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Chapter 77 Contradiction

"You bastard! Don't take my chopsticks! Give them back quickly!"

"Why are they your chopsticks? Tell me a joke, there are people who don't know the principle of first come first served?"

On February 7, the sixth year of Tenmon (1537), Imagawa Yoshimoto was woken up before dawn again. God knows how Asahina Kikuchiyo and Okabe Jiro grabbed the chopsticks even though it was not lunch time. Miao Miao beside the pillow also He yawned, obviously very dissatisfied with being woken up.

"You two, can you wait until I get up before you start arguing?" Imagawa Yoshimoto opened the door and shouted to Asahina Kikuchiyo and Okabe Jiro who were struggling in the corridor.

"We need to fight outside." Imagawa Yoshimoto saw Hayasaka Nao, who was also woken up from the room, walking out of the house in a daze, and assigned him a task, "Koichiro, take Asahina and Okabe to the backyard. .At this point, Tian Chen must be practicing swordsmanship outside, let him watch these two children."

That's right, when Imagawa Yoshimoto was still sleeping soundly, the cultivator Kentaro Tian Shen must have been practicing, and maybe he had already completed a set of sword techniques. It wasn't until he came into contact with him that Imagawa Yoshimoto understood why. This swordsman who was born with one arm was able to practice such superb swordsmanship that his swordsman teacher Dahu Xiugang, who had amazing combat power, was full of praise, saying that he already had the qualifications that would be passed on to everyone - all he did was work day and night. s hard work.

Of course, there are exceptions. Even on the fourth floor of the castle tower, Imagawa Yoshimoto can still clearly hear the snoring of Daisaku Kira Uisei. Obviously the noise here does not disturb him at all, and he can sleep peacefully until midnight every day. Talented player , no need to practice hard.

Watching Nao Hayasaka send Asahina Kikuchiyo and Okabe Jiro out of the castle tower, Imagawa Yoshimoto yawned and prepared to go back to catch up on his sleep. At this time, he happened to see Toyo Furuno, who had also been awakened, walking along the corridor.

"This is the future governor of the Asahina and Okabe families. If the relationship is like this, what will happen in the future?" Imagawa Yoshimoto showed a wry smile to Furunoji Yutaka.

"Haha, wouldn't it be great if the Asahina family and the Okabe family have some conflicts?" Furunoji Yutaka laughed twice and whispered beside Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Why do you and my teacher say the same thing?" Imagawa Yoshimoto rolled his eyes at Furunoji Yutaka, walked to his side, and said softly, "To be honest, Takeohmaru, you are not like my teacher. Become a good old fox."

"Haha, yes or no is not that important, but someone has to do the dirty work, right?" Furunoji Yutaka took a half step away, half turned around, and looked at the porcelain placed in the corridor, discordant Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at each other.

"But I only figured it out recently." Furunoji Yutaka added.

"What do you want to understand?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was puzzled.

"I want to understand what kind of motivation makes good people willing to do dirty things and think of the worst in everything." Najiri Furuno stared at the blurry reflection of Imagawa Yoshimoto reflected on the porcelain wall and chuckled, "Maybe Master Xue Zhai thinks so too."

On May 3, the sixth year of Tianwen (1537), Imagawakan Castle Tower.

Time flies, and it is already midsummer in the blink of an eye. At this time, Imagawa Yoshimoto is practicing swordsmanship with Kentaro Tadashimi in the dojo inside Hongai. Although in terms of actual combat, Kentaro Tadashimi is not the opponent of Yoshimoto Imagawa. But Yoshimoto Imagawa understands, That's just because the opponent is missing an arm. Whether it's basic skills or understanding of kendo, Kentaro Taro's attainments are far superior to his own.

The reason why Imagawa Yoshimoto did not go to play Cuju but came to the dojo to practice martial arts was because his kicking partner Hayasaka Nao was called away this morning. Hayasaka Nao's dedicated service to the public for almost a year has won the trust of Taiyuan Xuezhai. Start arranging for him to participate in the work of supervising the household and monitor whether there are any signs of suspiciousness within the family.

