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Chapter 293 Liu Dy

October 6, the 14th year of Tenmon (1545), Fujiyama Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, Fuji County.

The reason why I went north to Sengen Taisha Shrine during the class was because of the suggestion of Fuji Nobutada, the palace secretary of Sengen Taisha Shrine and the lord of Fujimiya Castle under the Imagawa family:

"Throughout the ages, many samurai have enshrined their horses at the main palace of Sengen Taisha Shrine when they were victorious. Today, Your Highness has defeated the Hojo and restored the Imagawa family's homeland, making the Imagawa family's territory the most prosperous since the first generation. Why not follow the example of our forefathers and do the same?

This palace enshrines you?"

Imagawa Yoshimoto frowned and thought for a while, only to realize that this was really the case - the original territory of the Imagawa family was Suruga and Toe, and later it was divided into two branches, the Suruga Imagawa clan and the Toe Imagawa clan.

During the period of his father Imagawa Clan, he was unified and further extended his tentacles into Mikawa. During the Imagawa Yoshimoto period, he first put down the rebellion of Toe River, then substantially controlled Higashi Mikawa, and finally restored the lost Kadong area.

Recovering it all together——it is indeed the largest territory in the history of the Imagawa family.

I didn't expect that an idle housekeeper like me who was not doing his job could achieve such an achievement... Imagawa Yoshimoto secretly sighed, but he accepted the proposal to honor the Yabama. After all, he had never seen this ceremony with his own eyes.

It’s not bad to go and have fun.

So, the troops camped at the foot of Mount Fuji and waited. Imagawa Yoshimoto took the senior samurai and horse warriors in the army up the mountain and came to the Sengen Taisha Shrine at the southern foot of Mount Fuji. He selected 30 horse warriors to participate

The tribute of Yabusame. According to the custom of the time, the troops returning from victory should wear the clothes they went to the battlefield. But when Imagawa Yoshimoto led the horse soldiers to the battle this time, he only wore plain casual clothes, which really didn’t look good.

A set of lightweight equipment was put on the outside. The iron cannon, which was so brilliant in this battle, was slung on the shoulders by everyone as an additional decoration.

Under the leadership of Fuji Nobutada, they worshiped the gods in front of the racecourse and prayed for the victory of the samurai family. Imagawa Yoshimoto took the sacred wine presented in front of the god, and then the palace minister Fuji Nobutada took the bow and arrow presented in front of the god and prayed for the military luck.

After completing the Divine Wine Holding Pose and the Crossing Bow Pose, Imagawa Yoshimoto drew his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow into the deserted sky, praying for good weather and peace for the country and the people. Afterwards, the group led their mounts to the racecourse.

Imagawa Yoshimoto raised the fan in his hand and threw it high into the air. The fan-raising gesture also announced the beginning of the Yabusame ceremony.

So, the group got on their horses and set foot on the horse farm where countless Genpei samurai had given yabusuri horses. Imagawa Yoshimoto was the leader, and the horsemen behind them carefully controlled the speed of the horses and lined up in a row with a distance between each other.

Following behind Imagawa Yoshimoto. Every ten feet or so, a diamond-shaped wooden board was set up next to the shooting range as a target. In between, multiple large and small Uchiwa fans were set up as auxiliary targets. The samurai riding by

, you must shoot these targets in sequence and shoot down all the folding fans.

According to past precedents, the leader at the front of the queue only needs to shoot three arrows and hit all the targets - after all, the folding fan swaying in the wind is really difficult for those daimyo who are not good at archery to aim, and the warriors behind will

Helping the daimyo make up for those uchiban fans - but this is not a problem for Imagawa Yoshimoto, who is skilled in bow and horse. He did not pretend to be solemn and walk forward slowly like those daimyo who were afraid of showing their timidity, so as to gain more aim for his shooting.

time - instead, he spurred his horses briskly, as if on a field trip, and at the same time fired arrows in a flurry of arrows, shooting down all the fans one by one, winning cheers from the audience.

