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Chapter 322: A while (13)

At midnight on March 30, the 14th year of Tenmon (1546), Takio Shrine.

After the Tsutsui Army was defeated, the Kitahata Army, which continued to resist, also fell into decline in the face of the fierce offensive of the Otomo Army. Although Kitahata Harugu was known as a skilled archer and horseman, none of the Kitahata family retainers and samurai were willing to fight for this battle.

The consciousness of making a lot of sacrifices in a battle in which they have little to do. On the contrary, the samurai of the Otomo family have clear goals-these "princelings" who support Otomo Yizhen all want to win the world's attention in this battle.

He made great achievements in the battles and gained fame for Otomo Yizhen in order to compete for the position of family governor.

Whether in terms of numbers or combat power, the Otomo Army is superior to the Tsutsui Army and Kitahata Army. Coupled with the ebb and flow of fighting will, the balance of victory and defeat is extremely clear. The Otomo Army continues to advance, defeating the Kitahata Army and Tsutsui Army.

They were driven more and more towards the direction of the southeast main camp. To make matters worse, another group of Northern troops rushed to the battlefield - 9,000 people from the Hatano Army and Yusa Army. They were all vassals of the Miyoshi family, and they were obviously influenced by Miyoshi Nagakei.

They resolutely attacked southward only after receiving the instruction. As soon as the flags of Hatano Army and Yusa Army appeared on the battlefield, Kitahata Army and Tsutsui Army instantly lost their will to resist and retreated southward without saying a word - not even retreating to Tofuku in the southeast.

The main formation of the temple was withdrawn from the battlefield directly to the south.

"These pampered Kinki samurai are really unreliable." Standing behind Takeda Harunobu, Iitomi Masakage (Yamagata Masakai) snorted disdainfully.

"Genshiro, don't be angry. Every family has its own interests. There is nothing to criticize." Takeda Harunobu took a very open mind and was not too annoyed with the Tsutsui family and Kitahata family for ignoring their retreat.

"My lord, the enemy troops are currently approaching in large numbers, and the reinforcements of His Highness (Hosokawa Harumoto) are still invisible." Naito Masayo turned back and looked in the direction of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, then turned to Takeda

Harunobu cupped his hands and said: "I wonder if our Takeda Army will temporarily avoid the enemy, or stick to the mountain and stick to it?"

"How about we retreat first!" Kasuga Torasuna (Takasaka Masanobu) whispered with a worried look: "There is no need to fight the fierce enemy forces here for the so-called 'Southern Army'. The ones who died are our Takeda family members.

Man, if they attack by force, we will probably suffer a lot of losses."

"Retreat for what?" Baba Nobuharu spat on the ground, glared at Kasuga Torasuna, and then said fiercely: "We 8,000 Kai athletes, flee without a fight? How will the world see us? Just guard here, how many come?

Kill as many as you want, and let me see who dares to attack?"

"Mino Mamoru-sama is right!" Kasuga Torasuna was so cruel to Baba Nobuharu that he immediately leaned over and apologized weakly, "I didn't think carefully."

"It's Mino who didn't think well, not you." Takeda Harunobu laughed and patted the shoulders of Kasuga Torasuna and Baba Nobuharu, "Gensuke is right, why should I sacrifice the Takeda family's strength here in vain?


"But my lord, if we really retreat, I'm afraid it will do a lot of damage to the reputation of the Takeda family, and it will also lead to the collapse of the entire Southern Army. No matter how you say it, it's not a good idea." Naito Masayo advised Takeda again.

Harunobu smiled but did not answer. He turned to Yamamoto Kansuke and said:

"Kansuke, guess what I want to do?"

"My lord must be trying to 'trick' again." Yamamoto Kansuke understood Takeda Harunobu's intention, "The best way to deal with such a beast that rushes towards you is to hit its 'tail'."

"That's right." Takeda Harunobu nodded with satisfaction, "It is most difficult for coalition forces to cover each other. Once they are attacked from behind, they are afraid that friendly forces will leave them behind to escape, and there will inevitably be chaos."

"But how to get back to the enemy's flank?" Kasuga Torasuna asked in confusion.

"Chisekiin." Takeda Harunobu raised his hand and pointed to the north, "Isn't it still in the hands of the Hojo family? The Hojo family doesn't want to return to support our formation and stays in Chisukein to eat and wait to die. They want to see our Takeda family's

What a joke. The guys in the Northern Army also know the Hojo family's plan and are indifferent to their positions. Then we just take advantage of this and send a special team to quietly move to Chisukein, and then attack the Northern Army vanguard from Chisukein.


"Mino, Gensuke." Takeda Harunobu named the two retainers who had just had a conflict, "You lead 3,000 people to carry out the mission of the special forces. Look at the flag, the ones stationed at Sanjusangendo are the Aki Maori Army.

, have no grievances against us. Don’t take the initiative to attack, and they probably won’t come out to fight you to the death.”

"Yes!" Nobuharu Baba and Torasuna Kasuga accepted the order with their hands raised.

On March 30, the 14th year of Tianwen (1546), at the end of the fifth quarter, Sansanjian Hall.

"No, I always feel like something is wrong..." The Maori family, who had just settled down, were resting in the hall. Motonari, who was standing at the top of the Buddhist hall, kept stroking his mustache and observing the surrounding situation with a frown.


"Father?" Motoharu Yoshikawa, who was on the front line, had just had his wound treated by Xiao Xing, and when he came back, he heard Motonari Mouri talking to himself.

"It feels a little wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong." Mao Liyuan showed a wry smile.

"Except for the leader (Hosokawa Harumoto), all the Southern Army troops have shown up. What else can be done now?" Yoshikawa Motoharu opened the window and glanced at another group of people arriving from the north.