Similarly, Furunoji Yutaka gradually dispelled Taiyuan Xuezai's wariness, and judged that he had no intention of threatening Imagawa Yoshimoto's position. After all, he was also a member of the Imagawa family and a member of the Imagawa family. Taiyuan Xuezai also let him and Hayasaka Together with Nao, it is best to let the members of the family and the close followers of the family governor do this kind of work that is easy to offend.

"Your Highness, I am overstepping my bounds, but please be a little more serious." Seeing Imagawa Yoshimoto starting to be lazy again, Kentaro Tadashi couldn't help but urge him.

"I know, Tian Chen, oh no, coach." Imagawa Yoshimoto yawned, re-arranged his stance, and practiced the kendo starting moves that Kentaro Tian Chen inherited from Dahu Hidetsuna, while complaining, "That's really it." There is no way..."

"I'm not flattering you, your highness learns really fast." Kentaro Tian Shen showed an envious look and praised sincerely, "When I learned this style back then, it took me a hundred days to get to the point. My master once As I said, even he had to practice for more than a month before mastering the essence. However, His Highness has only practiced this for ten days, but he has already made great achievements. You have such a talent, and if you are willing to practice hard, I am afraid that your swordsmanship will be the same as mine in the future. The masters are comparable to each other."

"Tian Chen, don't you understand this? 'Effort' is also one of 'talents'. Not everyone can work hard." Imagawa Yoshimoto shook his head and slowly tapped his thigh with a bamboo knife, " When I was a child, in the temple, people would often send their children in to recite the Buddha's name. Some children were very serious, but their understanding was not good enough and they could not learn no matter how hard they studied. When this happened, my teacher would praise them for their hard work."

"There are also children who have high understanding, but are unwilling to work hard, and have read much less scriptures than others. When encountering such children, teachers will say that although they are smart, they are unwilling to work hard. If they work hard, they will definitely achieve success in the future."

"Is there anything wrong with what Master Xue Zhai said?" Kentaro Tianchen also stopped what he was doing.

"It doesn't mean that you can work hard if you want to, nor that you can be serious if you want to be serious. Being able to concentrate on one thing without being distracted by the outside world, enduring fatigue and boredom, this so-called 'hard work' is what it means A kind of talent cannot be developed through acquired training. Some children are born with the inability to concentrate. There is no need to embarrass them, just like some people are born with no understanding. I even dare to say that hard work is more important than understanding. Talent is much more rare and rare.”

Imagawa Yoshimoto laughed as he spoke, recalling the past events of his childhood, "Every time I met someone who didn't work hard, the old man would always tell their parents that the child didn't work hard. Those parents would get very angry and scold them. They train their children hard, force them to work hard, and beat and scold them if they don't obey. But this cannot be forced, it is largely innate. Those children who work hard but have no understanding are much luckier. Parents do not What can you say about them? But in fact, aren't they all essentially the same? They just lack a certain talent."

"Your Highness, I have learned a lesson from you." Kentaro Tian Shen carefully tasted what Imagawa Yoshimoto said.

"Are you praising yourself?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was amused by Tian Chen Kentaro's serious look, "Tian Chen, you are the hardest working person I have ever seen. Are you praising yourself for your extraordinary talents?"

"Your Majesty, you are trying to offend me. How could you possibly have such intention?" Kentaro Tian Shen suddenly blushed at being upset by Imagawa Yoshimoto and thanked him repeatedly.

At this moment, Kira Usei rushed over and told Imagawa Yoshimoto that someone came to the castle tower to ask for an audience. Imagawa Yoshimoto then left, but Kira Usei was entangled by Taro Shen Kentaro - during the fight at the inn last year , Kira Usei used his strength to bully others and defeated Kentaro Tian Shen. The stronger Kentaro Tian Shen was obviously very worried about this, and would drag Kira Wesei into a competition every time he had the chance. Kira Wesei couldn't defeat him, so he had to fight. Become a sparring partner.

