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Chapter 1385 The true meaning of convincing people with virtue

 Yiyin sang a few high-pitched lines, and Daxiong Chaoxiu nodded and bowed with a smile.

"Your Majesty has a far-sighted vision and a broad-minded mind. You are by no means a person like us who are short-sighted and can't compare with you."

After she finished flattering her, Yiyin changed the subject and said.

"I was the one who persuaded General Kanto to issue the imperial order for no war in Kanto, so naturally I have to do my part for the cause of no war.

The famine in Guandong has been going on for two years, and this year seems to be no better. A hundred years of war and three years of famine have completely shattered the vitality of the eight states in Guan.

Without three to five years of hard work, no one would be willing to fight. In addition, General Guandong's imperial order is still there, so a few ambitious people can only think patiently and dare not act rashly for the time being.

During these three to five years of peace, the three major public welfare charities of the Wujia Yili Promotion Association, including student aid, water conservancy, and loans, can help restore some vitality to the Guanbazhou area.

Water conservancy and borrowing are indeed great things to restore per-acre yields and boost the economy. But what helps us the most is actually the student aid program.

Last autumn and winter, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association began to assist more than 100 descendants of the Samurai family from more than 200 villages in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River to go to Konsbo to observe and learn.

Starting from this year, the scope of student aid benefits has been expanding, and Spoland in the three places will accept a considerable number of descendants of the Guanbazhou Wu family to join the student aid program."

Da Xiong Chao Xiu was speechless for a moment, Yi Yin glanced at her and continued.

"You also know that since the benefits of the Sibo Zhong Fund were rolled out in Sibo Territory in the three places, the lives of the local samurai families have been greatly improved.

In addition, with the Hokuriku Road trade route at its back, the local markets in the Spur Territories in the three places are very active. Even the quality of life of ordinary civilians is generally higher than that of the Ji warriors who prepare for war all the year round in Kanba Province.

Guanbazhou has been war-torn for hundreds of years and is barren and miserable. I think it is wrong. But it is just my personal opinion that it is wrong and it cannot change the reality.

According to the student aid plan, thousands of koku are invested every year, and with the convenience of Hokurikudo logistics, more than 6,000 descendants of the samurai family can be assisted in five years to return to Kanto after completing one-year study.

Daxiong Ji, take a longer view.

When these children return to Kanto, they see that the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association is helping them build their dilapidated hometown, and then recall the prosperous life in Shiba. What do you think they will think?

I never expected those cunning wallflowers now to help me change the future of Guan Bazhou. The turning point of the entire Guan Bazhou martial arts philosophy lies in the ideological education of the next generation.

Let us first establish the framework. In the future, there will naturally be people who offer military and food services and are willing to overcome obstacles for a new path of peaceful development.

Now, what we need is patience, waiting, and building a nest to attract the phoenix."

Da Xiong Chao Xiu gasped, Jun Shang's plan shocked her into a cold sweat.

Those Guanbazhou martial arts families thought that they had easily obtained the identity of the United Front and reaped all the benefits.

In their view, Shiba Yoshigan is just like the Kamakura Ashikaga family, the Ryoesugi family, and the Hojo family before him. He can be wiped clean and then look at the situation, and continue to be their wallflower.

The platform of the Wushu Association, the establishment of the Standing Council, and the right to participate in major reviews are all giving them a lot of benefits. Maybe they are still secretly laughing at Shiba Yiyin's naivety.

But little did they know that Sibo Yiyin was transforming their children, the children of their retainers, the children of their servants.

The thoughts of the ruling class are the ruling thoughts of society. Through the student aid program, Yiyin is transforming the thoughts of the next generation of the ruling class in Guanbazhou. This is a plan to remove fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

How happily those united frontmen laugh today, how miserable they will cry in the future.

Even if their children's thoughts were turned back by them, what about the children of retainers and the children of local servants?

Shiba Yiyin plans to spend three to five years to subtly tell the descendants of Guan Bazhou Wu family that they deserve a better life.

Man, who can refuse a better life?

Why are Guanbazhou in constant war and poverty? Why are Spoland prosperous, prosperous and harmonious?

The wallflowers in Guanbazhou could not give them the answer, because these people were responsible for the miserable current situation in Guanbazhou.

Spo Yiyin gave his descendants an answer, which was Spo's new thinking on peaceful development.

Three to five years is enough time for these children to grow up, enough time for them to think, enough time for them to take on the important responsibilities of the family, and have the ability to resist their mother, their lord, and their ruler.

