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Chapter 65 Hunting (5)

At seven o'clock on September 28, the fifth year of Tianwen (1536), Lin Xiangshan.

After all, Hojo Ujiyasu had been in battle for a long time. Although it took some effort, he still managed to avoid being entangled by the Imagawa family banner and retreated to Linxiang Mountain. However, as soon as he went up the mountain to survey the battle situation, he found that the Hojo army on the battlefield had already

Everything was in chaos. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh - all parts of the Hojo Army rushed to the rescue because they were worried about his safety, but the original deployment was messed up, and the positions of the ambush were all exposed.

"You can't trust me so much? Do you think I will be killed if no one saves me?" Hojo Ujiyasu couldn't help complaining, and at the same time ordered, "Let all the troops return to their original positions! Hold on to their positions! Cut off the Imagawa army's retreat! Since

The Imagawa Army irrationally wants to fight us without thinking about opening up a retreat. We don't need to attack anymore. All departments must take the initiative to avoid fighting! If we defend against the mountains, the Imagawa Army cannot defeat us! Two days later,

Look at the enemy’s defeat!”

After Hojo Ujiyasu's five-color horse seal shook and gave the order, the various reserve units of the Hojo family that originally wanted to rush forward and fight the Imagawa army stopped, turned around and retreated to their original positions. Miura Bei, Abe

Both Bei and Unobei breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and now they had time to let their auxiliary soldiers start building fortifications along the river bank. Okabei even seized the opportunity to cross the Yui River and go north along the Banko River.

And go.

"I really don't want to suffer any losses." Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at Hojo Ujiyasu's arrangement and said secretly in his heart, "We obviously have the advantage but we don't want to decide the outcome through a head-on battle. Instead, we just want to stick to the dangerous point.

Wait until the enemy's food, fodder and morale are exhausted before counterattacking? Is this the tactics of the 'Sagami Lion'? I have learned a lesson."

"But do you really think that I can't defeat your 1,000 banners and less than 2,000 auxiliary troops if they retreat to Linxiang Mountain?" Imagawa Yoshimoto laughed and ordered in a low voice, "The fourth banner

Prepare, go northeast into the forest! Approach the southeast of Linxiang Mountain! Bring the auxiliary troops of this unit and enter!"

"Bring auxiliary troops?" Makiyama Nazuo was confused by Imagawa Yoshimoto's order, "Your Highness, we are already fighting, why do we need to bring auxiliary troops? Wouldn't it be better to let them hide in the main formation on Honkoyama? We

You don’t have to be distracted to protect them.”

"It's always better to have more people, and I don't want you to go to war." Imagawa Yoshimoto raised his head, looked at the red bird horse prints that were hunting in the wind, and snapped his fingers in the direction of Lin Xiangshan -

"Southeast wind, you go to the southeast foothills of Linxiang Mountain and set fire to it!"

At three quarters of noon on September 28, the fifth year of Tenmon (1536), when a raging fire ignited at the southeastern foothills of Mount Linxiang and took advantage of the wind to wildly devour the forests of Mount Linxiang, Hojo Ujiyasu had no choice but to overturn his previous order.


"You're eating shit... Imagawa Yoshimoto has quite a lot of work to do." Hojo Ujiyasu knew that it would not be long before the mountain fire reached his own camp - at least it was much shorter than the time it took for the Imagawa army to finish eating.

"Send orders to all the troops, don't go back to the base, come here quickly to save me! Launch a general attack on the Imagawa Army immediately!"

"Your mistake saved my life and gave me the opportunity to reorganize my deployment." Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at the prepared teams and tapped his palms with a folding fan confidently. Okabe was already close.

The upper reaches of the Furukawa River can be dredged immediately, making it difficult for the enemy to cross the Bangu River and the lower reaches of the Yuhi River to attack. However, once Tominaga Naosuke's Aobei and Kasahara Nobuhi's Hakubei cross the river, they will encounter Sena Bei ambushing in the forest.

He and Sekiguchi Bei attacked mid-crossing - but Sekiguchi Bei and Hakubei, who were eager to support Hojo Ujiyasu, had no choice but to be encircled for reinforcements and fell into an ambush by the Imagawa army.

"Fourth brother, what do you think Yoshimoto is thinking about now?" Hojo Ujiyasu, who was choked by the thick smoke blown by the wind and was a little embarrassed, complained to his younger brother.

"He was thinking, brother, that you just missed the opportunity to fight, allowing the army to turn back in vain, and even sent the Okabe equipment to the upper reaches of the Fanko River." Hojo Ujiyao complained mercilessly to his brother.

"Haha, that's what I want him to think." Hojo Ujiyasu laughed twice, and then his expression became fierce again, "But thanks to him setting the fire, I can act more realistically. He won't really think that

, I would make such a low-level mistake, right? I don’t really think that he has a chance to turn defeat into victory, right? "

At 5:00 noon on September 28, the fifth year of Tenmon (1536), Okabe Bei groped to the upper reaches of the Fanko River. After several piles of huge rocks, they saw the water flow blocked by sandbags and gravel, and the surrounding land

It has been soaked by the overflowing river water. However, what surprised Okabe Oyatsuna is that there is not a lot of water overflowing here. The deepest part is only ankle deep, and it is lower than other places along the terrain.

flowed into the ravines.

"This is it, be alert all around." After Okabe Oyatsuna saw the man-made embankment, he immediately sent people to scout out several nearby forests and hills where ambushes could be found. Imagawa Yoshimoto had just sent a messenger to remind him to be careful.

The Hojo Army, which had blocked the river, was still encamped here.

