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Chapter 1391 Bloody Suppression of Nanjinjiang

 Oda Nobunaga's words scared Ando Mamoru out of his wits. He was stunned on the spot and didn't know how to react.

When he first conquered Mino, Oda Nobunaga tried his best to divide the Eastern and Western Mino samurai, so that the Nishi-Mino samurai could maintain a neutral wait-and-see attitude in the battle between himself and Saito Yoshiryu.

Ando Mamoru was disgusted by Saito Yoshiryu because of his history of rebellion, so he had to join the command of Oda Nobunaga and participate in the siege of Saito Yoshiryu.

But in that battle, Oda Nobunaga lost half the battle and had to retreat to the border between Mino and Owari. The situation was precarious.

Mamoru Ando acted cunning again and sent a letter to Inabayama Castle, intending to act as an internal agent for Saito Yoshiryu, but betrayed him again.

But she never expected that Saito Yoshitsuru would suddenly die of a sudden illness. The Simino samurai immediately joined Oda Nobunaga's camp, and the Higashi Mino samurai also gave up resistance and surrendered Inabayama Castle.

And the messenger who brought her handwritten letter to Inabayama Castle saw neither alive nor dead bodies.

After many years, this matter has not been exposed. Ando Mamoru thought that the messenger died in the war, and gradually let go of his worries, and regarded Tai Tai as her Oda minister.

But today, Oda Nobunaga's words suddenly made her sweat profusely, and she understood the truth. It turned out that the messenger was stopped by Oda Nobunaga.

But Oda Nobunaga endured it for several years and waited until he had a thorough grasp of the situation in Mino Country before he chose to take the opportunity to attack today. What a deep thought.

Big beads of sweat dripped from his cheeks, and Ando Mamoru couldn't say a word for a long time.

Oda Nobunaga watched the change in her expression with great interest. In fact, the letter had been burned along with the dead messenger, but Ando Mamoru did not know this.

When Oda Nobunaga was conducting the Mino strategy, Owari and Mino were about the same size, and she was unable to swallow the entire Mino in one go, so she focused on the land of Higashi Mino.

As we all know, there are four people among the three people in Simino, who are the four strongest martial artists in Simino. Among these four people, the one Oda Nobunaga dislikes the most is Ando Mamoru.

This capricious villain once betrayed Takenaka Shigeharu, Saito Yoshiryu, and Oda Nobunaga. Now he is still shamelessly claiming to be the leader of the Mino samurai family and wants to hinder Oda Nobunaga.

Today, Oda Nobunaga wants to exile her and Lin Xiuzhen, the two Mino Owari bosses, to remind the old subordinates of both countries that they must either follow his footsteps or lose everything.

She looked at Ando Mamoru, who was kowtowing to the ground with a look of despair, and said lightly.

"You, like Lin Xiuzhen, should be exiled from the country."

Oda Nobunaga only said a few words and deprived the two important ministers of everything, leaving the ladies present unable to even breathe.

Looking up at the frightened quails, Oda Nobunaga nodded with satisfaction, clapped his hands, and four Hime Samurai walked outside the door, stood behind the two important ministers, and bowed to Oda Nobunaga.

Lin Xiuzhen and Ando Mamoru gritted their teeth and said goodbye to their lord. Maintaining their last dignity, they took the initiative to walk out of the meeting hall.

If they are obedient and obedient, they will only lose their power and position. If they still dare to quibble and resist and let Oda Nobunaga find a reason to attack, the whole family will suffer.

After they left sadly, Oda Nobunaga continued.

"Shibata Katsuie! Sakuma Nobumori!"

"Hi!" X2

Upon hearing Oda Nobunaga's summons, these two important ministers rushed out of the queue without hesitation.

Shibata Katsuie, like Lin Xiuzhen, was once a supporter of Oda Nobuyuki's rebellion. Even though she knew that Lin Xiuzhen's end was the master's excuse, she still instinctively felt trembling.

Lin Xiuzhen and she were both old and important ministers left behind by Oda Nobunaga's mother. Now that she was watching Lin Xiuzhen being exiled, how could she dare to take credit and be arrogant anymore? She could only obey orders honestly.

Sakuma Nobumori was even more frightened than Shibata Katsuie. He was sweating profusely and his clothes were already soaked through.

She and Lin Xiuzhen had always been in harmony. As an old martial artist, she prided herself on her merits, and she also complained about the rapid pace of expansion of the Oda family.

She was also yin and yang and liked to play devil's advocate. Seeing Lin Xiuzhen's fate frightened her.

She cannot be compared with Shibata Katsuie. Shibata Katsuie is the most powerful general in the Oda family. He is the leader of the Owari military general faction. He is powerful in combat and has repeatedly made military exploits. Oda Nobunaga values ​​​​it very much.

And Sakuma Nobumori has gradually slacked off over the years. He is exactly what Oda Nobunaga refers to as the person who is lying on his back and waiting to die. How can she not be afraid?

