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Chapter 1203 He is the sun

 Asai Nagamasa didn't realize that her little sweetheart had overturned the jealousy, and her stomach was filled with sourness. She was staring at Mori Ranmaru nervously, fearing to hear the terrible answer that she was seriously ill or dying.

Oda Nobunaga didn't care about his brother's petty thoughts. She was also restless and asked.

"Have you found out what the disease is?"

Mori Ranmaru bowed.

"Spo's mansion is tightly guarded both inside and outside, and no news has come out.

But they are outsiders after all, so the doctor can keep their mouth shut, and they have to go to the Kampo medicine dealer in the castle town to buy the prescriptions they prescribe.

Kyoto is now under the control of our army, and the business owners in the castle town dare not offend my family. I just tapped a few people to find out what medicinal materials the Shiba mansion bought.

I've asked a doctor to check it out, and it's all medicinal herbs that can dispel cold and sweat. It's not a serious illness, it's probably just a cold."

Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and Oda Nobunaga couldn't help but wonder.

"Wind cold? Yutai Suo is gifted with extraordinary talents and has an extraordinary physique, but a little bit of spring cold knocked him down?"

Oda Nobunaga knows best how Yoshigami's health is. The two times he was in Owari, he was beaten seven times a night, and he was so strong that there is nothing to say.

Men in this world lack testosterone. Not only can they not grow much muscle, but they also have to rest for several days at a time, and the time is very short. In comparison, Yiyin's physique is like a perpetual motion machine.

Hearing that he was suffering from cold, Oda Nobunaga was inevitably a little suspicious, thinking that Yoshigami was planning something to take advantage of his illness.

On the contrary, Asai Nagamasa sighed.

"If people eat grains, they will eventually get sick.

No matter how strong he is, he is still just a man, and it has been really hard on him these past few years."

Looking at the unkind look in the city's eyes, Asai Nagamasa coughed lightly and added another sentence.

"A man should not give way to a woman, and Yutai is really a role model for the martial arts family. I admire him very much."

Before Oda Nobunaga could take notice of the strange atmosphere between the couple, he was attracted by Mori Ranmaru's words.

Mori Ranmaru said.

"His Majesty Asai did not know that on the day when the imperial palace went to Luo, he first went to the Nijo Imperial Palace where his ancestors died in battle, and then went to the burial place of Shokokuji Temple. After returning to the palace, he fell ill.

Therefore, outsiders are also speculating that Yutai was too sad after seeing things and missing people, so he accidentally caught the cold."

Hearing this, Oda Nobunaga frowned and Asai Nagamasa felt sad. Ichikun raised his eyebrows and secretly praised that the vixen deserved it.

Several people had different thoughts, but no one spoke. Mori Ranmaru waited for a long time and asked carefully.

"Main Hall, shall I take my leave now?"

Oda Nobunaga nodded and said.

"You should step back first."

After she bowed and left, the atmosphere in the room became even more deserted, and the three of them were no longer in the mood for the previous party.

Oda Nobunaga picked up the wine glass and took a sip, but found it bland and very boring. Mori Ranmaru said that Yoshigage fell ill because of excessive grief, and it was inevitable that she would have ups and downs in her heart.

The marriage between Yoshigan Shiba and Yoshiteru Ashikaga has always been rumored to have been caused by Ashikaga Yoshiteru's coercion and intimidation, and his tendency to repay kindness with enmity, which has been criticized by others.

Oda Nobunaga never thought that Yoshigage would be so sad about the death of Ashikaga Yoshiteru that he would fall ill because of it. For some reason, after learning about this, she felt so sad and uncomfortable.

Asai Nagamasa couldn't help but pick up the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp to suppress the various discomforts in his heart.

Seeing her depressed look, the mayor felt angry and distressed at the same time. Finally, he picked up the wine flask and silently filled her glass.

Asai Nagamasa was awakened by the sound of wine being poured into the glass in front of her. She looked at her husband who looked sad but cared about her, and felt ashamed in her heart.

She gave Shi Jun a complicated smile, silently picked up the wine glass that Shi Jun filled for her with one hand, and drank it down again. With the other hand, she tightly held Shi Jun's catkins.

The mayor stared blankly at his wife drinking heavily, his eyes were red, he lowered his head to cover it up and wiped away the tears that leaked out with his sleeves.

He had never been so eager to see Shiba Yiyin, to see this strange man from the Wu family that his wife would never forget.

So, he said.

"Why don't we go visit the Imperial Palace?"

Before the mayor finished speaking, Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa looked at him at the same time.

Asai Nagamasa was willing to go, but thinking of her husband's petty thoughts, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Oda Nobunaga simply scoffed and said to the mayor rudely.

"This is Kyoto, no fooling around."

The last time there was a joke in Odani City, luckily it was the Asai family's own territory, so it didn't spread to outsiders.

This is Kyoto, the center of the shogunate that has been stared at by many pairs of eyes. If the city ruler behaves inappropriately here, the Oda family will not be able to cover it up even if they want.

There was a fight between snipe and clam within the shogunate, and Oda Nobunaga was happy to sit back and watch as a fisherman on the shore. She was not willing to go into the water at this time, causing both sides to look at her and become wary of herself.

