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Chapter 136: Confused

 Yiyin touched his temples and felt a headache.

When I heard about Hosokawa Fujitaka's visit, I thought it was just a reunion of comrades.

Who would have thought that Hosokawa Fujitaka had just entered the room. The Hime warrior behind him knelt down and shouted to Shiba for help. The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

After listening to Hosokawa Fujitaka's explanation, Yoshigan finally understood.

Akechi Mitsuhide committed the old habit again, saying half and leaving half. He also secretly worked behind the scenes to make others take the blame.

Mitsuhide Akechi wanted to take care of the matter in Iga country, but he didn't want Yoshigoshi Shiba to take the blame alone, so he asked Yoshimasa Niki to take the blame.

If Niki Yoshimasa wants to entrust the guardianship to Shiba Yoshigan, he must explain the matter clearly to the general.

Doesn’t this make people surrender? Or confess against the hatred of a large group of vested interests behind them.

After the Niki family lost Iga country, they had a poor family with the reputation of being a protector. How could they withstand such pressure? Didn't they kneel down and call for help?

What is even more shameless is to ask Hosokawa Fujitaka to do this. Let a friend embarrass a friend. Mitsuhide Akechi, you are really not a friend, and you will never have any friends in the future.

But after all, this matter was beneficial to Yoshigan, and he did not dislike Akechi Mitsuhide's actions.

Unlike what Fujitaka Hosokawa thought, Yoshigan lived a very selfish life.

She felt that Yiyin was a noble person and could not stand Akechi Mitsuhide's dark methods.

In fact, as long as Mitsuhide Akechi is loyal and dirty, it doesn't matter, Yoshihiro doesn't care.

She felt that Yiyin valued chastity very seriously and must have resented Mitsuhide Akechi for raping him.

In fact, Yiyin is very happy, but I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to have sex again. The premise is that the character can not collapse.

Yiyin sometimes wondered himself. He just said some nice words, did a few good things with little effort, and killed a few people with cheats.

How come I have become a model of the Wu family who is benevolent, righteous, rational and trustworthy? My personality is getting higher and higher, and it is really uncomfortable to be in the cold at high places.

But for something like an archway, you have to stand still when you stand it. This is not a staircase. You can go up a few steps and you can go down a few steps.

Either stand still or collapse. You have no choice as a human being, alas.

Now that someone is begging for her, Yoshimasa Hitaki is also a very pretty woman. She cries so much that it makes people feel sad.

Yoshigan sighed and said to Hosokawa Fujitaka.

"Lord Hosokawa, I didn't expect Akechi-hime to do such a thing, and I was at a loss for ideas.

Or just forget about it and pretend it never happened. I will also strictly order Akechi-hime to stop and not cause trouble for the Hitomi family."

Yiyin was actually quite happy.

He didn't want to go to war. Things in Iga Country would be ruined if things got dirty, so he had an excuse.

I still have to put on a sad look on my face, seemingly caring about others, but in fact my heart is already full of joy.

Niki Yoshimasa was really moved. Iga country is a territory of one hundred thousand koku, and Shiba Gozen let it go as soon as he said it, without hesitation at all.

As expected, as Hosokawa Fujitaka said, he is a rare benevolent and righteous king.

Hosokawa Fujitaka also lamented. Yoshigan behaves like this and is kind to others, but sooner or later he will end up killing himself.

She came not to ask Shiba Yoshigan to give up his thoughts, but because she felt that Akechi Mitsuhide's calculation was inappropriate and wanted to repair the flaws for Shiba Yoshigan.

"Shiba Imperial Majesty is kind and righteous. But now the Miyoshi invasion is imminent, and the shogunate is in a dilemma. If you want to help the general, you must have the one hundred thousand stones from Ise."

With that said, he turned to Nimu Yoshimasa and said.

"You have also seen that Shiba is a benevolent and righteous king. As long as you pay him, he will not treat you badly.

Yoshimasa-hime, please give the guardian of Iga to the royal family."

Niki Yoshimasa was stunned.

You are more ruthless than Akechi Mitsuhide.