Fortunately, Oda Nobunaga did not want to continue to expand the scope of the attack, but just talked about business seriously.

"The two of you each mobilize your troops and immediately lead troops to the land of Minami Omi. Sakuma Nobumori goes to Nagahara Castle, Shibata Katsuie goes to Chokoji Temple, and gather all the samurai who are still loyal to me in Minami Omi.

The Minami-Omi riots this time are a great opportunity to purge the local area. Rokkaku and her daughter have already set up flags and gathered troops in Noshu Kawara, and all the idiots who are dissatisfied with my family's rule have jumped out.

Gon Liu, haven't you been complaining that I treat the Minami Omi family favorably, and that Owari's old heroes are unable to get a few good pieces of land in Minami Omi?

Now, the opportunity has come.

I appoint you as the general in charge of countering the rebellion in Minami Omi, and Sakuma Nobumori as the deputy general. How much military success you can achieve and how much territory you can gain depends on your own abilities!"

As soon as Oda Nobunaga said this, Shibata Katsuie and Sakuma Nobumori forgot their fear and showed expressions of surprise.

In the battle of Kamikawa, the Oda family and the Asai Shiba family cooperated and went to Kamikawa to defeat the Rokkaku family. However, afterwards, the Oda samurai family who participated in the war did not receive much benefit.

First, the Minami Omi family was dissatisfied with the Rokkaku mother and daughter's chaos in the government, so they all defected and surrendered, leaving the Shangluo coalition forces with no chance to wipe out several powerful families and seize their land.

Secondly, the Rokkaku family was defeated too quickly. In the battle of Guanyinji Castle, a miracle was performed under Shibo Yin Castle. Kenhide Kamao took the opportunity to stage a rebellion at the top of the city, which sealed the victory in one fell swoop.

Without enough military merit, you will naturally not be able to receive generous rewards.

In addition, the Oda family had just entered Koki at that time, and Oda Nobunaga was still a little cautious. She sent Niwa Nagahide to appease the local samurai family in Minami Omi and lay down a foundation, and did not allow one group of military generals to kill indiscriminately and seize territory.

This time, the Rokkaku mother and daughter raised an army, and those who could not stand the Oda family's new policies chose to turn against the Rokkaku family again to expel the Oda family's power.

This gave Oda Nobunaga an excuse to uproot these people to avoid future troubles.

The Oda family has been running Minami Omi for more than a year, and all the local samurai families who are willing to join the Oda family have been attracted to it.

The remaining local samurai who were unwilling to hang out with the Oda family, were perfunctory, and resented the New Deal also jumped out this time.

Oda Nobunaga deliberately did not send Nagahide Niwa, who was familiar with the Minami Omi samurai circle, but sent General Owari to Minami Omi, in order to prepare to kill those capricious guys and eradicate them.

Owari veterans like Shibata Katsuie and others were all thinking about grabbing money, food, land, and men.

They were from Owari and had nothing to do with the Minami Omi samurai family. They would kill all the locals without frowning. They might even deliberately create some unjust cases to make room for themselves and get more military merit.

Niwa Nagahide looked horrified and was about to say something, but was stared at by Oda Nobunaga's cold eyes and did not dare to move.

Niwa Nagahide has been active in Minami Omi for a long time and has a good relationship with the local samurai family. He has also won over many people for the Oda family.

This time, if the killers like Shibata Katsuie were to kill off the local samurai who cared about Oda, the gain would outweigh the loss.

But Oda Nobunaga didn't think so. She still had many things to do, and she couldn't be tied up by Minami Omi forever.

Just kill the Minami Omi family so much that they dare not resist, and they are willing to be the lackeys of the Oda family. As for whether they have hatred in their hearts, hey, are there not many people who hate Oda Nobunaga? Are they ranked high?

The samurai family is so strong that as long as Oda Nobunaga's power becomes stronger and stronger like a snowball, everyone will be careful to cover up their hatred and act as hawks for the Oda family honestly.

Oda Nobunaga thought for a while and said.

"You two, go get ready first.

Quan Liu, go back and get a list from Mi Wuniang. The people on the list are not allowed to move, do you understand?"

Shibata Katsuie showed a bloodthirsty smile, nodded at Niwa Nagahide sitting next to him, and replied.

"Main Hall, I know what's going on."

Niwa Nagahide sighed secretly, knowing that the die was already cast and there was nothing he could do to persuade him.

Oda Nobunaga didn't name the list, and Shibata Katsuie still had some scruples about doing things. But when she said there was a list of people to be protected, the blurred boundaries became clear.

With the acquiescence of Oda Nobunaga, Shibata Katsuie will definitely try his best to commit crimes, expand the area of ​​attack, gain more military honors and occupy more land, and the land of Minami Omi will probably become a river of blood this time.

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

It's not that she doesn't understand Niwa Nagahide's hesitation, it's just that the situation in the Oda family is indeed not good now, and she must make a choice.