Seeing his sister becoming serious, Ichikun was a little scared after all. Oda Nobunaga always doted on him, and the only two times he beat him in his life were because of that man Yoshigan Shiba.

Asai Nagamasa saw that Oda Nobunaga had calmed the city king and said quickly.

"Yes, His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki will succeed to the throne soon, and the transfer of power to the shogunate will be very sensitive.

We foreign vassals had better keep a distance to avoid being misunderstood by the shogunate and thinking that we have a disobedient heart like Mihaoshi Rokkaku."

After hearing Asai Nagamasa's words, Oda Nobunaga snorted coldly and said.

“The concubines of the shogunate are like flies and dogs, and they expect a man to come out to uphold justice in a time of great chaos. It is really the most ridiculous thing in the world.

There is a cloud in the heavens: the beauty of a gentleman will be cut down in five lifetimes.

Ashikaga has been under heaven for two hundred years. Forefathers have planted trees, and later generations have sprouted trees. I wonder how long this legacy of our ancestors can be protected?

It’s time for men to support the overall situation and women to sit back and enjoy the benefits. From my point of view, haha.”

Oda Nobunaga said while observing Asai Nagamasa's expression.

Asai Nagamasa narrowed her eyes and did not raise any objection. She knew that Oda Nobunaga was testing her to see her attitude towards the shogunate.

In fact, Asai Nagamasa did not have much favorable impression of the shogunate.

The person in the shogunate who really helped her was Shiba Yoshigan. When Noragada joined forces, the two sides worked together to defeat Rokkaku Yoshihide and free the Asai family from the status of being subordinate to the Rokkaku family.

As for the shogunate itself? It was just after the Miyoshi Battle of the shogunate that the title of Guardian Dai of Kitohmi was given.

I have a personal relationship with Yoshihiro Shiba and Asai Nagamasa, and I am grateful to them. But towards the shogunate, the Asai family owes nothing to the shogunate, and the shogunate cannot give the Asai family anything now.

Oda Nobunaga is willing to help Asai Nagamasa truly annex Kitanomi Shinsan County, which is enough to win Asai Nagamasa to her side.

Even if Oda Nobunaga showed his disobedience and intended to become the second Miyoshi Nagakei or Rokkaku Sadayori, Asai Nagamasa didn't care.

In the recent chaos that has occurred for more than a hundred years, the King's flag has been changed on the city wall of Kyoto not once or twice. As long as Oda Nobunaga can guarantee the interests of the Asai family, Asai Nagamasa is willing to help.

Asai Nagamasa said calmly.

"The shogunate's virtue is insufficient, and it is always necessary for virtuous people to support the shogunate and take the right path.

If Your Majesty Oda is willing to assist the shogunate, I will be full of expectations and look forward to it."

Asai Nagamasa's statement made Oda Nobunaga nod with satisfaction.

Her kindness was not in vain and she gave her a big red envelope. Asai Nagamasa was indeed on the right track and was very responsible in collecting money and doing things.

But on the face of it, Oda Nobunaga still shook his head and said modestly.

"How can I be considered a virtuous person? Only the imperial office can be said to have both talent and virtue.

It's a pity that the shogunate may not be able to accommodate him."

Oda Nobunaga's sigh surprised Asai Nagamasa, and she couldn't help but ask.

"What? His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to attack the Odaisho..."

Oda Nobunaga raised his eyebrows and interrupted.

"Don't say too much. You said it before. It's not convenient for us, the foreign vassals, to get involved in the internal affairs of the shogunate. Let's just watch."

Oda Nobunaga revealed a piece of news to Asai Nagamasa, which also clarified his strategy.

Someone in the shogunate wanted to attack Yoshigashi Shiba, and Oda Nobunaga was ready to sit back and watch the mantis stalk the cicada, boasting that the oriole was behind him.

Asai Nagamasa heard that Shiba Yiyin was in a bad situation, and he felt mixed emotions.

I think that young man worked wholeheartedly for the sake of Ashikaga Yoshiaki and the re-establishment of the shogunate, regardless of his own interests. But in the end, it seemed that he would not end up well.

Thinking of this, Asai Nagamasa couldn't help but feel a trace of hatred in his heart. Let Oda Nobunaga bring trouble to this shogunate who doesn't know what is good or bad, and who doesn't know what is good or evil!

Ichikun couldn't understand what was going on between the two of them, but he felt that Asai Nagamasa was holding his hand harder and harder, and his palm seemed to be sweaty.

He looked at his wife with a solemn expression and held her hand back. He said in his heart, no matter what happens in the future, I will always be by your side.


Nijo Imperial Palace, meeting hall.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki asked nervously.

"You failed to stop Hosokawa Fujitaka?"

Ise Sadakya shook his head and said.

"The Hosokawa Mibuchi family was very cautious. They stopped at Shoryuji Castle and first sent Mibuchi Haru and Hosokawa Fujitaka up to Luo to test the situation in Kyoto.

I sent someone to wait on the road that must be passed, and asked Hosokawa Fujitaka to come to Nijo Imperial Palace to talk about it.

