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Chapter 39 Tacit understanding

The four of them, Imagawa Ujimoto, Ginkgo, Nakasugi Tora Chiyo, and Kira Weisheng, formed a square and surrounded Dahu Xiutsuna. Dahu Xiutsuna, who was surrounded by four masters, was still calm and calm.

He maintained his normal kendo posture calmly, without any sign of hurry. Imagawa Shigen winked at the three of them, then nodded slightly, and the four of them swarmed forward and charged towards the great Hu Xiugang.

I saw the big Hu Xiugang twisting his waist counterclockwise slightly, as if he was accumulating strength, and then suddenly twisted clockwise, murderous intent burst out, the blade was as fast as a storm, making it almost impossible to see the trajectory. There was a feeling of metal collision.

The cold sword energy rushed towards their faces, and the powerful impact almost shook the four of them away. They staggered and barely managed to stand still.

There were many onlookers running out of the store, watching the fighting from a distance, and the store owner and waiter wanted to come together to break up the fight. However, after seeing the blow just now, all the onlookers were frightened.

They had to flee in groups, and the shop owner and waiter were so shocked that they sat on the ground.

"It's so strong." Ginkgo held the knife in her left hand and touched her right hand which was so painful from the shock, "I think we need to cooperate."

"Weicheng is responsible for suppressing it. Miss Ginkgo and I will attack, and Tora Chiyo will provide support." Imagawa Ujimoto ordered as he changed positions with Kira Wecheng and stood directly opposite Ginkgo.

"Sir, how can there be such an arrangement? The swordsman heard it clearly." Ginkgo muttered as if complaining.

"Why don't we play a game?" Imagawa Yuan had an idea and suggested with a smile.

"Ten questions?" Ginkgo understood Imagawa Ujimoto's thoughts as if she had a tacit understanding.

"I want you to guess." Imagawa Shigen nodded and smiled.

"Have you thought about it?" Ginkgo asked with a smile on her face.

"I've thought about it." Imagawa Ujimoto snapped his fingers with his left hand, pointed past the big Hu Xiuzuna, and pointed directly at the ginkgo behind him, "Miss Ginkgo, please."

"Are you willing?" The next moment after Ginkgo asked the question, he drew his knife and stabbed Dahu Xiutsuna in the left chest. Imagawa Ujimoto did not answer, but also attacked the left chest at the same time in a tacit understanding. The two of them hit the same spot.

Daihu Hidetsuna was a bit tricky. He tried to attack Imagawa Ujimoto while letting go of the blow. Nakasugi Torachiyo immediately interfered with his sword, and Kira Hidenari also slashed with both swords, forcing Daihu Hidetsuna to turn around and get out of the way of the attack.

The big man has great strength, but is slow. It is better to attack before he takes action - Hu Xiugang was thinking this in his mind, but the girl behind him asked again: "Two legs?"

Afterwards, Ginkgo stabbed his right leg with his sword, and Imagawaji Moto also stabbed his right leg. While Dahu Xiuzang blocked it, he already had a guess in his mind - what the girl said did not have much information in itself, she was just signaling to the young man and him

It's just a code to attack the same place. As for where to attack, it depends on the instructions attached to the sentence itself.

After fending off these two blows, Ohu Hidetsuna made a fake stab at Nakasugi Torachiyo, forcing the latter to parry him. Ohu Hidetsuna took the opportunity to stab Ginkgo, and Ginkgo also asked at this time: "My head is still there."

Aren't you sleepy?" Then he stabbed Da Hu Xiugang in the face with a knife, seeming to force Da Hu Xiugang's body downward.

Are you going to attack the same place again? Are you attacking the head? Since Goro Shinagawa is behind you, I will protect the back of the head. While Hidetsuna leaned over to block Ginkgo's blow, he pulled out his scabbard and tried to block the thrust to the back of the head.

