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Chapter 319: A while (10)

At 4:00 noon on March 30, the 14th year of Astronomy (1546), on the west bank of the Kamogawa River, Shin-Zenkoji Temple.

"Really, this is the reply from His Highness Owari (Tao Takafusa)?" Mourimoto confirmed to Kobayakawa Takakage who had just returned.

"Yes, His Highness Owari (Tao Takafusa) asked my father to do things for his own convenience." Kobayakawa Takakage replied with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Mourimoto frowned, folded his arms, and fell into deep thought. The Oda Army southeast of New Zenkoji Temple was reorganizing its posture at this moment, and seemed to be preparing to reorganize an attack.

"Father, in my opinion, His Highness Owari wants us to leave the battlefield without permission and sell the Nizi Army's rear to the Confederate Army. But the Ouchi family don't want to be known as 'betraying friendly forces' in front of the world.

, that’s why they let us ‘act cheaply’ so that we, the Maori family, can get a bad reputation.” Mao Lilongyuan bluntly exposed Tao Longfang’s wishful thinking, and said to Maoliyuan with some indignation: “Why should we?

For the sake of their Ouchi family, do you want to ruin the martial name of the Maori family in this world-famous battle?"

"But if we can make the Nizi army suffer from enemies from both sides and weaken the strength of the Nizi family, it will be of great benefit to us." Kobayakawa Takakage suggested in a low voice from the side: "After all, compared to the Ouchi family, we are directly adjacent to the Nizi family and face the pressure.

On the contrary, we are."

"That won't ruin the reputation of our Maori family..." Takamoto Maori raised his voice and argued, "Abandoning friendly troops on the battlefield, retreating to the rear, abandoning the position and fleeing without a fight, wouldn't it mean that we would be ridiculed by future generations?

?What do people think of our Maori family?"

"But..." Kobayakawa Takakage hesitated again and tried to speak.

"I have an idea." At this time, Motonori Motonari, who had been thinking for a while, suddenly raised his head, his frown had already relaxed, and he waved his hand and pointed in the southeast direction: "Did you see the flag of the Tsutsui family over there at Takio Shrine?

They quickly headed north, then stopped at Takio Shrine, and even retreated south. This means that our friendly forces on the east bank of the Kamogawa River had already broken through south to Takio Shrine after receiving the notice."

"Ah? Then why is the flag of the Saito family still flying in the Sanjusangen-do Hall?" Mouri Takamoto looked at the Saito Futaba flying on the Sanjusangen-do Hall in the north of Takio Shrine with confusion.

"It is estimated that the Otomo Army who previously lived in Rokuparamitji Temple wanted to hide it from the enemy, so they did not change the flag after capturing Sanjusangendo." Mourimoto replied without thinking: "Then this also means that Zhai

The Fuji army should have left Sanjusangendo. If the Saito army went east, then the New Hiyoshi Shrine would have been in emergency, but in fact everything there was the same as before. If the Saito army went south, then the Takio Shrine

The Tsutsui family shouldn't be the only one fighting over there. Considering that the Saito family and the Oda family are allies, it's very likely that Saito's army crossed the river and headed west together with the Oda's army——"

Maori Yuan stretched out his voice and raised his chin: "It's in the neighborhood southeast of us, south of Shichijo Bridge."

"What does father mean?" Mouri Takamoto and Kobayakawa Takakage were both confused.

"It means that most of the east bank of Kamogawa River is now controlled by our Northern Army, and there is almost no deployment of the Southern Army. It is very safe." Mao Liyuan coughed twice, and then explained his plan: "If we

Defeated the Oda Army and pursued them all the way. When they arrived at the Shichijo Bridge, they 'suddenly' discovered an ambush by the Saito Army there. Being 'desperate', they 'hurriedly' had to retreat to the east bank of the Kamogawa River.

Friendly troops and the world will probably not criticize our Maori army, which has a small number of generals, right? We did not betray the Nizi army's rear on purpose, it was just due to the situation."

At 5:00 noon on March 30, the 14th year of Tianwen (1546), outside the Shinzenkoji Temple.

Oda Nobunaga readjusted the deployment of his troops and planned to let the soldiers bypass the two alleys of Shin-Zenko-ji Temple and launch an attack together. However, before he could wave the flag, he suddenly discovered Motonari Mouri's horse on Shin-Zenko-ji Temple.

Yin waved high. After a moment, he saw the ambush of the Maori family pouring out of the alley on the north side where he originally wanted to detour. The leader was none other than Motonori Maori, who was still young but still brave enough to win the three armies.

His second son——Yoshikawa Motoharu.

The Oda Army was caught off guard and was immediately thrown into chaos. Fortunately, the combat quality of the Oda Army samurai was still excellent. They were not as embarrassed as the Tsutsui Army. Instead, they gathered their troops and retreated to the southeast towards Shichijo Bridge.

Prepare to join the Saito Army waiting there and repel the ambush before making any plans. What surprised the Oda Army was that the Maori Army in Shin-Zenkoji Temple actually came out together, abandoning their carefully constructed strong positions.

Chase him out directly.

Oda Nobunaga didn't panic when he saw this, and led his troops to retreat all the way to the Shichijo Bridge. Saito's army, which had not fired a shot all morning until now, had been recuperating for a long time, and immediately came from the streets south of the Shichijo Bridge.

He rushed out and rushed towards the Maori army.