Unexpectedly, I was stopped on the spot by Haru Mibuchi, who dragged Hosokawa Fujitaka straight to Shiba's residence."

Wada Weimasa frowned.

"This is unreasonable.

Hosokawa Motonsune was very cunning. She stayed in Shengryuji Castle and let her sister and daughter enter the capital first. She must have considered not offending both parties.

According to my opinion, she should ask Haru Mibuchi to go to the Odai Institute. Mibuchi Haru has a close relationship with the Odai Institute, so she can speak for the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

However, Hosokawa Fujitaka was disliked by the imperial government for taking matters into his own hands in the Shangluo incident, but he is a fellow traveler with us who has shared weal and woe. He is the best candidate to come to negotiate with His Highness Yoshiaki."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki nodded and said.

"Hosokawa Fujitaka has been very busy with my trip to Luo. Of course I have her interests in mind."

Ise Sakyo smiled.

"This matter should be made by Haru Mibuchi.

It is said that she heard about Odaisho's illness on the road and felt very guilty. Then she forced Hosokawa Fujitaka to go to Shiba's residence first, probably to apologize."

Wada Weimasa nodded, this makes sense.

Mibuchi Haruhan and Shiba Yoshigan's mother were close friends. When Shiba Yoshigan first came to Kyoto, Mibuchi Haruuan took good care of him.

After that, Shiba Yiyin soared into the sky, and he could be said to be a drop of kindness to the Mibuchi family, and he repaid it with a spring. The territory of 100,000 koku in Hokawachi fell on Mibuchi Fujie's head, and many people were envious, jealous, and resentful.

Mibuchi Haru's feelings for Shiba Yoshigan are naturally extraordinary.

When she learned that Yoshigan Shiba was ill, this good old man from the shogunate was likely to change Hosokawa Motonsune's strategy and forcefully drag Hosokawa Fujitaka to plead guilty to Yoshigan Shiba.

She was Hosokawa Fujitaka's biological mother, and a big hat of kindness was placed on her daughter's head. Hosokawa Fujitaka couldn't go even if he didn't want to.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki sighed.

"In this case, our strategy of communicating with Hosokawa Fujitaka before the imperial office is considered a failure?"

Ise Sakyo smiled.

"That's not necessarily true."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki glanced at her unexpectedly.

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

Ise Sakyo bowed.

"Everyone in Kyoto knows that Odaisho fell ill this time because of excessive grief. His feelings for his ancestors really moved everyone."

Wada Weimasa felt unhappy, and looked at Ise Sadakyo with squinted eyes. He felt that this old poisonous snake was too wicked.

Ise Sakyo had no respect for the ancestors, and everything he said was utilitarian, which made Wada Weimasa and other direct ministers who had been favored by the ancestors feel uneasy in conscience and rest on pins and needles.

However, what makes these people even more uncomfortable is that Ashikaga Yoshiaki is also very fond of the Ise Sakyo teachings, and he listens to them very well.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru is her sister! Shiba Yoshigan is her brother-in-law! She has not yet ascended to the throne, yet she is so disrespectful and ungrateful.

People like Wada Weizheng see it in their eyes, and they also feel cold and cold in their hearts. Who is willing to follow a lord of thin cold?

No matter how important the support is, can it be more important than the support of my sister's blood relatives and my brother-in-law?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki treats her sister and brother-in-law like this. If these people don't agree with her in the future, wouldn't the end be even worse?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki had not yet felt that her ministers were already disloyal. She was still concentrating on listening to the evil tactics of the Ise Sadato.

Ise Sakyo continued.

“The three greatest tragedies in life are the meeting of resentment and hatred, the separation of love, and the failure to seek what you want.

Hosokawa Fujitaka loved Odaisho, but Odaisho was disgusted with her actions. Odaisho fell ill because of mourning for his ancestors, which made Hosokawa Fujitaka completely understand one thing.

The man she couldn't get has become farther and farther away from her, and she is powerless. When she is most desperate, whoever can help her get what she wants is her friend."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki listened thoughtfully and said.

"Is she so trapped? Unable to extricate herself? Are you willing to... help me for a man?"

Ise Sakyo smiled.

"Then let's wait and see.

Mibuchi Haru forcibly took Hosokawa Fujitaka to Shiba's residence, but Hosokawa Fujitaka had a heavy responsibility and would still come to Nijo Imperial Palace in the future.

At that time, you can see it with your own eyes to determine whether it is true or false."

Ise Sakyo did not directly answer Ashikaga Yoshiaki because the answer was very hurtful.

Who doesn't like the sun?

Shiba Yiyin was a man of loyalty and integrity, but he was unwise. He kept his promises, was righteous and compassionate, and was a perfect example of the martial arts. He lived the noble life that everyone wanted to be but could not live up to.

If he hadn't had an extra bit of Gil, Ashikaga General's position would never have been occupied by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, a mediocre guy with low self-esteem.

Is it strange that Hosokawa Fujitaka loves Shiba Yoshigan? In this room full of people, who doesn’t have a good impression of Shiba Yoshigan?

Our positions are different, but everyone respects the imperial office from the bottom of their hearts.

This chapter has been completed!
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