Reinforcements - The reinforcements from the Yamano family and the Kono family have also passed through the Rokuparamitsu Temple and are speeding towards the south. "As soon as our reinforcements arrive, even if the reserve team led by Hosokawa arrives, we still have the numerical advantage.

Surround Takeda Harunobu in our formation, and we turn around to attack the reinforcements led by Hosokawa."

"No, I don't think the Takeda Army will be trapped in this formation..." Maori Yuan frowned even more tightly, and his thoughts quickly circulated around the alarm clock. After a while, he suddenly said with enlightenment: "Go and send someone to keep an eye on it."

In the direction of Chisekiin, then go and inform His Highness Otomo (Otomo Ui Town) heading south, be careful that someone is taking a detour from behind!"

"Ah? This time is imminent. The Takeda family only has that few troops. How dare they go to war without facing the enemy head-on?" Maori Takamoto was shocked when he heard this, but he immediately followed his father's instructions and prepared to take action. But before he could wait for him

Stepping outside the Sanjusangen-do Hall, one could see an army coming out of the Chiseki-in Temple in the southeast - under the banner of Takeda Hisi.

"It's too late. Gather the troops and stick to Sanjusangendo to warn the friendly forces." Upon seeing this, Mourimoto shouted directly to Mouri Takamoto downstairs, "Don't send troops. We have fought two times in a row and are already exhausted. Takeda's army is out of control."

Since the launch, we have been recuperating our strength. Don’t go head-to-head with their elites. Gather your troops and be ready to go into battle to respond!”

"As expected, the Maori family did not send troops." Nobuharu Baba had to lament Takeda Harunobu's judgment, and then told Kasuga Torasuna: "You, take 1,000 people, and keep an eye on the direction of the Maori army to prevent them from cutting off our retreat. I will take

The remaining 2,000 men attack."

After Kasuga Torasuna left with his order, Baba Nobuharu led 2,000 Kaimen, turned around and went to kill Takio Shrine. At this time, the front soldiers of Hatano Army and Yusa Army had already exchanged fire on the front line south of Takio Shrine, but the rear group

The auxiliary troops were still dragged north of Takio Shrine. They never expected that the Takeda Army would actually come out in this direction that was ignored by everyone. The Takeda Army, which was stretched thin, actually dared to separate a group of people for a surprise attack.

The unprepared auxiliary troops instantly fell into chaos. Some fled southwest of Takio Shrine, all the way to the edge of Kamogawa. Others poured into Takio Shrine, crowding the small shrine to a crawl.

Nobuharu Baba did not distract himself from the pursuit, but focused on continuously charging southward to completely break up the formations of Yusa Army and Hatano Army.

Just when the Yusa Army and the Hatano Army were hesitating whether to return for reinforcements, an unexpected incident happened again.

"The enemy is exhausted. Our troops are attacking from above and below. We are harmonious and the terrain is favorable to me! All gentlemen, follow me out into battle!"

With only 5,000 men left on hand, Takeda Harunobu voluntarily left the command position on Huihi Mountain, suddenly opened the camp gate, and led the crowd to counterattack the Northern Army, which was nearly in strength. Kai's warriors roared out like tigers descending from the mountain and rushed towards Hui.

The Northern Army at the foot of Sun Mountain.

No matter whether it was the fierce generals in Otomo's family who were accustomed to fighting, or the veterans in the Yusa family or Hatano's family, no one expected Takeda Harunobu's tough move - to attack the enemy with a small number and not to stand firm.

Instead of waiting for reinforcements, he abandoned his solid position and nearby friendly forces, and rushed out desperately - and Takeda Harunobu had no motive to do so. Why was there any need to risk the entire Takeda army in this battle?

The lives of the soldiers?

But as the saying goes, taking them by surprise and attacking them unprepared, the Takeda Army's surprise attack exceeded everyone's expectations. The Otomo Army had already retreated from two families in a row, and its physical strength was quite exhausted. It planned to take a short rest before besieging the Southern Army's main formation, but it was not prepared at all for an attack.

Prepare. The Yusa Army and Hatano Army were even worse. Just as they were about to turn their troops to rush back to support, they encountered a head-on attack.

In the blink of an eye, the heavily outnumbered Northern Army was overwhelmed by soldiers from the Takeda Army. The Otomo Army, the Hatano Army and the Yusa Army retreated steadily, rolling back to the Takio Shrine. And in Taki

To the north of the O-jinja Shrine, Nobuharu Baba and his Rangers were still making a big fuss. The three Northern Army units were at a loss of ground and were on the verge of collapse in an instant.

"Don't mess up!" At the critical moment, Toji Kan Company led his banner around Takio Shrine, turned around and rushed south, charging diagonally towards Baba Nobharu's horse seal. There were not many Baba Nobharu soldiers, and he was rushed by this desperate attack.

, had to stop the offensive and close up the defense, leaving room for the North Army vanguard to retreat. At this time, the Maori army also moved south from Sanjusangendo, making a flanking attack on Nobuharu Baba. It was difficult for Kasuga Torasuna to be independent

If they resisted, they joined forces with Nobuharu Nobuharu of Baba, turned around and retreated in the direction of Chisekiin.

"Just give it up when it's good, don't expect to finish it all in one battle, just win by six points."

Takeda Harunobu was not reluctant to fight. When he saw this, he immediately ordered his troops to retreat, quickly left the battle, and led the Takeda Army to withdraw back to the main formation of Tofukuji Temple. This round of counterattack by the Takeda Army has bought enough time to push back the momentum of the Northern Army.

The morale of the vanguard of the army was almost destroyed. By the time they regrouped and organized another attack, the Hosokawa family's reinforcements had arrived on the battlefield, and the Confederate army's main formation was out of danger.

This chapter has been completed!
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