After the shooting, the group led the horses back to the front of the temple. The palace minister awarded the purple flag seal to the best person to complete the consciousness granted by the gods - naturally it was given to Imagawa Yoshimoto. Afterwards, everyone held the bow at their side.

, bowing towards the temple, marking the end of the entire Yabusame ceremony.

"Keep it for me." Yoshimoto Imagawa, who had returned, wrapped the purple flag seal he had just obtained fairly and handed it to Ginkgo, who was watching from the side.

"Yes, you can use it as a blanket for Miaomiao and the others." Ginkgo casually took the flag print and shook it vigorously, spreading it in front of him. At the same time, he squeezed it with his hands to feel the material.

"What are you talking about? It's blasphemy again." Imagawa Yoshimoto quickly raised his hand and chanted a few Buddhist chants.

"Why don't you use the iron cannon to shoot that uchiwa fan? I heard that you won the battle with the iron cannon, right?" Ginkgo smiled and took out the iron cannon from Imagawa Yoshimoto's back and pretended to shoot it.


"Oh my God, how can anyone use this kind of strange silver skill from the Southern Barbarians in front of the gods?" Imagawa Yoshimoto quickly shook his head wildly and kept chanting the Buddha's name, for fear that the gods would hear Ginkgo's thoughts.

"Pedantry." Ginkgo complained with a pout.

At this time, an old man dressed as a scholar walked up to the side slowly, held a scroll to Imagawa Yoshimoto with both hands and said: "Your Highness, I have finished the painting you want!"

"Thank you so much, Echizen Mamoru!" Imagawa Yoshimoto hurriedly bowed and thanked me. Without any airs of superiority or inferiority, he said very humbly and gratefully: "Thank you so much! It's really a worthwhile trip to get your pen and ink."

The old man in front of him is the current head of the Kano family, Kano Motonobu, the second generation of the famous Kano school of painting. His father, Kano Masanobu, was the royal painter of the Muromachi shogunate. He inherited the popular monk painting style at the time and incorporated it into Chinese ink painting.

The rhyme of his strokes made him famous. And under the pen of Kano Motonobu, the Kano School further absorbed the Japanese style of painting in Japan, perfected its painting skills, and became a world-famous painting school. This time, Imagawa Yoshimoto

When he went to pay tribute to Yabuma, he asked Kano Motobu to come and paint for him. The territory of the Kano family was to the east of the river, and he was also a retainer of the Imagawa family, so Kano Motobu naturally agreed happily.

While Imagawa Yoshimoto took the scroll and looked at it, he regretfully said to Kano Gento: "Your paintings are really fascinating. When I was a child, every time I could get a copy of your work, I would

I was happy for half a month, but it was a pity that my teacher confiscated it hahaha... At that time, I knew that your family's territory was only half a day's journey away from Zentokuji Temple where I practiced. I just regretted that I didn't get the opportunity to visit Echizen Mori as soon as possible. Please give me some advice on the paintings below.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Haha, I am just a wandering wild crane. I don't spend much time in Suruga's hometown. Instead, I wander around the mountains and rivers every day. I rarely have the opportunity to interact with you.

Your Highnesses are exchanging ideas and teaching each other. It was a coincidence that we happened to be visiting relatives in the hometown. It was also fate." Kano Motonobu touched the long gray beard on his chin and smiled at Imagawa Yoshimoto, "Territory and other things are all exchanges.

It's for the family. I can't hold the handle of the knife, so I have to play with the paintbrush."

The surrounding horsemen saw that Kano Motonobu and Imagawa Yoshimoto did not have the humility of retainers when they spoke. Instead, they had the tone of an elder speaking to a junior, and they were somewhat dissatisfied. However, Imagawa Yoshimoto himself did not care at all about these and loved them. As a literary and artistic person, he would naturally respect people like Kano Motobu.

"This is exactly the life I yearn for... It's a pity that I was born in the samurai family, so I am destined to miss Fengya." Imagawa Yoshimoto sighed and looked in the direction of Kyoto to the west in despair, "Otherwise, maybe I can also live in Kyoto in the west. He became a famous literati in Kinki, Kyoto."