After returning to the castle tower, Imagawa Yoshimoto discovered that it was Osawa Motoin, the legitimate son of the lord of Horie Castle, Osawa Kisho. Since the first Toe rebellion failed last year, the Osawa family had raised troops in Horie Castle to oppose Imagawa Yoshi. True. For a whole year of being isolated and helpless, Horie Castle held firm and resisted Imagawa Yoshimaka's attack. This loyalty and tenacity moved everyone in the Imagawa clan and gave the Osawa family a high level of trust. courtesy.

"Can Horie Castle still be defended?" Imagawa Yoshimoto smiled and asked Osawa Motoin as the envoy, and received the answer he imagined -

"Whenever the main hall sends troops to rescue us, Horie City will defend it until that time."

"What if there are no reinforcements?" Imagawa Yoshimoto took the letter from Osawa Motoin and joked casually.

"Then keep it." Osawa Jiyin made his promise quite seriously.

Imagawa Yoshimoto finished reading the autographed letter from Osawa Kishin, looked at Osawa Motoin seriously, and extended an invitation to him, "Osawa, this position has been vacant since the fourth reserve captain of the Imagawa family banner was killed in battle last year. , are you willing to take office?"

"Are you there?" Osawa Jiyin opened his eyes wide in flattery.

"The legitimate son of the Osawa family deserves this grace." Imagawa Yoshimoto replied without changing his expression - this is indeed the truth, and no one in the Imagawa family will raise any objection. The head of the family himself serves as the city lord, and his son can also The main family serves as the reserve captain - this is a blessing that only the Matsui family has in the Imagawa family. However, the Osawa family's performance this time is not inferior to the Matsui family in the past.

But what really prompted Imagawa Yoshimoto to make this decision was the content of Osawa Moto's belief. Osawa Moto was not as ambitious and confident as his own children. The protracted defense battle greatly wore down Shou's spirit. The morale of the army and the days without reinforcements also made the defenders unable to see the future. Osawa Kisho was worried that someone in his family would betray him and lead to the fall of Horie Castle, so he sent his children to Imagawa Yoshimoto in advance, hoping to leave a bloodline for the Osawa family. .

This loyalty to the Imagawa clan shocked even Imagawa Yoshimoto, a man who had never liked the interests of the family. Even if it was to repay Kisaki Osawa, Imagawa Yoshimoto had to hand over the position of captain of the fourth base of the flag.

to his children.

"I dare to ask the main hall, how did the captain of the fourth unit die in battle?"

While Imagawa Yoshimoto was thinking, Osawa Motoyin took the initiative to ask a question.

"You defended our formation and died fighting to buy me time." Imagawa Yoshimoto recalled the tragic appearance of Makiyama Nazuo when he died in the battle, and frowned slightly.

"Then this reserve team is very suitable for me." Osawa Motoyin hammered his chest hard with his right hand and said loudly to Imagawa Yoshimoto, "Please, Your Majesty... Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will inherit the legacy of my predecessor and the legacy of my family."

Use your unique skills to train the fourth weapon in the flag book to become the strongest shield of the Imagawa family! Live up to His Highness’s trust!”

Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at Osawa Motoin, whose young eyes were shining with fighting spirit. Obviously, this young man was not very understanding of the world and misunderstood what Imagawa Yoshimoto meant. He did not understand the essence of this appointment.

It was to praise the Osawa family, but rather to regard it as recognition of one's own abilities. But this youthful and frivolous self-confidence is admirable.

"Osawa, I will wait and see." Imagawa Yoshimoto lowered his head slightly, stared into Osawa Moto's eyes, and encouraged in a deep voice, "When you have trained your troops, we will go back to relieve the siege of Horie Castle."

This chapter has been completed!
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