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Chapter 1605 The Ashikaga Family’s Mess

 Oda Nobunaga left Fushimi Castle the day after his audience and returned to Azuchi Castle to prepare for the expedition next year.

Yoshigami, on the other hand, returned to Shiba's mansion in Kyoto. Only after arranging recent affairs, could he go to Kanto with peace of mind.

Shiba and Oda joined forces, but the relationship between the two families was not as stable as the Echigo duopoly formed by Shiba and Uesugi at the Imperial Palace. Fushimi Castle was only a platform for both parties to coordinate their positions.

Although the political cooperation in Fushimi Castle is still very fragile, Shiba Oda looks to the future and the formation of new relationships has put the coffin board on the Ashikaga Shogunate, which exists in name only, and only needs to put the final nail in the coffin.

Even Ashikaga Yoshiaki ran away, and the samurai families of the shogunate in Kyoto had no plans to die for the Ashikaga shogunate. They all looked for their own way out, and the Shiba family was their best choice.


Kyoto, castle town.

A wine shop was cleaned up by the Ji Samurai warriors who worked together, and the security was tight.

The boss and his wife who cooked the food and served the wine were all under the surveillance of Warrior Ji, and they did not dare to do anything that might be misunderstood.

The food trays were handed over to the two young people named Tokusatsu and Kamesung in a polite manner. The couple finally breathed a sigh of relief. The food would be delivered to the private room by the young people, and there would be nothing more to do with them from now on.

The door of the private room was opened by the left and right Hime samurai. Tokusatsu Kamematsu held the food plate, bowed and entered, placing the two plates in front of Yoshigan and Maeda Toshiie respectively.

The food is very simple, just two pieces of tofu, a piece of salted fish, and a few slices of dried radish, but the arrangement is very charming and the presentation is full. This is the best dish that the small shop can produce.

Yoshigan waited for the two young men to bow and leave, then raised his glass and said to Maeda Toshiie.

"Send Ji off for thousands of miles, but we must say goodbye eventually.

I will send you off just a short distance away, and we will meet again in the future when you are transferred to Daye County to settle down."

Maeda Toshiie held the wine glass with both hands and said respectfully.

"The saint personally sent him to the castle town, which already made me frightened.

How can I be so virtuous and capable of benefiting the family? To be able to receive such favor from the saint, I am willing to devote myself to my life and die."

Yiyin took a sip of his drink and sighed.

"You and I are about to part ways. Let's stop talking about the official stuff that ruins the scenery. I miss the benefit of the family and the courage to do things.

I remember our first time, when you got me drunk and gave me..."

Maeda Toshiie suddenly turned red.

"Crime, sin, it's all Meng Lang's actions when the Li family was young."

Yiyin smiled.

"Well done Meng Lang. If it hadn't been for Meng Lang back then, we wouldn't be where we are today."

Maeda Toshiie touched his belly and sighed.

"I have already gained too much. I am just greedy and thinking that if I can give birth to another daughter and a half for the saint, this life will be enough."

Yiyin waved his hand coolly and said.

"If it doesn't work this time, there will be a next time. If it doesn't work next time, there will be a next time. As long as the Li family comes to see me often, I will definitely let you get what you want."

Maeda Toshiie said with a red face.

"Thanks to the sage for his generosity, the Li family is so happy."

Yiyin said solemnly.

"The Shiba Oda family is at peace, and the Hokurikudo trade route has been reopened. I have ordered Takada Yono and Ohuma Asahide at both ends of the trade route to redistribute the share of the trade route and leave a piece for Mikuni Minato in Echizen.

However, it is not easy for them. The interests of all parties are deeply entangled. The shares collected by the three countries are probably not comparable to the three ports of Tsuruga Port, Nanao Port and Naoetsu. I hope you don't mind."

Maeda Toshiie smiled.

"The saint is so kind and virtuous, how can he not know what is good and what is bad if he benefits the family?"

The Hokuriku Road trade route has huge benefits. The Three Kingdoms can stand out among the many ports and get a piece of the pie. This is already a gift from the saints. How can I dare to be greedy anymore?

Takada Haruno-sama has sent me a letter asking for a letter, and she has had preliminary communication with me. She said that she will not treat Mikuni Minato badly, so please rest assured."

Yiyin nodded.

"Yano is quite reliable in his work. This time you are going to Ono County, Echizen Province, and you are going deep into Oda's house. You have to be more careful."

Maeda Toshiie smiled.

"Sage, Shibata Katsuie was my old boss, and we have a very good relationship. This time I changed my title to Echizen with a big gift package from Mikuni. She was happy before it was too late, and she won't embarrass me."

Yiyin nodded.

"I know what you are capable of, but don't wrong yourself. If there is any trouble, write to me and I will make the decision for you."