But the changes in front of them once again shocked all the Oda and Saito family samurai - instead of retreating, the Maori army rushed towards the Shichijo Bridge. Neither the Oda army nor the Saito army expected this move.

As a result, there was almost no defense on the east side, and the Maori army rushed directly towards the east bank of the Kamogawa River, leaving Saito's army and Oda's army looking at each other.

"Lord, hasn't our retreat been cut off?" Akechi Mitsuhide was a little anxious and pointed in the direction where the Maori army was heading away - Sanjusangendo.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't the Northern Army's troops pass by just now? They were lost a long time ago." Saito Michizan didn't care at all. He pointed at the streets on the west bank of the Kamogawa River with his thumb, "If we want to withdraw, just go ahead and

Go south along the Kamogawa River to Dongshan Bridge. What are you afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of."

Before he finished speaking, something happened that frightened Empress Saito Dosan.

The Oda army didn't even say hello, but turned directly towards the Shin-Zenkoji Temple that had just been vacated by the Maori army.

"My son-in-law..." Saito Douzan was angry and funny. He couldn't help but cursed: "I don't know who I learned this reckless temper from. It's like rushing to reincarnate! He will be decisive when he sees the opportunity.

Of course, you won’t miss a good game, but you may also get yourself killed.”

At seven o'clock noon on March 30, the 14th year of Tianwen (1546), in the south of Yuanjiao Temple, the Nizi army was in the middle.

"Report! Your Highness! Oh no! The new Zenkoji Temple is lost! The papaya flag of the Oda family of the Confederate Army has been planted on it!"

"Huh?" Nizi Kunikisa was originally fighting on the front line with all his strength. After receiving the notification from the messenger, he quickly retreated, climbed to the second floor of a house and looked back - only then did he find a word on the new Zenkoji Temple.

The three-star flags have disappeared without a trace.

"The beasts of the Maori family... I knew that these two-faced beasts would be up to no good if they were assigned behind us!" When Nizi Kunijiu saw this, he was so angry that he cursed and quickly called the troops: "Retreat, retreat, withdraw your wish


"It's still dangerous to go back to Yuanjiao Temple..." After issuing the order, Nizi Kunijisa still felt cold sweat. "The New Zenkoji Temple is lost, and our retreat to the northeast has been cut off. We can only go to Faguang Temple in the northwest. But Faguang Temple,

It’s clearly the Ouchi family’s position…it can’t be convenient for us, right?”

Just as Nizi Kunikisa expected, after seeing the Maori army at Shin-Zenkoji Temple give up their position "expeditiously", Tao Ryufu had already decisively directed the Ouchi army to retreat.

"The flanks and rear have been breached. The southern army may pass through Shin-Zenko Temple and directly attack Nijo Castle and the Imperial Palace. The entire army should immediately return to King Kin! Leave Hoko-ji Temple and retreat to Oizumi-ji Temple!" Tao Longfang took the opportunity of the change of hands of Shin-Zenko-ji Temple and legitimately issued the order.

The Ouchi army retreated north. The samurai of the Ouchi family immediately led their troops to break away from the Asakura army and retreated towards Hoko Temple, while the rear troops in Hoko Temple began to move directly to Oizumi Temple in the north.

Sotetsu Asakura was also an old fox who was half dead. How could he not understand the inner plan of the Ouchi family? While he tacitly agreed to let the inner army leave, he followed closely behind him. After the Ouchi army withdrew from Hoko Temple, he immediately entered it.

At the same time, the original position at Toji Temple was left to be garrisoned by the Asai Army who came for support. After the warriors of the Nizi Army withdrew to Kankyo Temple, they discovered that the Ouchi Ryoshi on the Hokoji Temple had also been replaced by Asakura Sanmori Papaya.

, all jumped in anger.

"Tao Owari is going to deliver Nizi's family to our mouth." Asakura Sotechi stroked his gray beard under his chin and looked at the soldiers who had been occupied by the Asakura Army, Asai Army, Rokkaku Army, Wakasa Takeda Army and Oda Army.

, the Saito Army surrounded the Nizi Army in the Kankyo Temple from all sides.

On the other side, Rokkaku Sadeyori and his son-in-law Takeda Nobutyo were leading their troops to pursue the Rokkaku army and blocked them all the way into the Kankyo Temple. However, Rokkaku Sadeyori immediately ordered the troops to stop and did not immediately launch an attack on the Kankyo Temple.


"Guan Lingdai." Takeda Nobong was confused, "The Rokkaku family's foothold is not stable. This is a great opportunity for us to attack. Why did we stop our troops?"

"Can't you see, this is a tactic of borrowing money from the Ouchi family. The Ouchi family and their vassal Maori family withdrew their troops from both sides, sold all the Nizi family, and sent them to our encirclement as a big gift.

Come here." Rokkaku Sadayori calmly arranged his military uniform, patted his skirt with both hands and said: "But, why should we serve as knives for the Ouchi family? The Nizi family is surrounded.

In order to survive, we will inevitably have to fight against a trapped beast. If we attack at this time, wouldn’t we just run into an iron plate?”

"But this is such a big honor, it's the moment to become famous..." Takeda Nobuntoyo was still a little envious.

"Don't worry, it's a big gift that our two families are naturally not lucky enough to receive." Rokkaku Sadayori waved his hand and motioned for the juniors to bring a mat and sit down. He looked meaningfully at Asakura Jun and To the west.

Asai Army, "Wait until all our people are here, then attack together."

This chapter has been completed!
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