She just wanted to protect Dai, and she was about to kill our Nimu family. You actually coveted the position of guardian of Iga country. It is true that you reject the wolf at the front door and the tiger at the back door.

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and said frankly.

"Sooner or later, the general will know about Iga Country's affairs.

Now that the shogunate is in crisis, if you take the initiative to give the guardianship of Iga to Shiba Gozen, the general will be annoyed with you, but he will also think that you understand the righteousness.

The Iga incident is a big scapegoat. Those ministers eating meat will no longer be able to hide it. The Niki family is responsible for taking the blame. Don’t you understand in your heart?

Shiba Gozen took over the guardianship of Iga and put this mess behind him.

The ministers didn't know that Iga's guardianship was given to you. They must have thought that Imperial Majesty Shiba had revealed the matter to the general, and the general was furious and deprived you of your guardianship.

You have completely escaped, and Shiba Gozen also owes you a debt of gratitude. What you have lost is nothing more than a useless guardianship for the Niki family."

When Niki Yoshimasa thought about it, it was really like this.

The Iga guardian sounds majestic, but he has a position but no power, and is of no use to the Niki family's current situation.

For this guardianship, although the Nimu family has made some small profits from the Iga feudal kingdom over the years, they still have to bear a huge blame.

As Fujitaka Hosokawa said.

Without the guardianship, one can get the favor of Shiba Gozen, a benevolent and righteous ruler, and the other is to lose the blame for the incident that will happen sooner or later.

After thinking about it carefully, I think it's not that hard to accept.

Hosokawa Fujitaka looked at Shiba Yoshigan, he was already confused.

This thing that was agreed upon has gone awry. How come in just a few words, I changed from asking for a guardian to asking for a guardian?

Are you really colluding with Akechi Mitsuhide? One is a black-faced one and the other is a white-faced one, and you look at the idiots of the Hitomi family being fooled.

"Prince Shiba, Akechi Ji is full of resourcefulness, but she is too ruthless in what she does, so you have to be careful when using her."

Hosokawa Fujitaka was disgusted with Akechi Mitsuhide's methods and was also thinking about Yoshihiro Shiba.

The local martial arts family likes to do this kind of thing the most, and they do things ruthlessly and never leave any way out.

But the shogunate is not a place. There are many martial arts here that have been passed down for hundreds of years.

Why these people have been able to hang out for so long is just to keep a thin line in their behavior so that they can meet each other easily in the future.

The Mibuchi family is the closest samurai family to the Shiba family in the shogunate. Now coupled with the Niiki family, who is a close ally of the shogun, they have one more friend.

As for those ministers whose interests have been harmed, as Akechi Mitsuhide said, the general has seen them clearly, so he needs to pay more attention to local powerful factions.

The most important thing is that through this battle, the Spo family can become a member of the local powerful faction. This is the key.

If they can really control the Iga Kingdom's 100,000 koku, the Shiba family will suddenly become the third most powerful local faction after the Izumi-Hosokawa family and the Kawachi Hatakeyama family.

Even the ministers have no choice but to do it. Nothing in this world is perfect. It is worth fighting for the territory of 100,000 stones.

Sibo Yiyin has the favor of the brotherhood internally and the support of the general externally, so he can just find a way to bridge the gap afterwards.

Akechi Mitsuhide's ideas are unique, but they are ruthless. Hosokawa Fujitaka has been among the top executives for many years and has provided her with the lubrication.

Although these two people had a falling out, they were still making suggestions for one man. Even if they fell out, they would learn from each other's strengths and not harm the interests of Sibo Yiyin.

Hosokawa Fujitaka looked at Shiba Yoshigan and felt uncomfortable. He wanted to ask him if Mitsuhide Akechi was telling the truth, but he couldn't ask him.

Knowing that he has a heavy burden on his shoulders, it is already difficult, so why bother humiliating him with those bad things? Hosokawa Fujitaka gritted his teeth, stopped thinking about it, and said.

"Without further ado, the three of us are going to see the general."

This chapter has been completed!
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