For those united warriors in Guanbazhou, they have only two choices, either to destroy or to surrender. There is no third way to go. Because there is no peace in the battle of ideological lines, only victory and defeat.

The ruling structure of the Wu family is a group of Ji warriors working together under the same family name. The family governor never sticks to his word, and it is the norm for the monarch and his ministers to govern together.

In this game, it seems that Bank of America has chosen a management system that is conducive to uniting the frontline.

But if he can ensure that the Wu family group behind the united front will have future successors who are admirers and followers of his ideas, what real loss will there be in the temporary concession of profits?

Daxiong Chaoxiu thought clearly about the cause and effect, and finally understood what Yiyin meant by convincing people with virtue. After cleaning people's heads, they really had to obey.

She bowed respectfully and spoke sincerely.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Seeing that she understood, Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"A wise p., I'm just afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, so I found a less girly way to deal with those losers.

I am telling you this because I hope you can tell Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuruo that the burden on the three of you is very heavy.

Before the new generation has grown up, you must unite sincerely and help me firmly grasp the power of the Standing Council.

As long as the three of you unite, you can veto any decision that is not beneficial to me, and the Kanto Palace is still under my absolute control.


Da Xiong bowed deeply to Chao Xiu and said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely convey your wishes, and the three of us will definitely not let you down!"

Yiyin never expected that Yamazaka Yukimori, Dao Shengmeng and Daxiong Chaoxiu could be of the same mind, but their mutual interests were not compatible. Yamanaka Yukimori and Dao Shengmeng still hated each other as love rivals.

And from a political point of view, if the three of them really become of the same mind, the first person who will be scared to sleep will be Yiyin himself.

He broke it off to Daxiong Chaoxiu, just to convey one idea to the three of them.

In the past three to five years, you must unite and fight with others. If you can fight with each other as little as possible, you should give me face.

The best cooperation is mutual fulfillment, or to put it bluntly, mutual coercion.

With Yiyin's words of "please" on top, the three of them had to cooperate well and reduce internal friction, otherwise they would be suppressed by the big label of disloyalty.

Yiyin drew a big pie in front of them to help them clarify their thoughts and understand the seriousness of this matter, and also to promise a bright future for the Kanto House, so that everyone could have a head start in their future.

Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Da Xiong paying respect to Chaoxiu. Giving kindness and power at the same time was easy to say, but too difficult to do. He often felt that he was unable to do what he wanted.

Yiyin couldn't appreciate the endless joy of fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people. He just wanted to lie down.


A few days later, the Grand Council of the Kanto Imperial Palace was successfully held in the Imperial Palace.

During the discussion, all the concubines agreed with the Tibetan Chang'an's initiative to establish the Standing Council of the Kanto Palace, and the Kanto Palace system was further formalized.

Yiyin appointed Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Shengmu, and Daxiong Chaohide as standing senior middlemen. There are four non-permanent senior middle schools, and they will attend on rotation in all united front committees.

The Standing Council will have a half-year preparation period, and will be confirmed by the Grand Council next spring, and will officially begin to handle the daily affairs of the Kanto Shrine.

During each major review, the Standing Council must report to all United Front members on the operations during the closing period and assume relevant responsibilities.

Yiyin stated in the Grand Council that it would hand over all the military power of the Kanto Palace, the economic power of the Enforcement Office, and the naming rights of the United Front to the Grand Council, which caused an uproar among the ladies.

This is equivalent to handing over the most important military power, financial power, and personnel power of the entire Kanto Imperial Palace to the Standing Council and the entire United Front Committee of the Grand Council, the highest authority body behind it.

This statement further enhanced the identity of the United Front.


After the deliberation, Zhu Ji could not let go for a long time, and it took a long time to digest before they all left and went back to spread the shocking news.

Yoshigan, who had left earlier, was talking in a side room with the three newly confirmed executive officers, Yamazaka Yukimori, Shima Shengmu, and Daxiong Chaohide.

Yamanaka Yukimori said with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, the power you have given to the Great Council is too great. Not to mention other rights, military power cannot be easily let go.

The number of imperial people under the direct jurisdiction of the Kanto Palace is not large, and it is long past time to expand its military strength. Now we have a land and population register in hand, which is enough to designate military and food services and compile a directory for mobilizing military forces.

If the military power is handed over to the Grand Council at this time, the new United Front from outside will definitely be unwilling to hand over military and food services, which will make it inconvenient for us to integrate our military strength."

