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Chapter 1348 Commentary

 In Oda Nobunaga's mind, the Ashikaga Shogunate was already a shaky and dangerous building that would collapse with a slight push. Defeating Ashikaga Yoshiaki, a fool, really gave her no pleasure in conquering.

After Yoshihiro Saba failed to integrate the shogunate, he quickly admitted his mistake and quit Kyoto to hide his power and bide his time. This determination to surpass women was eye-catching, but it actually made Oda Nobunaga afraid.

But even though Oda Nobunaga wanted to compete with the world-famous Ashikaga military god, Yoshigan Shiba had no intention of confronting him head-on. Both sides followed their own strategies and developed independently.

She could only lament that the most interesting things in the world are between you and Cao, and being close to you without you is really boring.


Beidahe, Duowen Mountain City.

Sibo Yiyin did not come back, but in recent days, bigwigs from all over Sibo's leadership still gathered in his hometown to meet.

Settsu Kingdom is in constant war, and conflicts between Ashikaga and Oda are intensifying. This is a troubled time. Let's talk about the current situation so that we can coordinate our positions and share your worries.

The main seat in the hall is empty at the top, and the meeting is presided over by Nizi Katsuhisa, the acting official of Konkisbo.

The present members who participated in the review include the recent general General Maeda Yoshihide, Kyoto Foreign Service Officer Akechi Mitsuhide, Shiba Town Minister Takada Yono, and Shiba Tadashi Foundation Executive Director Ishida Mitsunari.

In addition, there were also the ninja secrecy group Baiji Santaifu and the headfu Yagyu group Yagyu Munomi, who were present to observe.

After several people greeted each other and exchanged greetings, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled and asked Takada Haruno.

"How is your health, Yukino-sama? Why haven't you seen her come to the meeting?"

Several people's eyes followed Mitsuhide Akechi's question and turned to Harano Takada, who couldn't help but want to scold his father, Mitsuhide Akechi, for being such a bastard.

Takada Yukino and the Mibu wolves of the Shinsengumi almost slaughtered everyone in the Shibachu Foundation. This bloody method shocked everyone.

Everyone knows to some extent that Spozhong Fund has a corruption problem. Big bosses from all parties are still trying to take advantage of this matter to put themselves in a favorable political position after the corruption liquidation.

But no one expected that Yukino Takada would be so ruthless and do everything in one fell swoop, leaving everyone with no way out.

Fortunately, Yiyin sent a letter of guilt from Kanto and placed the blame on himself, thus resolving the crisis.

On the one hand, Yoshihiro helped the big bosses of all parties get out of trouble, and on the other hand, he protected Takada Yukino, and finally settled the matter.

Akechi Mitsuhide was the only one among the ladies present who did not get involved in this matter.

Around the time the Shibachu Fund was established, she was whipped by Yoshihiro because of the death of Ashikaga Yoshiteru and was strictly ordered to shut up and think about her mistakes.

When everyone was grabbing the benefits, she was not there. When everyone was being beaten, she was naturally happy to watch the show on the shore.

In a major corruption case, the calculations of big bosses from all sides were disrupted by Yukino Takada's butcher knife.

Takada Haruno suppressed her younger sister Yukino Takada and refused to let her come this time, just because she didn't want to stir up sadness among everyone, and didn't want to cause too much trouble with all parties.

But Mitsuhide Akechi asked questions knowingly and raised the topic in an obvious place, which made Takada Yono itch with hatred and secretly scolded Akechi Mitsuhide for being such a smiling tiger.

But on the face, Takada Yono said with a smile.

"The weather is getting warmer, and Yukino's old injury is showing signs of recurrence, making it difficult to go out.

Sir Nizi, I remember that Yukino has been removed from the position of head of the clan by his master, and now he has no official and a light body.

It is Tsutado-den's order to let her stay in Sakai Port and recuperate. If she doesn't come to attend the meeting, there should be no problem, right?"

Takada Yono doesn't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean she is afraid of trouble.

Since Akechi Mitsuhide made his words clear, Takada Yono naturally wanted to make a clear distinction, so as not to give people the impression that the Takada sisters ignored the law and dared to make arbitrary opinions without participating in the review.

Yukino was the person whom Yoshigan wanted to protect, so Yangno put Yoshigan's order in front of him to see who would dare to talk nonsense.

Nizi Katsuhisa glanced at the smiling Akechi Mitsuhide, feeling a little bored in his heart.

I originally thought of using corruption as a way to taint myself, so that I could take off the shackles of the recent Sibo leadership and no longer have to wipe my buttocks for these bastard colleagues.

But the Lord was wise and wise, and saw through her thoughts. Nizi's external domain could be withdrawn, which reassured Nizi Katsuhisa. But in recent years, she was still the acting official of Shiba, and she still had to take care of this mess.

A major corruption case has reduced the energy and spirit of all parties by seven points. Takada Yukino's murderous murderous attitude frightened everyone, and everyone had no intention of fighting among themselves for the time being.

In addition, the external environment does not allow it.