.However, Imagawajimoto's sword wind suddenly changed, and he stabbed Dahu Xiutsuna in the leg with a knife. This really made it difficult for Dahu Xiutsuna, who was leaning over, to dodge the blow at the cost of losing his balance, and was almost killed by Kira Weichen.

Hit with two swords.

"Why?" Da Hu Xiugang wondered, why did the first two blows hit the same place? The third hit changed? Is it some strange code? If the code cannot be cracked, it will be troublesome to fight.

It is not that Hu Xiugang has never encountered the situation of one against many, but the besiegers are often scattered and disorganized. One person can attack multiple people. To put it bluntly, it is just a one-on-one duel.

He has also encountered situations where there is a commander on the opposite side. Under the command of the commander, the besiegers can attack neatly at the same time, and can also cooperate with each other to limit the movements and movements of the besieged. The combat effectiveness is better than the chaotic attack when each fights independently.

It is several times higher. But the person being besieged can also hear this command. Even if the other party uses code words or dialects, after repeating it a few times, they can roughly understand it and avoid these attacks.

But now the code words used by the opponent are not repeated, and Dahu Xiugang is completely unable to figure out the routine. The girl and the boy not only take advantage of attacking at the same time, but also can exchange attack methods with each other without Dahu Xiugang not understanding, thus achieving effective coordination.

However, Ginkgo obviously did not leave Hu Xiugang any time to think, but asked loudly: "Do you like your father in your heart?" After that, another knife went straight to the heart.

"Where will he hit? My back? Or somewhere else?" Hu Xiugang felt a little anxious, worried about the movements of the attacks behind him that were also launched at the same time. As a last resort, he had to distract himself from taking care of both sides.

While slashing through Ginkgo, he also blocked another slash from Imagawa Ujimoto that stabbed his leg. At the same time, his casual counterattack failed to exert full force, and was blocked by Nakasugi Tora Chiyo with all his strength.

"I understand, hit the same position twice, and the other two times the girl will attack by herself, and the boy will kick." Hu Xiugang's many years of combat experience accumulated in life and death are terrifying, and he quickly figured out a pattern. "

Then the next blow will hit the same place."

"Do you like squeezing the neck of a kitten?" Ginkgo asked again. But Hu Xiugang already knew it. He turned his head suddenly and let go of the two knives that stabbed the neck at the same time, and then slashed at the neck with a running momentum.

Imagawajimoto and Nakasugi Torachiyo hurriedly held the sword with both hands to block, but were easily knocked out. Imagawajimoto was forced into danger by this sword. He only survived with the full support of Kira Usei, but Hu Hidetsuna

There was no restraint at all, and he was able to launch a counterattack without restraint.

"Do you want to bring a shawl?" Ginkgo shouted again, but Hu Xiugang was no longer afraid at this time. According to the usual practice, both sides should stab the shoulders at the same time. Sure enough, Ginkgo stabbed each other, but Da Hu Xiugang easily deflected it with a knife.

, and in turn pushed Ginkgo back a few steps. At the same time, Dahu Xiutsuna slightly bent down, trying to pass the sword of Imagawa's Gensa on the back shoulder - but it was in vain.

"Could it be a thorn in the leg?" Hu Xiutsuna was startled by the sudden change in cooperation between Imagawa Shimoto and Ginkgo. He hurriedly stepped to the ground and tried to evacuate his legs to avoid injury. However, the whistling wind behind him announced the failure of Dahu Xiutsuna's guess.

——It came at the neck. Ginkgo's knife just now was intended to force Hu Xiutsuna to bend down, so that the knife from Imagawajimoto behind him could go straight to the back of the head.

At the critical moment, Dahu Xiutsuna's full-screen core strength twisted his body, lowered his head suddenly, and passed the knife behind Imagawajimoto. However, the bun on his head was picked out by Imagawajimoto, and his long hair fell down.


"Why stabbing in the neck?" Hu Xiugang marveled at the amazing tacit understanding between the boy and the girl. "It is probably because they have been partners who have fought side by side for many years that they can form such a cooperation."