"Your Highness is being too modest. Although you said that you don't want to join the martial arts family, your heroic spirit is the most heroic I have ever seen." Kano Motonobu did not mean to flatter others, but said sincerely: " I have been traveling in Kinki for many years, and relying on these false reputations, many samurai have asked me to paint for them, including many powerful samurai such as Kōhoden and Guanlingden. However, their courage in riding horses and drawing bows is not as good as His Highness. One-tenth."

"I hope you can praise my painting skills so much." Imagawa Yoshimoto also laughed. While chatting with Kano Motonobu, he never let his eyes leave the scroll in front of him, carefully pondering the techniques in it. Imagawa Yoshimoto, who is on the top, is leaping with his horse-drawn bow, with a sharp arrow on the string. He looks really majestic.

"If that's the case, I would like to ask His Highness to appreciate it and draw an inscription for it." Kano Motonobu came up with the idea and immediately asked Imagawa Yoshimoto, "I have heard about His Highness's calligraphy skills for a long time, and I can't wait to appreciate it."

"Okay!" Imagawa Yoshimoto was also very interested. While instructing Hayasaka Nao to get the calligraphy treasure, he frowned and thought: "What should I ask?"

"Don't you sour writers just like to talk about literate things like Waka Feiku?" Ginkgo said sarcastically on the side in a strange tone, "Anyway, what others can't understand is the best."

"Hey! Madam, what you said is wrong." Kano Motonobu shook his head after hearing this, "Art is about appreciating both refined and popular tastes. If a painting or calligraphy is incomprehensible, then it's the creator's problem, not the viewer's. The problem."

"Oh, then no matter what Mr. writes, I can't understand it.

Is this your problem, sir?" Ginkgo then turned around and gave Imagawa Yoshimoto a white look.

"Then Ginkgo, come up with a poem and I'll write it for you." Imagawa Yoshimoto showed a sly smile, intending to make things difficult for the "mountain girl" in front of him.

"Huh, what's the problem?" Ginkgo didn't have any stage fright. He looked at the clothes of Imagawa Yoshimoto in the painting, and thought about the Yabusame horse passing by just now, and then he opened his mouth and said: "Qing Yi, ride the horse lightly." A, Imagawa Harubu's Dysprosium Horse.

"Without "Ji Yu", there is no soul." - The other Imagawa family warriors around did not dare to offend their mistress, so they could only complain silently in their hearts.

A problem that ordinary samurai can see, a Waka master like Imagawa Yoshimoto naturally understands. However, when he saw Ginkgo's deliberately raised chest and the cute smile on his face, the polished version he originally thought of turned into one sentence: "good!"

"Really or not?" Ginkgo didn't believe it herself and burst out laughing.

"Of course." Imagawa Yoshimoto touched Ginkgo's head affectionately - making the surrounding Kano Motobu and other Imagawa family warriors feel a little ashamed - then Imagawa Yoshimoto rolled up his sleeves, picked up the brush, and wrote The picture scroll was laid flat on the table, and the four different songs that Ginkgo had just casually recited were mentioned on the picture scroll.

"From now on, my horse with the iron cannon will be called "Imagawa-ryu dysprosium horse"." Imagawa Yoshimoto pointed to the three Japanese characters for "ryu dysprosium horse" on the scroll, smiled and said to Ginkgo, "You How about the name?"

"Whatever you want, there's really nothing you can do about it..." Ginkgo turned away, pretending to be unhappy, but the dimples at the corners of her mouth betrayed her.

Of course they would not know that this painting "Imagawa Yoshimoto's Dysprosium Horse" was later preserved as a historical relic and placed in a museum for countless future generations to admire. It is famous for its beauty of both calligraphy and painting. The nondescript Japanese song sung by Ginkgo was also regarded as a pioneering work of "zahaiku" by later generations. It was widely loved by ordinary working people regardless of subject matter, rhythm and seasonal language. .This type of waka is also collectively known as "Ginkgo" (that is, Kawaryanagi in the previous life)-taken from the name of Takeda Ginkgo.

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