Maeda Toshiie smiled and said nothing. She had long made up her mind to try her best to expand the influence of the saint in the Oda family, so that she would not be reduced to asking the saint for help.

She changed the subject.

"I understand the meaning of the saint. The wind direction in Kyoto seems to have changed recently. Saint, you should be more careful."

Yiyin shook his head and sighed.

"What should I be careful about? How dare these weak guys in the shogunate plot something against me? They are just asking for a way out.

Ninagawa himself came to see me. In order to win her over, I gave her daughter Ninagawa the identity of a conspirator.

She is really good at cheating, and now she has the audacity to tell me that her name is not justified, and she hopes that her daughter can be admitted to Tongxinrenzonggong."

Maeda Toshiie smiled.

"The Ninagawa family's hereditary government office has always stood firm since the third generation of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to the present. He does have some abilities."

Yoshigan tapped Maeda Toshiie with her finger, wondering if she was mocking Ninagawa.

Tongxinzhong is no longer just the personal bodyguard of Yiyin, but the central management organization of the Shiba family, which is somewhat similar to the political office.

Ninagawa Himashi wanted to change his career and start a new career in Tongxinzhong. The timing of his speculation was just right, and he really had a unique vision.

Yiyin sighed.

"I'm envious of Takamasa Hatakeyama, but it's a pity that she can't keep her face down. After all, the Hatakeyama clan is one of the three famous clan leaders, and she is the current leader of the shogunate, so she can't let go of this arrogance."

Maeda Toshiie sneered.

"If we cannot forget the glory of the past, we will only be buried by history.

I heard that Hatakeyama Takamasa has flattered the saint several times. With her scandalous reputation in the past, how can she have the nerve to covet your bed? She is so shameless."

The lucky ones like the Maeda Toshi family who have climbed onto Yoshiyin's bed, what they hate most are the later competitors.

When Hatakeyama Takamasa succeeded the Hatakeyama family, the Hatakeyama family still had two major kingdoms, Kii Province and Kawachi Province, with a stone height of 600,000 to 700,000, making it the most powerful shogunate clan.

But this prodigal girl quickly ruined such a huge family fortune. If Yiyin hadn't helped, she wouldn't have been able to save half of the country of Hanoi.

What qualifications does such a mediocre person have to be on Yiyin's bed?

What's more, Hatakeyama Takamasa was obsessed with the Way and had a bad reputation. Even Yamanaka Yukimori almost suffered from her.

Not to mention the Maeda Toshiie who couldn't stand Hatakeyama Takamasa's delusion, if Yamanaka Yukimori knew about it, he might be very angry.

Nizi Yamanaka has formed a party. In recent years, the acting official of Shiba, Nizi Katsuhisa, will definitely come forward to give Hatakeyama Takamasa some color on behalf of Yamanaka Yukimori.

You must know that as a successful person on the bed of Yiyin, Yamanaka Yukimori's existence is of great significance to Nizi Yamanaka's party of the Western Kingdom faction, and Nizi Katsuhisa will definitely support him in this matter.

Not everyone can get on Yiyin's bed, it is a battlefield for political games.

Seeing Maeda Toshiie's strong hostility towards Hatakeyama Takamasa, Yoshigan smiled bitterly.

"After all, Hatakeyama Takamasa is the leader of the shogunate. Although the shogunate now exists in name only, many relationships still need to be sorted out. Don't target her."

Maeda Toshiie bowed and obeyed.

"Your Majesty understands."

Yiyin shook his head helplessly.

Just now he was nicknamed Toshiie, but now he has become a vassal. Maeda Toshiie is obviously dissatisfied, but Yoshigan can't say anything.

Hatakeyama Takamasa is indeed not smart this time. He acted randomly without seeing the political situation clearly, which will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the people who slept with him in Shiba's family.

Yiyin explained.

"Hatakeyama Takamasa came to me this time because she really has something serious to do. She is speaking on behalf of those poor people and imploring me to take the Ashikaga Hui clan under my command."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki of the Jiangnan Leather Factory ran away. Not only did he not take care of his sister-in-law, he even ran away with a few close friends without notifying his brother-in-law Yoshiaki.

She walked away easily, what to do with the mess in the Ashikaga Shogun's house? The five hundred Ashikaga horses who ate with the Ashikaga family returned, not to mention the wages in arrears, whose house would they eat in the future?

Given Yoshigan's status as a surviving member of the Genji family, it was not surprising that the Ashikaga Hui immediately thought of coming to him to beg for food.

As for Hatakeyama Takamasa, after all, she is the leader of the shogunate. Now that the shogunate is without a shogun, there are things she doesn't want to do even if she doesn't want to.

This chapter has been completed!
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