Although Ashikaga Oda was kind on the surface, under the table there were already flashes of swords and shadows, and you came and went.

The rebellion in Ise Kingdom was quickly put down by Oda Nobunaga, but the chaos in Settsu Kingdom became more and more intense. Mibuchi Fujihide, a powerful local sect, was also involved, and the fate was unpredictable.

Sometimes Nizi Shengjiu really wants to cry without tears. I am not the Lord of Shiba. She does not dare to interfere with these top-level martial arts struggles, and she is not qualified to interfere.

But if the master doesn’t come back, who will take the blame?

The purpose of convening the concubines for discussion this time is to coordinate everyone's positions and ensure that the Sibo leader in recent times can survive this series of storms safely before the Lord returns to recent times.

Who would have known that before he even said a word, Akechi Mitsuhide was the first to start a major corruption case that everyone wanted to pretend they didn't see and dealt with coldly.

Fortunately, Takada Haruno was not a bad person either, so he blocked it with a few words in the name of the master, and Nizi Katsuhisa quickly agreed.

"Yes, we must obey the Lord's orders.

Just as the Lord asked us to work together to maintain the unity of the recent wave territories when he left, this is what we must do."

As Nizi Katsuhisa spoke, she glanced at Mitsuhide Akechi. She was talking about this bastard who was not conducive to unity, with a hint of warning.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled, ignored the warning in her eyes, and continued.

"Everyone sitting here is an important member of the family. Of course, we must put Sibo's family business first and unite to tide over the difficulties.

I just asked about Yukino-sama's current situation out of curiosity. Harino-sama is too sensitive.

By the way, there's something I need to explain.

The Lord is temporarily returning to Nearby this time. I am the one who sent a letter to Kanto, asking him not to leave for the time being and to wait and see the changes in recent days."

Before Mitsuhide Akechi finished speaking, Maeda Yoshida had already hit the tatami with his palm and cursed.

"Well, Akechi Mitsuhide, I came here today just to ask you about this!

There have been so many things going on recently, why do you want to prevent the Lord from coming back to take charge of the overall situation? What are your intentions?

Could it be that the important task of guarding Kyoto given by the general made you grateful and you wanted to be a good companion of the shogunate, but you forgot the kindness of the master?"

Maeda is so angry.

As the general of the Shibo Territory in recent times, except for her contribution in the military operation against the Rokkaku family in the first year, she has never had the opportunity to perform since then.

I stayed in the Iga Basin for three years of military training and three years of preparing military equipment. The soldiers were almost stupid.

We are living in troubled times now! In recent times, Sporde seems to be in a peaceful and prosperous time!

Outsiders were afraid of Sibo Yiyin's reputation and did not dare to intrude. The new life movement inside became more and more intense, making it seem as if the horse was letting loose in the south.

As a military chief in peacetime, Maeda's interests were very painful. She watched helplessly Nizi Katsuhisa, who was in charge of domestic affairs, and Akechi Mitsuhide, who was in charge of foreign affairs, straightened things out, and felt very uncomfortable.

Now that business people like Takada Haruno and Ishida Mitsunari could sit together with her, she became even more confused.

Are we really still the Wu family?

After finally waiting for Oda Nobunaga to lead his troops into Konki, the war once again approached Konki's wave territory, and it was finally her turn for Maeda to show off her skills.

However, Akechi Mitsuhide suppressed the master Yoshigoshi Shiba and refused to let him come back to take charge of the overall situation. He wanted the Shiba family to watch on the sidelines in this political storm.

Upon hearing this news, Maeda's dream of military success was once again put on hold. She was so angry that she slammed the table at the review board and wanted to fall out with Mitsuhide Akechi.

Akechi Mitsuhide asked rhetorically.

"It's strange, I just sent a letter to Lord Jin Yan of Guandong, and I came here today to be honest with you.

Maeda Yoshiki-sama, where did you get the news? I heard that you have an old relationship with Ozo Changan-sama, the most popular upstart in Kanto recently. Could it be that she gave you the news?"

Maeda Yoshida narrowed his eyes and looked at Akechi Mitsuhide and said coldly.

"The fact that the Lord will not return to Japan for the time being is already known to everyone in the Kanto Spur Territory. Who told me this news? Is it important?

I would like to ask you, with the undercurrents surging recently, why do you want to prevent the return of the master? If something big happens, can you afford the responsibility? Or do you want us to suffer together?"

The news about Maeda's interests indeed came from Dazo Chang'an.

The followers of Shiba Yiyin in Kanto, except for the Kanto faction such as Ohkuma Chaohide, the Kansai faction all come from the accompanying ministers recommended by various families.

For example, Ishida Mitsunari was recommended by Todo Totaka, Ozo Changan was recommended by Maeda's interests, and Ina Chuji was recommended by Maeda Toshiie.

Everyone has the same idea, giving people a chance to stand out, leaving a good relationship, and spreading some news through multiple channels in Kanto.

Maeda is not trying to steal the secrets of the Kanto Shiba Territory. If Ozo Changan has a normal relationship with her, what is she afraid of?