"Do you like sleeping?"

"Do you have a good memory?"

Ginkgo threw two more problems in succession. The indescribable tacit cooperation between Imagawa Ujimoto and Ginkgo made Dahu Xiugang extremely embarrassed. He had to be tired of dealing with them and lost the ability to take the initiative to attack.

"Miss Ginkgo, here are eight questions." Imagawa Ujimoto winked at Ginkgo while he was attacking, "If you can't guess anymore, you will lose."

"Then, do you want to wear a skirt?" Ginkgo also exchanged glances with Imagawajimoto and started to move at the same time. Ginkgo stabbed his left leg, and Imagawajimoto stabbed his left leg simultaneously. Dahu Xiutsuna jumped suddenly, his legs

He jumped up in the air like a split and dodged the two swords.

Kira Uisei took advantage of the moment when he was unable to adjust his posture in the air and slashed hard with two swords. Seeing this, Dahu Xiutsuna suddenly retracted his legs and landed on the two blades of Imagawa Shimoto and Ginkgo, and slashed downwards.

With one kick, the two of them staggered, and then they used the force to jump up high, passing Kira Usei's horizontal split, and then did a split again, kicking Kira Usei with one leg, and kicking Nakasugi Tiger with the other leg.

Chiyo kicked them both until they fell to the ground in a daze.

"The last question." Ginkgo spotted the flaw in Hu Xiugang's whereabouts. As he stepped forward, he drew his sword as fast as a poisonous snake spitting out a message, but his voice was gentle and authentic: "Is he the one you like?"

Imagawa Ujimoto and Ginkgo's swords came out at the same time, aiming directly at Dahu Xiutsuna's heart - with Dahu Xiutsuna's current posture, there was no way he could avoid this blow. However, Dahu Xiuzuna did not block it, but just raised his hand.

The katana—Imagawa Ujimoto recognized it as a throwing gesture—then Hidetsuna threw the katana towards Ginkgo's face.

Ginkgo exclaimed and hurriedly drew his sword to block. Now Kawajimoto also got confused, swung his samurai sword and hit the knife thrown by Dahu Xiutsuna, deflecting the blow for Ginkgo. Both of them gave up the attack and gave

This gave Hu Xiugang the opportunity to land calmly.

"As expected, the love between sons and daughters is long, and there is a fatal flaw in the battle formation." After landing, Hu Xiutsuna picked up the katana that had been shot to the ground like lightning. He didn't care about Imagawa Ujimoto behind him, and faced Ginkgo.

There was a violent attack like a storm. How could Ginkgo avoid it if he didn't have the physical skills of Imagawajimoto? In less than half a round, the katana in his hand was thrown away and he was kicked to the ground.

Dahu Xiutsuna took a step forward and was about to stab Ginkgo in the throat. Imagawa, who had no knife in his hand, rushed out in desperation, knocked Ginkgo down and rolled around on the ground to avoid this attack.

But Dahu Xiutsuna refused to give up and followed up with another blow. Although Imagawa Ujimoto could still dodge, he knew that his physical strength did not support him and pulled Ginkgo to dodge the blow.

At the critical moment of life and death, he suddenly stood up and opened his arms to block Ginkgo's knife to buy time. Although the ninjas around him would not expect such a thing to happen in the inn, they should have noticed it.

Are you going to fight in the inn? As long as you buy some time, the ninjas will arrive.

"Sir!" Ginkgo was so anxious that she almost cried. She just wanted to get up and pull Imagawa Shigen away, but she was kicked hard in the abdomen and couldn't use any strength for a while.

At the critical moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the distance:

"Lord Hu, wait a minute!"

Upon hearing this, Da Hu Xiutang immediately stopped and used amazing control to hold back the knife that was thrust out with all his strength. The tip of the knife stopped just an inch away from Imagawa Shimoto's chest, exactly. Imagawa Shimoto, who had narrowly escaped death, grew a long hair.

His whole body almost collapsed.

This chapter has been completed!
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