After some reconnaissance, a circle around Okabe Bei can be called safe. However, Okabe Otsuna still did not take it lightly, and asked all the soldiers to prepare in formation beside the Banko River, and asked his brother Okabe Hisatsuna to start leading

Lead the auxiliary troops to clean up the river.

"You are really cautious... Did Yoshimoto not only notice that I wanted to attack by water, but also that there would be an ambush in the upper reaches of the Banko River?" Hojo Ujiyasu observed Okabe Bei's actions on Rinxiang Mountain, and couldn't help but admired,

But in an instant, he sneered, "But I already knew that you would notice these two points, and I also expected that you would send people to dredge the river. In the end, you still missed a move!"

Hojo Ujiyasu's five-color horse seal paused hard on the spot, and then waved it back and forth twice. Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at the strange signal sent by the Hojo family without knowing why, and was wondering who gave the order, upstream of the Banko River

But suddenly there was a sound like roaring water.

The Okabe soldiers who were cleaning the river were at a loss. They straightened up in stunned silence and turned to look in the direction of the sound - they saw further upstream of the Banko River, where the raging river water was flowing smoothly during the wet season.

Rushing along the river.

"Two-layer dike! The Hojo family built a two-layer dike. The lower layer is just to trick us into the river to clean up. It is the upper layer that really blocks the flood!" Okabe Oyatsuna, who suddenly woke up, hurriedly greeted

The men left the river, but it was too late. "No wonder there is no overflowing water! The real large flow of water is blocked in the dam above!"

The flood that had been simmering for a long time roared in. The 600 Okabe auxiliary soldiers who were still working in the river fled in a hurry under the leadership of Okabe Hisatsuna. However, a small number of them were still swallowed by the river instantly and swept downstream. The 200

Several unlucky auxiliary soldiers struggled desperately in the river, trying to grab any rocks, water plants, and reeds they could grab, but they were still unable to compete with the power of nature. They were thrown to the bottom of the water one by one as if they were spinning around.

The flow of the river exceeded everyone's imagination, and even rushed out of the river. The waves hit Okabe Bei's soldiers, and they were submerged up to their knees in an instant. Okabe Oyatsuna hurriedly led the soldiers to the high ground in the northeast.

After evacuating, everyone trudged through the gradually rising water level and finally escaped from the flood. Before the troops could take a breath, a hail of arrows hit from the north.

I saw that on another higher highland not far to the north, 900 Black Bei soldiers led by Tame Gentada had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Okabe Bei being driven to the high ground by the flood, they immediately took advantage of their unstable footing.

A fierce attack was launched. Okabe, who was lying in the middle, hurriedly formed his formation, but still fell into a hard fight in an instant.

"The Banko River...is terrible..." Yoshimoto Imagawa at the top of Honkoyama witnessed the tragic situation in the upper reaches of the Banko River, but he still felt somewhat comforted, "But it's okay, after the water flow of the Banko River has recovered to half, the flow of water downstream of the Higa River will

The water level will soon rise, and the number of suitable fords for crossing the river will become very limited."

Imagawa Yoshimoto turned his attention to the lower reaches. Huang Bei of Hojo Matimasa was launching a fierce attack on several bridges led by Miura Bei, Abe Bei and Uden Bei. To his north, Hojo Tsunadaka's Aka Bei did not join the battle group.

, but moved to the intersection where the Banko River merges into the Yuiga River, tried to cross the river from the bridge there, and directly entered the Ishikiri Forest at the intersection of the rivers.

"Command Sena Bei and Sekiguchi Bei to prepare for an ambush." ​​Imagawa Yoshimoto kept an eye on Chi Bei's movements. As soon as he went deep into the forest, he was ready to arrange for Sena Bei and Sekiguchi Bei who were ambushing in the Ishikiri Forest to ambush.

He struck a fatal blow.

However, Hojo Tsunaka had no intention of going deep into the Ishikiri Forest and led his team to wait in the south of the forest from a distance. Imagawa Yoshimoto was confused until he saw fire and thick smoke rising in the forest.

"Only you are allowed to set fire?" Hojo Ujiyasu on Linxiang Mountain glanced at the fire that was getting closer and closer to him, wiped his face that was already blackened by soot, and cursed casually, "You little bastard, you have reminded me, who else?

You won’t set a fire? Really?”


In the Ishikiri Forest, forest fires and thick smoke swept through the forest along with the southeast wind. Sena Shisada and Sekiguchi Shiroku tried to organize soldiers to put out the fire, but they failed soon after. The burning flames and the choking smoke

The soldiers of Senabei and Sekiguchibei were so smoked that the nearly 800 soldiers who could no longer bear it had to run out from the north of Ishikiri Forest in embarrassment. What greeted them were the Hojo Army Baibei and Aobei who had been waiting on the other side of the Banko River.

A shower of arrows.

Under the volley of random arrows, Sena Bei and Sekiguchi Bei suffered heavy losses, and their formations were in chaos. They had to withdraw to the southeast and give up the river bank. Upon seeing this, Kasahara Nobuhiro and Tominaga Naokatsu immediately urged 1,800 people to cross the river, and 600

The combat troops were in front, and 1,200 auxiliary troops were behind. Sena Bei and Sekiguchi Bei had almost no ability to fight back.

"Although the outcome will not change, if the prey refuses to struggle hard, hunting will still be quite boring. If the body cannot heat up, the prey will be tasteless." Hojo Ujiyasu came up with two strategies.

, had already forced the two special forces of Imagawa Army into danger. Although the bannermen beside him had begun to urge him to retreat from Lin Xiangshan, where the fire was getting bigger and bigger, he still watched Imagawa Yoshimoto's horse with interest.


"Yiyuan, keep on attacking."

This chapter has been completed!
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