It was just that Akechi Mitsuhide named Ozo Changan by name, which made the ladies become wary, and Maeda was very unhappy.

Her counterattack was also sonorous and powerful. Akechi Mitsuhide prevented the master from coming back. This was causing trouble for everyone, and naturally she had to accept the questioning of the ladies.

Nizi Shengjiu also heard about this for the first time and said with a bad look on his face.

"Mingzhi Ji, you have to give me an explanation."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga were fighting, and Nizi Katsuhisa was not qualified to interfere. However, the fire at the city gate affected the pond fish, and the Sibo Territory will inevitably be passively involved in this storm in recent years.

Katsuhisa Niko has been under the greatest pressure as Shiba's acting magistrate in recent years. When she heard that Akechi Mitsuhide blocked Yoshihiro Shiba and prevented him from returning to take charge of the overall situation, she was immediately annoyed.

Akechi Mitsuhide was calm, she said.

"My lord has decided to keep a low profile and withdraw from Kyoto to take back the throne, in order to stay away from the central disputes.

The Shiba family had already done this once before by uniting the shogunate against Oda. However, the general did not appreciate it and even beat him up. The master was forced to become a monk and practice Buddhism to prove his innocence.

Now in the dispute between the shogunate and the Oda family, the shogun is already at a disadvantage. When the lord comes back, if the shogun asks the lord to come out and do something for the shogunate, will the lord help or not?

Helping the general suppress the Oda family, the general has to be wary of the master's strength. If he cannot suppress the Oda family, he is just at odds with the Oda family.

Both sides are wrong, why should the Spo family wade into this muddy water?"

Maeda's interest was not convinced by Qi Dao.

"If my lord can unite the shogunate and suppress the Oda family, he will definitely become famous and admired by all the ladies. Even if the general is afraid of the Shiba family, what can he do to the Shiba family?

But if the Oda family gains the upper hand, suppresses the general, and achieves the great feat that even Miyoshi Chōkei failed to achieve, and His Highness Oda dominates shogunate politics, the Shiba family will be completely passive.

Of the three Ashirisbo Oda families, the Oda family is the strongest.

If the Oda family is allowed to win the title of shogunate again, who will compete? At that time, everyone will be a swordsman and I will be a fish and meat. Are we still going to let the Oda family slaughter us?

Intervening in the dispute earlier is also to gain the initiative. If we can balance it well between Ashikaga and Oda, it will be most beneficial to the Shiba family."

Maeda's interest-oriented strategy is very correct in military terms. It is better to unite the weak against the strong when the enemy is weak, than to wait for the strong to swallow up the weak and then deal with oneself.

But politics is never as simple as military cooperation.

Although Ashikaga Yoshiaki is despicable, she is already an Ashikaga shogun and has the orthodox status of the shogunate.

Oda Nobunaga is taking the road of innovation. What she wants to do is to overthrow the Ashikaga Shogunate and overthrow everything.

Therefore, Oda Nobunaga could ignore Ashikaga Yoshiaki, turn her into a puppet first, and then establish a new Oda Kōki to replace the Ashikaga Shogunate.

But Sibo Yiyin cannot do this.

Shiba Yoshigan's reputation is grafted on the title of the direct descendant of the Genji to rule the world. He must adhere to tradition and righteousness and serve as the patron saint of the samurai family that the samurai families in the world admire.

The fact that the Shiba family was able to confront the Ashikaga Shogun of the shogunate with a body of two to three million koku and Oda Nobunaga, who had more than two million koku, was based on the words "great justice".

If Yoshigan Shiba helps Ashikaga Yoshiaki fight against Oda Nobunaga, it will be equivalent to returning to the deadlock he fell into in Kyoto.

Naturally, there would be no benefits if she lost. But even if she defeated Oda Nobunaga, the ungrateful Ashikaga Yoshiaki would definitely turn against her again and try to eliminate the threat posed by Yoshigan Shiba to her.

Yoshigan Shiba is the embodiment of justice, what can he do to the orthodox Shogun Ashikaga?

If you bring down Ashikaga Yoshiaki, your reputation will be ruined. If you retreat and give in, you will be treated like a bad person by the general.

Yiyin's current situation is more troublesome than Cao Cao's treatment of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. At least Cao Cao is not burdened with the name of a saint.

But if Yiyin usurped the throne, it would be similar to Confucius usurping the emperor of Zhou. Then could Confucius still be regarded as the sage Kong admired by all generations?

Therefore, the dirty work of overthrowing the shogunate could only be done by Oda Nobunaga.

No matter how bad the situation is after Ashikaga Yoshiaki was defeated by Oda Nobunaga, Yoshihiro Shiba cannot enter the market early.

Because no matter how powerful Oda Nobunaga is, she, as a revolutionary who has disrupted the world, carries original sin. Yoshigan can finally rely on the power of conservatives to fight her and compete for the world of the samurai family.

However, if Ashikaga Yoshiaki wins, it will be a real political deadlock for Yoshihiro Shiba, and he will be in a dilemma, and no matter what he does, there will be endless consequences.

This chapter has been completed!
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