Yamanaka Yukimori's strength mainly lies in the old allies he brought from Kogo, the territory of Tomoo Castle that he is responsible for, and the Shimogotsu Odai people led by Honjo Shigenaga and Kachi Kagetsuna.

She is the deacon of the Kanto Palace and the military commander appointed by Yiyin. She is very interested in integrating the military strength of the Kanto Palace. This is an excellent opportunity to expand her own influence.

But now, Yiyin wants to hand over military power to the Grand Council. The closing period of the Grand Council is very long, and the United Front members are all in their respective territories. In fact, it is handed over to the Standing Council responsible for operation.

How many of the senior members of the seven councils can Yamanaka Yukimori be able to convince? The difference between the old and new United Front Forces is too big, and I'm afraid it won't be settled.

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"Yamanaka Princess, you have to understand that the Kanto Palace has never been a samurai group with conquest as its core.

At that time, the first batch of Kantō samurai families joined, seeking safety and asylum rather than pursuing the interests of military expansion.

To this day, every time I mobilize the powerful warriors from the Kanto Palace to participate in the war, I do so on the basis of voluntariness and morality.

Even when Shimahime rescued His Highness Uesugi, she called on all the princesses to participate in the name of the leader of the united front, and it was not a forced military order.

Although we control the military and food services of the old United Front, this is just a bargaining chip in our hands and should not be taken away casually.

If you can use morality, you don't need orders. Remembering the original intention of the establishment of Kanto Shi and retaining this rare warmth among the samurai family is a priceless treasure.

The new United Front members are all powerful or well-known families in Guanbazhou. Our hands are not that long and we cannot control their military, food and service.

By the same token, if you can't use orders, let's talk more about morality. Integrating military power does not necessarily require the use of troops and food services, it can also be done in the name of righteousness.

do you understand?"

Even though Yamanaka Yukimori was reluctant, Yoshigin's words were orders, so she could only bow and say.

"Remember your Majesty's teachings."

Yiyin said to her, as well as to Dao Shengmeng and Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Yamanaka-hime is in charge of the imperial people, and Big Bear-hime is in charge of the practice. Shima-hime is the acting official of Shiba Territory. She is superior to others, and she has the charisma to lead the united battle.

You three permanent veterans join forces, and you have a veto power as a back-up, so there is nothing to worry about in the operation of the Standing Council.

I hand over the military power, financial power, and naming power to the Grand Council. In fact, I hand it over to the Standing Council and to the three of you. If you unite, everything will be fine.

As for outsiders clamoring, it is to give them a little sweetness, so that they can more actively recruit people into the United Front and enhance our influence."

While Yoshiyin was talking, Yamazaka Yukimori who was sitting down secretly glanced at Dao Shengmeng. Dao Shengmeng also happened to be looking at her, and the two separated as soon as their eyes touched.

Your Majesty arranged this, mixed the rights of the three people together, and joined the Standing Council, hoping that the three people would unite in the council and protect their own rights and interests together.

This is because they are worried that the two rivals in love, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo, will do something bad to each other, so they have to merge their interests to prevent them from ruining each other.

As for Daxiong Chaoxiu, the economic affairs of the institute she manages are relatively independent and highly professional, so it is not easy for the standing committee to control her.

Seeing the three people bowing and accepting orders with sincerity, Yiyin said again.

"The general of Guandong has an imperial order, and there is no war in Guandong. It is a great righteousness to punish those who disobey and rebel together.

The Kanto Palace must abide by the righteousness and make its own contribution, and the martial arts subordinates of the Kanto Palace are also obliged to participate in the righteous actions of maintaining peace.

The first priority of the review next spring is to establish a peacekeeping system to ensure that the Kwantung Guards have the military power to maintain peace and peace in Kwantung.

This is an act of justice that everyone in the Wu family must abide by. If any United Front members refuse to participate, I deeply regret it and recommend that the Grand Council remove them from their status as United Front members and morally condemn them."

The three concubines sitting down listened to Yiyin's talk and looked at each other. Junshang had never heard of this new way of playing, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he could actually play it.

The Standing Council of the Kanto Palace is composed of seven directors who manage daily affairs. However, as the Grand Council is a higher-level authority, other United Front members also have the right to speak and participate in the review of all matters.

It's just that everyone is busy with their own affairs, so the Standing Council is authorized to be responsible for daily operations. The Standing Council has great power, but from a legal perspective, the power of the General Council is higher.

But the senior executive is the senior executive, and the actual power is still with the Standing Council. The three senior executive members who have veto power have an absolute advantage.

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