation is not scary either. Have you forgotten Imagawa Yoshimoto?" Taiyuan Xuezhai turned to look at Imagawa Yoshimoto and mentioned the past seven years ago, "Our situation at that time was not as good as it is now.

What's worse? Imagawa Yoshima's prophetic ability is not stronger than Kizawa Nagamasa? But being strong will lead to arrogance, arrogance will lead to underestimating the enemy, and underestimating the enemy will make mistakes. If we make mistakes, we will have a chance."

"But Kizawa Sakyou doesn't seem to have made any mistakes at all..." Imagawa Yoshimoto glanced at the strategy listed on the paper by Taiyuan Xuezai.

"No, he did." Taiyuan Xuezhai slapped the hand that had just scratched his head on the paper, leaving a big oily fingerprint in an instant.

"No way, isn't this perfect?" Imagawa Yoshimoto didn't understand.

"It's because it's too perfect." Taiyuan Xuezhai repeated what Imagawa Yoshimoto said, "It's because he wants to pursue complete victory, a perfect victory, and doesn't want to pay any unnecessary losses."

"Yes." Takeda Harunobu on the side crossed his arms, obviously convinced by Taiyuan Xuezai's philosophy, "In a war, just pursue a six-point victory. If you want to win by ten points, you will inevitably take a lot of risks. You can see good results even if you want to win by ten points.

It is foolish to keep the overall situation on the verge of collapse just for the sake of a small profit."

"He could have launched an attack on the Miyoshi family now. The Miyoshi family is now in chaos and the morale of the army is unstable. The Kisawa family can definitely win. But Kisawa Nagamasa is reluctant to bear the losses caused by a battle. He is afraid of Miyoshi Chikuzen's superiority.

Commanding will bring him additional casualties, so he wants to wait until the Miyoshi Army collapses on its own in half a month." Taiyuan Xuezai took over Takeda Harunobu's words and continued to explain to Imagawa Yoshimoto: "This leaves precious

The half-month period gave the Sanhao family and us room for maneuver."

"Then what should we do?" Imagawa Yoshimoto gave full play to his spirit of asking questions when he didn't understand. He took out his folding fan and patted the palms of his hands gently.

"Entering Beijing." Taiyuan Xuezhai replied briefly.

"What?" Not only Imagawa Yoshimoto, but also Takeda Harunobu didn't react this time.

"Let Miyoshi go to Beijing and personally apologize to Commander Hosokawa for his unfavorable mistakes in suppressing the rebellion." Taiyuan Xuezhai crossed his legs comfortably.

"Isn't this just throwing yourself into a trap?" Takeda Harunobu, an extreme realist, does not believe in the so-called conventional order at all. "Kyoto has been controlled by Kizawa Nagamasa. After Governor Hosokawa and the shogun were placed under house arrest, the Hosokawa army and

Feng Gong is also under his control. When Miyoshi Chizen comes back, isn't it just to give him a head? Kizawa Nagamasa will detain him immediately, and the Miyoshi family will be finished."

"Then we'll see." Taiyuan Xuezhai didn't seem to have the motivation to convince Imagawa Yoshimoto and Takeda Harunobu. Instead, he said with a confident smile: "When he comes, we will contact him again to discuss how to turn the tables."

"Teacher, are you so sure that Miyoshi Chikuzen will really return to Kyoto?" Imagawa Yoshimoto found it unbelievable.

"Of course." Taiyuan Xuezhai nodded slightly with confidence:

"Although he looks like a calm and rational family governor, he is actually a gambler. The more adversity he faces, the more he will become addicted to gambling."

"I want to return to Beijing." Almost immediately, in the Sanhao military camp under Yiku City, Sanhao Changqing categorically reiterated his decision to the shocked retainers.

"Lord..." Sanhao Changyi, a veteran general for many years, was also frightened by Sanhao Changqing's determination and turned pale. "It is very possible that his life is in danger."

"It's just a gambling game, I should have realized it a long time ago." Miyoshi Nagakei grinned and patted his chest with his hand, "More bets, I will add my life. Kizawa Nagamasa, does he dare to follow?


This chapter has been completed!
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