Oda Nobunaga knew in his heart that the Asakura Asai Rokkaku San Family would not be the only helpers found by this idiot Yoshiaki Ashikaga.

The longer Oda Nobunaga faces off against these three families, the more others will be ready to take action and can't help but jump out and make things difficult for the Oda family.

Facing the siege of the encirclement network, Oda Nobunaga must attack decisively and hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches.

She wanted to frighten unknown enemies, at least to make those people have scruples and not jump out at once to fight against the Oda family. This way, she could take advantage of the time lag to deal with them one by one, and it would not be easy to lose sight of one thing and lose another.

Therefore, the turmoil in Minamiomi must be calmed down quickly. Oda Nobunaga allowed the Owari military generals headed by Shibata Katsuie to be sent to massacre the Minamiomi samurai family, in order to use blood to scare all those with evil intentions.

Niwa Nagahide is a sensible person, she will definitely give a detailed list and try her best to protect those who must be protected.

As for the other Minami-Omi samurai, if you see the excited looks exchanged between Shibata Katsuie and Sakuma Nobumori, please pray for your blessings.

Oda Nobunaga released a group of hungry wolves. In order to eat the fat meat of Minami Omi, they will go all out to suppress the turbulent forces gathered by Rokkaku mother and daughter, and then seek personal gain for themselves.

Oda Nobunaga clapped his hands and said.

"That's all for today's discussion, let's break up."

When there was a commotion in Minamiomia, Oda Nobunaga sent an aggressive force to try to suppress it quickly. However, the Asai Asakura family was far stronger than the outdated Rokkaku family and was not that easy to deal with.

Oda Nobunaga has already written to Tokugawa Ieyasu, preparing to form another coalition and send troops to Kitanomi.

Before that, she still had some doubts about the Asai Asakura coalition forces that were ravaging the land of Nishi Mino, and she needed to explore the situation again.

Asai Nagamasa is also a capable martial artist. Why did he bring this few people to Mino? Was he really stupid? Or did he have a back-up plan?

After the military meeting was over, Oda Nobunaga just returned to the inner courtyard when he received a request for an audience.

However, the person who came was not Nagahide Niwa who she thought was going to plead for the Minami Omi family, but Hideyoshi Hashiba and Shigeharu Takenaka.

In the side room, Oda Nobunaga and Yan Yuese accepted their salutes and said.

"Well done, Hideyoshi.

You did a very good job in Jinqi, I am very satisfied, and I will reward you after this war is over."

Hideyoshi Hashiba bowed and said.

"I am very ashamed. I was chased by Asakura's army during the retreat. I had no choice but to flee into Tsuruga Port and seek asylum from Asakura Kageki-sama. I brought disgrace to the main hall."

Oda Nobunaga shook his head and said.

"Asakura Kageki is very knowledgeable, which will be good for her in the future. You can come back alive because of your ability, don't worry about those little details."

Seeing that Oda Nobunaga really didn't care, Hashiba Hideyoshi was relieved. After she escaped from Tsuruga Port, she ran to Gifu Castle non-stop because she was worried about Oda Nobunaga's overthinking.

This moody master is difficult to serve. If he can't explain it clearly at the first time, he will be regarded as a guy who has embarrassed the Oda family, and what he suffered during the retreat at Kanazaki will be in vain.

In fact, Hideyoshi Hashiba was worried too much. Oda Nobunaga is now very satisfied with her. This former servant has proven his ability time and time again and is a valuable person.

Oda Nobunaga has always been tolerant and generous towards worthy people.

The veterans who started their careers in Owari are a little lacking in motivation. At this time, they need a catfish to stir things up and make them work hard.

The good thing about Hideyoshi Hashiba was that he was born in Owari, and he was considered a trusted confidant of Oda Nobunaga. However, he also came from a humble background and was rejected and despised by the old Owari family.

It is this kind of character who is one of his own and is not easily accepted by his own people, so he is most suitable to be the catfish that Oda Nobunaga needs.

With the success of the Battle of Kanazaki, everyone who participated in the battle had to look up to Hideyoshi Shiba and owe her a favor, including the two family bosses, Shibata Katsuie and Niwa Nagahide.

This will be very beneficial to Hashiba Hideyoshi's future prospects, and Oda Nobunaga is also willing to give her a chance to go further.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga asked.

"Are you here just to explain this pointless thing?"

Hideyoshi Hashiba knew the temperament of his lord best. If he couldn't say anything useful, he would get out immediately.

But this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi really had something to do, she bowed and said.

"Main Hall, I have some news from the front line that may be useful to you."

"Oh? Tell me."

"The Asai Asakura coalition forces have retreated, and the army has left Nishimeron."


Oda Nobunaga suddenly jumped up and paced around in front of his seat, but his eyes were fixed on Hideyoshi Hashiba.

"What's going on! Tell me clearly!"

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